ix ~ A Friendly Chat with the Fabulous 'Fred'

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chapter nine ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
009. A Friendly Chat with the Fabulous 'Fred'

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Cassie was driving the van again.

The brunette had a giddy smile on her face. The first time in a while that Percy saw her smile like that. Though every time he had seen it there was a common reason.

Annabeth Chase. The girl Cassie missed more than anything right now. Ever since the blonde disappeared it was like the weight of the sky was on her shoulders. And she didn't even know what that felt like.

But Cassie knew one thing for certain. She wasn't going back to camp until the daughter of Athena was safe, no matter what happened.

The brunette hummed to herself, forgetting about the world around her. The blaring of a horn from her left brought Cassie back to reality.

It was only when she was driving them across the Potomac that she noticed the helicopter behind them. It was the exact same model as the one at Westover Hall.

Through the rearview mirror, Cassie did a double take. "Guys we have company."

Percy rushed to look out the window. "They know the van. We have to ditch it."

"That way!" Zoë ordered for Cassie to switch lanes.

The daughter of Ares obliged and pushed harder on the gas pedal. She swerved into the fast lane and sped up. Still the helicopter was gaining.

"Maybe the military will shoot it down," Grover suggested, an undertone of hope in his voice.

"The military probably thinks it's one of theirs," Percy contradicted. "How can the General use mortals, anyway?"

"Mercenaries. It is distasteful, but many mortals will fight for any cause as long as they are paid." Zoë informed.

Cassie shrugged, not seeing the problem. "I would too."

Percy stifled a laugh and raised an eyebrow."But don't these mortals see who they're working for? Don't they notice all the monsters around them?"

Zoë dismissed his thought. "I do not know how much they see through the Mist. I doubt it would matter to them if they knew the truth. Sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters."

The helicopter didn't let up and was getting through much smoother than they were. Cassie blamed the D.C. traffic.

In the back Thalia shut her eyes tight and clasped her hands. "Hey, Dad. A lightning bolt would be nice about now. Please?"

The corners of Cassie's lips perked up as she steered past another car, earning another horn. The great kind of gods didn't answer and the sky stayed snowy.

"There! That parking lot!" Bianca pointed out.

"We'll be trapped," Zoë protested putting a hand on the wheel.

"Trust me," Bianca urged.

Zoë gave in and Cassie smacked her hand off. "You're not the one driving remember."

She spun the wheel, turned on the blinker, and the van darted across two lanes into a mall parking lot. The group hurriedly got out and trailed after Bianca.

"Subway entrance. Let's go south. Alexandria."

"Anything," Thalia agreed.

They got the tickets and through the turnstiles, keeping a close watched behind themselves. Just a few minutes after they were safely on their way away from D.C.

As the train passed the parking lot, the demigods saw the helicopter circling their van but it didn't follow them.

Grover was relieved and wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead. "Nice job, Bianca, thinking of the subway."

Bianca was proud of herself. "Yeah, well. I saw that station when Nico and I came through last summer. I remember being really surprised to see it, because it wasn't here when we used to live in D.C."

Cassie zoned out for a bit after that. She laid her head on Percy's shoulder. The daughter of Ares really missed Annabeth. She hadn't had the time to really think about it till now.

The brunette frowned as she remembered Annabeth's stormy gray eyes and flawless blonde curls which she really needed to take better care of. Cassie missed the daughter of Athena's hand in hers, she could use it at a time like this.

Cassie didn't realize that she was frowning until Percy nudged her. The distant sound of the helicopter wasn't so distant anymore.

"Casanova we have to go," The son of Poseidon turned to the group, "We need to change trains. Next station."

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Luckily, after a half hour and two train changes, the helicopter was no where to be heard. Unluckily though, their train had come to the end of the line and they had to get off into the cold.

It was freezing. Cassie thought she'd die of hypothermia right then and there. Oh she wished she had Percy's fur coat. He looked so warm and cozy in it.

Speaking of warm, the group wandered through the railway past rows and rows of freight cars before spotting a homeless guy.

Cassie hit Percy's shoulder in warning. They never knew who was a monster out here. Even the pathetic homeless guy who was sitting by a trash-can fire could be their enemy.

"Y'all need to get warmed up? Come on over!"

They obliged without hesitation and huddled by the fire. Thalia couldn't keep from chattering. She managed to say, "Well this is g-g-g-great."

"My hooves are frozen," Grover whined, rubbing his hands together.

"Feet," Percy was quick to correct.

"It's so fucking cold! I hate this." Cassie scoffed, trying to warm herself up in any possible way.

"Maybe we should contact camp," Bianca suggested, eyes wide with anticipation. "Chiron—"

"No. They cannot help us anymore. We must finish this quest ourselves." Zoë denied.

Cassie pulled a face but said nothing. Percy stared off into the distance. Annabeth was in danger. Artemis was locked up. A murderous monster was probably going to kill them. And here they were sharing fire with a homeless person on the outskirts of D.C.

"You know, you're never completely without friends. You kids need a train going west?" He stroked his dirty and tangled beard which was turning white.

Percy was up for any options. "Yes, sir. You know of any?"

The man's finger pointed to a freight train. It was snow free and one of those automobile-carrier trains, with steel mesh curtains and a triple-deck of cars inside.

Cassie had to squint to read the words: SUN WEST LINE painted on its side.

"That's... convenient," Thalia remarked. "Thanks, uh..."

When they turned to the homeless guy he had vanished. His trash can fire was gone, as if he'd taken the flames with him.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Just an hour later Cassie found herself in Thalia's black Mercedes SLK. The daughter of Ares sat in the shotgun seat with her feet on the dashboard. Her red flame sunglasses covered her eyes as she laid back.

Thalia had hot-wired the radio so that she could listen to the ale rock stations from D.C. Cassie tried to tune out the blaring music and just sleep. This probably wasn't the best car for that.

Though, her only other choices were with Zoë and Bianca in a Lexus or Grover in a Lamborghini. Thalia seemed pretty good compared to those.

Cassie opened her eyes when the car's back door was opened.

"Join you?" Percy asked the two.

Thalia shrugged and Cassie nodded, so the boy got in the back. He noticed that the radio was the playing the White Stripes. It was one of the only CD songs of Percy's that Sally Jackson liked. Apparently it reminded her of Led Zeppelin.

Percy's face fell. It dawned on him that he wouldn't be home for Christmas if he even lived that long.

"Nice coat," Thalia complimented.

Cassie held back a laugh. "It compliments your eyes Kelp Head."

Percy shot her a glare but pulled the brown duster tighter. "Yeah, but the Nemean Lion wasn't the monster we're looking for."

"Not even close. We've got a long way to go."

"Whatever this mystery monster is, the General said it would come for you. They wanted to isolate you from the group, so the monster will appear and battle you one-on-one."

Cassie raised her sunglasses to glance at Thalia. The daughter of Zeus looked puzzled, not that Percy could see.

"He said that?" She asked.

Percy nodded to Thalia. "Well, something like that. Yeah."

"That's great. I love being used as bait."

"No idea what the monster might be?"

Thalia shook her head dejectedly. "But you know where we're going, don't you? San Francisco. That's where Artemis was heading.

Percy's brows furrowed. He hadn't been there when Annabeth was explaining to Cassie about her dad moving to San Francisco.

"Why? What's so bad about San Francisco?"

"The Mist is really thick there because the Mountain of Despair is so near. Titan magic—what's left of it still lingers. Monsters are attracted to that area like you wouldn't believe."

"What's the Mountain of Despair?"

Cassie coughed back a snicker. "I mean the name is warning enough."

"You really don't know? Ask stupid Zoë. She's the expert." Thalia said bitterly.

If looks could kill the windshield would be six feet under. Percy wanted to ask more questions but he couldn't risk sounding like an idiot. He hated when Thalia knew more than him.

The sun's rays pierced through the steel-mesh side of the freight car. Cassie's sunglasses were back over her eyes and a shadow was cast on Thalia's face.

Percy stared between the two realizing just how different they were from Zoë.

Cassie was the definition of 'I don't give a fuck' in Percy's opinion. It was like she'd just thrown on any clothes she could find and yet somehow they fit perfectly together. She was pretty and anyone with eyes could tell, but there was a hidden roughness and strength that appeared in her confidence.

Zoë was all formal and aloof like a magical princess waiting to be swept off her feet. If it wasn't for her stern and serious face along with her bow and arrow, Percy thought she could fit the part. Not that he'd ever dare to tell her.

Thalia was a rebel at best. Her tattered clothes and short cut hair. The died blue tips and random piercings on her face added to the punk energy. Along with her leather jacket adorned with pins.

But there was something similar about them, too.

The same toughness surrounded them. It shone in Cassie's eyes, flowed in Thalia's voice, and appeared in Zoe's actions.

Right now, the daughter of Zeus looked like one of the Hunters. Cassie would've too if she held the same gloomy expression.

It finally hit Percy: "That's why you don't get along with Zoë."

Thalia side-eyed him. "What?"

"The Hunters tried to recruit you," Percy deduced, looking pretty sure of himself.

Thalia's eyes widened. Cassie couldn't tell if she was angry or just shocked that the idiot figure it out. Percy swore he was about to be zapped out of the Mercedes. All she did was sigh.

"I almost joined them," there was reluctance in her tone. "Luke, Annabeth, and I ran into them once, and Zoë tried to convince me. She almost did, but..."

Thalia's tightened her grasp on the wheel. "I would've had to leave Luke."


"Zoë and I got into a fight. She told me I was being stupid. She said I'd regret my choice. She said Luke would let me down someday."

The sun was close to setting behind the horizon as Percy watched.

"That's harsh. Hard to admit Zoe was right." the boy stated.

"She wasn't right! Luke never let me down. Never."

"We'll have to fight him. There's no way around it."

Thalia didn't have a reply.

"You haven't seen him lately. I know it's hard to believe, but—"

"I'll do what I have to." The daughter of Zeus interrupted.

Percy challenged her further. "Even if that means killing him?"

"Do me a favor. Get out of my car."

He pitifully made no attempt to argue and went to open the car door.

"Percy." Thalia said before he left.

The son of Poseidon met her red eyes.

"Annabeth wanted to join the Hunters, too. Maybe you should think about why."

The windows were raised and shut Percy out before he could say anything else. Thalia's eyes flickered to Cassie who had pressed the button.

She just shrugged. "Things were getting tense."

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

The daughter of Ares sat in the driver's seat with Thalia sleeping in the back. She stared at the sunset and the beautiful colors lighting the sky.

Cassie didn't want to fall asleep. She never knew what nightmares were waiting to scare her.

"Oh, don't be afraid of dreams," a recognizable voice scolded.

The brunette didn't shift her gaze from the sky as she quipped, "And why not Lord Apollo?"

On her right in the front passenger seat was the same homeless guy from before. His jeans were turning white from how worn out they were. His coat was oozing its stuffing like a teddy bear that got run over.

"Hey! I'm incognito over here! Don't just throw around my name!"

Cassie raised an eyebrow. The god blinked before composing himself.

"Anyways, if it weren't for dreams. I wouldn't know half the things I know about the future. They're better than Olympus tabloids."

Apollo cleared his throat, then raised his hands up dramatically:

"Dreams like a podcast,
Downloading truth in my ears.
They tell me cool stuff"

"That was... great... Uh what am I supposed to call you?" Cassie inquired.

The god thought for a moment. "Fred."

"Seriously? Of all names?"

It was giving Weasley twins in the daughter of Ares' opinion. Though she doubted Artemis would go by George when incognito.

"Eh, well... Zeus insists on certain rules. Hands off, when there's a human quest. Even when something really major is wrong. But nobody messes with my baby sister. Nobody."

"So you'll help us then?"

"Shhh. I already have. Haven't you been looking out-side?"

"Meh depends. How fast are we moving?"

Apollo chuckled at the girl. "Fast enough. Unfortunately, we're running out of time. It's almost sunset. But I imagine we'll get you across a good chunk of America, at least."

"Do you know where Artemis is?"

That made the sun god's mood drop. "I know a lot, and I see a lot. But even I don't know that. She's... clouded from me. I don't like it."

"What about Annabeth?"

Apollo offered a sympathetic smile. "Oh, you mean that girl you lost? Hmm. I don't know."

"I didn't lose her," Cassie snapped.

Why were the gods so careless about half-bloods? Probably cause of their short lives.

"Well do you know where the monster Artemis was seeking is?"

"No, but there is one who might. If you haven't yet found the monster when you reach San Francisco, seek out Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea. He has a long memory and a sharp eye. He has the gift of knowledge sometimes kept obscure from my Oracle."

Cassie could've sworn there was a myth with Nereus. He was important to find something, but she couldn't remember what. If only Annabeth had told her that story. It was much easier to remember myths when the blonde was telling them.

"It's your Oracle and you can't tell us what the prophecy means?" The brunette sassed.

"You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear through the search."

"Well I'm still searching for a reason why you can't tell us. But you really just don't know, do you?"

Apollo checked his nonexistent watch. "Ah, look at the time! I have to run. I doubt I can risk helping you again, Cassie, but remember what I said! Get some sleep! And when you return, I expect a good haiku about your journey!"

The daughter of Ares wasn't given the chance to protest. She wasn't tired and her haiku would be trash, but the god had already put her to sleep with a snap of his fingers.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Cassie wasn't herself... literally.

Whoever she was in her dream was too tall and muscular to be her. They were wearing a Greek tunic that looked like a bedsheet. The laced leather sandals dug into her skin with each step. Her only sense of warmth was the Nemean Lion's skin wrapped around her shoulders like cape.

Cassie was tugged forward by a girl and they were both running.

"Hurry!" the girl cried. The dark covered her face but the fear in her voice was unmistakable. "He will find us!"

The sky was black and the stars could be seen above. Millions of them. Cassie passed through the tall grass and the smell of the flowers filled her nose.

She would've stopped to lay down if the girl wasn't pulling her along. Almost as if they were running from death.

"I'm not afraid," Cassie reassured, more the girl than herself.

"You should be!" she retorted, still beckoning whoever the daughter of Ares was.

The girl had single braid of long dark hair that ended at halfway from her waist. Her silk robes stood out in the starlight.

They rushed up the hill side and hid behind a thorn bush. Cassie was trying to figure out what was going on and why a pretty girl was dragging them through a peaceful garden.

"There is no need to run. I have bested a thousand monsters with my bare hands." Cassie almost cringed at her own voice. It was manly and so much deeper.

"Not this one. Ladon is too strong. You must go around, up the mountain to my father. It is the only way."

The mystery girl sounded hurt. Almost like she cared about whoever Cassie was.

"I don't trust your father," The daughter of Ares said in her weird manly voice.

"You should not. You will have to trick him. But you cannot take the prize directly. You will die!"

Cassie let out a flirtatious chuckle. "Then why don't you help me, pretty one?"

Ew, what is wrong with this guy.

"I... I am afraid. Ladon will stop me. My sisters, if they found out... they would disown me."

"Then there's nothing for it."

"Wait!" the girl called.

She took a white brooch from her hair shakily. "If you must fight, take this. My mother, Pleione, gave it to me. She was a daughter of the ocean, and the ocean's power is within it. My immortal power."

The girl let out a breath on the pin and it began to glow.

"Take it and make of it a weapon."

"A hairpin? How will this slay Ladon, pretty one?"

Gods this man cannot flirt.

"It may not. But it is all I can offer, if you insist on being stubborn."

Cassie's heart softened at her words. She took the hairpin which grew in her hand. It was heavier and longer. The daughter of Ares twirled the familiar sword in her hand.

"Well balanced. Though I usually prefer to use my bare hands. What shall I name this blade?"

"Anaklusmos. The current that takes one by surprise. And before you know it, you have been swept out to sea." the girl determined.

There was no time for thank you's because the ground shook as something large approached. A hissing noice filled the air.

"Too late! He is here!"

Cassie shot up, still in the Mercedes SLK driver's seat. Thalia had rolled up the metal curtains and was now in the shotgun seat.

"It's morning. The train's stopped. We have to go!" The punk girl ushered.

The brunette snapped out of her drowsiness and glanced outside.

Snowy mountains with occasional clumps of pine trees, hid the rising sun which shone red on the horizon.

Cassie was lost in thought. That sword in her dream. Anaklusmos, the Ancient Greek name for Riptide. The same blade Percy used in all his fights.

And that girl. That girl was Zoe Nightshade.


ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ author's note

motivation was high yesterday and idk why, but i got the chapter done!!

looking forward to what's coming up in the next few chapters!! iykyk 😉

my bae cassie missing annabeth is a mood tbh, i love them sm it's not ok

anyways i'm tired so imma go but thanks for reading as always!

love you guys and adios 👋🏼

—Just Another Overthinker

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