Chapter 6: Don't provoke me

When they finally reached a calm-looking forest further south, the first thing the team leader instructed to her team was to position Ferid and Crowley as snipers. With her and Lest not having any long-ranged weapons with as much precision as snipers, the both of them were behind the two boys and looked out most of the time. The silver haired man, whose stomach was laid down on a massive flat rock, yawned when he didn't spot a single enemy in the last 5 minutes they arrived here.

"Are you sure going south was a great idea, Krullie? I'm getting really impatient here. Might doze off any moment now!" With a thrilled tone, Ferid chirped and peaked through his scope once more. At any time, he could be contradicted. It's best if that didn't happen while barking back against Krul of course. The pink haired leader was viewing their green-coloured surroundings with a pair of binoculars. So many trees, she couldn't branch out the entire zone. Which was a considerably bad thing for a game like 'Seraph of the end', or any battle royale in general.

"Shut up and focus. What are the chances that we get attacked right about now?" The pink bunny questioned to her three comrades, still not losing focus one single bit. Lest rolled his eyes as he took in the chatter between the other individuals teamed up with him. Sometimes it was just too noisy and the boy didn't quite adore that. "I don't know, we might. That's why Ferid, you shouldn't really make a sound and just keep a lookout." Crowley intervened, changing the render distance of his scoped weapon. He adjusted it for it to be able to zoom into the leaves. In search for any enemies camouflaged or not. Krul sighed and turned her back to focus on patrolling. This was going to be a long period of time if no one will show up to surprise KFLC.

"Awww you're not fun, Crowley!" He jabbed at the taller man. Having the proper training to endure idiots like this silver haired demon, the sniper ignored Ferid mercilessly. It wasn't like he wanted to even talk to the man at the moment. His opinions about him were still scattered. He still considered him a friend, however a messed up friend. After hearing about his loathing state for Krul Tepes, Crowley pities the surprise Krul herself will be in in mere moments. He wishes to prolong the tournament so that the small queen doesn't have to be hit by the bullets of betrayal.

"I still can't believe we pulled off that stunt in that abandoned village." Ferid chuckled, forgetting the subject completely. It surprised Lest and Crowley that's for sure, that he was able to forget such a topic. Still, some may believe that Ferid felt slight offence to being flat out ignored at, but people like Krul and Lest couldn't care less about how the man felt. He was an annoying blabbermouth, his stamina to talk almost resembling the ungrateful movements of a fish without water, yeah nobody likes them.

"It's thanks to Crowley we even got a chance to win that battle." Lest crossed his arms in satisfaction. With all the bored chatter the four members were having, they were surprised that no one decided to ambush them just yet. Upon hearing the younger boy's response, Crowley let out a mockingly puff. "Pfft, me? I just use my logic for a second." He dismissed the sudden unnecessary praise he'd just received. Some could say that they were satisfied with their response, however, "So you think it was logical to have me and Ferid teamed together?" Krul haloed at Crowley.

The man shrugged and coding help but laugh slightly at her concern. "Well maybe it is." He answered back. Krul sighed and refrained herself from straight-up assaulting the sniper's cheeks herself. If she did that, the grass beneath them would surely cause a ruffle and second of all, the procedure and aftermath of the punch. When Krul will punch him, her first making contact with his sturdy skin will make a loud thud. As for the initial reactions to pain, Crowley would have no choice but to grunt. "You're such a pain.." she crossed her arms herself in slight disappointment that she couldn't really hurt the man that pissed her off just now.
The Shinoa squad was finally leaving the forests and were faced to faced with ruined constructions, so much dust everywhere. The skies were red as ever, not showing any sights of happiness at all in this dull aggressive world. Mitsuba took a step back upon seeing the cracked streets and dirty roads. "Yuck, I prefer the forest, thank you very much." She slid her gloved fingers along her axe's side. But despite the awful view, Shinoa was still on guard. "Alright team, we just arrived in our new territory. I say we find shelter as soon as possible. Yuu, how much time until scan?" The team leader asked.

The team carefully walked from building to building, trying not to expose themselves too much. They were now behind a single building whose alleyway led straight to some open space. The open space was not at all conviennent for the uniforms they chose, but Shinoa and Yuu thought that the uniforms are quiet conviennent. Sure they're black with flashy green on them but it shows their connections with the Guren Squad. They had green and they had red. "10 minutes left, Shinoa!" Yuu told his team leader while staying put to the ground. Shinoa exhaled. "Alright, that's good.." she mumbled.

Everyone was now checking their cursed gear, whether some bullets managed to scrape the tips or something like that. Yoichi's bow was fine, just a bit soggy from dipping it in mud unwillingly. Kimizuki's twin blades were fine too, a bit scratched but that's due to past battles. Mitsuba's axe was untouched but Shinoa's scythe needed repairing. As for the two last members, Yuuichiro's sword was heavily damaged that's why Shinoa insisted on him being a temporary sniper until he can afford a new sword and Mikaela agreed to become a sniper alongside Yuu, both of their swords are damaged. "Okay report." Shinoa asked everyone in her team. It was now 4:22.

Yoichi was up a ladder since Shinoa insisted he should be checking the top for any enemy teams ahead or behind. "No one." the young vivid boy responded, gesturing to come back down but Yuu shook his head. "No don't, I think it's best if you stayed up there, just in case anyone tried anything funny." He reasoned. The brown haired boy accepted the request and the purple haired player moved on to the vanguard, it was Mitsuba and Kimizuki together. "So, you two, anything?" She stepped over to check for any observations. Mika, who was with Yuu in the front, turned around and watched as his team leader was gathering information. "Nope, nothing-" Kimizuki started. But Mika's blue eyes widened. "Hold it."

Shinoa and the two others all turned their heads quickly and let Mika point out what's wrong. He sighed and looked down at his cracked red blade, he frowned a little, knowing that this would be the last time he would use it. He held the tip and made sure the sword wasn't slipping out. "Look." He said and with one swift moment, he swung the sword. Since Mika's sword was enchanted by some spells he found on missions, he managed to enchant his photon sword. Wind obeying to his commands, flew along the movement and completely brushed away the leaves of a nearby bush. "No way..." mumbled an unfamiliar voice. But that's when the Shinoa squad noticed.

"Dammit, what do we do?" A boy with messy brown hair back away from the completely naked bush, he refilled his ASG Steyr AUG A2. He seemed to be the team leader of this team called "the Narumi Squad". This guy was Makoto Narumi, a participant from SS2. "Don't know, just avoid their bullets." A girl with blonde hair blew bubblegum, that was Rika Inoue. There were other men in the background including a timid girl, she fixed her glasses and looked up at Narumi. "Um...that's a really powerful sword.." Yayoi sheepishly mentioned. Narumi nodded, fire sprouting from his eyes.

Mika frantically looked around for something to cover the entrance of the alleyway with, until his eyes landed on a few cardboard and trash cans. "Everyone! Cover the entrance!" He claimed and immediately ran for the objects he spotted. Shinoa nodded and gestured Yuu to help the blonde. Yoichi jumped down from the ladder and placed his bow on the strap, they were under attack and it seems that the Narumi squad was intending to shoot directly at them.
"Lord Kureto," panted a delicate young woman who carried around a katana scabbard. She had purple eyes, golden blonde hair tied up in a single side ponytail and a firm look on her face. She was as tired as the day as her and her partner Kureto were walking up a rocky cliff for minutes now, she was practically exhausted. "Where are we going?" She wondered.

It was not at all normal that they were walking for the past minutes ever since they spawned in an abandoned beach. Getting tired of the sand getting in their boots, Kureto, in which is the team leader, searched for the most satisfactory of mountains before giving out his orders. Aoi remembered them, "We need to reach the top, I need to show you something." She recalled him saying earlier. But this was absolutely ridiculous, Aoi was fierce but she wasn't about to treat this game as if her life really depended on it. She was working nrmslly at her desk before her boss Kureto Hiragi asked if she could dive into 'Seraph of the End' for a "business discussion."

Here they were now, at the top of the mountain but Aoi kept pacing, "Will you finally tell me what's that master plan of yours?" She asked. It was their first time registering into an SS and Kureto didn't even bother taking his beloved JG204 sub machine gun yet. Instead, he inhales the deep warm summer sun and exhaled. He stretched a bit before he peered at the very edge of the mountain. Then, he took out his small little scope, Aoi gave him a disappointed look. "So we travelled all the way up here just for you to spy on from a high advantage? You could have climbed a tree."
The terminal scan beeped once, Siga grew wide eyes. "So KFLC annihilated that squad who were near the abandoned village. That's pretty interesting coming from my workers." He remarked. His two other comrades who were all sitting on half cut tree trunks, tilted their heads at their team leader's comment.
"They managed to get a kill already? Wow~!" Rigr chuckled, presumingly proud for the lower ranking workers back in the Amusphere building. However, when being assigned to a certain faction, Krul and Lest were given to Urd Geales. As for Ferid, It was Rigr's sole worker under his faction along with distant Crowley. The black haired man shifted over to watch in the corner of his eyes, that his blonde haired brother looked away immediately. So he had been listening?

"How did you know that Lest Karr-sama and Krul Tepes-sama were in fact your workers?" Ky Luc brought up the subject mainly because he had noticed that Rigr was gonna bother his boss. Rigr and Urd faced Ky before they turned over to Siga Madu, he's the one the question was addressed to after all. Siga laughed and twirled his long white hair with his fingers, "It's not convenient at all for them to use their real names. Second, they just act exactly like themselves." He mentioned. Urd rolled his eyes, he barely smiled throughout the competition, instead, he looked down at his gun before requesting their next move. Were they going to move away from their current environment?

It was now 4:22PM and they still have not moved from their forest clearing despite Siga finding a forest up ahead. Alright, now they should really refine themselves in the forests. The team leader glanced down at his terminal scan, there about a few metres lower than them was KFLC's dot. He smiled a bit before lifting his head back up, "What do you guys say we go after Krul's team?" He suggested. The three other men shrugged although they did each say something. "I don't mind, your call boss." Urd said. "I'd love to see if Ferid improved from the last time I saw that boy!" Rigr happily chimed and alas, "As long as we play it safe." Ky timidly admitted. Siga clapped his hands and stumbled off the crane, Urd'd eyes widened. "Siga Madu-"

However, his massive wings caught him in his fall and he fluttered down to safety, he gave a confused squint before he noticed Urd's face. "Ahaha! Look at your face! I'm perfectly fine!" He laughed and clapped his hands in amusement. Ky sighed in relief too, watching his boss fall from a fall that would kill him completely. But he was reminded of the fact that Siga purchased wings. "They may be revealing but hell do they save you from accidents like these." He empathized the word "accident". Urd and Rigr narrowed their eyebrows. "Anyways, let's get a move on then," Ky suggested. They were about to set off towards the forests until a gunshot was heard not too far away. Siga swung his head, "Oh?" He curiously said.

Urd pulled out the terminal scan, "Hm seems to be coming from the city near the centre of the map, there should be a battle with the Shinoa Squad and Narumi squad." He informed his boss. But on the satellite scan, the Shinoa squad's dot was still in the forests but they were the closest to Narumi's squad's dot. When the fight would be over, he knew that one of those dots would be shown inside of the ruined city. Rigr stepped off his rock in accompany of Ky Luc, "So," he started cheerily.

"Do we go after KFLC?" He asked his question addressing it to the Progenitors' team leader. Siga Madu thought for a second. Which opinion would be more wise? To go after a battle that's not too far away or pursue the team you've wanted to kill? Siga sighed and checked the scan again, checking the distance between them and KFLC. Way too far, too many more miles to walk. He shook his head and told his team: "Forget KFLC, We're going after Narumi's squad."
Shinoa's plan was simple, Yoichi was positioned as archer on the rooftop of a building to their left and Mika was pretty much doing the same but on the right. She told Mitsuba to take a detours without being noticed and managed to sneak up on the Narumi Squad. Now, her, Yuu and Kimizuki were standing in the centre of the alleyway, she was the decoy and the two boys were her attackers. The battle was now commencing.

Narumi was in front of his two teammates Rika and Kagiyama, he held his ASG Steyr AUG A2 firmly while Rika reloaded her sniper rifle. They had spotted Yoichi on the rooftop and Rika is struggling on shooting him down possibly because Gekkouin, Yoichi's cursed gear, keeps deflecting her bullets. "I'm running low on my magazine, Narumi." She blew her bubblegum with frustration. Their team leader clicked his tongue in irritation as well, he was trying to figure out why the purple haired girl was just standing there without defending herself. "Shinoa, why she's standing there?" He growled once more.

Kagiyama nodded at his frustration and aimed at the purple haired girl, she was smiling, upon examining his scope from closer. "I can eliminate her if you want." He told his leader. Narumi simply nodded at his request and turned his back to glance at the two other members hiding in bushes behind them. "Yayoi, Shūsaku, you guys have a grasp of our situation, right?" He spoke through the communicator. Both individuals nodded and loaded their sub machine guns. Then it was settled.

Kagiyama fired a single bullet from his enhanced battle riffle and the bullet line's trajectory hits Shinoa's chest. But instead of dodging, she smiles and lifts her cursed gear up. "Shi." She muttered. As the bullets flew closer to the purple haired girl's direction, she swung her scythe and orange flames sparked out of it. The blade destroyed the small bullet in a nick of time, it acted like a sword. However, as Kagiyama reloaded his gun in awe, it was a signal for the attackers and Mika to charge in. Shinoa lifted her scythe again and said: "Shi, make sure no one loses too much health." She says and the weapon emits blue flames to surround Mika, Yuu and Kimizuki.

"Shoot, Narumi, they're coming!" Kagiyama shouted out as he stepped out of the bush all three of them were huddled in. Narumi narrowed his eyebrows and began firing, Rika did the same. Yuu and Kimizuki used their blades to block the bullets but felt confident in rushing the other team due to the shield provided by Shinoa's scythe. The scythe user's eyes were illuminated in blue since she was converging her weapon's energy with  hers to control the shield. Each time the shield cracks, she whimpers.

"Oh yeah! Here we go!" Yuu chimed in happily as he swung his katana to his left.
"Asura-kannon!" He yelled out his special move before wings of blades appeared behind the enemy team's backs. Rika and Narumi stopped shooting for a minute to stare at the blades that were now behind them. "Shoot them down!" Narumi ordered. Rika nodded and began unloading a full magazine to prevent her teammates from getting impaled. Yuu used this time to make way for Mika and Kimizuki. He was merely a distraction, Shinoa said that he should retreat after releasing Asura-kannon.

The team managed to shoot down 14 of the fifteen blades summoned but ran out of time for the last one. Narumi was the unlucky one here and just as the blade charged towards his chest, he blocked with his arm and instead, his arm got impaled. He groaned in pain before stumbling backwards. Kagiyama, without mercy, pulled the stabbed blade out of his leader's arm before shaking him. "Pull yourself together man!" He yelled. Narumi weakly sighed and checked his health bar,
"Down to 50%, no time to heal." He told his comrades. The bubblegum in Rika's mouth finally popped. "What? Nonsense! You'll die!" She pointed out.

As Narumi was about to respond, Kimizuki charged in and swung his twin blades at the three players. "No time!" He aggressively stated. The three players' eyes widened when they noticed Kimizuki jumping upwards to meet them and slice their throats up. Narumi glanced at the sky and noticed his second murderer. Mikaela Hyakuya jumped down from the rooftop with kill-lust eyes. He had his photon sword out and prepared to swing.
'But no way he'll survive that jump.' Narumi thought, more bothered on getting Kimizuki away.

Mika literally jumped off a building and how did the rest of his team expect him to land safety? They should be aware that their teammates would get killed so were they tossing Mika in the sacrifice list without thought? Rika gasped and began shooting at Mika. "We're gonna die!" She exclaimed. Yayoi and Shūsaku attempted to help out as well by shooting Mika and it was their shots that were the most successful. Mika winced as polygon fragments appeared on his left thigh and right leg. "Got them!" Shūsaku reported.
But Mika wasn't dead nor was he finished.

"Tenjiryū! Now!" A teenager with blonde hair and purple eyes yelled from right beside Yayoi and Shūsaku. She stood up and slammed her axe down on the soil ground. Narumi's eyes widened as blue flames were casted on the ground. Mika landed directly on them and bounced off them. "Ah I see, so a soft landing." commented Kagiyama full of spite. Mika landed on the ground and stabbed Rika, his nearest target. The blonde haired enemy player spat out blood, directly in the right lung as well. "Rika!" Yayoi timidly gasped out.

When Rika's body went limp, Mika was exposed to Yayoi's bullets and so it did hit him. Two bullets hit his chest and a third one spitefully hit his stomach, Mika panted and stumbled back as a bullet hit him each time. Blood dripped from his mouth and he glared at Mitsuba. "Mitsuba!" He used every last of his energy to yell out before he collapsed in a bush. The blonde haired teammate of his nodded and slammed her axe down on the ground again. Yayoi was launched off the ground, chasms in the ground was created and it sent her flying all the way till she crashed into another building and was impaled by a sharp rock.

"Mika!" Yuu and Shinoa ran over to their dying comrade. He had about 20% at the moment and it was still decreasing. The blonde boy smiled and used his hand to grab his medkits but due to the lack of strength, he dropped them to the ground. Shinoa gladly picked them up and impaled them into his arm, all three of them. She couldn't keep one for him to save, his health would be way too low. Mika laughed and the blood began disappearing. "Haha, thanks." He thanked. Yuu nodded and smiled at him. "So you'll be okay, yeah?" He told Mika.
By the way that he saw his health bar increase by 1% every second, he was confident enough to smile back at the black haired boy. "Yeah!"
In the meantime, Narumi growled as he still had not gotten rid of Kimizuki. The pink haired boy desperately rushed him, charging at him with his twin blades and managed to push him away where the two corpses lay. "Dammit." He cursed out as Kimizuki sent him back once more. Narumi figured that he should use his secret weapon, the weapon that he only revealed to his comrades. "Are you giving up yet?" Kimizuki asked, swiftly flinging his left blade to slice Narumi's cheek. Pitifully, Narumi only had his ASG Steyr AUG A2 to block with.

The gun crumbled and cracked at every swing. He knows that he'll have to purchase a new one after this tournament and the idea already sucked. He sighed and managed to throw his gun aside and run off, he winced. He had abandoned his own gun on the battlefield but he needed some distance. But luckily for him, Kimizuki stopped in front of where he threw his gun and stood there, awaiting for any other unusual attacks from the enemy. The brown haired boy that had a bun took out a black stick from his back and stretched it out. Kimizuki's eyes widened.

It was a cursed gear as well, but it looked nothing like any of the Shinoa's squad's weapons. Narumi's weapon was a trident.
It didn't stop Kimizuki from charging at him now that his weapon is revealed. Sure it was no sword but it definitely was enough to fuel the pink haired player. The two weapons clashed and there was a power struggle between them. "My teammates had cursed gear too." Narumi confessed with a proud laugh. Kimizuki pushed his "X-positioned" blades further.
"Oh yeah? Didn't know." He retorted.

Narumi moved his trident up which caused Kimizuki to grow unbalanced. He tripped and growled as he felt a sharp pain on his back. The fact that he fell so harshly on the ground, he felt his ribs crackle from within. But the pain on his back, "Hah!" It was Narumi who impaled his trident into his back. Kimizuki growled and tried to stand back up. "You..!" He hissed in an attempt to save himself.
Narumi shook his head, "No, you killed two of my teammates. It'll be a shame if I can't kill one of you." He grinned.

Kimizuki winced ans grasped the dirt under him. "Dammit, why?" He whispered as his mouth was shoved to the ground because Narumi impaled his weapon further inside of his back. But using his hand muscle, he pressed a button by his communicator. "S-Shinoa..." he called weakly.
Shinoa was still with Mika and Yuu until she heard his calling from their communicator. Mika tilted his head in confusion, he was still laying on the bush, waiting for his health to recover. "Is that Kimizuki?" He asked. The purple haired leader moved away a bit and took out her scope from her pockets. "What happened, where are you?" She asked, speaking through the communicator.

Kimizuki coughed out blood as he continued his report. "N-Narumi got me.. I messed up with my moves." He admitted and Shinoa sighed. "There we go again, that's why I said you shouldn't over do it." She warned him one last time. But Kimizuki only laughed, "Yoichi is already aware?" He inquired and Shinoa replied spontaneously: "Yup. Now stay low."
The communicator shut off since Kimizuki slid his hand to shut it off again. He laughed as he raised his head to face Narumi's. "Hahah, called your leader there?" The bun wearing boy taunted. But Kimizuki said: "No, I was just asking on how your death was going."


A flashing green bird was shot out of a bow and it flew directly down to where Kimizuki and Narumi were. "Heads up." The pink haired player pushed his elbow up to punch Narumi in the stomach. The bun wearing boy stumbled back and grasped his stomach. "Hey-" the trident was still on his enemy's back but he couldn't speak another word. Yoichi's bird shot through his chest and it obliterated in half. As he perished, Narumi watched how Kimizuki gave a smug look. Looks like the battle had been won by him after all.

"Nice work Yoichi," Kimizuki said as a 'DEAD' marker appeared on top of Narumi's head. The brown haired boy smiled and waved from the rooftops. He smiled and began walking over to where his team leader was. But first, he ripped the weapon out of his back and growled in pain. Right, he had three medkits. Kimizuki used them and felt his lowered 40% health increase again. He continued walking and met up with Mitsuba, Mika, Shinoa and Yuu. "Hey." He greeted them.

Yuu places his hands on his teammate's shoulders. "Hey are you alright? Sorry we couldn't help." He apologized. Big Kimizuki shook his head. "Yeah you guys better be sorry but it's fine now." He still kept a cold response despite playing with these same people for the last 4 years. Mika chuckled and glanced at Yoichi, he signalled the boy to come down from the rooftop. Shinoa glanced at the dead bodies. There was Rika, Yayoi, Shūasaku and Kagiyama. Oh and Makoto Narumi all the way in the distance. "How did you kill the rest?" Kimizuki asked.

Shinoa didn't bother being detailed but she just said: "Yuu actually killed both of them. He quickly rushed over to them and sliced them in the waist." She explained and Yuu gave a feisty look. "Yeah I was awesome out there!" He cheered. Kimizuki and Mika laughed before Shinoa took out her terminal scan. "It's now 4:41PM." She told her teammates. The battle lasted 16 minutes.
A/N: Hi! It's me Lilla and thank you for reading the long awaited chapter 6 of SS! I recently became interested to write more about AGGO and ONS so I figured, why not make the most out of it! Now here we have a battle going on between the Narumi squad and the Shinoa squad and I admit, the battle was very fun to think about! So many ideas on how each character contributed to the battle but the description was extremely painful.
Yoichi was actually gonna kill off Shūsaku and Kagiyama with Gekkouin but I didn't anticipate the little face-off between Kimizuki and Narumi. Anyways, it's like 1AM as I'm writing this, I'm quite exhausted so I'll end my note here! Thank you for reading, cya!!

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