Chapter 14 - What's That Supposed To Mean?

Author's Note: Thanks to Nardia_85 for the banner!

Chapter 14 - What's That Supposed To Mean?

After about ten minutes of walking in the pouring rain, I reach my house. I walk through the grass, which is heavily soaked, causing water to seep through the material of my shoes. Now I have wet socks, great. I fish my keys out of my pocket, sticking the pink polka dotted one - Tanner actually got it for me, because he said that I’d get too confused trying to remember which key it is that goes to the door. Which, to be honest, is probably very true. I unlock the door, stepping into the warm house, away from the cold and hard rain. I pull my shoes off, leaving them by the front door so as not to track water all throughout my house. My mother would kill me if I did that. As I slowly walk down the corridor, heading towards the living, I hear Mikey’s voice.

“She doesn’t like coconut frosting.” He says matter-of-factly.

“What? What do you mean she doesn’t like coconut frosting?” Arianna retorts in disbelief causing me to roll my eyes. So overdramatic.

“Yeah, she hates it.” Walker jumps in, his tone still that of a monotone one.

“Since when?”

“Since always?” Drew says. I didn’t know Drew was here, but that’s definitely his voice.

“Well,” Arianna retorts, seeming to believe them, “this is news to me.”

“Don’t you think it’s just a bit odd that we know your sister better than you do?” Tanner wonders. Apparently I left and a party started. Not literally, of course, but still, all of my friends are here. Aside from the stupid one who lives next door of course.

“Nope, not really. I mean, you’ve all been really good friends with her for a really long time. But back to the task at hand. If she doesn’t like coconut frosting, then what am I supposed to tell the baker?”

“Tell him strawberry, I love strawberry.” I say, walking through the living room, and plopping down on the couch in between Tanner and Drew. I don’t know what they’re all discussing or why it matters if I do or don’t like coconut, which I don’t. It’s gross and it tastes like grass. Bad smelling grass.

“What are you doing here?” Mikey wonders, looking over at me with his eyebrows raised.

“I live here.” I remind him. “What are you all doing here?”

“Nothing, just nothing. Talking and such.” Drew tells me quickly.

“And such?”

“And such.” Tanner echoes, nodding his head.

“All of you guys are so weird.” I tell them.

Arianna’s phone rings- still has that Justin Bieber song as the ringtone- and she whips it out of her pocket answering it. “Hello?”

“Why are you wet?” Drew wonders, looking down at me.

“It’s raining outside.” I say simply.

“And? You look like you jumped straight into a pool.”

“No, I just walked home in it.”

“What?” Tanner exclaims. “You walked home in a storm? Why didn’t you just call one of us?”

Shrugging, I say, “It was just a little rain, not Hurricane Katrina.”

“Your eyes are all puffy.” Drew notes.

Thanks so much Drew for stating the obvious. The boys are all just very protective of me, and when they think I’ve been hurt or harmed in any kind of way, they tend to make much more out of it than necessary.

“Are you okay?” Walker says. Even some of the monotone is left his voice just then.

"I’m fine.” I murmur, pulling my legs up on the couch, and wrapping my arms around them.

“Were you crying?” Mikey demands.

I scoff, “No,” I mean, I wasn’t bawling, but a few tears did fall. I was just a little upset over my argument with Bradley, because like I said, he and I never ever argue. Not in a serious way, I mean. “Why would I have been crying?”

"Guys, I’ve gotta go and get Jared from work, I’ll be back. We’ll finish this discussion some other time.” Arianna says, hanging up her phone.

I give off a fake gasp, “What? Jared actually got a job?”

“Yes, he actually got a job.” My sister retorts, mocking me. “I’m pregnant, don’t forget.”

“I didn’t forget, I just thought you two were winging it.”

“No, we’re mature, responsible adults and he got a job. And after the baby is here, I’ll get one.”

“Well, that’s really good, then.” I tell her.

“Right? Well I’ve gotta go.” She says, heading towards the front door.

“Be careful, it’s really coming down out there.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Arianna replies before opening and then shutting the front door.

“You sure changed the subject fast, now let’s revert. Why were you crying?” Tanner says.

“I just told you I wasn’t crying.”

“But you lied. We can see through your lies.” Drew informs me.

“It was nothing, I just…got into a little argument.” I say shrugging.

“Who with? Reese? It’s not too late for us all to go kick his ass.” That’s Mikey who said that.

“It wasn’t with Reese.” I mutter.

Walker says, “Well then, who with? You don’t even talk to anyone else.”

Sighing heavily, I groan, “Bradley came to get me from seeing my grandma and we just got in an argument on the way home.” I admit.

“An argument that made you cry?” Drew asks.

“I didn’t cry, it was only a few tears.” I defend, crossing my arms.

“Bradley got back to his house like fifteen minutes ago though. We tried to get him to come over but he said he didn’t want to.”

“I bet.” I retort. “We’re fighting, I think.”

“What, did he put you out of his car?” Walker asks skeptically.

“And make her walk home in the rain? Nah, I’m sure he wouldn’t do that.” Mikey defends our stupid friend.

“He didn’t put me out, I got out on my own because he was pissing me off.”

"You’re an idiot, you’re gonna get sick.” Tanner says, throwing his arm across my shoulder, pulling me into his warm body.

“And now you’re getting yourself wet, yet I’m the idiot?” I say, smiling to myself, wrapping my arms Tanner’s midsection.

Drew stands up, leaving the room, only to return seconds later, tossing a blanket over me. I snuggle up under it, wrapping it around me tightly.

“Why do I have such good friends? Except for that one of course.” I murmur the last part to myself.

“Bradley is a good friend. He beat Reese up that one night.” Walker says.


“And he let you drive around his car while he was in Texas.” Drew contributes.


“And he bought you a-“ Mikey starts to say, but he’s punched in the arm by Tanner, causing him to stop.

“He did what?”

“Uh nothing.” Mikey replies.


“Nope, nothing. Bottom line, he’s a good friend to you.”

I shrug, “I guess so.”

“You know so.” Tanner argues.  

“You guys were supposed to agree with me. Duh.” I say, rolling my eyes.

“Sorry, bro code.” Walker replies, sighing heavily and pulling his phone from his pocket.

“Anyway, enough of my problems. Tell me why you’re all here.”

“Can’t we come to visit our favorite girl sometimes?” Drew asks.

“I guess you can; but y’all were talking about coconut and strawberry and whether or not I like them. Why?”

“No reason.” Tanner says, shrugging his shoulder noncommittally.

“Whatever you say.”

“So what was the argument about anyway?” Mikey asks me.

“Just this thing I’m doing tonight.”

“Well that’s vague.” Mikey notes.

“Reese asked me to come to the movies with him tonight and Bradley just freaked out.”

“And you don’t think he should have?” Walker asks.

“Not at all. It’s none of Bradley’s business what I do with my life.”

“He’s one of your best friends. It is his business.” Tanner argues, resting his head on top of my wet hair.

“Yeah, he cares about you, you know.” Drew defends.

“Well, he cares too much.” I say stubbornly, crossing my arms.

“Would you rather he didn’t give a shit?”

“Yes.” I reply quickly. “No.” I add with a sigh.

I mean, Bradley makes me mad sometimes, but I secretly love the fact that he worries so much about me. It just makes me feel special or important or something. I’m not saying my other friends don’t worry about me, because they do, they just aren’t as hardcore as Bradley is. And the thing with Bradley is, is that he always keeps things bottled up in him. He always has. I told him he should stop doing that because it’s not healthy, but apparently he didn’t take my advice. Evidently all the stuff he said to me in the car a little bit ago is what’s been on the inside all this time. And honestly, I wish I hadn’t asked him about it.

“Well there you have it.” Mikey says smirking.

"You guys make me feel bad about being mad at him.” I tell them.

“Because you shouldn’t be mad at him.” Tanner retorts.

“Yeah, okay, sure.” I say, ready to end this four-on-one conversation. “I don’t wanna get sick, so I’m gonna get outta these clothes.”

“I’m buying Taken 2 on your PPV.” Drew informs me as I get out of Tanner’s hold and leave the living room.

“Don’t buy that movie! I don’t wanna watch it!” I call behind me.

“Too bad, we do!” Walker calls back.

I shake my head, taking the stairs two at a time until I reach the top and go into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and begin peeling my wet clothes off. I get in, taking a quick fifteen minute shower, and get out, wrapping a fluffy white towel around me and collect my clothes from the floor. I leave the bathroom, scampering to my room, where I toss my clothes into my laundry hamper, before going over to my closet. Out of my peripheral vision, I see my window and turn my head, looking out of it. Our houses aren’t like right on top of each other, but they’re not that far away, I guess. I mean, I can clearly see him. He’s sitting on his bed, his elbows on his legs, holding his head which is hanging down. That’s all he’s doing. Weirdo.

I pull my curtains closed tightly, and go back over to my closet. I pull it open and take out a pair of black skinny jeans a royal blue t-shirt. I lie them on my bed and close the closet, going over to my drawer. Pulling out a pair of undergarments, I get dressed and yank my hairbrush through my hair. I slide on a cute leather jacket - I hardly ever wear it, but since it’s raining, I guess I should - and the pull on a pair waterproof black combat boots. I don’t fancy getting my feet wet when I leave my house, and I’m sure my shoes will prevent that.

I grab my phone, sliding it down in my pocket, and leave my room, turning the light off on my way down the stairs. Going back into the living room, I see that the guys are all enveloped into the movie. The obsession with Liam Neeson, I don’t understand. I mean, personally I didn’t even like the first Taken, but that’s just me I guess.

“Mikey?” I say, touching his shoulder.


“Don’t you have GPS? In your car, I mean.”

He nods, “Yeah, we all GPS, I think. Why?”

“I need to find someone.”

“Okay.” He replies, standing up. “What’s up?”

“I need to find Alison.” I tell him, lowering my voice.

“So we’re going to stalk her?”

No,” I say dramatically. “Not stalk, just locate.”

“And you want me to drive you?”

“Yeah. I can take Walker, because he’ll be really emotional and whatnot. Tanner doesn’t even have his license. And I know that Taken is Drew’s favorite movie, so I don’t wanna ask him.”

I don’t think it’s fair at all that Tanner has a car and no license. I mean, he doesn’t drive all that much, because he doesn’t wanna risk getting stopped by the police, but still. He drives it mostly to and from school. Unless he went and retook his test a few days ago like he was supposed to. I don’t know if he has, I’ll have to ask him. But seriously, I even have a license, but my mother is set on not buying me a car. Hopefully though, she’ll get me one for my birthday like I asked. Today’s the ninth, and my birthday is on the sixteenth, so that’s not too far from now, I guess.

“Okay,” He says, seeming to accept that feeble answer. “Let’s go.”

“Guys, we’re leaving.” I tell the boys, following Mikey towards the front door.

They all chorus some form of goodbye, and I pull my hood over my head, as we walk into the rain which is now falling extremely hard. Even more so than it was when I was walking home. And even then it was coming down pretty roughly. Mikey and I run to his car, and he hits the unlock button, both of us jumping in. I get into the passenger seat, closing the door behind me and pulling my seatbelt on. Mikey does the same, pulling on his own seatbelt and then starts the car up, backing up out of the driveway.

“Are you sure this is safe?” He asks me, pulling out onto my street and driving down it.

“Um, yeah.” I say uncertainty. “I’m sure it’s fine. It looks way worse than it actually is, I’m sure.”

Mikey glances over at me apprehensively for a second before speeding up a bit, the speed odometer displaying forty-five miles per hour. “So how are we gonna find Alison using my GPS?” He wonders.

I reach down into my jean pocket, retrieving my cell phone. Last night after Walker had fallen asleep, I swiped his cell phone, and got Alison’s number out of it. Only, I guess he hasn’t changed it, because it wasn’t under the name ‘Alison’, it was under ‘Princess’. If her contact picture hadn’t been on there though, I wouldn’t have known that was her number. My poor little Walker. He’s lucky though, because he’s probably the only person I’m willing to go out in a raging storm for - just to save his relationship. Or lack thereof. I mean, I’d do it for any of my friends, but they don’t date anyone long enough to be completely heartbroken after a breakup.

"I have her number. Can’t you just like put that in there and it’ll find her?”

Mikey nods, taking one hand off of the wheel and turning the GPS on. “What’s the number?” He asks. I read it off to him and he types it in, then hits search, putting his hand back on the wheel as he slowly drives down the main road.

“So, we find her, then what are you gonna do?”

I shrug, “I dunno. I’m just gonna wing it.”

“You’re really invested in this.” Mikey notes.

“Yeah, I mean, I can’t stand to see Walker so sad. It like literally makes my heart hurt.”

“How cute.” Mikey remarks, sarcastically or not, I’m not sure. The GPS voice tells him to make a left which he proceeds to do.

“What, does she live out of the city?” I ask him as we approach the highway.

“No, I don’t think so. She must just be in another town right now, or at least, her phone is.”

“I didn’t anticipate this.” I tell him, putting my feet up on his dashboard and turning the radio on.

Ten minutes later, we’re still whizzing down the highway to wherever it is Alison is. How in-my-face would it be if whenever we finally got there, it’s not even Alison? What if she just lost her phone or something? I mean, I don’t know how likely that is, but it could have happened. I thought the rain was coming down hard when we left; now it’s really, really coming down. So hard I can barely even see out of the windshield. Out of the window though, I can see that a lot of cars are pulling over on the shoulder of the highway so as to avoid wrecking or something. I look over at Mikey who’s concentrated on the task at hand, squinting his eyes so that he can see through the rain.

“Do you think we should just pull over?” I ask him.

"Nah, we’re nearly there now. Look, the thing says it’s only two more miles.” He tells me.

“Okay.” I reply, agreeing that it’d be better to just go through it.

A few minutes later, Mikey maneuvers off of the highway and onto the main road. The rain has let up a bit, so I guess that’s good. Mikey’s GPS thingy says that we’re only ten minutes away from Alison. Well, her phone. But I’m just hoping that she’s with her phone. I mean, why wouldn’t she be? Ten minutes later, Mikey pulls into some coffee shop and I scoff. Who goes all the way to the next city over just to get some coffee?

“What, you’re just gonna in and bombard the girl?” Mikey asks, turning his car off.

“No, I’m just gonna go in and talk to her.” I correct.

“So what am I supposed to do?”

“Sit out here? Go to the bathroom? Something. I’ll be back in a second.” I tell him, getting out and pulling my hood back on.

I run into the coffee shop, taking my hood off and looking around the shop for Alison. I spot her long blonde hair and then her walking towards a table near the back of the shop. I wipe my shoes across the big black mat and then walk over to the register, so I don’t look suspicious or something. I order two large cups of hot cocoa. One for me and one for Mikey, since he did drive me all the way out here in pretty much a tsunami. I pay the money and then head towards the back of the shop, pretending as if I don’t see Alison. And this is where that God awful year of Drama I took freshman year comes in handy. I walk straight towards the exit door, and when I pass by Alison’s table, I give off a fake gasp which causes her to look up.

“Alison! Hi, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you. What are you doing here?”

She laughs uncomfortably and says, “Uh, hey Sydney. I, um, I’m just, you know, getting some coffee. Gotta have caffeine.”

“I understand completely.” I tell her, pulling out the chair on the other side of her table. “Mind if I sit?” I ask before sitting down anyways.

“Um, sure, I guess not.” Alison says, taking a sip of her drink.

“So how are you?” I wonder. I don’t really care how she is - she broke my best friend’s heart after all - but it’d be weird to just come out and ask her why she broke up with Walker.

“I’m okay. How are you?”

“I’ve been better, to be honest.” I tell her, shrugging. “It’s been hard, you know, with Walker and whatnot.”

“Oh right.” She replies, looking down at the table. “How is he?”

“Terrible.” I retort quickly.

“Surely he’s not that bad. Is that all you want to talk about? Because if it is, I really don’t want to talk about him.”

“He is that bad.” I tell her truthfully. Okay, maybe I’m a being a little hard on her. But I want her to feel guilty. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with you two?”

“What’d he tell you happened? I know he told you.”

“All Walker said was that you guys needed a break. And that you called him narcissistic.”

“Because he is.” She mumbles.

“I don’t have a dictionary on me or anything and words aren’t really my thing, but doesn’t that mean like, selfish or something?”

Alison nods, “That’s exactly what it means.”

“Are we talking about the same boy? The Walker I know is about as far from of selfish as is humanly possible.”

“Maybe in your friendship. In our relationship, he wasn’t.”

“How’s that?”

“I don’t wanna discuss my relationship with you, Sydney.”

“I’m just trying to help my friend. You know where he is right now? He’s at my house probably lying across my couch stuffing his face with grilled cheese sandwiches.”

“He’s at your house?”

“He was, I’m just guessing he still is.”

“Oh.” Alison says, expelling a sigh.

I raise my eyebrows, “Is there something about that that bothers you or something?” 

“If we’re being honest, yes.” Alison tells me, nodding her head.

“Well then, we should be honest. Why does it bother you that he’s at my house?”

Alison runs her fingers through her hair - somehow her hair is perfectly pin straight and dry - and closes her eyes. Despite the fact that she kinda makes me angry, I can’t deny that she is really, really pretty. I guess I can see why Walker loves her so much. I mean, I’m not saying that he only loves her because she’s pretty, there are other reasons, I’m sure, but you know what I mean.

“I don’t want to sound rude, and I hope it doesn’t sound that way, but you and Walker are really close.”

“He’s one of my best friends.” I remind her.

“I know that, and I’m glad that he has a friend like you, but it’s really hard for me.”

“What do you mean it’s really hard for you?”

“You’re really pretty and Walker’s kinda stupid sometimes. If you catch my drift.”

I blink a few times, trying to process what she’s just said. “Alison, I would never. Walker would never. I’ve never even looked at him like that.”

“Maybe you haven’t, but you don’t know that he hasn’t.”

“Even if he has - which I highly doubt - he’d never do anything. He’s so in love with you that it actually makes my heart warm.”

“I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.” Alison admits.

“It’s good. And if that’s the only reason you broke up with him, then no offence, but you’re an idiot.”

“That’s not the only reason. Other things - which I’m not gonna elaborate on - have happened between the two of us lately. Some good, and some bad. You weren’t the only deciding factor. I mean, there were things that happened and then you were kinda the last straw.”

“I’m…sorry?” I say, skeptically.

“It’s okay. I mean, it just wasn’t meant to be, I guess.”

“I don’t think that, Alison. And if you really love him, you’d beg for him back.”

She scoffs, drinking some more of her drink. “I do love him, but I’m not going to beg for him back. I’ll have to think for a few days.”

“Well,” I say, standing up from the table and pulling my hood back on. “If you’re not quick, someone else is gonna snatch him up.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She wonders.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure you do.” I retort, before leaving out of the coffee shop door and running back around to Mikey’s car, getting in. I hand him the hot coca which he happily takes, ripping the top off and gulping down the hot chocolate. He lets out a shout, and starts coughing, causing me to roll my eyes. “They call it hot cocoa for a reason. It’s hot.”

“Well, you were in there long enough. I thought it would have cooled.” He defends, putting the cup down in his cup holder.

“It obviously hasn’t, smarty.” I tell him.

“Shut up.” He retorts. “So how’d it go with her?”



“Bad.” I confirm, nodding.

“What happened?”

“She didn’t tell me anything other than she thinks that Walker and I are too close.”

“Huh?” He says, starting the car and backing out of the parking lot.

“I dunno. I guess she just thinks that we’ll do something.”

:You and Walker?”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much what she said.” I tell him.

“She’s even dumber than I thought.”

“Mikey.” I say, scolding him.

“Hey, it’s true.” He says, shrugging.

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