Chapter 9: Escapade
Just when they thought that their worries were over, Siga Madu spotted in the distance, two teams charging straight for them. "Well this is trouble." He blinked, putting away his binoculars. The teams were both consisted of 6 teammates each which caused 12 players to come charging for the Progenitors. The first team was called "KIIMAV" in which was an abbreviation for a kennel somewhere in Japan. Their team was a bunch of girls, all preppy-looking and adorable.
Their uniforms were pink fluffy coats with socks as boots. They had cat ears and different sets of guns. "The progenitors are right up ahead! Atsuki, get your machine gun ready!" The team leader was a short pink haired cat girl, who carried two daggers in her hands. Well introductions weren't bad enough, the team leader was Miyami Nekona. She was the one with the baby blue hair tied up in ponytails with white cat ears. Her weapon of choice was poisoned-tipped daggers.
Then there was the machine gunner, Atsuki Nanami. She was a tall woman with long blonde hair and prim red lips. She had white with red tipped cat ears. She was also sort of the second in command of Miyami ever died in battle. In real life, she has experience in cooking and singing. She's usually the main chef whenever they hung out in 'Seraph of the end'.
Next was Makoto Mikamoto. Despite the boy name, she's a short brown haired little girl with brown cat ears. She's the team's main light sword user and gets along well with Miyami since they both use blades.
Since she's quite small, smaller than Miyami, she can spot incoming enemies by running off and hiding away.
Heta Jinsen was the team's assault rifle lover. She was the one in the team who loved just charging into battles. Some of her members even commented that in game she's quite insane and direct. Compared to in real life, where she's the sweetest thing ever.
The two other members are sniper twins. Annabella and Yuki Tsubasa. Both incredibly short and both have decent aim. These girls work at "Iyushii Inamoto Miyagi Adventure Zoo Kennel." The workplace has no relation to guns at all but here were these girls playing 'Seraph of the end'. At first it was just a habit of Miyami to play this game after work until she became obsessed to the point where she talked about her accomplishments to her friends. Eventually "KIIMAV" was formed and they're here now.
Still running, Atsuki loaded her machine gun and pointed it to Urd Geales. "Firing now!" She yelled as a horde of bullets was fired to Urd. What was particular for the girls here was that Urd didn't even budge a step. Well that's because none of the bullets are hitting them. The only one pretending to dodge the bullets was the eccentric Rigr Stafford. "Woo! Oh so close! That one got me!" He jumped over about three bullets.
Urd sighed, "So Siga Madu," he called over for his hiding team leader.
"Not gonna appear again?"
Siga Madu, still stayed peering against the tree trunk, "What? No, you guys got this. The enemy is too easy!" He grumbled. Well it seemed that Siga Madu was quite picky on who to fight in this game. He wanted strong enemies that actually dealt damage to him whenever he fought against them. His ideals are the powerhouse teams. Like the Guren, Shinoa squad and KFLC.
Urd, who was honestly so done with his boss's abandonment, just looked over at Ky Luc and the cheeky Rigr. "So what? Am I supposed to make a plan for all of you guys now?" He questioned. The black haired man chimed, dodging and ducking from the attack. "Oh ho ho, I guess so!"
He replied generally happy as always. Urd could have cursed out his team leader for not coming out of hiding and helping his own team but people nearby like Rigr would absolutely destroy him.
"In this case, Ky, follow me and Rigr, you know how to pretty much attack anyone. Take care of the insect-looking gang over there." The blonde haired boy assigned his brother to attack the male team instead of the girls. He knew that Rigr, since they were banned from using their guns, would go really really rough on the girls. But what was it with that rule? "Don't hit girls." Well, not in this game. So the man wouldn't feel bad about slaughtering the heck out of the incoming teams.
The insect team was called "ARA" they were a small squad from France. It was incredibly how a game like 'Seraph of the end' reached countries all over the world.
These six men were enthusiasts of bugs. Each of them liked a specific type of bug and their weapons were all the same however. They were all assault rifle users.
The team leader was named James Blanc and he was the one that planned for his teammates to charge at the same time as team "KIIMAV".
Rigr, satisfied with his orders, nodded and looked down on the chains loosely wrapped around his pale fingers. "Alright~!" He chimed at Urd and raced to the team "ARA". Seeing the black haired man charging straight for them, the team leader halted in his movements and cried out: "Collin, now! Yes yes!" He had a heavy French accent but his comrades understood either way. "ARA" were the first three letters of the French word: "Araignée" which means "spider".
The member of the team named "Collin" nodded at his leader's orders and threw two plasma grenades back at Rigr Stafford. The man halted and his eyes widened in thrill and excitement. "Awesome! That's gonna be a blast!" He cried out, truly excited to let his mind run loose on solutions to save himself. "How do I escape this?! Do I jump or fight?! Hahahaha! This is so much fun!" He decided to go for the latter instead.
Lines of chains charged loose form his back and targeted the six team members.
"Oh crap! This guy is crazy!" Collin breathed out, searching his pockets for more plasma grenades. Clearly two of them weren't enough to stop the Stafford monster from attacking them. James Blanc growled and began to fire from his assault rifle. "Dammit, he's gonna kill us all. He's crazy!" He repeated.
Rigr spread out his arms and chuckled.
"What no? How rude, I'm not crazy at all." He whispered. The chains broke loose once more and pierced into one of the frontline members. It was Renaud that took the hit. "I-I'm hit!" The man with the ladybug mask groaned as he fell over to the side. Collin and James rushed over to his side while the team leader ordered the rest of his team to continue firing. The chain was still deeply stabbed within their team member but the leader couldn't understand why, his health was decreasing so quickly.
"We need to get the chain out of him! He's going to die!" panicked Collin. James nodded, yes they should get the chain out of his team member. The leader tried to pull the chain out, only to hear Renaud's piercing screams and Rigr's giggles. It honestly disturbed the team how the black haired enemy was laughing—mocking them. James let go of the chain with a loud growl and stood back up to face Rigr. "You do not get to laugh at me like a fool! I don't know how to stop him from dying!" He cried out at the chain-armed player.
Rigr chuckled and pointed at the chain inside of Renaud, it was slowly turning red. Collin and James caught it.
"Wha-? But what is happening?"
The chains behind Rigr's back and the ones around his hands flowed red.
The man smiled fiercely.
"Ah that feels better, I needed more HP anyways." He laughed.
A 'DEAD' marker popped up on top of Renaud's head as all the HP he had on his avatar was generously given to Rigr.
On the other end with the trainee and Urd, they had the mission to take care of "KIIMAV". They ran into the forests, a bit south-west from where Siga Madu was and charged into the bushes. "You're still following me, right Ky?" muttered Urd through his communicator. They had separated when they dispersed into the forests. Urd was in a bush and Ky was in a tree.
The trainee, who was trembling and sitting atop the branch, nodded. "Y-Yeah...any sign of them?" He asked quietly through the communicator. The dark-skinned boy put away his binoculars in the foliage of the bush and spoke afterwards: "Yup. They're close to you actually. I say we ambush those girls." He said. Now an ambush? That sounds...difficult and stressful, well that was Ky's opinion as a trainee only. "Just tell me what to do, lord Geales.." he replied.
Urd's eyes lit up. Well he may just have an idea, it won't be pretty one but if they wanted to regroup as quickly as possible, he had to consider it. He shut them and inhaled. "Okay, here's what you have to do..." he briefly explained what Ky Luc had to say and the latter listened attentively.
It was not at all complex, in which Ky thought it would be. But basically what he had to do was jump down from the trees and impale his sword into the closest member.
As soon as Ky stepped off the branch,
he heard an alarming cry from just a few metres under him, "Hey! It's the progenitors! They're gonna attack us!" Yuki Tsubasa warmed her team members.
The child's cry was so loud that even Urd heard it from where he was. "Dammit.." he growled and had no choice but to rescue Ky Luc from these girls. "Oh no, they spotted me!" The trainee fell off the branch in surprise and immediately got back up on his feet.
As soon as he did, he saw a machine gun's muzzle pointed at him. "This is trouble.." he muttered and gulped.
No, he couldn't be a coward once more. Lord Geales and Stafford already fought their way too long just to defend his chicken self. Now he had to try to return the favour to them. He held his sword and crouched down. His red eyes flared a deep red as he stared at the enemies.
"Sword, drink my blood..."
"Atsuki, fire!"
Ky let out a monstrous growl before he charged directly into the rain of gunfire.
"Impossible!" Atsuki gasped as she steadied the muzzle of her large weapon.
Miyami facepalmed and took out her poisonous daggers. She had to step in for this one. The pink haired cat stepped out of their hiding spot and leaped out at the enemy. Panicked, Ky began to rethink his actions. 'Oh no, how do I stop her..?'
He had to use his instincts and so did Miyami, who was armed with the poisoned daggers.
"There we go!"
The trainee swung his hand back when Miyami charged forward and at the last minute, he swung it to the side. Blood splattered into the moment and Miyami lost her balance. Her orange eyes widened as both of them had realized where all the blood came from.
He had just cut one of her arms off. The poisoned dagger as well as the cut off limb fell to the ground and Miyami fell over. "Damn it!" She screeched was she tried to pin her other dagger into Ky.
However, he saw it coming and stomped on the thrown dagger with his boot.
"I do not think so, by the way, I'm sorry about this." He apologized before he lopped her head off with a single cut from his sword. A 'DEAD' marker appeared on top of Miyami Nekoza's head and the leader status was transferred to Atsuki.
All shooting ceased since the team members were too shocked on what had just happened. The trainee had the time to pick up one of the daggers and throw it in the girls' direction. "Girls! Watch out!" The new leader Atsuki, yelled out to her members. The Tsubasa twins screamed in horror and even Makoto had the guts to scream out in horror: "He's using Miyami Neesan's daggers against us!" She felt personally hurt as the rest of the other girls. Though, as much as they felt proud for avoiding the daggers, it was never meant to kill them in the first place.
"Urd, catch!" yelled out Ky as he was bellowed by Makoto Mikamoto. She was a blade master so Ky felt personally challenged. But this was a sword fight, it would be easier for him. "Fight me you evil man!" cried out Makoto as she swung her blade at Ky. The man ducked down and blocked the incoming attack with his own sword.
As for the daggers, Urd was running up behind them, he thankfully caught two of the daggers while temporarily keeping his actual sword clenched between his fangs.
"Snipe them, Yuki, Annabella." Atsuki ordered the snipers to shoot Ky Luc's partner. The twins nodded and positioned their snipers as soon as possible.
"Roger that!"
"No one gets away with killing Neesan!"
And so, muzzles were now in front of Urd Geales as he was close to reaching his team mate in time. Luckily for the twins, they can't shoot without a bullet line like KKHC and Crowley and Ferid from KFLC.
Urd saw the lines and easily avoided both coming directly from them. Annabella grunted and refilled as soon as possible.
However, Yuki's bullet fell onto the bush, she cursed herself for being so clumsy.
Her small hand was lowered and as she grabbed the bullet, "Yuki! Watch out!" she heard a scream from her sister.
As soon as Yuki rose her head back up to examine the cause of the scream, she felt herself sit still in place. She couldn't hear the mortified screams all around her but she soon understood what happened. Since from beside her, she saw how Annabella, her twin, fell back at the exact same time as her.
Rewinding a bit, Urd Geales kept running, his left hand was raised and the blade's edge targeted Yuki. He smiled to himself when he saw how her small head ducked down to pick up the bullet she so foolishly dropped. 'Always keep your eyes upwards.' He muttered and threw the dagger, calculating exactly the right time to throw it. An instant bullseye to the forehead.
The same happened to Annabella Tsubasa as the right dagger escaped his right hand as well. Now with both of his hands freed again, he removed the blade from his mouth and pounced on the bush, scaring the two last members. Ky Luc handled Makoto. He swung at her arms and exposed legs, causing loads of huge cuts and he kind of gagged due to the puddles of blood escaping from her avatar. Then finally, as Makoto tried to go for his head, Ky hissed and impaled his sword into her neck. He aimed for the head, it was an advantage that she was so much smaller than him, however he missed when she tried to attack him again.
Well whatever, he killed her in the end anyways, why care about missing your target? At least he got the job done.
He stepped away from the dead body and was met with hostile eyes from Atsuki and Heta. "You guys.." the team leader clenched her fists. Heta was honestly terrified, she didn't move a muscle after seeing the Tsubasa twins die in front of her. Ky approached them and with no smiles, he sent out a quick slash to both of their stomachs. He killed the last two members of "KIIMAV".
Urd Geales wiped the blood off his coat and huffed. "Good job on the ambush, by the way. Even though you messed up the beginning." He congratulated. Sanity came back to Ky Luc as he looked at lord Geales, overjoyed. "What, really? I did well?" He exclaimed. Urd smiled slightly, the man didn't smile often, so that was a first appreciative move coming from him. Who knew that it would have been given to the trainee who just won a battle?
"Yes you did very good. Shame Siga Madu couldn't see the whole thing at his angle. But I'll tell him, no worries." He informed Ky Luc. In which the trainee rubbed the back of his head nervously. But he was also really proud of himself for just accomplishing that. To be fair, he didn't know what came over him when he messed up the ambush. Was it an inner rage of not being able to complete something? He didn't know, but man did he wish that feeling would show up more often in battles.
"Now come on, let's go back to my brother and see if he killed that spider team already."
"Yes m'lord, roger that!" chimed an ecstatic brown haired player.
When Urd and Ky Luc left the forests, they had noticed that Siga Madu was no longer in hiding anymore. Huh? Did he go back to where Rigr was? Well no time to waste, it was dangerous to be separated from one another when three teams already tried to attack them. The lands where they were previously fighting on has been turned into a bloody wasteland. It shocked the trainee the first time but that was how it was in this game. Bloody murder.
At the scene, both Siga Madu and Rigr Stafford were present, both were smiling happily as all six members of "ARA" lay unmoving in the puddles of blood. Ky Luc gulped, of course Rigr had always been as strange as Ferid Bathory, maybe even stranger but seeing his generous and joyful boss smiling alongside that black haired man? Was something off or...did he truly miss something vital about these three individuals standing before him?
"We eliminated "KIIMAV". What now?" Urd's calm and serious voice was once again heard. The two team members looked at him, looking pleased.
"As you can see, Rigr here did a good job finishing these members off quickly." Siga said, one of his sandals stepping on one of the heads on the ground, crushing it further down into the ground.
It honestly disturbed Ky Luc. Wow Shikama Doji was definitely different than when he is seen in the Amusphere office. Then again, he'd love to meet the in game Krul Tepes, Ferid Bathory, Lest Karr and Crowley Eusford. Were they just as different? Deadly even?
From what he concluded, Siga Madu was sadistic, Rigr was insane and Urd was strategic. But what was he? He acted exactly as coward and loyal to when he is in front of his superiors. He'd have to be respectful around Tepes and Karr too...
"Anyways, that's the fight fine. Woo." Siga Madu took out the satellite scan to check the time in case they missed a scan or something. Never knew when more teams would be sneaking up on them. Urd, Rigr and Ky took the time to take a break and retrieve their guns from their inventories.
Siga Madu had restricted them to all weapons except their vampiric cursed gear. It was currently 5:35PM.
The black haired man stored away his chains and welcomed back his massive machine gun so missed. "Ah there! Finally, it's so good to see you again!" The man joyfully chimed, holding the gun by the handle and giving the muzzle a good inspection. Ky Luc took out his dual pistols and stored them onto his holsters. "Well what do you think we should do now, team leader?" he asked.
The team leader put away his terminal scan and was silent for a bit, he glanced up at the sky and the three boys thought he had given up on answering the question. However with a voice so confident, he responded: "Oh we take a break from fighting! You guys are exhausted, right?"
No one decided to question his decisions despite how false it was. People shouldn't assume things.
Somewhere else, definitely far away from where the Progenitors were, was a two paired team. An old man with ashen hair as well as an eye patch. He was accompanied with a punk-looking son of his. "So dad, why did you ask me to play this game for you? I didn't think you'd interested in a gun game anyways." Seishiro Hiiragi wondered, he set aside his pump shotgun, the Winchester super X pump.
The father and team leader of the team carried out a katana, Mossberg 500 and several plasma grenades. He put away the terminal scan with a satisfied smile.
"Kureto and Shinya are too busy with their actual jobs to play games, Mahiru is fulfilling her idol career and I doubt she wants anything to screw up her collaboration with the Ichinose agency. Then there's Shinoa who needs to focus on schoolwork." He explained roughly.
Seishiro lifted his gun up with a disappointed look and aimed it at Tenri Hiiragi. His father was completely off guard.
"Oh what a shame. Say, what's up with those guys then?" The punk pump user pointed out at the two monochrome-looking players behind them. They were the "Hiiragi Clan"'s teammates. If Seishiro were to shoot now, he'd be practically killing off his teammates. Tenri looked at the two players behind them, who were standing perfectly still beside the rocks they were sitting on. "Oh those son, are the body guards I hired to help us today." Tenri explained.
The first guard was all dressed in black and green, the Hiiragi's clan's uniform colours, unaware that the Guren squad already took the colours. Oh well, Tenri did not anticipate to meet Guren not Shinya in this tournament. This team was oblivious that Shinoa and Shinya were even in it and that Kureto was eliminated too early.
The guard carried out a heavy shotgun along with some grey goggles to rest atop his messy black hair.
The second one was a bit shorter than the first. It was a chubby teenaged-boy who was dressed in the same attire as the first guard and the two other Hiiragi clan members. Only difference was that he had a light sword in his hands that glowed a deep green. He was way more nervous around Tenri and Seishiro than the first guard and he absolutely hated it.
Tenri looked at them both with a neutral look. "Say boys, you didn't tell me your names, what are they?" He inquired.
"As long as you guys don't get in my way, we have no problem." Seishiro scoffed.
"My name is Sergent, sir." The black haired first guard replied confidently.
Tenri nodded at that, "Good name there, son."
The brown haired boy hearing that, kind of gulped at that. Oh man was there some pressure between him and Sergent now.
He was already getting praised for the good names, and what will Tenri Hiiragi think of his? It sounded bizarre but the gamer tag he had was too dear to him to change it. Him and Sergent were from different agencies therefore he had no idea about who he was and where he came from. Worse of all, he didn't know whether Sergent's gaming skills surpassed his.
Feeling like he was suffocating in this virtual suit, "M-My name is Kingsley, sir!" He exclaimed. The three went silent right before Seishiro proudly mocked: "Bwah? Kingsley? Yeah fits you, since all kings were somewhat oversized at the time." He laughed. Ouch, that kind of hurt. Quite honestly, if this were real life, he'd be a crying mess but thank goodness for the armour covering parts of his face up.
"Nice to have you here battling with us boys." Tenri smiled at the two guards before a long silence filled the team.
Seishiro was quite pissed off that there were guards with them, Sergent was a statue and Kingsley was a nervous mess.
It was now 5:39PM. The scan would be starting soon and Tenri would have to decide on a plan eventually.
The Shinoa squad found themselves in another forest once again. Looking at the scan minutes earlier, the team leader had thought that they wouldn't encounter anymore of these woody wonderlands however she learned that one wrong turn that can lead you to a disaster. A disaster this was! Here they were fighting off another attack from "MZEF" which stood for: Mel Stefano, Zane Lindau, Esther Lee and Fuola Honte.
The Shinoa squad was playing the defensive, the shields of the team were hiding behind tree trunks and the main attackers put off on sniper duty. Shinoa says that there was no need for someone to charge straight on. Laid down on their stomachs on flat rocks, Mika and Yuu looked through their sniper's scopes and fired whenever anyone on the enemy team tried getting close. "Hmmm...I dunno.." the black haired boy pulled the bolt back.
Shinoa, who was hiding behind the tree and had her bizon gun out, fired several shots to cover for Yuu and Mika who had to refill. "Focus, we can't have them any more closer than 5 metres. They stay behind those rocks and trees." she said.
It was her strict orders. Since Mika and Yuu weren't attackers in this attack, it would be very life-threatening to have one of those enemies approach them with their offensive guns.
The gunfire continued for several more minutes until a squeak was heard from beside the purple haired girl. "No! I'm hit!" shouted Mitsuba as she grasped her shoulder and laid down. Whenever you're hit, the best instinct to stay low. The bullets flew over her head and the first to react was the team leader herself. She quickly rushed over and yelped when a bullet tried to hit her in the cheek, it ricocheted off the tree trunk. Too close.
"Are you alright?" Shinoa grabbed the medkits from Mitsuba's pockets. The blonde nodded and winced as polygram-looking fragments dripped down from her wounded shoulder. "I-I'm good, trust me.." she replied. Meanwhile, the snipers continued their work. Yoichi, the archer, continued to fire green-flamed birds towards the enemy team. "Mitsuba, heal quickly! We need you in case we need a shield!" He pleaded.
Now with team "MZEF", they were panicking. The team leader: Mel Stefano grunted as he received yet another shot from Yuu or Mika, he couldn't tell. He halted in his movements and laid in fallen leaves. "Ugh, they'll just keep shooting us if we continue." He told the rest of his teammates through communicators.
Zane Lindau and Esther Lee continued to shoot, ignoring his comment prior to replying afterwards: "What do you mean? We just shot one of their members. The one with the big axe." replied both of them at the same time.
Mel Stefano shook his head and looked at them in the eye. "No you idiots, that's not the point. Even if we decrease their numbers, WE MAY AS WELL DIE OURSELVES!" He spread the message.
Now his plea to stop finally earned their attention, they still continued to fire but listened closely to what their leader had to say. Mel took a deep breath. "Listen here, Fuola is already hit and is on the verge of dying. Damn snipers. I say we may have to abandon this one, boys." He declared.
Zane and Esther's eyes widened at the suggestion to retreat. Sure the enemy was stronger than them but shooting Mitsuba in the shoulder already raised their confidences enough to continue fighting the Shinoa squad. "Wha-?! But, whyyyy?" Zane complained. Mel, rushed over to where the three members were and beckoned the injured Fuola to follow, he had 50% of his HP left.
"Come on! We're running!" Mel shouted as he grabbed Zane's arm. Esther gulped and he glanced at the Shinoa squad one last time before sighing. Yes, they were getting crushed, they had to flee this instant. The "MZEF" team began to run deeper into the forest, Yoichi was the first to notice since he had his cursed gear now out. "Gekkouin." He summoned a spell, his bird-shaped arrows flowed even brighter and were transformed into red phoenixes. "They're getting away!" He shot the arrows.
Still running, Mel screeched as he saw the red birds flying over his head and crashing straight ahead into tree logs. Dust got in their eyes and they were forced onto the floor. "N-No..!" Fuola stood back up despite his injury and urged his teammates to stand back up too. No, they couldn't die like this, caught by a cursed gear's abilities, it just wasn't fair and took surreal! They would die gladly in the honour of getting shot, but by using magic. The team got back on their feet and did a better job at avoiding the shots from the archer.
"Someone do something!" Yoichi begged for backup.
Already hearing his pleads, "Already on it. They won't get away!" promised Yuu as he lifted his sniper and himself off the rocks. He positioned his sniper on his shoulder and began to fire.
Esther dodged the shots with ease and laughed to himself. 'We may as well survive!' He thought to himself. His team kept running and running away, Yuu's shots were harder and harder to get shot from as they distances themselves. There was now 20 metres between the two teams and Shinoa cursed.
"Dammit! The cowards!" She pulled out her terminal scan to check for the next scan. It was 5:44PM. They had already missed the scan thanks to this chicken fight. Now they won't know where "MZEF" would be running to due to them using the scan to confirm their locations around them. She could have thrown the terminal scan to the ground. But she refrained. It was no longer an immune object like in SS1.
Yuu sighed and laid aside his sniper as he looked down in disappointment. Mika came behind him and patted his shoulder.
"Hey buddy, it's fine.." he assured the black haired boy as both realized that all of his shots missed.
"Damn! I missed them, I think something's wrong with my choices of potentially becoming a sniper..." he clenched his fists together and growled. He felt like he could have done better with his shooting. But no, he focused on learning sword skills than practice sniping like Shinoa asked as a backup skill.
But a hand was wrapped around his neck after he had said that. Yuu's mouth was opened and his eyes were widened. Mika smiled at him.
"I know you'll be able to snipe atleast one person Yuu! I believe in you." He encouraged.
And the black haired boy's cheeks reddened in surprise and happiness. His eyes lit up and he picked his sniper back up to store back in his inventory.
"Hehe, thanks Mika!"
A/N: Aaaaaaaaaa! Here's chapter 9! A very long and lazy chapter if I had to say so myself. I was quite lazy with the fight between the Spider team and Rigr so that's why I kept most details out of the story and instead focused on Ky's time to shine, in which I absolutely loved writing!(don't worry though, Siga Madu will actually fight back in the next few chapters! The climax of SS3 will be coming soon!)
I also got lazy as you can see from the Shinoa squad battle, all descriptions were rushed and not many interactions happened between team MZEF. I'll try to do better but honestly, I just wanna get back to writing KFLC- Ahhhhhhh two more chapters left! I'll get working on chapter 10 later today! Goodbye everyone!^^
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