1. Shackled
Hello and welcome to yet another pirate AU! This one has nothing to do with the overshadow series.
We're starting off a bit rough. TW: Sexual Torture, Non-explicit Rape, read with caution
When a key rattled in the lock of the cell that held him, Hongjoong opened his eyes.
Two pairs of boots stepped into his direct line of sight. Stiff and orderly, they flanked the door. Not a centimetre of their boots didn't align with their position. Threatening, the butts of their bayonets clunked to the ground. The noise they produced echoed in the dark dungeon.
A third man strode into the cell with them. His steps were larger, the uniform different from the one the other two wore. He halted half a step in front of them to announce his rank to the room. Just like the duo, he clicked his heels and clasped his hands behind his back. Not another weapon sounded, so Hongjoong slowly rose his eyes.
He laid on the bare stone ground that pressed into his body with its bumpy surface. As he slowly lifted his head to sit up, his hair shaggily fell into his eyes. Burning like cold steel, he directed them at the group.
The two soldiers left and right were the regular cell guards he was by now used to. In the past two weeks, he had spent rotting here like a corpse forgotten in a corner; they had patrolled in front of the cells. Sometimes, they had beaten other prisoners with their bayonets only to sit down on the benches and joke with each other as they cleaned the blood off right after. None of them had bothered with Hongjoong as they still waited for his verdict.
And it seemed as if the verdict had dawned upon him.
The man in the middle was dressed in a white uniform that didn't match the dark blue ones that the guards wore. The crest on his chest still exposed him as a part of the Royal Navy, however.
Hongjoong's eyes dragged up the black leather pants tucked neatly into black boots. The coat he wore reached past his knees but had slits at the sides to allow him movement. A black corset hugged the coat to his form and mapped out the slender waist before the fitted jacket clung to his rigid shoulders. The high collar around his neck was closed to the topmost button.
Above, a young and handsome face with a stern expression greeted Hongjoong. The man's silvery hair was combed back to perfection and his thick brows graced his pinched expression with more intimidation. His full lips were drawn into a thin line as he regarded Hongjoong like mould in a corner.
"Introducing Commander Park." Loud and jabbing like a dog's bark, the guard's voice penetrated Hongjoong's ears. Pained, he bit his jaw through the dull migraine that his lack of fluids caused. Both guards weren't looking at Hongjoong, but the commander's eyes scrutinised him in great detail.
The flickering lights of the oil lamps outside in the corridor had dark shadows sweep over the man's features.
"Escort the pirate to the Interrogation Room," the commander ordered firmly. His smooth voice would have sounded nice if not for the stiffness in it.
Hongjoong's chains clanked against each other when the two guards dragged him up from the floor. They left the heavy ring chain that had trapped him on the ground detached to the cell and dragged him out in only his iron shackles. When he stumbled at a particularly hard shove, the two guards nastily laughed about him.
Wordless, the commander followed them down the dimly lit corridor. It reeked of saltwater down here, and of blood that mixed with the scent of metal. From the cells, the fragrance of excretions and vomit clouded Hongjoong's mind. The prisoners laid in their own dirt, and not just a few of them donned gruesome wounds that slowly drained the life force out of them. Further back were the cells that held multiple prisoners at once. They regularly became a blood bath, not because of the guards.
Hongjoong ripped his eyes away from a woman with a torn dress and bruises all over her breast. Instead, he looked towards that threatening door. It loomed ominously at the end of the long tunnel.
One of the guards opened it while the other one shoved Hongjoong through. His hands behind his back clenched when he laid eyes on the metal chair up ahead first. It filled the mostly barren room threateningly with the spikes that covered every centimetre of it. Beneath was a space to put fire in and the dried blood from past victims caked it all over.
Hongjoong was forced to his knees next to the door. One soldier held him while the other one walked over to the desk pushed against the far wall. A bunch of smaller devices glinted deviously on it. Bile rose in Hongjoong's throat when he couldn't seem to decide between a thumb screw and a saw he wanted to pick up.
"What is the preferred questioning method of today, Commander?" The guard stiffly turned to look at the man who just closed the door behind them. The room was mostly dark safe for the single weak lamp next to the door.
The commander pulled a chair over to sit down on it. He crossed both his arms and legs, sitting upright and with his back to the door.
"Nothing that inflicts physical damage. My orders explicitly asked not to leave traces on him."
Disappointment flashed behind the guard's eyes. Then, he stood at attention again.
"Then what shall we do with him?"
"He's a pirate, I'm positive you can think of something."
When the soldier only hesitated, the commander nodded at the floor in front of him.
"Humiliate him without laying your hands on him."
That seemed to spark enough ideas. They tossed Hongjoong over to kneel on the hard ground in front of the commander. The man throned over Hongjoong to watch over him while his two lackeys set up something behind Hongjoong.
Frostily, the commander copied the heated glares that Hongjoong gave him.
"In case you want to answer my questions right away, we can shorten this procedure. Enough others wait for their turn, so we don't have too much time for you."
Hongjoong's lips pulled into a wry smirk. Then, he spat at the man's boots. Slimy, the white liquid trailed down the polished leather to slap onto the ground unattractively.
"Ye ain't gettin' answers from me." Hongjoong's voice scratched in his throat from not having used it for a long time. He cleared his throat.
Nothing on the commander's face changed. He merely stared down at Hongjoong superiorly.
"Fine with me. You two may start."
Two pairs of hands grabbed onto Hongjoong. They cut and ripped his clothes off him and threw the rags into a corner. Once he was bare, they held him down on the ground as they pulled something heavy over. Water sloshed behind him, indicating a bucket.
Rough fingers manhandled Hongjoong's malnourished body into a kneeling position. They pushed a flat board beneath him for him to sit on. When they pulled his hips back, Hongjoong startled at the touch of something cold and hard to his back entrance. He couldn't twist around to see what it was, and his hands were still shackled behind his back.
A warning noise from the commander made the two halt before they could push Hongjoong down into a sitting position. Whatever he was kneeling above would spear into his body within the next few moments.
Hongjoong grit his teeth and prepared for the onslaught of pain.
"His skin will rip if you do it like that. Get lubricant for him."
Grumbling, the guards did as they were told. Both of them spat on the object beneath Hongjoong generously and coated it with slick. Then, the hands on Hongjoong's shoulders were back.
Weak, he struggled against their grip as they pushed him down. His body was tense and the first intrusion hurt, but Hongjoong quickly accustomed to it. The object wasn't the largest he had ever felt and reached deep without hurting his organs. He could bear that.
With all of his might, he tried to school his expression into a neutral one as he sunk down entirely. But he couldn't help how his brows drew in and his eyes clenched shut until he met the ground. When the guards crowded him to the ground for a few seconds, he squirmed. As soon as he tried to snap his legs shut, the second guard fastened shackles to them that he connected to the nails that spiked the floor everywhere.
The next time Hongjoong looked up at the commander, a dry smirk rose the right corner of his lips into a crooked smile.
"Rules are simple. You pleasure yourself in this position. If you slow down, they will fill your lungs with water. Speak up whenever you see fit." The commander leaned back, satisfied to watch.
Hongjoong faltered for a moment but thought the better of it when the two guards got into position at the bucket. He shifted his throbbing knees apart for a better angle and pushed himself up with the strength of his thighs alone. Before the metal could slip from him, he dropped back down.
The first few thrusts were easy for him. He denied the pleasure of the friction inside to focus on getting the task done. Soon, however, the arousal in his veins collected to push further south. Hongjoong lowered his head shamefully when his blood collected in his length and filled it to hang heavily between his legs.
The guards behind him chattered with each other.
"Look at him, reacting like a three-penny upright."
"When I tell you, all pirates are backgammon players. They like to scuttle and be scuttled."
Hongjoong grit his teeth through a laboured breath when his muscles gradually strained more. His body craved a different touch at the prolonged monotony of the one sensation. Yet, he wasn't ready to talk yet.
Through his hair, he glared evilly at the commander. He hadn't moved, just watching on with steely patience. His ignorance irked Hongjoong two ways. While despising his disregard for Hongjoong's struggle, he also weakened under that stare. The man was an expert at making Hongjoong's skin crawl and having him feel disgusted in his own skin.
When the first breathy moan tumbled from Hongjoong's lips, the guards doubled over with snickers. The commander, however, silently spectated Hongjoong coming apart gradually. Hot humiliation burned in his cheeks at the different approaches that they made use of his vulnerability.
"A single sentence suffices to get you out of this situation. Tell me where your captain hides."
Hongjoong shook his head. His thighs burned with exertion as he pushed through. Long beyond his limits, he still stubbornly continued, knowing he would hurt the day after.
Yet, it wasn't long until his strength left him. The second he sat back for too long to catch his breath, the commander nodded at his lackeys.
With cruel hands, they grabbed Hongjoong's neck and bent him backwards. The change in angle inside as his back arched had him open his eyes and mouth in shock. A second later, he got pushed under the water. Four hands held him down, and panic rose in his chest when he found no way to slip from their grasp.
Hongjoong struggled, trapped in his place of pleasure and pain as he got the water into his lungs. Salty and vicious, it bit at his insides in a reminder of something he experienced on the daily but even more gruesome. For a far too long time, they kept him there. Black dots started to dance in front of his eyes and his resistance grew jerkier and more hectic.
When they released him, Hongjoong yanked his body away coughing. Water splattered on the ground beneath him and burnt in his eyes. The tips of his wet hair poked his lids when he tried to shake some water off like a dog. It sprayed everywhere, on the commander, himself, and the guards.
For a moment, Hongjoong laid on the ground heaving. Then, he slowly sat up again to continue riding the object inside. He got four, five thrusts in before he slumped again with a desperate groan. Throbbing, his hardness got trapped against his stomach and left wet trails on him. His attempt to dodge the hands by throwing himself forward got disregarded. But just as those vicious hands grabbed him to wrench him back into the water, the commander rose a hand to stop them. Then, he put his elbow on the armrest of his chair to support his jaw with a gloved hand. From how close he was, his boots floated over Hongjoong's shoulder. When he gestured his chin at them, the pirate's lips pulled into a snarl.
"You were the one to dirty them. Lick it up."
Hongjoong sat back up as he shook his head. His stubbornness earned him a strike from one guard, but just when he rose his hand against Hongjoong, a single warning gaze from the commander had him move back. Quiet, they observed how their boss dealt with the pirate.
"Either that or the water," was the ultimatum offered to Hongjoong. Dissatisfied with both and his throat already raw from the salty liquid, Hongjoong bared his teeth at the commander.
The man decided for him.
He beckoned the two men over to force Hongjoong back down. When he resisted touching those boots that so nonchalantly hung in front of him, one of them grabbed his neck to press down on his windpipe. After a few more moments, Hongjoong was forced into submission.
Hurt and enraged, he opened his mouth to latch onto the shoe. The spit from earlier had dried up and felt disgusting under his tongue when he wet it again.
Pleased, the commander throned above him. He didn't tell Hongjoong to halt, even when the boot could be considered clean. He merely switched his shoes to have him clean the other one too. Hongjoong tasted barely any dirt on them, but that wasn't the point. The burning hatred and embarrassment at the loss of pride were.
Hongjoong rose his eyes to glare at the man. He had to clarify that in no way, his spirit was broken.
Before his eyes made it up to the man's face, however, they got stuck on his middle. From this angle, Hongjoong could peek under the coat to spot the clear dent in the man's pants. The moment that Hongjoong glanced from it up to the commander's face, he knew Hongjoong had noticed.
"Wait outside, you two."
The guards exchanged surprised glances before they went on their way murmuring and grumbling. Hongjoong instantly pulled off the metal object and rolled to his side as soon as they were gone. Some more water forced its way from his chest, and he spat it at the ground.
Tall and threatening, the commander rose from his chair to near Hongjoong. As his deft fingers unbuckled his pants and wrapped around his arousal, Hongjoong had nowhere to go. The chains held him in place as the man knelt between Hongjoong's legs to spread them open wide. Hongjoong tightened his jaw as their eyes locked. The pirate burnt the man's features into his brain, those regal and cold eyes.
"Still don't want to talk?"
At Hongjoong's vehement refusal, the commander didn't wait another moment. He entered Hongjoong deep and trapped him to the ground with his weight. The guards didn't intrude even once even though Hongjoong's gasps and whines had to echo through the entire royal prison.
Later, when the commander was done with him, he simply stood and fixed his clothes. His gloved fingers adjusted the collar around his heated neck.
"You will hang tomorrow at noon. Congratulations on protecting your crew's worthless lives."
The guards rushed in at his exit. As they took Hongjoong back to his cell, sticky semen trickled down his thighs. Yet, his eyes remained unbroken and determined.
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