16. Night at the Beach

Smut towards the end of the chapter


Hongjoong's fingers rapped against the door frame of his own quarters. Surprised at the sudden hint of privacy, Seonghwa rose his head. Under his fingers, he had splayed the pirate codex. After all, he showed an interest in how their system worked and what to think of it.

"Ahoy. Want to meet the crew downstairs at dinner? Might be better than eatin' by yerself all the time."

Cabezon straightened his back. Stiff and entirely out of place, he throned behind the heavy wooden desk. Insecurity showed in the slightest furrow of his brows.

"I'm unsure. So far, the whole lot of your crew has proved to be more to handle than I can take."

Hongjoong rose his bottle of rum to his lips and took a big gulp. Hot and burning, the liquor ran down his parched throat and added to the simmering warmth in his body.

"The offer stands. I know ye been lonely. An' there be some mateys ye get along with. Yunho an' Yeosang will try their best to 'ave ye be comfortable," the captain mumbled. Just when he turned to return to their merry feast, Cabezon's voice halted him.

"Alright, I will try. Wait for me." Seonghwa pushed back the chair and stood. He took the black fur coat that Hongjoong barely wore from the back of the chair. Once everything was orderly in place and tucked away where he had found it, he followed Hongjoong. For a moment, the captain watched how he threw the jacket over his shoulders and the soft fur hugged them so charmingly.

When visiting the islands farther north, Hongjoong had met warriors decked in savage wolves' pelts that fought with rune-decorated battle axes. Not that Seonghwa would be brusque enough to swing an axe. But wolves' fur would match him beautifully. If the man weren't so damn stubborn and would consider becoming Hongjoong's lover and mate, then Hongjoong would gift him a coat made of such fur.

They left the cabin together and crossed the deck. The bay that protectively hugged their ship in a hidden crook in the island's south was deserted and peaceful. Some birds chirped in the nightly forest, and the indignant yells of monkey travelled over to them.

Hongjoong wanted to take a dip in those shallow waters. Unexpectedly, he interrupted in his steps.

"Oi, I 'ave a better idea. Do ye want to take a walk?"

Surprised at the sudden change of plans, Seonghwa looked between him and the entrance to the forecastle leading downstairs.

Yes, Hongjoong had promised Yeosang to coddle him some more as long as the man healed. His recovery was speedy, and he didn't doubt that they could leave within the next few days.

Huge and round, and reflecting in Seonghwa's doe eyes, the moon hovered above them. A perfect moon for nightly beach strolls. It lit the pale sand and the ocean with enough light to see.

"What makes you think I would want to be at the beach alone with you at night?" Despite his protests, Seonghwa followed with feigned reluctance as Hongjoong dragged him over to the railing by his sleeve.

"The fact that ye kissed me."

Seonghwa's mouth dropped open while Hongjoong kicked his boots and coat aside. As if led by higher powers, the man automatically also stripped from his clothes. The double-meant message of having time alone didn't escape the commander.

"That was just-"

"Yer hatred an' spite fer me, aye, I know. Come on." Hongjoong didn't hesitate any longer. With a graceful leap, he jumped from the railing. His hands breached the water surface first, then his head.

Hongjoong came up to breathe. The water was heated from the sunny day, but still cold in early May. To warm up, Hongjoong dipped down to the nearby ocean floor. He found a neglected shell there and brought it up with him. It shone pale like a pearl in the moonlight and fit in his hand perfectly.

Ultimately, Seonghwa sprung into the water with him, too. While his dive was less graceful than Hongjoong's and his swimming worse, he didn't drown in an instant. Chuckling, Hongjoong caught up with him when the man spluttered and rubbed the salty water from his eyes. Just when he pushed his wet hair back, Hongjoong bodily pressed up against him.

"Look at the shell I found."

"Keep your distance, pirate, I can't hold myself up like this." Struggling, Seonghwa attempted to shove him off. All that Hongjoong responded to that, was to wrap an arm around Seonghwa's waist and keep both of them up safely. Again, he presented the shell t the man.

"Look. Pretty, ain't it?"

Seonghwa stretched out a hand for it. His features softened at the pretty object and some sharpness disappeared from them. Triumphant, Hongjoong watched his soft lips move around his words.

"Indeed, very pretty."

Hongjoong let Seonghwa take it and parted from the man again. Their combined heat had been pleasant, but Seonghwa's kicks against his legs less so.

A few laps further, Hongjoong's feet found the give of the sandy ocean floor beneath him. As he waded out of the water, his clothes stuck to his skin coldly. The wind flattened them against his skin.

Seonghwa followed him. Not long until they strolled along the beach next to each other. Their feet left trails behind them that got filled with water at every hesitant wave that reached the beach. Looming and dark, the palms to their left lined the coast.

They left the ship in the distance. It was still in sight as a looming shadow in the dark when Hongjoong decided it was time to settle down at the shore and gather some driftwood. Silently, Seonghwa helped him. They shared the natural ambient of the waves and the surrounding forest. The wind rustled in the trees and exotic birds called upon them.

Once a little fire danced away between them, Hongjoong huddled closer to it comfortably. The warmth quickly spread between the two of them. Hongjoong fiddled his bottle from his belt to take a sip.

This time, Seonghwa accepted the bottle. His nimble fingers wrapped around the glass neck and lifted it to his mouth.

He grimaced at the taste, but he drank anyway. When he took the bottle down to hand it back to Hongjoong, his heavy gaze landed on the man's body. His white shirt had become transparent from the water. It stuck to the swell of his chest and his muscles beneath.

"Hateful staring?" Hongjoong guessed with a teasing tilt to his voice. He stifled his knowing smirk with the bottle, but Seonghwa gritted his teeth at him, anyway. Rather rudely, he scooted closer to take the bottle back. Amused, Hongjoong watched him drown his embarrassment in alcohol.

"I despise you with all my soul. You keep getting me in situations where I feel like the losing one."

"An' ye dislike losin', aye? If yer reactions would nay be as jolly, I might stop teasin' ye." Hongjoong played with the moonstone bracelet on his wrist. When wet, Seonghwa's hair was darker than the gem.

"Or maybe I just need to put you in your place. If the situation turned so you wouldn't be in favour anymore, you undoubtedly would feel the same."

Hongjoong grinned lazily. His eyes stuck to the way that Seonghwa's shirt clung to his narrow waist. The heated atmosphere between them didn't come from just the fire. Orange hues flatteringly danced on Seonghwa's skin.

"I wish ye jolly luck with that. Until the tides turn, ye might 'ave to suffer."

When Hongjoong reached for the bottle again, Seonghwa moved it out of his grasp. His long arm extended to his left, creating a barrier of his body in between.

"No rum for you. This will be your first punishment."

Intrigued, Hongjoong leaned closer. His chest pressed against Seonghwa's shoulder when he tried to snatch the bottle. Seonghwa's long limbs came in handy when he didn't even have to try to keep Hongjoong off.

When Hongjoong tried to push him into the sand and wrench the bottle from him, Seonghwa abruptly reached out his free arm around the pirate's waist. With unforeseen strength, he tipped Hongjoong over and pulled him in. Hongjoong's back landed in his lap as he got pinned onto the man's thighs with a shocked huff.

"Second punishment."

Grinning deviously, Hongjoong arched his back in the man's lap. Once more, his chest garnered the attention of the man.

"What be the third one?" So far, he quite liked Seonghwa's techniques.

As he tried to reach out his hands, Seonghwa rose the bottle above his head. Huffing, Hongjoong sat up to clamber into his lap fully. His hand found support on Seonghwa's shoulder as he stretched to reach.

Seonghwa balanced him with one arm around his waist to make sure Hongjoong didn't slip on the sand beneath his knees. At the further attempt to reach the alcohol, he hummed unsurprisedly.

Hongjoong yelped when he got yanked closer abruptly. Through the fabric of his shirt, Seonghwa's teeth sunk into Hongjoong's full chest. They caught onto the nipple and latched onto it to give a punishing bite. It wasn't too hard, but painful enough that a surge of pleasure zapped straight down between Hongjoong's legs. Even as he tried to collapse and pull away, however, Seonghwa trapped him in place.

When a hot tongue joined the mix, Hongjoong dug both hands in Seonghwa's shoulder. A shaky moan dropped from his lips as he tried to push the man off, clawing at him without ever hurting him.

"Such a slut. How long did you think you could shove your chest in my face until I reacted? This is what you wanted?" Seonghwa bit him again. Sensitivity had Hongjoong become a trembling wreck on his lap. Not being able to pull off and be at the mercy of the enemy made it all the more exhilarating.

Seonghwa could hurt him. But he didn't. And that power made Hongjoong's head spin.

"Ngh, I spied ye oglin' 'em. Do nay pretend this be my fault."

Hongjoong's cocky comment got him manhandled again. The bottle of rum got jammed into the sand next to them as Seonghwa threw Hongjoong to the soft ground. The salt made for a comfortable bed as Seonghwa impatiently pushed Hongjoong's sticky shirt off his body. It landed somewhere in the sand to dry. Little grains stuck to Hongjoong's skin.

Seonghwa's nose pressed into his skin as his lips found Hongjoong's chest again. He went for the other nipple now, getting it just as swollen and aching as the other one.

Hongjoong's fingers brushed through his hair, tangling in the strands knotted by the seawater. The more heat collected in his belly, the more desperately he ground his hips up into Seonghwa's abs. Whenever his hands pulled too hard, Seonghwa left a wicked bite on Hongjoong's skin.

"Watch your words. I've had enough of your damn teasing."

"Ye need to shut me up, then, Cabezon."

Despite meaning it as friendly advice, Hongjoong received a punitive squeeze of Seonghwa's hand that had just snuck down between their bodies. His grip was bordering the line of too hard, making Hongjoong squirm and press into it at the same time.


Hongjoong reached out to help when Seonghwa freed him from the rest of his clothes. His hands were batted off. While he was at it, Seonghwa threw his own shirt off, too, exposing his lean body for Hongjoong to explore. Before he could reach his hands out, however, Seonghwa yanked him up into his lap again. One of his hands trapped Hongjoong's wrists on his back while the other one fiddled with the laces on his own pants.

The pirate moaned into the night air when their hardnesses brushed. Seonghwa took them in one hand, spreading the first wetness that leaked from them to ease the glide. His lips were at Hongjoong's neck and collarbone to mark them possessively.

Hongjoong allowed him to subdue him, but he already formulated a plan in his head. After a few moments of breathing and rutting harshly against each other as if they tried to take the other apart, Hongjoong took his revenge.

His head dipped without a warning. Hungry lips claimed Seonghwa's as his and bit him in the same manner the commander always did. Warningly, Seonghwa pushed his tongue down Hongjoong's throat until the pirate's head spun and he knew nothing else but that hot muscle.

Seonghwa had to reach up his hand stroking them to grab onto Hongjoong's hair. Just when he moved to wrench the pirate off him, Hongjoong braced his knees on both sides of the man. With a powerful push of his hips, he hovered above Seonghwa's throbbing length. When the tip brushed his entrance, he sunk down.

A shocked sound escaped Seonghwa as he separated their lips. Before he could grasp Hongjoong's hips or stop him, the pirate already settled on him. The intrusion was sudden, but his body took it with ease, used to it. Shuddering, Hongjoong relished in the pleasurable fullness.

"Pirate," Seonghwa hissed under his breath. His voice was strained.

When his hand fisted in Hongjoong's hair to angle his head back, Hongjoong met his glare with a lazy grin. A single roll of his hips was enough to have Seonghwa's lashes flutter.

"What? Did ye lose yer voice?" Hongjoong clenched his muscles, making both of them shudder and fall against each other. Seonghwa clutched his waist for dear life.

"'Ow does it feel? Ye like this, do ye nay?" Hongjoong moved his burning hips in a few shallow rolls. Instinctively, Seonghwa's body jumped to join the sensual rhythm. Breathless, Hongjoong threw his sweaty hair back.

"Ye can take me, it be alright. I will allow ye."

Seonghwa's snort was accompanied by his first actual thrust inside. Hongjoong's lips dropped open. His hands were still restrained behind his back, or else he would have scratched at Seonghwa's back.

"Allow me? Is this considered an honour?"

"It be." Hongjoong levered his body, using his thighs. When he sunk back down, shaky moans tumbled from both of them. Seonghwa aided his movements with his hands.

With every slam deep inside Hongjoong's body, the pirate unravelled some more. His chest rose and sank rapidly and his thighs burned from the strain, but he refused to slow down. Whenever he arched his back, Seonghwa hit spots inside him that had him see white stars. The sweetest pleasure melted Hongjoong's insides in a mush.

"You feel... good. Not so bad for a pirate."

Seonghwa's lips were on Hongjoong's neck again. Hot kisses and bites spread over Hongjoong's heated and salty skin.

"What does yer church say now?"

With a harsh drop, Hongjoong's legs gave out beneath him. He barely kept his wits together from how much bliss washed over him. All intensified by the burning hatred behind each of their words and their raw desire.

Seonghwa was anything but a boring lover.

"I know what I say." With that, Seonghwa shoved Hongjoong off him. The captain landed face down in the sand and spit out some grains that crunched between his teeth. Seonghwa still trapped his wrists on his back, while the other one adjusted Hongjoong's hips in a kneeling position.

He spat on Hongjoong's entrance to ease the slide. Then he pushed back in all the way.

Hongjoong choked, his eyes rolling back in his head. Everything was hot and so good. His neglected length screamed at him to do something, anything, but he couldn't. The commander had him trapped.

"I say to scuttle you until you lose even the last thought from your mind. And are just a dumb wreck beneath me, full of my seed."

Hongjoong swallowed a keen. His voice shook even when he tried to keep it stable.

"Try it," he moaned roughly.

And Seonghwa did. He picked up speed easily in this position and chased his orgasm with no regard for Hongjoong. The rough treatment drove Hongjoong insane, had him fill the beach with inappropriate sounds and calls of Seonghwa's name.

By the time Seonghwa's thrusts became sloppier and deeper, Hongjoong could barely form a sentence with his lips. He just murmured and moaned. When that unmistakable warmth filled him, a filthy curse ripped from his mouth.

For a moment, Seonghwa panted above him harshly. Then he moved back to pull out of Hongjoong.

Exposed and still throbbing with want, Hongjoong stayed perfectly still. A breathless chuckle came from Seonghwa.

"How does that feel, Captain? Did you get what you want? From your enemy, and a naval commander no less?"

Hongjoong's hands got released, but they merely fell next to his head in the sand. With two fingers, Seonghwa pushed the come trickling from him back inside Hongjoong's body. His other hand wrapped around Hongjoong's weeping arousal.

Hongjoong stifled his moans in the sand when Seonghwa all too quickly pushed him beyond the point of holding back. His body tightened around the man's slender fingers when he spilt into the sand and collapsed before Seonghwa could even pull his hands from him. His thighs and pelvis were sore, not allowing any more touch.

Seonghwa's triumphant smile gave his face a look of superiority. With a sneer, Hongjoong jabbed a thumb into his stomach. When the man doubled over surprisedly, Hongjoong grabbed his hair. Roughly, he brought Seonghwa down with him in the sand to kiss the smirk off his lips angrily.

Without complaint, Seonghwa allowed him and kissed back just as harshly. Their bodies pressed together tightly to share their warmth, even when the fire kept them cosy.

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