
Mamiko-Chan: Ok, since no one commented any dares, we'll just do our own dares.

Mikuni: It's because you don't know anything

Mamiko-Chan: *starts tearing up* A-are y-you saying t-that I'm d-dumb Mikuni-San?

Mikuni : *starts panicking* C-calm down Mamiko-Chan! Please don't cry! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!

Mamiko-Chan: *starts crying*

Misono: Now look at you done you bastard!! She's crying now!!

Jeje: Your a jerk.......Mikuni.

Mahiru: I thought you were supposed to be smart Mikuni-San.

Kuro: So troublesome. Now we have to comfort a crying Mamiko-Chan. And it's all your fault.

Licht: Your a demon for making this angel of a child cry.

Lawless: I agree with Angel~babe.

Mikuni: I didn't mean it!

Hugh: How dare you make the sweet
Mamiko-Chan cry!

Tetsu: Big sis Mamiko-Chan is crying?

Lily:*moves to Mamiko-Chan and puts her on his lap and starts stroking her hair* Shhhh. It's alright Mamiko-Chan. I'm sure that Mikuni didn't mean to call you dumb. *looks at Mamiko-Chan with a gentle smile* Now then, can you calm down for me?

Mamiko-Chan: *sniffles* O-ok Lily-sama.

Mikuni: Hey, look Mamiko-Chan stopped crying!

Misono: That's because Lily calmed her down you bastard! Now go apologize!!!

Mikuni:*holds hand up in surrender* OK OK! *kneels down to Mamiko-Chan's height* Hey Mamiko-Chan, I'm sorry for calling you dumb. Can you forgive me?

Mamiko-Chan: *nods* On one condition!

Mikuni: Name it.

Mamiko-Chan: You have to tell Jeje-sama how you feel about him!!

Mikuni: *blushes* Pick something else.

Mamiko-Chan: Nope! You do want to be forgiven right? Then you have to do this!

Jeje: What is.........she talking............about?

Mikuni: Uh, nothing Jeje!*nervous laughter*

Mamiko-Chan: *whispers to others* Let's leave.

Mahiru: *whispers back* Why?

Mamiko-Chan: I'll tell you when me and the others go outside.

Mahiru:*nods* *motions to the others to leave Mikuni and Jeje alone*


Mamiko-Chan and others: *leave*

Jeje: What did she..........mean about how you..........really feel about me Mikuni?

Mikuni:*scratches back of neck* Ah, well you see........You know how always annoy the hell out of you and refuse to give you blood?

Jeje: How could ...... I forget.

Mikuni: Well it's supposed to be a coverup for how I really feel.

Jeje: How you.........really feel?


Jeje: So, how do you...........really feel about me?

Mikuni:*blushes* Ah well, you see it's a bit complicated.

Jeje: How so?

Mikuni: *blushes while scratching cheek* Probably because of the fact that I'm in love with an immortal Servamp with whom I have a contract with.

Jeje: *silent*

Mikuni: C'mon Jeje! Say something! Don't leave me hanging!


Mikuni:*feeling sad* I'm gonna take your silence that you don't feel the same way. *starts leaving but feels someone grab his hand* Huh?

Jeje: You're an.............idiot. Just because I'm silent.............doesn't mean that I don't feel the same way.

Mikuni: Wait, you feel the same way too?

Jeje: Does this.........answer your question?*pulls bag up a little bit to reveal his lips and starts kissing Mikuni on the lips*

Mikuni:*shocked but slowly starts melting into the kiss as his eyes flutter shut*

~Earlier when Mamiko-Chan and the others left~

Misono: So, do you mind telling us why you wanted us to leave that bastard and his servamp alone?

Mahiru: Yeah, can you tell us? I'm curious.

Mamiko-Chan: I wanted to give them some privacy so they could confess to each other without feeling embarrassed!!

Hugh: I'm gonna talk with Doubt Doubt. He can't love his Eve. It'll only end in heartbreak. *starts to open door*

Mamiko-Chan: Old Child.

Hugh: *shocked because Mamiko-Chan called him by his Servamp name* Yes?

Mamiko-Chan: Tell me, have you ever been in love before?

Hugh: Of course not.

Mamiko-Chan: Then you don't understand how hard it is to not fall in love.

Hugh: What do you mean about that?

Mamiko-Chan: Everyone wants to be able to find that one person to share all their firsts with, wether it be first kiss or first date. Everyone wishes to find that one special person that makes them feel all warm and bubbly inside. Everyone wishes to find that one person that accepts them for them and all of their flaws and dark secrets. And to stop someone for wishing all of that, you might as well kill them because no human or vampire can survive without having a little bit love in their life just like how humans need food and water to survive and how vampires will occasionally need to drink blood.

Hugh: But falling in love with a mortal would be the greatest mistake for a vampire.

Mamiko-Chan: No, the greatest mistake would be not confessing your love for someone then regret it later as you see the person you love with someone else and not being able to do anything.

Everyone except for Jeje and Mikuni: *in head* So wise.

Hugh: I see. Fine.*turns to brothers* Nii-Sans, I give you permission to be able to fall in love with whoever you want.

~Present time~

Mikuni: Wow! So you were able to convince Hugh to let his Nii-sans fall in love?

Lawless: Yeah, she was amazing! Tell them Lichtan!

Licht: *nods* The Shit Rat is right. She became like a totally different person, but with the same appearance.

Mamiko-Chan: *breaks through the door* MY OTP CAME TRUE FINALLY!!!!!! JEKUNI FOREVER!!!!!! *starts doing weird happy dance*

Jeje and Mikuni: *breaks kiss out of surprise* H-huh?!?

Misono: So,*smirks* this is why Mamiko-Chan faked being hurt by your words.


Mamiko-Chan:*nods happily*

Mikuni:*whispers in Mamiko-Chan's ears* Thanks for that.

Mamiko-Chan: Your welcome Mikuni-San!!!

Lily: It's about time too!~ To celebrate such a momentous occasion, I shall strip!~

Misono: *punches Lily*Don't you strip bastard!

Lily: So mean Misono!~

Mamiko-Chan: *cutely tilts head to the side* What's wrong with letting Lily-Sama do what he wants?

Everyone:*In head* T-too cute.

Mahiru: A-Ah he just can't Mamiko-Chan.

Mamiko-Chan: Ok! I should probably end the chapter now! Ja ne minna!~

Everyone: Ja ne!

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