10. Devil's Promises
Despite his words, Yeosang had come in to check on Cabezon before the man awoke. After he had recovered for a suspiciously long time, the surgeon had addressed Hongjoong, asking if he might have sustained a head injury. Since it was a significant concern for the surgeon, Hongjoong allowed him in.
Seonghwa was still sprawled out on the bed, just how Hongjoong had left him. His regular breaths rose and sunk his body ever so slightly under the pile of fur he had become. While Yeosang approached him quietly, Hongjoong sat down on the edge of his desk and leaned back on his hands.
Yeosang attempted the most careful manner first and walked around Seonghwa to map out all the injuries on him. In supplement, Hongjoong listed off those the man wouldn't be able to see. Yeosang didn't seem perturbed about the actual wounds on Cabezon's body.
"'E probably got spooked. Do ye think the shock might render 'im useless?"
Humming, Hongjoong tilted his head at Cabezon. He hadn't considered it yet.
By his calculations, the man had little experience with rape or even a fellow male lover. For pirates, it was common to sleep with anyone around, no matter what gender they had. The Royal Navy for one part forbade the same happening on their ships, and yet sailors always found their ways to relieve their stress on crewmates.
Imagining no experience with this sort of thing and no taking care of one's body beforehand could be paralysing.
Hongjoong crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"I promised 'im nay to flog 'im tomorrow. Rarely spied such a relief on a mate's face. Ye think 'e be comin' around?"
Yeosang brushed some hair from Seonghwa's forehead to place his flattened palm on his skin. The action caused a little jerk from Seonghwa, intuitively moving away from the touch. His lashes fluttered, but he didn't wake yet. Hongjoong expected him to shoot up and fend Yeosang off the moment he came to.
"Maybe. Ye can nay change 'is morals, but ye may 'ave taught 'im that ye be capable o' showin' compassion. In the right moment, that can already mean a lot."
When Yeosang reached out his hands to pull the slipped coat back over Seonghwa's shoulder, the man ultimately startled himself awake. As expected, he went right into attack mode when he spotted the pirate leaning over him. Before Hongjoong had to pull his gun, however, he froze in his movement. With a groan, Cabezon sunk back down into the sheets. His mumble got lost in the softness of Hongjoong's pillows.
Hongjoong chuckled at him. He wanted to be mad at the man for being in his bed, in his comfortable place when he was just a snotty naval officer. Yet, seeing the man slump into the pirate's nest wasn't so bad. He made for a splendid view.
"Ye must be in pain. If ye point yer injuries out to me, I may 'elp ye." The soothing bass of Yeosang's voice calmed Seonghwa. He hadn't even noticed Hongjoong yet. Compared to a few days ago, his guard had sunken considerably.
What effect did his decision to return with them have on his mind? Did he feel as if he had given up a sizeable chunk of hope or his rigid values? Hongjoong was burning to know. Compassion had not been his planned way on how to break the commander to bits. It had taken a lot for this to work.
"I don't- I-" Confused, Cabezon looked around, as if he had lost something. When he spotted Hongjoong, he abruptly froze up.
Hongjoong's eyes lazily trailed down his body. The coat opened over his chest to frame his tanned skin lovingly, like the whispering gown of a moon priestess. Cramped fingers held it shut over Cabezon's middle, so Hongjoong politely redirected his eyes at his face again. The usual scepticism greeted him there. But his eyes also shone with something vulnerable. Something that he desperately wished for the captain not to make use of.
"I can leave if that makes ye any more comfortable. Gotta refocus the route anyway."
Hongjoong didn't forget that his enemy was near. How could he? But Cabezon had turned out to be more of a distraction than he had thought.
Hesitant, Seonghwa looked between him and Yeosang. Then, his eyes shadowed over with typical contempt again. His words were more careful, as if he had to remind himself why he had chosen to be here and that he could spare himself of a lot of trouble if he complied for five damned minutes.
"Leave, yes. Do your important captain things."
At least he didn't spit the words at Hongjoong. He thinly veiled his hatred for the pirate. Hongjoong counted it as a win. The man deserved another pat on the head for that. What kind of treat could he get for the man?
Outside on the deck, the regular busy mess had already settled in like home. They were about to depart from the harbour and the sails were already at the ready. Jongho hauled up their anchor to plunk it next to the barrels. His daily muscle exercise.
"'Ow be the leg doin'?"
Hongjoong leaned against the railing next to San. While waiting for Cabezon to wake up and not accidentally die in his sleep, Hongjoong had allowed Mingi to braid some pearls and colourful bands into his hair. They dangled around his neck and at his temple colourfully. Whenever Hongjoong tried to brush the blond strands back with his fingers, he got stuck on at least three of the accessories. He found them charming.
"'Ealin'. Be 'e awake yet? Woo suggested I bite 'im aft to assert dominance." San's profile watched over the ocean, his eyes ever so sharp and narrow. They had rarely run on reefs with the combination of his and Wooyoung's acute senses, and Hongjoong appreciated that a lot.
"Ye want to assert dominance o'er 'im? Ye already do. This be our ship, not 'is."
Hongjoong said that knowing full well that he had considered getting a leash for Seonghwa. Not only would it keep him from running off but also Hongjoong could take him on walks around the ship. If only he got the man to crawl.
Not that it was the timing for that. Hongjoong would make it his greatest act of revenge to show sympathy and patience in this exact moment when Seonghwa had failed at it back then. Their situations were so different, but oh so the same. Maybe there truly was no other line between them than the law.
"That be true, aye, but I-" San fell silent when the door behind them opened again. Surprised at why they had been so quick, Hongjoong turned to check on the cabin.
Yeosang stood in the door, beckoning him closer. A pat on San's shoulder signalled the man that they would talk later. Curious, the captain retired to his quarters.
"'e wanted to discuss 'is stay with ye sooner rather than later. I will take care o' the rest o' 'is injuries in the evenin'." Yeosang nodded curtly before he stepped out. The sunlight was nearly too bright to bear on the crown of his head. Then he pulled the door shut.
Hongjoong glanced at Cabezon. The man had finally changed into the clothes that Hongjoong had got him. The shirt fit perfectly, but the pants were slightly short on his legs.
Not as if anybody minded. Even in those clothes, the man looked painfully stiff and like a soldier.
Hongjoong came over, but he kept a respectful distance. He didn't want to tease and anger the man when it meant that he would hurt himself more. Hongjoong would rather have him heal back and fight back out of his own will than cage him like an injured animal.
"What did ye want to discuss?"
Seonghwa rolled in the bed, clearly pained by the very butt he sat on. Once more, Hongjoong leaned against his desk to watch him. His usual smirk was exchanged for a frown when he observed the man struggle to identify a relaxed position.
After another few moments of Seonghwa's inner brows raising in pain at whatever position he found himself in, Hongjoong breathed out slowly.
"Get on yer stomach."
Wary, Seonghwa's gaze narrowed. When Hongjoong didn't come closer, he slowly obeyed. He kept his eyes on the unmoving pirate at all times, as if he had to spring up and protect his back any second.
"Keep yer stomach an' legs on the bed. Push yer upper body up on yer arms."
Hongjoong supervised how Seonghwa slowly figured it out. His hands naturally settled in the most comfortable position stretched beneath him.
When the effect instantly pulled his muscles and eased the tense places, the commander breathed out a surprised sigh of relief. The corners of Hongjoong's mouth jumped into a smile.
"Stay like that. An' talk."
"I doubt you will let me go even if I ask nicely, right?"
"Nay, why would I? Ye runnin' off at the wrong place ain't me fault. I will keep ye around an' shackle ye again if necessary."
Grumbling, Seonghwa stretched his back some more. His eyes fluttered shut when he concentrated on the feeling.
How vulnerable.
Hongjoong's eyes were trained on the man's shoulders and how they showed their strain through his shirt.
"I am thankful for your help, even though it barely makes up for what you did to me."
Nodding along, Hongjoong just let him ramble. Seonghwa figured out by his own that kneeling on the bed and stretching his arms out in front of him was a wonderful balance with his other exercise. Gradually, the tensions and jerks that held back his pained body smoothed out. Like a river, his grace returned to him.
"Ye can also get on yer 'ands an' knees an' bend yer spine both ways."
At first, Seonghwa rejected the idea. It sounded too dubious to his eyes. When he finally accepted, he relished in the bliss it brought upon his muscles. While he looked away, Hongjoong's eyes trailed over the fine curve of his back, his behind, and the long legs.
"You know a lot about these things. But I suppose that much is to be expected of a pirate. I heard that within crews it is common to bed each other."
Hongjoong crossed his ankles, amused. He had heard that before.
"Aye, it be. Within the navy, it ain't?"
For a second too long, Cabezon hesitated. So he knew about the foul play that happened behind the public eye. He consciously overlooked it.
"We receive strict disciplinary training. The military is supported by the church and the bible states that lying with a man is a sin. Harsh punishments await those who go against those rules. A lot of our sailors have wives and children at home that they love dearly. No reason to lower themselves to that level." He said it with a certain air of superiority. As if the idea was vile to him.
Throughoutly brainwashed.
"What about ye, then?"
"Would ye e'er take a man? Bein' taken ain't yer way, I can spy that. But 'ow about the other way around?" Sly like a fox, Hongjoong watched how Cabezon's face clouded over.
"As I said, the bible and our regiment states that-"
"I ain't askin' the bible an' neither yer regiment. I be askin' ye."
The idea that a pirate poised personal questions at him startled Seonghwa. For a painful second, he looked around for a hole to hide him. Or for something to shut up Hongjoong, most likely.
"Naturally, I obey the rules my job poises on me."
The smirk was back on Hongjoong's lips. He slunk off the table and over to the man. At noticing his approach, Seonghwa abruptly turned to face him. Right when Hongjoong came to stand at the corner of the bed, Seonghwa threw his legs over the edge. They parted to receive Hongjoong between them.
A few uneasy moments passed as Hongjoong stared down at his apprehensive prisoner.
"I think ye be lyin', mutt. I think ye ain't havin' a wife an' kids at 'ome that wait fer ye. I think ye would very much like to roger men."
Hongjoong's eyes never strayed from Seonghwa's face when he rose his leg. He placed it on the mattress on the side of the man's hip. When his fingers found purchase on the commander's shoulders, the man didn't flinch. His stiff posture made it easy for Hongjoong to slide into his lap entirely.
"I think ye like that, but the law forbids ye. So ye find other ways."
Seonghwa's breath got stuck in his throat. For a moment, his eyes narrowed as if he feared Hongjoong would get behind his secret.
Wisely, Hongjoong kept his mouth shut. The terror in the man's eyes was enough for today. If Hongjoong spelt it out that he knew, then he would lose the little progress they had made.
"It takes one to know one, Commander Park," Hongjoong breathed against his ear. Trembling involuntarily, Cabezon dug his fingers in the sheets as if he had to hold onto them. The teasing pirate in his lap pressed their chests together. Coyly, his fingers played with the short hair on Seonghwa's nape.
The soldier's face remained frozen, his lips pressed into a thin line. Not even when Hongjoong brushed the mere thought of a kiss against his cheek did he move.
Hongjoong giggled.
"Ye know, Cabezon, ye be free o' all those rules 'ere. No 'igher rankin' admiral will judge yer misdeeds 'ere. An' no one judges ye based on yer wants. All ye need be a consentin' partner, an' ye can experience the bliss ye yearn fer without trouble."
Rough fingers trailed gently over the line of Seonghwa's neck. They sketched out his collarbone and had the soldier's breath quicken.
He still didn't meet Hongjoong's eyes. Too scared of what might come of it.
"That be all I can tell ye. Abandon yer rigid rules 'ere, an' ye will be accepted, anyway."
When Hongjoong stood back up to bring some distance between them, Seonghwa let go of a shuddering breath. Only when he had calmed and Hongjoong had returned to the table, he spoke. Cold eyes met Hongjoong's playful smirk.
"As if, pirate. I won't taint myself with the promises made by the devil!"
"Hmm, whatever ye say, Cabezon."
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