

One moment, Rex was in the secret laboratory; the next, a large explosion sent him flying out of the lab and into the open world again; more specifically, he landed on an area that was currently night and full of snow, maybe somewhere high in the north or south where the lab was located.

"U-Ugh, d-did that guy just explode?"

Though Rex was trying to recover from being in the explosion, while also trying to sit back after landing hard on the snowy ground, which did soften the blow a bit, he noticed a certain someone walking out of the fire, a certain someone who now had metal blade wings, hands turned into sword-like claws, a long tail with a stinger connected to a vial containing yellow liquid, and whose visor still showed the yellow X symbol on it. Most would be scared to see such a killer machine.

"Huh, not gonna lie, that's the coolest thing I've ever seen..."

But Rex couldn't help but admire the style that the Murder Drone was rocking, looking like some kind of Death Angel, which I'm sure he would've taken as a great compliment, if he weren't focused on suddenly flying towards him in an attempt to slice the Robo Boy open. Luckily, he had recovered enough to block such an attack by transforming his own hands into "Smack Hands", which were large mechanical orange fists.

"Hey, I can do this trick to~"

Rex smirked, which made the killer machine hiss in response. Before the two properly start the fight between Bladed Claws vs Metal Fists, the Murder Drone had speed on his side, but lacked the power to actually land a damaging blow with his claws. The EVO Human, however, had the power with his giant robot fists, but lacked the speed to actually hit his quick and nimble opponent. They both had their advantages and disadvantages, but neither seemed to be getting anywhere as they fought. A fight that might never end. Until the Nanite Hybrid used another build summon to change the tides. His feet turned into huge machine feet, known as "Punk Busters", and then used to stomp the ground with enough force to both shake the snow-covered floor and knock the Death Angel off balance.

"HA! Got You!"

And once an opening was made, Rex didn't hesitate to take advantage of it. Pulling back his large robotic fists, they started spinning very quickly, and then he launched the hardest, meanest punch ever at the killer machine, which sent him flying back, hitting the ground multiple times, breaking his entire "everything", making Robo Boy wince at this.

"U-Um, are you still alive?"

Luckily for Rex, he didn't have to worry about being guilty of killing someone, because not only was the Murder Drone still alive but had fixed itself completely, pulling itself back together, popping everything back into place, even its clothes were as good as new, as if it was never hurt in the first place.

"Oh good you're alive."

Though before Rex could sigh in relief, the Death Angel switched out one of his knife fingers for a laser cannon, which he then aimed at the EVO human, making him tense in response

"And Very Angry!"

The killer machine then shoots a large laser blast at Rex, which forced him to use his Smack Hands to block such an attack, resulting in a large explosion of fire and snow, the Murder Drone used his visor to check to see if his target was actually neutralize, which the obvious answer was no, as not only was the Nanite Hybrid still alive, but was coming at him with a new build that resembles a floating motorcycle, called the "Rex Ride", seeing that he was still alive, the Death Angel once again try shooting him with his laser cannon, though each shot that was made, the Robo Boy was able to avoid, and avoid again, and again, and again and again


Avoiding every shot, he went all the way until Rex managed to ram his ride into the killer machine, literally knocking him off his feet. The legs were just ripped off from the main body, and the top half was stuck on the hood of the vehicle.

"You know, it's kind of surprising how easy it is to break you~"

Rex smirked and mocked the Murder Drone that had gotten stuck on his ride, who once again hissed in response before stabbing his stinger tail into the floating motorcycle, which began dissolving and disassembling it very quickly.

"Ah, touche..."

After Rex's ride has completely fallen apart and was destroyed, both him and the Death Angel fell off the dissolved motorcycle and landed hard onto the snow, which again did cushion the landing, but it still obviously hurt them


Rex groaned as he slowly sat back, shaking the snow off his body. Once he had recovered from both the fall and his dazed mind, he was able to focus again and see the killer machine standing over his body with a large evil smile. The Murder Drone used this surprised reaction to stab its stinger tail into Rex's target shoulder. However, to both of their shock and surprise, instead of turning Rex into a puddle of melted flesh and bones, he was completely fine.

"Huh, guess I'm acid proof..."

After that moment of fear and relief was over, Rex quickly turned his hand into a "Big Fat Sword", and used his large orange blade to both cut off the tail and take a swing at the Death Angel, which he used his swings to both block and push the Robo Boy away from himself. Once he was given some distance, the killer machine used the opportunity to change both of his arms into long chainsaw swords, which made the EVO Human scoff at him before turning his own BFS into a chainsaw as well.

"Mines bigger~"

Both Rex and the Murder Drone then charged at each other again and began another clash, "1 Huge Chainsaw Sword vs 2 Smaller Chainsaw Swords", like the previous clash, the advantages and disadvantages were about the same, the Nanite Hybrid was slow but had the power, while the Death Angel was weaker but had the speed, but unlike the last fight, some new factors were taken into consideration, for the Robo Boy, he had reach, as he could attack his opponent at a much longer distance from himself, slicing one of the chainsaw arms without him getting close, though as for the killer machine, he doesn't need to take bigger swings, in fact, he actually let himself get his armed cut off, as he took advantage of slow and heavy orange sword, using his speed to get in close before the BFS could be picked up again, as he then used his teeth to rip off the stinger from EVO Human shoulder and then stabbed it into the handle of the large orange sword, once he was defenseless, the Murder Drone turned into chainsaw sword into a rocket launcher and aimed at the target's chest

"Yeah, this is gonna hurt..."

Rex was then exploded and sent flying again, hitting the snowy ground again, it wasn't pleasant the first time, and it was clear that it wasn't pleasant now, especially since this attack managed to destroy both his jacket and shirt, leaving him bare chested, bleeding from broken ribs and cold, not really a good combination to have

"I-I just wanna go home already, e-eating some nice warm pizza, w-with some hot chocolate T-To drink..."

As Rex was trying not to shiver, and possibly not die from the cold, while also wishing to be back home where it was nice and warm, the Death Angel grabbed the arm that was sliced off his body and retached it, once it was fully back on and working, he quickly turns both of his arms into rocket launcher and shoot both missiles at Nanite Hybrid, though before it could blow him up again, he sudden turned his arm into a gigantic "Slam Cannon", using the back of the huge gun to catch the two missiles, before aiming the front at the killer machine


Rex then fires the two missiles back at the Murder Drone, once it hits, he explodes, which both destroys all of his arms and legs, and sends him flying high in the sky. Luckily, he is able to recover quickly enough to use his bladed wings to catch himself and keep himself up in the air. However, he isn't given a chance to do more than that, as the Robo Boy manages to fly up to the Death Angel, using a jetpack called the "Boogie Pack", and then tackles him while still in midair.


Once Rex has grabbed a hold of the killer machine, he wasted no time wailing at him, punching his face as hard as he could with his normal fists


Rex managed to punch some of the Murder Drone fangs out of his mouth


Then Rex managed to break the Death Angel's visor with his fists


Next, Rex broke the killer machine's nose, making some black blood spill out.


And lastly, Rex punched the lower jaw completely off of his face. The Murder Drone decided that he had enough and tried to use one of his bladed wings to stab into the head of his attack. Luckily, the EVO Human managed to duck his head and avoid the wings. Unfortunately, this only resulted in having one of his own wings from his Boogie Pack destroyed, which instantly made him lose control and cause him to fall straight down to the ground. Though, as they were falling, the Death Angel continued to slash his wings at the Nanite Hybrid, which did leave some deep cuts on his body. Luckily, he was able to stop it by letting go of the attacker and to be extra safe, he used his only working wing from his Boogie Pack and launched his turbine at the killer machine like a bolas, sending him away and down into the snowy ground with a large crash. Once he was gone, the Robo Boy could let out a sigh of relief, before he himself crashed landed into the snow as well.

"I-I really need to stop falling..."

Rex groans, no doubt suffering multiple concussions and probably broken bones, maybe some internal bleeding, from all the falling into the snow lately. Though before he could complain about it more, he noticed a certain Murder Drone, back on his newly formed feet and standing over the fallen EVO Human. He tried to get up, or at the very least build a weapon, but he was too injured and exhausted to even do that.

"W-Well this isn't good..."

Rex was now completely defenseless, unable to fight back in any way, which made the Death Angel smirk in sadistic delight, raising his bladed claws again and preparing to deliver the final blow. The Nanite Hybrid flinched and looked away.

"Hey! He's My Buddy To Beat Up!"

However, before the killer machine could actually kill the Robo Boy, he was suddenly hit in the head by a snowball, which was thrown by none other than Bobo Haha himself. And somehow, this soft ball of snow was enough to not only pause him from killing the EVO Human but also make him do a full-on reboot.

"Hello!~ My name is Serial Designation N, who are you?~"

The Murder Drone, now known as Serial Designation N, had done a whole 360 on his personality, the bloodthirsty killer was now a cheerful and happy young boy who enjoyed life, even his yellow X on his visor disappeared to reveal nothing but pure and innocent eyes. Rex could only watch this with complete shock, before letting himself fall back into the snow and drift off into a world of dreams.

"Ugh... I need a vacation..."
In terms of origins, N, J and V, are basically one of many prototypes to what Rex is, who is the final protect and the ultimate user of Nanites, though unlike Rex, who somewhat got his powers by accident, N, J, V and many others, they were all failed experiments, more of a failure compared to others, and were forced into becoming what they are now

(Again might not include every Murder Drone character, but who else should I include, and where would they be at? Would one join Van Kleiss, or maybe the EVO Monster King, or probably the Dangerous People in the world? Or just go Solo without joining anyone, hm?)

/Murder Drones Trio Abilities\

Weapons Creations: Just like Rex, he can turn his body into different kind of weapon, though not as strong as Rex as they could break easily.

(He has better guns though)

Nanite Acid: Has a stinger tail filled with acid that can dissolve anyone in a matter of moments.

(Rex is immune due to his Nanites)

Speed: While not as strong as Rex, he is faster.

(Even faster if you include his wings)

Cybernetic Sight/Advance Visors: Used to scan objects and people, has different types of vision, and can lock onto targets and track them.

(Can be damaged temporarily)

Regeneration/Healing Saliva: He can heal himself very quickly no matter how damage he is.

(His spit can both heal those who've been stabbed by his stinger, and even fix any injuries, both himself and others)


Fragile: It is easy to destroy his body and weapons.

(His healing has limits)

Overheat: Due to his abilities, it takes a toll and over heat his body very quickly, so much so that being in the sun would set him on fire, also any fire attacks would also kill him.

(Luckily his clothes has built in coolers that can last through the day time, and he is able to survive in the night or freezing whether)

Recharge: He has enough energy to last to the entire day, but can be shortened if he over use his abilities or regenerate to much.

(Can be recharged by Rex using his powers on him, or drinking the blood of EVO)

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