His sacrifice (Gundham Tanaka X Reader)
"A body has been discovered!" Announced the monochromatic bear by the monitor, as you dried your skin with a towel. Your skin was red from how much you've absentmindedly rubbed the towel over it, thinking no matter how many times you've showered and wiped yourself, you will never be clean. The blood in your hands will remain clinging on your skin, your conscience. You didn't bother to clean the crime scene, you'd rather face death than to wallow in your own guilt.
After you killed Hajime Hinata, it will never be the same.
You can still remember how the knife plunged in his throat from behind, impaling his neck. The way he turned to you with a look of... You can't quite confirm... The way he can't even say his last words due to how restricted his vocals were... The way he fell forward and crashed onto you... The way he writhe in pain on the ground, so you decided to cut his misery short by straddling him and plunging the knife in his chest to prevent him from enduring the torturous pain any further. You couldn't bare it.
The more you recall the past events, the more it became more vivid in your head despite not being physical. You can taste vile rising from the back of your throat, but you kept strong and swallowed back.
You braced yourself, changing into your normal clothes before facing the other students to help the investigation.
"Hope you had a good sleep! You'll need it!" Proclaimed Monokuma, as he saw the students chattering amongst themselves by the dining area.
"GAH! IT'S THE TALKING TOY!" exclaimed Kazuichi, clinging onto the nearest person next to him, which was Hajime.
"I AM NOT A TOY!" Monokuma snapped, only to clear his throat and regain his composure. "Puhuhuhuhu~ I am really excited! The despair is just so... Intoxicating!"
Wasn't it enough? You just lost the love of your life being executed in front of you and now there's another motive? You were too tired and drained from the past few weeks and you can't afford to deal with this right now.
"Anyways... One of you has probably caught it! Let's just wait until it spreads to all of you!" Monokuma gushed, pressing his fists on his cheeks.
"The fuck are you saying?" Fuyuhiko sneered.
"Ohhh~ just you wait~" and with that, Monokuma disappeared.
"H-hey! You better answer our questions!" Hajime tried to catch him, but to no avail.
"Ugh," grunted Nagito. "I thought I informed Monokuma to not give us any more motives? This is getting too hopeless." He sighs, but he doesn't particularly sounds frustrated about it.
"S-shut up, you fucktard!" Fuyuhiko snapped, fists clenched to his side.
You just sighed, stroking the remnant of his presence that you wrapped around your neck. You didn't bothered listening to them, for it was useless to live your life without him. His scarf carried his musky scent that lured you from the very the start, his intoxicating scent that you couldn't help but to inhale every time he holds you in his arms. You feel something squirming around the scarf, which you only lightly touched, knowing the the four dark Devas of destruction was still nested in their master's warmth. All four beasts of destruction nuzzled their furry cheeks against your neck, a form of comfort and assurance that everything will be alright when they noticed you crying again.
"I'm sorry that I'm crying again..." You hiccuped, trying not to use the scarf to wipe your tears away, knowing that Gundham hated it whenever you cried. He insisted the fact that his beloved Deity of Darkness should not feel any form of sorrow while he was around, nor when he is not present. He insisted that sorrow should not bother you and always makes an effort to make you smile by taking you in his arms, kissing your lips... But he's gone and there's no one to hold you the way he held you. "I-I just can't live without you..." Your vocals clenched, trying to force your words out, as another batch of tears fell from your face, sobs and whimpers coming through your gritted teeth.
All rushed to your side when they heard a particular loud thud when you feel on you back. You ate none the whole day, nor slept, nor stopped crying. Everyone was worried, but they didn't tried to cheer you up. It was understandable why they won't to that, for one is mourning and one must not try to cheer someone up when mourning for a dead loved one... They just let you mourn, but your behaviour is just so concerning they needed to step in. And with you falling down is the last time your going to be damaging yourself for mourning for him.
"Hang on Y/N!" Hajime exclaimed, panic was evident in his voice, though he wants to make sure you're not concern for his worries. He holds your head on his lap, as others rushed to give you water and fan your face.
That's when you saw him... The love of your life, his angelic smile that you missed to kiss... His poisonous touch, his velvety voice, his kiss, his angelic gaze... It was the love of your life...
"G-Gundham..." You reached out for him, though your sight was blurred with tears, you can see his unmistakable figure. You cupped his cheek, as he held your head by his lap. He looked as handsome as ever, though you needed to ask... How does one come back from death? "I missed you..." You leaned close, your lips touching his, when he suddenly pulled away.
"Y-Y/N! I-I-" your vision has finally cleared and you were freed from your state of delirium. It wasn't Gundham that held you, it was Hajime.
All you can do was to stand up, and even with your delirium state, you sobbed. How could you do such things? Only Gundham must have the privilege of feeling your lips against his, and even if his earthly vessel cease to exist, you have no excuses to kiss another mortals!
You backed away, feverishly mumbling strings of apology that no one knows who you're offering them to, whether it's for Gundham or Hajime, no one really knows. They just stood in front of you. Some were averting their eyes, some were trying to calm you down. Though you can hear them, you can't understand what they were saying...
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry-"
"Y/N..." Sonia puts a hand on your shoulder with sympathetic gaze. You looked up at her, eyes brimmed with tears that just can't stop to fall down. With nothing else to do, you embraced the Ultimate Princess by her neck and sobbed over her shoulder. She was stunned for a moment, but held you nontheless. "Sh-sh-sh-sh, it's alright..." She whispered, soothingly stroking your hair as you sobbed.
That night, Sonia insisted that you should rest and you chose to rest in Gundham's room so you can watch over the Devas of Destructions.
"It's okay, Y/N..." Sonia reassured, politely taking the scarf from you that carried the cute little creatures of darkness, while you settled under the covers. "You can rest. Gundham is up there watching over you... He will always be with you." She reassured, shutting the cage of the Devas before facing you.
"Th-thank you, Sonia..." You sniffed, before heaving a sigh.
"Do you need anything? Perhaps water or something to eat? I'll gladly fetch them for you, if you'd like." She sweetly smiles, hands neatly clasped in front of her.
"I-I'm okay, I'm not hungry," you shortly answered, pulling the covers up to cover the lower half of your face, his scent lingering in the room.
"Alright then, I shall be retiring to my chamber if you don't mind," she bids you farewell. As when she was about to open the door, she abruptly stops when you whimpered her name.
"... S-Sonia?"
"What is it?" The personification of the heavenly deity known as Sonia Nevermind turned to you with a hum. You shyly head the lower half of your face, eyes averted by looking at your feet covered sheets.
"Can you please... Stay with me tonight?"
"N-no um- d-don't mind it. I changed my mind, good night!" You nervously babbled, covering your whole head with the blanket.
"Do you... Not want me to accompany you to sleep? I'll be more happy to do so!" She chirped, as she watched you remove the covers from your head, so that your eyes were the only ones peeking out of the covers.
"A-are you sure? I-I don't want to be a bother-"
"Nonsense! Now come, let me have some space!" She gets herself under the covers with you, and snuggles deep into the covers. She was seemingly fast asleep and peaceful, you don't want to bother her, so you followed suit. You closed your eyes, exhausted from the long day... But you couldn't fall asleep.
"I couldn't sleep last night, what the hell! No matter what I do, I just can't fall asleep!" Akane complained, dark bags under her eyes.
"Same, I even drank sleeping pills to try to sleep, but it wouldn't work!" Fuyuhiko complained.
You can say the same thing for yourself. Despite the fact that you were almost dehydrated, crying all day, you couldn't sleep. You were feeling extremely drained and you just can't fall asleep like the rest of the others.
"I couldn't sleep too..." Chiaki wipes the corner of her eye, with a slight yawn. "I'm sleepy, but I couldn't sleep as well..."
"W-wait- you guys couldn't sleep too?!" The pink haired mechanic exclaimed.
"It's too early for you to be yelling..." Hajime grunted, who had the same sleepy eyes that everyone else carried.
"Puhuhuhuhu~" giggled the monochromatic bear. "Looks like the motive's taking place! Ohhhhh I can't wait to see which one of you will break down!"
"This... This is the motive?" Sonia weakly spoke, as she rubbed her eyes.
"Whyyyy yes! In this next motive, you are not permitted to sleep! Heh, no matter what you'll do, you'll never fall asleep! Not until one of you kill somebody!"
It's been three days since no one slept. The futile attempts of ingesting sleeping pills were proved useless and in desperation, even Akane tried to ingest the whole bottle of pills, which everyone forced her to throw it up. Everyone was sleepy, but they couldn't. It was reminded you of the time in the Fun House where you weren't fed. Gundham was still alive that time and quite frankly, the thought of him during that time made you realize something... He didn't kill because he was consumed with despair... He killed for the sake of hope, to free everyone from this endless nightmare.
You have the power to take a life to save the others and you realized that. You aren't killing for the sake of your own, but for others. If they give up now, they'll lose and Gundham's - everyone's sacrifice would all be useless.
You got out of the comforts of Gundham's bed, the eyes of the four dark Devas of Destruction's eyes were following your figure digging to drawers for a pen and a paper. Once you obtained such items, you began to feverishly write on the paper. Once you finished, you gently opened the cage of Gundham's pets and gently grasped Jum-P in your palms, before giving then the folded note.
"Please give this to Hajime..." You smooched the hamster's head, before setting them on the ground, where they ran off. You can only sit down and watch them scurry away, as you waited.
Reserve Course Student, Hajime Hinata died with a wound on his neck and a single stab wound on his chest, with the murder weapon nowhere to be found. The body was discovered by Fuyuhiko, Chiaki, and Akane when they were worried to where Hajime might have been due to his delirious state as a sleep deprived individual same as the others, who hasn't slept in three days. And in his pocket, was a note addressed to him by The Ultimate (Talent). The blood spray was messy, that it could have sprayed towards the killer, so the killer probably washed it off whilst they had the time.
"The primary suspect is..." Everyone waited in anticipation to what Nagito Komaeda will say, when he is extremely confident to what he had to proclaim. "Is you, Ultimate (Talent), L/N Y/N! You sent a note to Hajime before his time of death, telling him to meet you, yes? It makes it even more suspicious when you started the help the investigation, you just bathed to presumably wash the blood off!"
All eyes were on you. They anticipated for you to break down, but you weren't. You were only met with unsettling silence, as your eyes seemed to scan every portraits of your fallen comrades, before your eyes landed on Gundham's. He barely showed any emotions on the portrait, but to you, he was faintly smiling, knowing that you did something that will cost your life to save your other peers. All evidences were pointed to you, the timeline, the motive, even if you haven't told them your alibi yet. You were the believable suspect, whose motive is yet to be known. You tightly clenched the podium's ledge, knuckles turning pale while you just faced them.
"Y/N would never do that! They're nice and couldn't even hurt a fly!" Akane contradicted, leaning forward to defend you.
"It doesn't matter if they couldn't hurt a fly or not... One can kill no matter what. We already saw how everyone killed despite being murder isn't their characteristics..." Chiaki retorted. Everyone just waited for you to refute their arguements against you.
"What? You don't have any rebuttals?" Nagito seems to speak at you with his eyes looking down his nose.
"Objection! Y/N would never do that!" Sonia slammed her fist on her stand. "They may have been through a lot, but they're not the type to murder someone in cold blood! They haven't told us their alibi yet! Y/N, please tell them you didn't murder Hajime! If you are indeed the killer, where could you hide the murder weapon? Tell us! Prove that you're innocent!"
You averted your gaze, rubbing your elbow, as all eyes were casted towards you. "I..." Their eyes were all on you, some were even leaning closer in anticipation. You took a deep breathe, before slamming your palms on your stadium. "I KILLED HAJIME HINATA AND THE MURDER WEAPON WAS MY POCKET KNIFE THAT I CLEANED AFTER I MURDERED HIM!"
"Wow, well that was fast!" Monokuma butted in, but none paid attention to him. "This is the first fast trial recorded yet!"
"How could you do that?!" Fuyuhiko yelled, devastated and seemingly disappointed. "Why would you kill him?!"
"Look around you! Those memorabilia of those who passed away either from being a murder victim and those who were executed!" You gestured the portraits of the dead. "They died to bring us hope! The love of my life decided to risk his life and kill to save all of us! Do you expect me to stand around and watch all of you to die and make Gundham's sacrifice useless?! He killed for our sake, not his!" Tears were streaming down your face, as your fists slammed against the podium you stood on repeatedly, word by word.
"I wrote Hajime telling him we should met up by the carnival and we negotiated to duel... The loser dies from murder, the winner dies from execution... Both of us were turned away from each other, weapons on our hands and we both counted to ten... I-I won and-"
"He paid the price..." Fuyuhiko finished, and you nodded. All were silent, until you spoke.
"I didn't do this for the sake to kill, I didn't do it for despair, I didn't do it to get myself out of this mess... I did it for the sake of everybody..." you shamefully and apologetically proclaimed. "I know that there is in no way that murder is forgivable, but please know that I didn't kill- that Hajime and I agreed to do this like how Gundham and Nekomaru did this... Forgive me I committed such sinful deeds, but I can't watch anyone fall into despair by giving up. I want all of you to fight and win, and hopefully, you won't resort to murder like I did. "
It was once again silent, it was getting too silent and everyone wanted to speak, but they just can't think of anything to say. They were speechless, and none of them were sure to what to say. Should they degrade you? Apologize? Thank you? Quite frankly, they were confused- until Nagito took it upon himself to rid the trial room with silence by speaking.
"What are you waiting for? The murderer admitted their crime! Let's cast our votes and be off with it!" Nagito encouraged impatiently with his arms crossed, staring at you in scrutiny. "Though I will give it to you, Y/N. You're brave to bring everybody hope amidst your despair, but you're nothing."
"I don't care what you think about me." You glared, and felt Gundham's scarf moving. You immediately took the four adorable beasts and smiled at them a teary smile. "I'm sorry guys, but I'm leaving, too. But as your master said, we are merely just temporary visitors in this realm. I'll be reunited with your master in the darkness and we will be watching over you." Their squeaks sounded like whimpers, causing you to sob. "I-I'm sorry-" you burst into tears, when all the hamsters nuzzles your cheek.
They casted the votes, and the Ultimate (talent) was indeed guilty. Thank the Gods you were given time until you execution and you used the time to walk towards Sonia to embrace her.
"Thank you for being there for me..." You pulled her in your arms, stroking her hair. She hugs you tightly as you do, trying to stop herself from sobbing onto your shirt.
"I-I'll miss you..."
"Me too..." You smiled, pulling away as you held into her hands. You unravelled the scarf from your neck, before wrapping it around hers, before safely putting the hamsters on the scarf, one by one, kissing them before you fastened them there. "Take care of them for me... For Gundham and I..." And with once last embrace, you turned to all of them. "Good bye everyone. Don't give up and fall to despair. Let hope be your light... Don't forget us." You turned to Monokuma and nodded.
"Iiiiiiiiiiiit's punishment time!" You simply clasped your hands in front of you and with a stoic look, you accepted death.
Just wait a little more time Gundham, I'll be with you again...
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