29. The Note

With a slip of paper bunched tightly in his hand, Hongjoong wove through the narrow streets of the town. Rain thrummed onto the pavement and his shoulders, gradually soaking the durable leather of his jacket. The pirate dodged people left and right, taking care not to touch them or get too close. He slipped some money bags here and there, his fingers quick and subtle, like the touch of a feather in the crowded street.

When he rounded a corner, a breath he didn't know he had been holding fell from his lips. Crowds tended to overwhelm him, despite being used to the busy hustle aboard his ship. Something about the many strange faces that withheld their intentions from him had always irked the pirate. As he walked up to the inn nearby, he straightened his shoulders and shook off the clinging anxiety of the masses of moving humans.

He glanced at the swinging sign above the door, and then at his note. Protected by the canopy above the entrance, he unfolded the wrinkled paper to read it again.

Meet me on the night of the new moon at the Seagull's Claw.

It wasn't signed. At first, Hongjoong had assumed it to be a threat when a faceless courier had delivered it to him on the same day they had anchored at the port. However, the longer he had stared cryptically at the neat and cursive handwriting, the more Hongjoong's curiosity had grown. He doubted it had been Yeosang. While his writing looked similar he surely would have composed more, and he had no reason to be here.

Thus, Hongjoong had jammed a sword and two daggers into his belt and had departed in the evening. And given the looks of it, he had found the right place.

Hongjoong pushed the door open gingerly. Inside, the usual homey atmosphere of these kinds of taverns greeted him. A fire held off the chill air of late autumn and lit the room in orange light. No patrons were around. It was likely too early for them, or the inn wasn't very popular.

"Welcome, good Sir! What may I bring you?"

Shaking off the rain, Hongjoong stepped fully inside. Once he was sure that no ambush lurked behind the corner, he closed the door. His swift strides brought him up to the counter and the young lass working behind it.

"I be searchin' fer someone," he announced quickly. The girl eyed him, and then the empty room. A hand came up to coyly twirl her hair with her fingers.

"And who might that be? There's only me here," she giggled shyly. Hongjoong gave her a fleeting smile. If he weren't on his dubious mission, he wouldn't have passed on the opportunity.

"I be Captain Kim Hongjoong. Did somebody leave a message for me? I've been told to come here tonight."

He doubted it was the girl who had written him the letter. At his abrupt questions, her face fell into a pout.

"A pirate captain? Oh, there was someone, right. Let me check." She bustled around behind her counter to fish for a note. Her eyes skimmed it slowly and multiple times.

"It's room 18. I don't know if the person is still here, but I've been told not to mess with the chamber until you dropped by. Tell me if you need anything."

Hongjoong nodded thankfully before he sprung up the stairs. His boots were silent on the wooden planks, used to far more creaking. He passed the next floor and went straight for the one above. With a wary glance to both sides of the corridor, he continued slower.

Room 18 looked like any other from the outside. No message on the door, no light outlining the wooden frame. The pirate eyed it for a long moment. Then, without knocking, he pushed the door handle down.

The door opened with a drawn-out squeak. Apprehensive, Hongjoong stepped inside. His eyes searched the room, only detecting a bed and a desk underneath a window. His grip on the door tightened, readying for an attack from behind.

The blade came from the other side.

Hongjoong stilled when it aligned with his throat. Sharp steel bit at his skin, freezing him in the movement. He didn't dare turn his head to see who it was who stood slightly behind him and leaned against the wall right next to the door.

Gloved fingers touched Hongjoong's when his attacker moved behind him. They pushed his hand off the door handle and guided him further inside the room with deliberate patience. Hongjoong's eyes were fixed straight ahead when the lock shut with a click.

"Who be ye to try to 'ornswoggle me?" Hongjoong's hands hovered near his waist, always ready to draw a weapon. It was likely that he could free himself of his predicament, but he still delayed. Intrigued, tense. With the slightest shimmer of a prediction in the back of his skull.

"I wonder. The last few times I tried this on you, you caught me in the act. Did your mind dull, pirate? Or did you foresee it might be me and chose to look down on me?"

A smile made its way onto Hongjoong's lips. The deep tone of that voice was familiar to his ears.

"I may 'ave 'oped fer it to be ye. So I figured I would give ye a chance before I win inevitably."

For a mere second, the press of the sword tightened. As if the bearer had to reconsider whether he wanted to slit Hongjoong's throat after all. Ultimately, he sunk the weapon.

At the sound of the blade gliding back into its sheath, Hongjoong turned. Behind him, with his heels clasped and his hands crossed with the sword behind his back stood Seonghwa. Stormy eyes stared down at Hongjoong with his usual stiff pose. He donned the usual uniform and frozen expression.

"Ahoy, Cabezon," Hongjoong growled in greeting. With an arrogant grin, Seonghwa nodded his head the barest bit. He hesitated, unsure how to address Hongjoong. The pirate took the opportunity in a stride.

"Did they teach ye in the navy 'ow to forget basic greetings?"

Finally, a wry smile accompanied by a roll of Seonghwa's eyes crossed his features.

"They teach us how to deal with dangerous pirates."

Hongjoong stepped in further until they were mere centimetres apart. He cursed the fact that he was still smaller than the tall commander. No boots in his possession would make up for their height difference.

"Ye consider me a dangerous pirate? That be a rare compliment."

"A minor inconvenience in my eyes, but enough of a nuisance to trap a naval commander on his ship for several weeks. Is that a fitting answer?" Seonghwa tilted his head. The crude smirk on his lips bordered mischief. The expression suited him.

"Ye would lie if ye said it been nay the best few weeks o' yer life." Hongjoong moved in the last bit until their chests pressed together. Naturally, Seonghwa's hands settled on his waist to steady him. His head dipped when Hongjoong's breath ghosted over his chin. They breathed each other's air.

"Maybe so."

"It been jolly enough to bring ye aft after six months."

Hongjoong's voice dropped, no more than a murmur given their closeness.

Their eyes had yet to separate, the tension between them heating by the second. Seonghwa's touch on Hongjoong's waist was barely there, barely anything. To make up for the missing contact created by his feathery touch, Hongjoong loosely wrapped his arms around Seonghwa's waist. They hugged his narrow body around his black corset.

When Seonghwa failed to answer once more, Hongjoong playfully brushed the tip of his nose with his. Seonghwa nuzzled into the touch, only a breath still separating them.

"If you seek to make me admit to missing you, you will fail miserably."

Hongjoong grinned. When he flicked his tongue out to lick his lips, he brushed Seonghwa's mouth with it fleetingly. The man startled, nearly flinching back. The lack of touch over a long while must have left him sensitive.

"I do nay need to 'ave ye admit that to know."

The pirate's lips ghosted over those of the commander. Kissing him, not quite kissing him. Just before their mouths could actually mould against each other, Hongjoong pulled back.

Seonghwa surged after him, a whine ripping from his throat. It disappeared instantly when Hongjoong caught him. His arms pulled the commander tightly against his body as their lips found back to each other's rhythm. The taste of Seonghwa was still familiar and spread pleasantly on Hongjoong's tongue. Hand clutched on hips, holding each other close as their breaths mingled between them. All rank was forgotten when all that remained were two sailors that showed their desire for each other.

When they parted after a few moments of nothing but warm lips and slick noises filling their senses, Hongjoong let go of a pleased sigh. Once more, all tension fell from him as he got alleviated of many long months of thinking about Seonghwa every night.

Their kiss lingered, but only until they opened their eyes. The second they looked at each other, matching scowls painted their faces.

Seonghwa pushed Hongjoong off. The pirate cleared his throat and smoothed out his shirt.

"So, tell me. I can order us some grog an' ye can go in all detail about 'ow ye escaped the gallows fer kissin' me in front o' yer treacherous crew back then." Hongjoong shrugged off his coat and threw it over the backrest of the chair. Seonghwa set his sword down next to the bed.

"Only if you go into detail about being beneath me on that bed later," Seonghwa argued. With a rough laugh, Hongjoong pulled the door open.

"Fear nay. Since I 'oped it would be ye I already told me mates I would be late."

Since Seonghwa had nothing more to retort to that, Hongjoong left. The second he was outside the door, he noticed how rapidly his heart raced. Amused by the reactions of his body just because of one measly commander, Hongjoong skipped down the stairs. He ordered them some champagne even if his eyes stuck to the good rum longingly. When the girl asked him about it, he told her that he didn't want to be three sheets into the wind right away.

Hongjoong brought the polished glasses and the large bottle of amber liquid back to their room. In the time he had been gone, Seonghwa had dug out a bag with cheese and bread he likely got from the same inn beforehand. As Hongjoong poured their glasses, the commander set the food up neatly on the desk. Then, he dropped on the chair. Hongjoong perched on the edge of the table.

The champagne wasn't so bad. Quite bubbly for Hongjoong's tastes. Just like wine, it didn't suit him much. He drank to numb pain and forget his worries, not to be all pretentious about it. Seonghwa, on the contrary, loved the drink. He held it into the sparse light from outside, too, and commented on its colour.

When Seonghwa summarised his return to the headquarters, he kept it short and simple.

"Originally, they planned to have me hanged for treason. However, the church proved to be an unexpected ally for once. The local pastor stepped in for me, describing my history to the court and explaining that you likely took advantage of my poor condition. The case turned in my favour. I had to go through a few consultations to ensure my mindset was still stable and had some risky talks with the pastor but ultimately, I could go back to work."

"I be glad ye could avoid them torturin' ye again. Though I would nay 'ave been surprised if we met again an' ye just forgot me once more."

Seonghwa grinned, but dark dismay crossed his features. He was still mad at himself.

"Me too. I didn't want to forget you," Seonghwa mumbled as he bit into his bread. Hongjoong leaned back with a satisfied grin.

"An' do ye agree? Did I bewitch ye? Turn ye into a backgammon player with me vile tactics?"

Seonghwa crossed his long legs elegantly. The glass with champagne twirled in his fingers as he picked it up.

"If you did, I won't complain. I find that a pirate for a lover might not be as bad as some make it out to be. Especially if said pirate becomes all tame and willing as he gets scuttled." His plush lips touched the glass as he took a sip. The challenge in his eyes pulled another smirk from Hongjoong.

"Wait an' spy 'ow much ye blabber later. The moment I walk out o' this door to set sail ye will yearn fer me again."

With a tactful shake of his head, Seonghwa set the glass back down.

"I won't. I will kill you the moment I see you again after today, just you wait."

"Nay if I kill ye first, Cabezon."


Yaay! We finished~

So, thank you lots to everyone who came to join me here! This story might feel quite impromptu and not as good as some of my others since the planning was so rushed, but I just couldn't keep my fingers still when that Kingdom stage happened xD Blame it on them.

Huge thanks to anyone who still liked the story, who commented, voted, or even just had their fun reading! It means a lot and I hope I could sweeten your days~

Tomorrow, I will post the first chapter of my next Seongjoong story, Oneiric Tryst. It's about Hongjoong entering Seonghwa's nightmare-induced dreamworld to help him figure out his fear. Check it out if you are interested~

And for story updates and trivia, you may also always find me on my Twitter @Susimau_s

I hope you enjoy your week, may the tides of fate be in yer favour and bring you pleasant times.

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