14. Prodding
Hongjoong was in the middle of playing a game of Liar's Dice with several of his crew members when the call sounded.
"Land ahoy! We be nearin' the southern coast!"
Within seconds, Jongho had carried the game between them away. Busy hurrying swooped upon the crew and pushed Seonghwa, who had been watching their foul tricks with crossed arms, against the railing.
Free like the wind, Hongjoong sprung past the man and up the stairs. The skies were cloudy today, and the wind picked up as they turned their ship. It seemed to try to shove them out further into the open ocean, towards the direction of the dwelling enemy. The presence of the mighty being was palpable on Hongjoong's tongue like the upcoming storm. Threatening and more destructive than man could fathom.
With the wind in his hair and laughter on his lips, Hongjoong fell into the shanty that his crew sang. Together, they worked the sails and rudders until the stern of the Grief pointed right at the near island. A lush green place with a tall volcano that rose in its middle.
Seonghwa looked uncomfortable amidst the hollering pirates. With his posture and tidy appearance, he stuck out like a sore thumb between them. It wasn't long until he disappeared in the quarters behind Hongjoong and San. Probably to formulate his next grand escape plan.
Every member of the crew was busy until the very moment they threw their anchor in the sand. Yunho commanded the powder monkeys around, Youjin yelled information about reefs over the ship, Wooyoung yelled right back at him, San and Hongjoong manned the wheel together, Mingi helped Yeosang out of his cabin and over on a crate, Jongho readied the barrels and crates and everybody sunk into a messy, but merry hectic.
The second that Jongho belted out his elongated highest note, he dropped the anchor into the shallow waters. The crew applauded and cheered at him for the spectacle. As such a multi-talented boy, Jongho had always been popular with the ladies. No doubt, if they went into a town here, they would flock to him like chicken to grains.
Hongjoong pondered joining them. Or should he rather stay back and have an eye on Cabezon? Not that he distrusted his mates after last time, but Hongjoong would rather take care of this very personal issue himself before he had to bother his men again. Out of all people on board, Hongjoong knew best just how much of a nuisance Cabezon could be.
"Capt'n? Ye joinin' us on land?"
Hongjoong sighed and pushed his body off the railing. The warmth of the day had prompted him to wear his shirt halfway open and held together only by the sash on his hips. When the winds slipped inside to caress his skin, they left his clothing in a disarray.
"Nay today. Take care o' Yeosang today an' I will explore with ye tomorrow. Also, keep yer ears open fer lore on booty. This island looks as if it be 'oldin' quite a few secrets."
Yunho nodded at his decision and sprung off on his long legs to manage the group. Hongjoong didn't care who would stay back with him. He would get some work done and eat. He still had sleep to catch up on. That was if Seonghwa restrained his blood thirst for a night.
The captain saw the rest of the crew off. Accompanied by lighthearted conversation and laughter, they descended the plank. Yeosang was in their midst like a protected lamb in a herd of guard dogs. The surgeon was flattered and unwilling of the attention at the same time.
Youjin and San ran off to disappear into the guts of the ship. By the sounds of their plans, they looked forward to polishing the weapons and getting them ready for what would likely be their hardest fight yet. When Hongjoong would join them on land the day after, he would have to inquiry the people of ways to kill such a gigantic beast. Hongjoong had killed sharks before and seen whales, but he had yet to come up with a solution against a tentacled monster.
Brooding, he returned to his cabin. Cabezon looked up when he entered. The commander stood at Hongjoong's desk and had been flicking through their version of the pirate codex. Hongjoong had taken it with him when he had come back to scavenge what was left of his old crew. The aged pages rustled under Seonghwa's fingers.
"No leaving the ship today?"
"Nay. I'll keep me spotlights on ye in case ye want to make trouble again."
Seonghwa chuckled, but the icy flame of his eyes didn't get any warmer.
"Is this another pirate island? I appreciate your protection, Hell-born Captain, but I fear I cannot reciprocate it."
With a dismissive gesture of his hand, Hongjoong dropped on the bed. His fingers fumbled with his boots. They pressed against his toes uncomfortably these days and soaked too quickly. Either he'd have to ask Mingi about fixing them or get new ones. Was it worth investing before the huge battle? Most unlikely.
"It ain't. This one be far out but them folks livin' 'ere might give ye a chance at survival. If they believe yer tale, that be. But that ain't 'ard with 'ow ye look," Hongjoong snickered teasingly. When his eyes met Seonghwa's, he found the man already glaring at him indifferently. He had crossed his arms behind his back and stood stiff and noble just how on the first day they had met.
Not the day Cabezon had shot Yunho, and they had taken him in. Before that.
The air between them crackled when Seonghwa tried to stab him by the sheer force of his eyes alone. With a hum, Hongjoong pulled his second boot off, too. Their gazes lost each other once more.
"When I looked out of the window earlier, I believed to recognise this place. I have been here, some years ago. As you say, the people are kind."
Hongjoong pulled in his logbook to already jot down a few lines. Maybe he should leave it on the island for people hunting the Enemy to find in case he didn't return. If they won, then he could still fetch it.
A mixture of excitement and fear thrummed in his veins at being so close. After all this time, finally, he would show the beast that it hadn't won over him.
"What been ye doin' in waters so far outside the usual territory o' the Royal Navy? Better watch out so the other buckos do nay sink ye."
Hongjoong was only halfway mindful of their conversation. He knew why Seonghwa had been here. They had met here. Indirectly. Hongjoong hadn't seen the Commander until he had already thrown him into prison. But before that, he had been in a grimy cell of the very ship the man had captained back then.
"I tracked down a pirate to have the law judge over his crimes."
Hongjoong wiped his hand on his pants when he accidentally left a splotch of ink on it. Then he put both the feather and the book away.
"An' did ye get 'im?"
Cabezon stepped aside when Hongjoong came over to pot the book down in its place. Wooyoung would continue their records later, and he hated losing the logbook in the masses of 'clutter' on Hongjoong's desk.
The pirate's hip nearly brushed against that of the commander. Just shy of each other's warmth, they kept their distance.
"No. He disappeared with his ship. Until now, I still haven't found out what happened to them. The mission got filed behind other pirates I have to hunt. Now that I am here again, I wonder if they just put down their criminal lives to mingle with the townspeople."
Hongjoong fell back down on the bed. With a sigh, he pulled his shirt over his head.
"Did ye nay make a prisoner back then? 'E said nothin'?"
"I didn't have the time to waste my time with that kid. And they hanged him the next day while I was already on my way back here to search for more clues. In hindsight, I mistrust he was even part of that crew."
A wry smirk passed Hongjoong's lips.
"So ye found nothin'?"
Seonghwa came over to sit next to him on the bed. His hands ran through his hair as if reliving the stress he had experienced back then. According to rumours, the governors could be cruel in their impatience when jobs didn't finish on time. Hongjoong hadn't missed out on much.
"Not a single trace, as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth. Hence why I want to know now if this is where they hide. I haven't heard from them even after." Puzzled, as if in disbelief that one could actually let go of the pirate life and settle down to have family and kids, his voice quietened. None of his crimes of humanity books seemed to have prepared him for peaceful pirates.
"That might be yer signal to leave it be. Currently, ye 'ave other issues anyway, 'ow about ye leave those who find their peace by themselves said peace?"
Instantly, Seonghwa was back in his game. The offended huff he gave bordered a snort.
"You might be a pirate and have no moral compass, but piracy belongs punished! The people can't trust the word of a liar when he says he would settle down and stop his crimes! Not only could he return to his wicked ways any day, but those he wronged need closure. This whole thing between us, you wanting revenge, it's the same closure!"
Tired, Hongjoong fell on the bed. He turned his back to Cabezon in the unmistakable gesture that he had enough of this lecture.
"Use yer time to chase those that actually do bad. An ol' salt turned fisherman ain't the one ye need to punish."
"You keep saying that. How did you know I took a prisoner back then?"
Hongjoong snuggled into his pillow contently. It was the softest thing on this whole ship, apart from Jongho's hair when it was freshly washed. How mad would the man be at Hongjoong if he stole his hair to make a pillow out of it?
With a hand on his shoulder, Seonghwa turned Hongjoong around. Frowning, the commander hovered over the tired pirate.
"What?" Hongjoong's clipped voice was irritable. He was too fatigued for another moral talk. Neither of them would change the opinions they held onto.
"How did you know?"
"Yunho," yawned Hongjoong, trying to turn away from that intense grasp. His secret mission to subtly hint at himself was going too fast for his liking.
"Must 'ave been a grand thing. Everybody talked about it."
Seonghwa visibly deflated. Satisfied, Hongjoong closed his eyes again to spin again. However, the commander had him pinned still.
Would Hongjoong have to sleep in the sickbay instead? No rest was in sight with this man around.
"'E also told me they did nay 'ang the lad. Must be a lucky one."
Seonghwa's hand loosened. When Hongjoong squinted up at him, he found his brows furrowed. His breath got stuck in his throat when a vague flash of something bordered Seonghwa's steely expression. Something that tormented him and had him blink his eyes rapidly.
"How did they not hang him? Clearly, he was a troublemaker."
Hongjoong spoke slow and careful. Every word was thought about several times before he let them slip from his lips. But he wanted to know. Wanted to know how Seonghwa would react. If he would remember.
"'E seduced a guard an' fled."
The second the words registered in Seonghwa's brain, he whipped around to Hongjoong. Wide, anxiety-stricken eyes found his. For a moment, horrible silence filled the air between them.
Seonghwa's hand slipped from Hongjoong's shoulder.
"You! That was you!" Confusion slowed Seonghwa's movements. He could just stare in fear and awe as Hongjoong sat up once more.
"Aye, it been me. Do ye remember?"
For another moment, Seonghwa froze. Then his eyes clouded over once more.
"I don't- I know that... I know nothing. I forgot, I-"
When his shoulders started to tremble, Hongjoong reached out instantly. His warm hands cupped the man's nape, grounding him with the alerting touch to a sensitive point. The commander startled at the sensitive touch. His shoulders stiffened.
All usual hatred and disgust in Seonghwa's eyes had evaporated. Pure devastation over not being able to recall made them glassy.
"I don't remember you- Is this a trick? Are you tricking me? Making use of a memory I can't access?" Helpless, Cabezon reached out for Hongjoong's hips. His fingers dug into his skin, grounding himself.
"Do nay strain yerself. Ye might 'ave done better forgettin'." Hongjoong patted his shoulders and arms. The lost expression had yet to disappear from Seonghwa's eyes.
"Tell me. Tell me what I forgot. It wasn't... a past lover or crewmate of yours that I did bad things to, right? This is your reason to take revenge." Abrupt, Seonghwa sat back. Their hands dropped from each other heavily. The heat of the other man lingered on Hongjoong's hands. Like an unfinished painting, their thoughts hung in the air.
Seonghwa swallowed, the gesture clearly paining him. Vulnerable like glass on a shelf, his self laid open to Hongjoong.
"You... You brought me here to pay, right? You're probably meeting up with your old crew to have them kill me. I see. That's a smart move, plunderer."
For a moment longer, the pirate just stared at him. At his tousled hair, the hunched shoulders, and the knowing smile on his lips.
He knew nothing.
"Aye. That be what I be goin' to do. So I 'ope that with all yer righteous blabberin' ye understand me reasons."
Seonghwa fell quiet after that. He busied himself with chewing on his nails and trying to get himself to remember what the hole in his memory meant. When Hongjoong fell asleep, his heart felt misplaced in his chest, as if it had shifted to the side just a little.
It was all fine; he wasn't sick. Just painfully aware that he had a heart.
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