data ii.
a/n: might need a lil editing.
Clark would usually go to Lois for help. When it wasn't something dangerous, he'd just call her up to have coffee with him at a diner and blab all of his feelings out into the air between them and hope that she could answer all of his questions. Though, this time he hesitated to do so. How was she supposed to grasp the situation when he couldn't tell her what had started this entire mess in the first place?
He glared at his computer, mind trying to come up with creative ways to explain without explaining that he was losing his mind because someone had injected his DNA into their body and grew a damn organ. Yes, it was entirely reasonable to be a little upset, but he wasn't upset. Was he? No, the feeling he was getting was what made this entire thing such a fucking problem.
He's about to start slamming his head into his desk when a newspaper slaps his keyboard and he's met with a picture of him and Bruce on the front.
Bruce is looking at him like he put the fucking sun in the sky and Clark can feel that same weird feeling in his gut that he'd felt all last night. That feeling that wouldn't leave him no matter how hard he tried to mask it with anger.
"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Bruce Wayne?" Lois' voice hisses from above him, "Am I not your best friend?"
Clark lifts his head up and Lois has always been able to see right through him, but he's not even able to hide it this time as he stares up at her. The faux annoyed look drops from her face and she uncrosses her arm to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. She doesn't say anything in the moment, eyes peering at the other cubicles. Everyone was pretending to be working away, but they both knew better.
"Tell me everything." she demanded, leaning back in her seat to get a good look at Clark.
"We had a fight." He grumbles, eyes glaring into his coffee.
"Well, what was it about?"
He sits for a bit, trying to figure out how to untangle Superman and Batman, the organ, and all of the rest of the alien-related junk from just Clark and Bruce.
"We-we just had a difference of opinion on what's considered reckless." he mumbles before nudging at the sandwich on his plate.
"Ah, this about his business ventures? Going into anything with Lex Luthor of all people is risky." she mumbled before a smirk finds its way onto her face, "Clark Kent, is that why you didn't get your quote for Perry? Too busy protecting your billionaire boyfriend?"
She's cheesing like the cat who caught the mouse and can't help the flush that finds itself reddening the tips of his ears as he focuses on the cold fries on his plate.
Sure, that's what this is about.
"He thinks I'm being overbearing, but I just...I have a feeling, y'know?"
Lois just nods, smile on her face saying that she was clearly amused at this seemingly new side of Clark.
Diana's waiting for him at the end of the work day, posted up outside the building against the hood of his car as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Lois notices her and Clark can feel her eyes darting over to him without even having to look away.
"Don't look at me like that. I'm friends with you, aren't I?" He says to that accusing stare before glancing back over to Diana.
He gets it. If Lois' deductions were correct, why would Clark be talking to Bruce's ex. Lois had seen Diana with Bruce once at a Christmas party and had been completely perplexed when she'd once against seen her at a New Year's Eve event. Bruce didn't show up to events with the same damsel hanging off his arm. He tended to switch out like expensive suits and obnoxious cars. So, Lois assumed that they were something serious. He gets how it looks after their little talk in the diner, but honestly, if there was anyone who could get through to Bruce, it was Wonder Woman.
Lois doesn't say anything, sauntering off to her own car, but he knows that she's not going to drop it that easily.
Clark doesn't say anything to the woman immediately, climbing into the driver's seat of his car and waiting as Diana climbed into the passenger seat, anxious about what she does and doesn't know. They may have dated only briefly, but Diana and Bruce had split on amicable terms and she'd attempt to crack Clark's head open like a watermelon if she found out what was going on between him and Bruce. 'Cause Clark's people aren't the only ones who experienced this kind of reproduction and if Diana thought that he'd mated with Bruce and then proceeded to "run away" from the entire thing, she'd be pissed. He doesn't open his mouth until they pull up in front of his apartment building.
"You wanna tell me why you're here?" he inquires, popping open her door and watching as she steps out with the poise of a well-trained princess.
It was quite the contrast against his ill-fitting clothing and bumbling hands. The contrast reminded him of Bruce. The well-tailored suits, easy-going smiles despite most likely being in crippling pain, the quick wit and the ever racing, intelligent mind.
Diana was looking at him with a look that Bruce pul frequently. It was a look that told him that she'd made some kind of observation and was trying to figure out exactly what it meant.
"Can't I just pop by for a visit?" she supplies, but he knows better.
"You pop by Bruce's for a visit. You pop by my place because something's wrong with Bruce." He points out and watches as her nose wrinkles.
"Sounds like you've been spending too much time around the man," she huffs, clearly none the wiser to the irony as she once against casts him with that look.
She doesn't say more until they're inside of Clark's apartment and he's fixing coffee in the kitchen while she oggles his decor.
Probably not what she's used to considering Bruce's dreary aesthetic.
"He's been quiet." She mumbles, staring at a picture of Clark with his mother that's propped up on one of the end tables.
"He's always quiet, Diana." Clark reminds her as he rinses out the pot.
"A little too quiet, even for him, Clark," she says with a huff, "we talk at least once a week."
She goes from looking at the framed picture to looking over random bits and bobs Clark had collected to fill up the space. Suddenly, Clark doesn't want her to touch anything, doesn't want her here.
It's subtle, but Clark can feel the shift in his mood immediately as his grip on the counter tightens and it takes everything in him not to accidentally break the thing in half. The wood groans under his fingertips with the pressure. Diana must hear from her perch on the couch because she peeks her head into the kitchen and her eyes immediately find his hands before moving back up to his clenched jaw.
Clark and Bruce aren't friends in the traditional sense. They didn't hang out every week and call each other when they just wanted to talk. Hell, Clark isn't even sure that Bruce categorizes him as a friend. He doesn't seem to think he needs anyone. At least, that's what Clark surmised over the years. It hadn't crossed his mind that Bruce didn't treat the rest of the League, the rest of his colleagues...friends, the same. It hadn't occurred to him that he called up people and chatted away about his life to them just because. No one was in danger, no one needed to be saved, he just wanted to talk about how life was going.
Why not Clark?
Clark removes his grip from the counter, turning away from Diana's scrutinizing gaze to look through the cabinets for a couple of mugs. The ones he manages to get his hands on are both joke mugs from Lois. One has "World's Best Dad" slapped on it and the other "World's Best Wife". He sits them down on the counter and fills them with the steaming hot liquid before turning to hand one over to Diana. She stands there, eyes wide as she stares down at the cup that probably cost Lois all of five bucks, like it was the answer to whatever problem she'd been toiling over in her head.
"Are you and Lois alright?" she asks, eyes never leaving the mug.
Clark doesn't understand, his brain entirely too slow to process the sudden shift in conversation. Wasn't she just worried about Bruce? Plus, they'd just seen Lois. They'd walked out of the building together and he wasn't sure how the two looked, but he's sure it wasn't so uncivil that they needed Diana's help.
"We're fine." He says, furrow in his brow deepening as he places the mug back onto the counter.
"Um, anything big happening with you two?" she asks, eyebrows almost in her hairline as she waits for an answer.
Big? Not that he knew of. He and Lois hadn't been together since he'd met his end. She'd moved on with her life by the time he'd stumbled back into town with no explanation as to how he was even alive. Nothing except friendship was on the table for them.
"Where I'm from, it's completely normal to have a strong surge of feelings when you're trying to protect someone you care about," Diana continues without any real input from Clark," and I know Bruce can be a little stubborn when he's unsure of every outcome of a situation, but he'll come around eventually."
She says it in a reassuring tone as she places a hand on top of one of his, and he's never been more confused. It was like the conversation had moved on without him.
"It is completely normal to want to reproduce with your partner."
For a second, Clark thinks that he's somehow given her this information. By just standing in his kitchen, mouth open in confusion, he's let loose a secret that Bruce was clearly trying to keep as quiet as possible, but the path they'd taken to get to this conclusion makes absolutely no sense. What did any of this have to do with Lois?
His confusion must be obvious because she feels the need to clarify.
"This little tiff you and Bruce are having is about you trying for a baby with Lois, no?" Diana asks, looking him over.
"It's normal to be upset, but he's just trying to keep Earth, his people, as safe as possible." Diana's clearly pleading with him to understand Bruce's imaginary stance.
"Lois and I are not having a baby, Diana." Clark finds himself trying to clarify.
"But you want to?" Diana says, expression saying that she's certain about the conclusion.
Where is she getting this from?
"I know that look when I see it, Clark," she says, clearly annoyed that he's seemingly trying to lie to her, "I know the behavior."
She points to the dad mug as that cements her theory.
Honestly, he might as well be talking to Bruce at this point as she looks as if she's made her mind up and there was absolutely nothing he could do to change that.
So, he just lets out a sigh and takes a sip of his lukewarm coffee.
Bruce didn't exactly keep a large circle of friends. As much as one of his personas encouraged the impression, he tended to have about three people he contacted regularly. Two people more than the third, to be honest. One of them was upstairs making him a dinner that would satiate his newfound appetite that'd returned as soon as he stepped off of that damn ship. Meanwhile, the other was glaring into one of his cameras as she waited to be let inside.
Diana wastes no time making her way into the cave and doesn't bother with pleasantries once she sets her eyes on him.
"I've been calling you."
"I've been busy." He sighs out, turning away from his computer monitor to face her glare directly.
"Haven't you learned not to meddle in Clark's life?" She spits out and honestly, the question would sting if he wasn't too busy being annoyed over the fact that Clark must've gone blabbing to her about the accident.
"I wasn't trying to -" He starts, only to have Diana fix him with a knowing stare.
"Right, all of these monitors and you accidentally found out he was trying to start a family with Lois." Diana retorts sarcastically before rolling her eyes.
She looks like she expecting some kind of smart-ass response so that she can rip him a new one, but he's clearly stunned as he stares across the room in silence. Hell, he's more than stunned. He can feel his stomach drop despite his brain trying to fully comprehend the information she's so flippantly thrown his way.
Clark hadn't told him anything about it, but that would make the Luthor gala make a lot more sense. He wouldn't want her stumbling into danger if there was even the smallest chance that she was pregnant.
Of course, why would Clark tell him? Why would he tell someone who couldn't keep his own curiosity to himself?
Not only that, but his little freak out on the ship. He couldn't have Bruce doing something stupid when he was in such a delicate situation with Lois.
When his attention finally finds itself back on Diana, all of the anger seems to have left her as she surveys the cave. She looks like she's doing a little investigating of her own after dropping such huge news into Bruce's lap.
"Have you been sleeping down here?" she asks, peering over at Bruce before looking back over to the pile of blankets strewn across the floor.
Technically, he's been sleeping everywhere. There are the same number of blankets and pillows piled up in the corner of his office, splayed across his bed upstairs, even in his car. Over the past couple of days, he's been climbing into them for comfort and waking up about an hour later. It's yet another side effect of him growing a new organ.
He doesn't bother answering the question, instead watching her as she takes in their surroundings. She catches sight of a plate that'd been from breakfast and her eyes catch on it as if it's something scandalous. Then, she's back to looking him over as if she's just seeing him for the first time.
"What'd you do?"
"What - ?" Bruce asks, trying to recover from the whiplash of suddenly being back under her scrutinizing gaze.
"Bruce." She states his name like a warning, like he's not going to like what's coming next if he doesn't tell her what she wants to know.
The jig is up.
"It was an accident," he starts, ignoring the way she narrows her eyes, "I was studying some cells and I dropped the needle."
"Clark's cells." She concludes, and honestly, he's not sure why he ever tries to hide anything from her.
She was like a hound dog when she caught a scent.
"So, this isn't about Lois...this is about you." Bruce finds himself hesitant to ask her to clarify what 'this' even is as she continues to glare at him.
"So, what? What are you going to do?" Diana asks with a sigh.
Her demeanor has completely shifted. Despite being irate with him, she'd clearly been excited at the prospect of Clark and Lois deciding that they wanted to have a baby. On the other hand, she looks at Bruce like he's ruined something. Like she knew there was no way he was going to do anything but squander and destroy whatever had accidentally cropped up between him and Clark...
and she'd be right. Even if he found himself in the unfathomable position of being on the same level as Lois.
It was for the best.
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