12. Biting Back
Mild smut towards the end of the chapter
Hongjoong had a turbulent night.
The little rest his body allowed him was interrupted by multiple times he startled awake to check on Yeosang. When he finally got some sleep after what felt like fighting it for hours, he had a nightmare.
The tentacles that gripped the very ship he stood on viciously ripped apart the vessel. The raw power of the creature was ten times more intense than anything Hongjoong had ever imagined. An enormous eye stared at him, unblinking and terrifying.
The dream faded to be Seonghwa. His hands on Hongjoong's body, pulling on him, holding him close. But not even a second caring or gentle. He didn't hurt him; he wasn't man enough for that. But he humiliated Hongjoong in ways that left deep scars in his confidence and feeling of self-worth.
When Hongjoong greeted his crew on deck in the morning, several people pointed out the dark shadows under his eyes. He brushed them off by telling them he had just been concerned about Yeosang.
At least the surgeon felt better. He awoke when the bustling outside got loud and complained about nausea. Despite that, he got to work to treat his own wound. Hongjoong was sent off as Jongho took his place in aiding the surgeon. He admitted that going on land to find more helping herbs and medicines for his condition would be best.
Hongjoong had hunted his enemy for two years, tirelessly searching and exploring. His patience ran thin to finally attack the monster or die trying. Foremost, however, he wanted Yeosang to feel better. And another few weeks of waiting would be worth the recovery of his mate.
When Hongjoong returned from breakfast and after ensuring that any issue that needed his immediate attention on board was taken care of, he went straight for his cabin. A nap wouldn't be too bad for him. His lids still weighed tiredly and tears sprung into his eyes at every yawn. Through his veil of exhaustion that had built up for a while now, since his nights were often interrupted by issues regarding Cabezon, everything went blurry. At first, he didn't even notice that the naval commander sat in his quarters. Only when he jerked up from tightening his boots around his feet, Hongjoong's eyes landed on him.
A long moment passed. They stared at each other with hesitation in a game that Hongjoong was too tired to play at the moment.
"Ahoy," he just muttered instead. His throat was scratchy from not having drunken in a while. Hongjoong grabbed a bottle of rum from his desk as he marched over to the bed.
Seonghwa regarded him cautiously, like a deer ready to jump if Hongjoong moved the wrong muscle. His usual contempt was exchanged with a softened form of distrust.
"Are you up for a conversation? Or would you rather I let you rest?"
Hongjoong chuckled as he kicked his boots off his feet.
"Since when did ye bother askin'? Go ahead."
The commander moved away when Hongjoong dropped on the bed next to him, but he stayed seated. He wore his body straight and painfully stiff. Hongjoong doubted he was comfortable. Yet, he didn't care as he curled up in his bed with a pleased sigh. Today, he didn't have the patience to deal with a skittish soldier.
"I spent some time thinking about you."
A lazy smirk tugged on Hongjoong's lips. To stifle it, he rose his arm over his face as if he had to block out the dim light. Seonghwa's voice droned on, unnoticing.
"As much of a despicable criminal you are, I suppose I owe you some gratitude. You did the bare minimum of human decency by letting my back heal or taking me from the deck inside. But you could have left me in that town. You knew what sort of people did their foul plays there."
"Aye, ye would 'ave deserved that."
Hongjoong felt Seonghwa's glare stabbing at his skin. Yet, he didn't care. Ever since the beginning, he hadn't tried to get Seonghwa killed. Just to rip him off that throne of his.
"I have yet to find out where your grudge against me stems from. Or what you try to achieve by keeping me here. And while I will still have you hanged the second I get the chance to and applaud as life leaves your eyes, I also respect your ways to look out for those around you. In the navy, you would have made for an excellent admiral."
His voice was diplomatic, offering the best he could imagine. Hongjoong stifled the laughter that bubbled up in his chest. The man was ever so narrow-minded.
"Jolly 'earin' that. I will decline politely, though. I would rather 'ave fun an' sing with me mates as we sail the ocean than stand in a row wearin' a uniform. Nay that ye look bad in it. But it ain't fer me."
Hongjoong rolled to his side to stare up at the seated commander. He faced the middle of the room, as if unable to look at the pirate. Sharp and angular, the line of his nose and jaw greeted Hongjoong.
"You make quite the pirate yourself. I have met worse than you."
While he said it stiff, like a formality at a noble dinner, he also meant his words. Hongjoong took it.
"'Ow be yer body feelin'? Yeosang be back awake if ye need medicines from 'im."
"I... I tried some more of the exercises you showed me. They aided a lot. I suppose when it's about sodomy, the pirates know quite some things we can still learn about."
Hongjoong would dare say that it was a topic anyone knew more about than little protected Seonghwa. The man had never been in poor living conditions, as it seemed. Any regular person dealt with such issues, or at least had heard of it enough that they could help. The girls in the scarlet houses had taught Hongjoong upon his visits.
"Nay sodomy. Us pirates do nay rape each other. We agree to things, an' takin' care of their bodies be part of both parties' duties. Ye been unlucky. When treated jolly, it 'urts less."
The commander grimaced.
"But the church states-"
"This be no church, Cabezon."
Troubled, the officer furrowed his brows. Hongjoong knew that neither would give in to each other's opinions. Just how Hongjoong thought that Seonghwa's values were absolute nonsense; the commander thought the same of him.
But Hongjoong had another trump card he could play.
"An' yet, ye be curious."
Seonghwa drove around to him, his mouth opened in protest. When met with the knowing smirk of the cheeky pirate, he crossed his arms with a huff.
"That's what you assume."
"That be what I know. Or tell me, do ye 'ave a lass an' kid at 'ome waitin' fer ye?"
Seonghwa cringed away from the truth. Slowly, Hongjoong sat up. The rushing of the waves dulled the creaking of the bed.
"N-no, but not all soldiers do!"
"But ain't ye already quite old? Ye be late to start."
Based on Hongjoong assumptions two years ago and now, Seonghwa was either his age or even older than him. At twenty-two years of age, most families usually already had four children. And from how handsome this commander was, Hongjoong couldn't imagine that the women didn't flock to him like birds to fallen food.
"I am busy working. Did you consider I might just watch out for a potential partner? While striving in my career, I would have to put back family time. Which I find unjust."
When Hongjoong's fingers met his neck, the man startled. To calm himself, he kept babbling even as Hongjoong listened only with one ear.
"I hated growing up without my father ever around. I wouldn't make the same mistake. And taking a wife only to leave her at home to never see her is plain cruel. I would want to-"
Hongjoong swung his leg over Seonghwa's lap. The soldier's body greeted him, warm and open, quite welcoming even. Even Cabezon's arms that shot out to grasp Hongjoong's hips hesitated to push him off. They waited, nervously pinching his shirt.
Unwilling to separate them right away.
Hongjoong grinned sunnily. His tiredness brushed off him at the fun he had with his game. Seonghwa's doe and unsure eyes never failed to amuse him.
While the commander still fidgeted and fought the evil little voice that told him he willingly kept the pirate in his lap, Hongjoong leaned forward. His lips pressed against Seonghwa's ear. The shudder that travelled through the man's torso at the sudden closeness pleased Hongjoong's chest warmly.
"Roger men. Ye want to roger men."
Hongjoong giggled deviously at the gasp that got stuck in Seonghwa's throat. It was somewhere between offended and shocked.
"I told ye, it ain't a sin fer us. Ye do nay 'ave reason to 'ide it 'ere."
Tight around his hips, Seonghwa's fingers dug in Hongjoong's skin. He needed a moment to process those words.
"Do nay think I oversaw how ye look at me. Yer mind wanders, Cabezon. Ye like 'avin me in yer lap, even as yer enemy. Because ye find me attractive. As a man."
Spluttering, Seonghwa attempted to find another excuse. But not his rank, not the bible, and no other lie would save him. He had already lost.
Hongjoong pressed their chests together as he leaned over the man's shoulder. His crotch pressed hotly against that of the commander. Both were keenly aware of how the pirate rolled his hips down with minuscule movements. Yet as Hongjoong faltered for a moment, Seonghwa's hands still tried to pressure him into picking it up again. That was all the agreement Hongjoong needed.
"I could let ye 'ave me, ye know? Ye ain't so bad yerself an' if we put our positions aside fer a few 'ours, we could meet just as the two people we be. Two men." In a hot breath, Hongjoong murmured the last word against the man's ear. Seonghwa's grip tightened around his hips, their stiff middles still rubbing against each other. Neither mentioned it, both pretended as if it wasn't happening.
Hongjoong trailed a hand from the man's shoulder down over his chest. As he went, he undid the orderly bow that closed the strings of Seonghwa's shirt up onto his jugular with a smooth pull on one end. Seonghwa's pulse thumped against the flat of his palm.
"Or we keep our ranks. An' ye get to feel superior fer scuttlin' a pirate. Would ye like that?"
Seonghwa's breath harshly left his nose. As he squirmed under Hongjoong's promises and ministrations, the pirate uncaringly dipped his hand deeper. He reached between the two of them, his hand finding that heated place. When his fingers curled over the hardened outline in Seonghwa's pants to map out what he already knew, the soldier's breath got stuck in his throat.
"Don't- Don't get things twisted. This doesn't mean I give in to you. You are still a swindling and murderous plunderer." Seonghwa's voice had slightly fallen in pitch, his voice rough. Humming, Hongjoong nipped on his throat as his hand roamed once more.
The little bites on Seonghwa's throat elicited muffled groans from him. It didn't take him long until he bared his neck to Hongjoong. All defences were down and forgotten.
Hongjoong undid the laces of Seonghwa's pants to reach inside. The commander jerked, sensitive, but pressed into Hongjoong's hold all the same. Still calm, Hongjoong rolled his hips against his fist, brushing against both his palm and Seonghwa's throbbing length.
Impatient, the commander batted at Hongjoong's coat. His deft hands slipped inside to steer Hongjoong's hips more directly. Once he became more confident, his fingers splayed further over Hongjoong's behind to grab at it. Seonghwa gradually unravelled and his pulls and yanks on Hongjoong became harsher. Almost punishingly, he pressed Hongjoong up against his body. As if he could take something away from the pirate and make him submit with tight grasps.
Hongjoong chuckled in his ear, leaving the bites on Seonghwa's neck to blossom as he sat back. He teasingly ground down directly on the commander's arousal. Plush pink lips dropped open around a low moan.
"Me name be Hongjoong."
"I don't care." Seonghwa pressed them tightly together. His eyes searched for Hongjoong's, looking for a weakness in his expression. But Hongjoong throned on him triumphantly and cocky. Even as heat surged through his body at the hatred in Seonghwa's eyes. Even when their bodies tangled in each other as if fighting a battle.
Just when Seonghwa opened his mouth to retort, a knock on the door startled both of them. Hongjoong glanced over his shoulder when Yunho opened the door.
If he detected anything weird in their position, he didn't mention it. Hongjoong's coat hid most of Seonghwa from view, and him sitting there didn't have to mean anything to worry about. Even if Yunho probably wouldn't mind.
"Captain. Wooyoung wants ye to meet 'im at the crow's nest later."
Annoyed by the interruption, Seonghwa slipped his fingers in the back of Hongjoong's pants. They grabbed onto soft flesh as they guided the man forward, pushing their straining middles against each other. The breath that hitched in Hongjoong's throat had the soldier stifle a grin on his shoulder.
"Savvy. I'll be out soon." Hongjoong tightened his hold on Seonghwa, feeling him twitch and spasm in his grip. He stifled all noises, but he worked hard to get a reaction out of Hongjoong.
Yunho left without further comment. Instantly, Hongjoong's hand was in Seonghwa's hair. The ghost of a grin brushed the soldier's lips when his head was wrenched back from Hongjoong's shoulder.
"Oi, oi. Somebody be eager, eh?"
Seonghwa ground his hips up into Hongjoong. His lashes fluttered when their pace quickened. But the intensity never left his eyes.
"I should make you crawl in front of your men. Have them come in and see me taking all sense away from you. Getting you addicted to getting back-gammoned by me like a drab."
Hongjoong chuckled at the pure hatred in his tone. It had pleasure coil in his belly.
"Careful o' what ye blabber. I'll cut out yer tongue." Hongjoong leaned over him, his free hand coming up to pry Seonghwa's lips apart. They struggled, neither giving up for a moment. When Hongjoong succeeded, he pressed down the pads of his fingers on Seonghwa's tongue. The man bit him, not enough to damage his skin, but enough to hurt.
Seonghwa reached his peak a moment later. His warm semen spilt over Hongjoong's palm and made the slide slippery when he jerked the man through it. Once he bordered on oversensitivity, Seonghwa batted his hand off.
Hongjoong took the fingers from Seonghwa's mouth to reach into his own pants. A few strokes were enough to have the heat in his stomach pooling over. Lazily, he licked his other hand clean of Seonghwa. The taste of the man in his mouth gave Hongjoong the last edge he needed to come in his hand.
Seonghwa's eyes watched him heavily.
"Disgusting pirate," he sneered through his teeth.
Hongjoong's lips quirked into a smile. His tongue wrapped obscenely around his dirty fingers, capturing the man's eyes.
"Aye, I still despise ye, too."
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