Chapter 5: The forests of SSIII
It was around 4:11PM when the enemy team staying by the same abandoned village as KFLC fled forward to enter it properly. Crowley, who was the nearest to peer in their surroundings, narrowed his eyebrows. "Well this is not good." he whispered quietly. Though, it was loud enough for the pink haired shirmp to hear since she was the one pressed on the wall right next to him. To her side and behind Crowley, were Lest and Ferid. "Hey, what's our situation? What are our positions?" The red and white haired bomber inquired, in a bit of a hurry. The sniper raised his hand out for the little pipsqueak to be a bit more quieter, it wasn't like the enemy team were literally two inches away from them. Crowley wasn't here to idle around and he didn't want the enemy team wanting to hear them in case they drastically closed the distance between them.
"Ok, start talking Crowley~!" Ferid clapped his hands and walked a bit closer to the buff man. The sniper waited a few moments before he said: "Alright listen up because I'm only saying this once. Lest and I will act as backup. Since we can't fight in close-quarters, I'll leave you the intense battling to you guys, Ferid and Krul." He said. The first one to make a wide face was the pink bunny. "Me? With him? Oh you must be kidding." She glared at her partner. Ferid, who only gave a broad grin, tried his best to act hurt. "Oh but I'm so excited to be working with you, Krul! Give it a chance!" He beckoned the fierce but short bunny.
Krul huffed at that response. Sure they worked with each other in the past however they have a...let's call it rivalry with each other? The pink bunny queen wasn't exactly sure how Ferid felt about her and oh boy, it was certain that it wasn't love, that's for sure. Even if Ferid did have any feelings for her, she'd turn him down with hesitation. Her and Ferid? Never, not even in eons. "Well whatever. As long as you don't slow me down Bathory. I have my P-Chan here and it's desperately in need for blood." She threatened, baring off her fangs.
Lest sighed. "Quiet down quiet down. Let's just start already, that's what you want right, Crowley?" The braided boy raised his head to face the sniper. The man in front of all of them stayed silent for several minutes before raising his hand out. "For now, let's focus on taking this team down without much worry. Keep in mind we don't want to waste much time either." He told them. All three of the players on this team nodded to each other. With that, "Roger that! Good luck everyone!" They exchanged words and ran out of their hiding spot.
As they closed in on the village, the enemy team that were previously hiding in bushes were now at the centre of town. Remarkable broken down houses belonging to one of a fairytale. The houses seemed so fragile, it looked like they had straw roofs. "According to the scan, KFLC would be here." The team leader said. Due to preparations for this plan, only the enemy team had the upper hand to check the scan. However what they didn't know was that team leader Krul's location on the terminal scan was false.
It was marked down that she was last seen by the centre of town, which was where the broken down fountain was. But, that's not the case. When 4:10PM struck, she quickly rushed over towards the back of the fortified decoy house. "Alright sir, what's our first plan of attack?" a boy with soft blonde hair stepped to be beside his leader. In fact this team's weapons were quite organized. Three members had M16A4 assault riffles, one had an Enfield L39A1 sniper and the last member had a L86 LSW machine gun. The leader looked around, the village looked empty, no one was around. "Hmm.." he thought. Too quiet, way too quiet. What were KFLC planning?
"Lucas, follow me. As for the rest of you, check every building." The team leader who had short black hair and goggles attached on his head had claimed this enemy team's orders. Lucas, the one that looked like a rookie and had blonde hair, followed his leader calmly. "Y-Yes sir.." he mumbled. The team then all split after the orders were registered.
Lucas and the team leader walked towards the fortified house. Upon seeing how it was completely wrapped up in traps and barricades up. "Why are we here, sir?" The blonde boy inquired and held his sniper tightly. The team leader inspected the house's door before turning towards the sniper wielder. "I believe they are hiding in here. What do you say we surprise attack them?" He suggests. Lucas nodded and smiled brightly. "Yes! That's a good idea! Let's do it!" He agreed without a doubt.
Technically earning an approval from his comrade, he began to take the door down. "We've got KFLC cornered! They barricaded the windows therefore they can't escape! They'll just die here!" The team leader protested, his gloved palms ripping down the wooden planks covering the door. Lucas anxiously stood behind him, his eyes were fixed on the door. "Hup!" The door had fallen backwards. However, what surprised the two men was that no one was inside.
The house was empty, all sombre and lonely. It was the perfect spot to hide too. The two men didn't understand why KFLC weren't there. "What the..." the team leader couldn't even form a complete sentence due to utter shock. "They...they.." Lucas too, was speechless on the emptiness of the fortified house.The two walked inside of the house, maybe they were just hiding behind some crates or something? It wasn't a bad idea to investigate. Wrong, it was a terrible idea. Suddenly, from behind them, the front door was on the verge of closing.
The two men turned around immediately and their eyes widened when they realized who were the two figures standing above their own shadows. "Ah~! Hello there! Just dropping by!" The silver head demon exclaimed, waving both of his hands. After he waved, he placed one hand back on the door handle defensively. Lucas and the team leader were definitely freaked out. "Ah so it was a trap.." the team leader realized right away what KFLC's intentions were. But then again, spoken with much determination, "You won't get away with this." He clenched his canines.
Ferid chuckled, swinging the door back and forth as if messing with the two players in the house. "Ah ah! But what if we already have?" He questioned back at the enemy team. However, the silver haired man couldn't enjoy his fun for much longer. Yet, the team leader was glad at the bunny queen's intervention. "Stop monologuing. Just kill them already." She huffed with much impatience. On second thought, the enemy team wasn't glad of that last part. Lucas blinked. "Hey now...we can maybe make a tru-" he was cut off by his leader.
"Nonsense! We don't make truces with powerhouse teams." He insisted harshly. Hearing that, Ferid faked a frown and turned to Krul. "Aww did you hear that? They don't want a powerful powerhouse ally." He taunted the two players. Krul crossed her arms and sighed. "You know, if you put it that way, I'm disappointed as well. If they were our allies, I'd have others to talk to aside from you." She retorted calmly without any regret. Lucas and the team leader on the enemy side looked at each other before shrugging. Looks like they were dialoguing now.
Ferid placed his free hand to his chest, approximately where his heart was, or near it. "I'm hurt Krullie dear! How could you say such mean things? Then again, you're team leader, so you shouldn't feel lonely! You have Lest and Crowley too, remember!" He reminded, albeit gleefully. Krul clicked her tongue in disgust. She didn't bother answering that one however if she could, she'd go along the lines of: "Lest and Crowley barely listen to me." Instead, she kept silence and just changed her glance towards the two enemies. Upon understanding his comrade's silence, Ferid clapped his hands.
"Ah well, that's our cue. Have a good one and thank you for playing SS3!" He chimed one last time before throwing a plasma grenade down on the ground and shutting the door right after. Lucas and the team leader's eyes widened. "Why you arrogant little—!" The two of the enemies were engulfed in a pact of smoke before their avatars' bodies vanished into a cloud of pixels. Just by falling into a decoy like that, two players were eliminated. Four more players to go.
Walking away from the blown up house, Krul was up front and had a serious look on her face was Ferid had a shrugging posture behind her. "That didn't end too well for them. You could have at least let me have my fun." He pouted at the short girl. But Krul shook her head. "Crowley gave us orders and it's best we follow them if we wanna play in the tournament for awhile longer." She claimed. The man chuckled at that and pursed his lips. "You forget too much, Krul. You're team leader, why listen to Crowley?" He inquired.
The pink haired bunny queen kept walking, she almost stopped and she hated that. Why would she even think about stopping? Was she actually weaker than Ferid Bathory's taunts? "I well—" she stammered the first time, in desperate search for a reasonable response. Ferid gleamed his eyes over to his teammate, intrigued by her stammering. "They're good plans, I gotta hand it to him." She finished the topic right after. Ferid let out another chuckle, it was quieter this time. "Whatever you say, Krul." He added.
The two players arrived at the centre of town, they stopped by the water fountain. Krul sat on the contours of the build. It may not look ravishing to the eyes for there were cracks on the sides but it still sprouted water from the very top of the structure. Crowley noticed that so that's why the two were scheduled to take a break here.
Water wouldn't exactly kill you in 'Seraph of the end' but it did lower your health depending on how much water was splashed on you. With a calm stream of water peacefully pouring down onto the basin, it wouldn't be enough to kill their enemies entirely. "I'm having so much fun, where are those three other players already, I'm getting awfully impatient." Ferid voiced out his thoughts. Taking the time to rest, Krul shrugged. "Use your eyes." She just said. The silver haired man did in fact take her advice and looked around. But he gave up in the first ten seconds. Not because he couldn't spot them in the distance, but rather because they were making their way straight for them. Ferid ran behind Krul, "Oh dear oh dear me." He chuckled.
Three players all with assault riffles shot in their direction. "You killed our leader!" One raged, still holding down on the trigger. "You'll pay for this!" Another yelled right after. The distance between the five players were around 2 metres. They were sure closing the distance between them and KFLC rather quickly. Run anymore and they might actually get critical hits. Krul, didn't seem to change her mood a single bit, she stared at the pathetic fools who ran straight forward. 'Not even looking out for snipers.' She thought in disgust and mere disappointment.
She stood up and held her precious P-Chan tightly. Upon noticing that Krul was still in front of him, Ferid couldn't help but laugh. "It's really kind that you're my shield for this one. Frankly, I appreciate it." He thanked the pink bunny and watched how the three players got even closer. Krul shook her head and prepared to aim at her target. "I'm not your shield, you're incorrect. I just happen to be here and you happen to be there." She replied without much thought. "*Pon pon*" her pink P90 went off.
Her target wasn't the three players actually. On the other hand, her muzzle was facing straight up at the sky and her shits were fired in the clear blue above them. The three players halted upon realizing her move. Unlike their leader who took some time to realize they fell in a trap, the three players knew this was a signal to something. "Keep your eyes peeled." The one running in the middle cane to a halt when the three were right in front of the two other players.
Without another word from the enemy, two grenades came crashing down on the fountain's water distribution. Its peace being interrupted, water squirted everywhere. "Ahhh!" The three players yelped before they were completing doused in the fountain's water. So much stained their clothes, forcing them out of the game, it was almost comparable to a tsunami. Not only that but if they didn't die from the water, two bombs would have done the trick. Three 'DEAD' markers lit up above the wet corpses. Krul and Ferid stared down at them indifferently.
"That was cruel." Ferid remarked with a grin. Despite being apart of the team that just killed these poor three men, he was still smiling. Krul shook off some water droplets that managed to fall atop her black skirt. She clicked her tongue in frustration. Great, now her health bar was lowered to 80 percent. However she couldn't whine, Ferid had it way worse. His health was down to 70. Then again, it was the stupid fool's fault for not moving.
"Thanks for the backup Lest!" Krul's eyes glanced upwards to face the small boy hiding on atop of a house's rooftop. Lest was refiling one of his MGL-140's rotaries. For two bombs, he only needed to use one out of his dual weapons. "Yeah yeah whatever, good job to you guys for not dying." Lest replied, cold as ever. Ferid looked up too, "But we still got wet, did you?" He asked politely. The small boy shook his head. "No I did not. Since unlike the both of you, I moved." He said. Krul crossed her arms before turning around to observe the abandoned village or the fountain specifically. "How could we? It was a sacrifice let's say! If we moved, then there might be a chance that the enemies survived that!" She exclaimed.
Lest shrugged and stayed on top. Whatever happens, Crowley ordered him earlier to stay on top of the rooftop to act as backup and to generally protect himself from gunshots. "With two bombs hitting a water source? I don't think so." He replied. The pink haired bunny looked around, there was one person left and their massacre would be over. They did good work so far and she couldn't be any prouder. "4:08 now." Lest informed her as if he read her mind. Krul was actually about to glance down at her wristwatch. She nodded with a smile. "Thanks, that's good. Now, do you spot the last person?" She inquired to Lest, who had a good viewing advantage.
The boy began searching around the village from his point of view. But, he replied back to her unsuccessful. "I'm sorry no, I didn't find anyone." He told Krul apologetically. Krul blinked at that response. Wow, were they actually not exchanging harsh responses for once? Was this a normal conversation between comrades and maybe friends? Ferid looked around too, still smiling. "It's gonna be bad if we don't find him! We have to look!" He reminded a bit too excitingly. Though, the three were stopped in their tracks when Crowley's voice came on the communicators.
"Stop, no need. I found him." He reported to his three comrades. Ferid was the first to react. "Did you now? Bravo!" He remarked happily. Then it was Krul, "Huh? Really? Where are they?" She inquired like any other player would ask. Finally, there was Lest who inquired: "Alright, good. What do we do? Just tell us." He was the one who requested orders on how to act.
Good team behaviours came out from the two shrimps. As for Ferid, no one wants to hear possible sarcastic remarks.
Crowley, who was several metres away from his team, reloaded his sniper then peeked in his scope. "Don't panic and don't move. The last player is 1 metre away from you, Krul." He told the pink rabbit calmly. But Krul was anything but calm. There was a literal machine gunner behind her, ready to create holes in her back. "Then we must attack at once." Lest brought up quietly. Crowley shook his head at that then said: "Actually, I'd like the kill, if you please." He requested.
Krul bit her lips in panic, she stared at Ferid and stood completely still. "Yeah sure sure...just make it quick." She trailed off her voice, showing her stress. Crowley nodded at he command, she was still leader after. He aimed his scope just right before squeezing the trigger.
Ferid, who spotted the man from where he was, waved at him. "Oh hi there!" He called out to the last remaining member on the enemy team. The machine gunner player, taken aback by Ferid's greeting, put his weapon down and waved back at him. "Oh hi." He called back, albeit not as enthusiastic as the silver haired man. "Enjoying SS3? We may be beating you but don't worry, you'll get better soon!" He cheered for his enemy. Surprised by such encouraging words, the man smiled back. "You really think so? But I'm not a good player." He admitted.
Ferid scoffed. "Did you think we were good players too at the start? For example, Krul, she was just way too adorable at the start. Using optical guns and-" he was interrupted by a grunt escaping his lips. When he grasped his leg leg, he noticed the pink haired girl standing there in anger. It seemed she kicked it. "Ouch.." he muttered happily. But Krul was not at all happy. "Watch what you say about me." She growled. Lest rolled his eyes at what was currently going on between his two comrades.
The banter between Krul and Ferid continued until the machine gunner noticed: "You two seem close." The two stopped talking and just took a second to acknowledge that Krul was going to come for him in a few minutes. Her close with Ferid? As if. "Apparently." Lest added with a neutral tone. The machine gunner shrugged and stared back at the two players metres away. Ferid sighed and shrugged afterwards. "Well, we're going to go now. Besides your time in SS3 expired. Hope to see you in the next one! Oh and piece of advice, never let go your weapon. They might actually save your life!" He told the machine gunner before cocking his head to the side.
A sniper bullet shot past his hair by a hair's length and he was honestly thankful that he dodged in time, or else his cheek would have been pierced through entirely. Not a minor injury there. As the bullet flew past Ferid, it hit the machine gunner pile through the forehead. Krul blinked, not realizing the speed of Crowley's bullet. "Dang." She muttered in amazement when she turned around to notice a 'DEAD' marker above the man Ferid was talking to seconds ago. Speaking of Ferid, he sighed again. "Shame he couldn't use my advice earlier, he's dead now." He said disappointedly.
"Damn dude. That team is brutal." One spectator that was sitting near the screen had mentioned to his comrades that were sitting beside him. The two other boys that were actually real life gun users in real life nodded along their friend. "Well yeah obviously. They're composed of 'Seraph of the end's possible best players. Why wouldn't they be good?" One friend said the following.
The player who said the first remark shrugged himself and kept watching the future battles unfold. "I don't know man. But I'm scared to meet them now." He admitted embarrassingly. His two friends chuckled in amusement before drinking down their beverages. "Don't be dude, I'm sure they'll be unequipped when we do get the chance to meet them." He said.
"Well that's a wrap." Lest hopped down from his post and joined up with the two others and Crowley who was currently climbing down from a house's rooftop. "Yeah I'm impressed with all of you, actually. We did well." Krul nodded at what Lest had just said. Ten minutes now, a battle in ten minutes. How was that even possible? It just shows that powerhouse teams were capable of anything.
When the sniper joined up with the others, he looked down at the shrimps. "Alright, I say it's time we leave this village. Though to where, exactly?" He asked everyone. But no one dared to respond so the last option or resort, per say, was the one clad in black. Krul Tepes, the bunny queen and the team's leader. All eyes fell on Krul. She sighed in exasperation. "Aww but why me? Why can't Crowley just take over the entire event?" She asked. Crowley shrugged and didn't seem too offended nor proud of the idea that Krul enjoyed his thinking. But, fair was fair.
"I wouldn't mind helping you think of battle techniques and team strategies but you'll still be KFLC's original and permanent team leader." He smiled to her. Krul's eyes widened slightly upon noticing Crowley's look. She turned around to face the two other boys, hoping to give her that same reassuring look. Lest was close, he had a neutral mood and Ferid was just disappointing as always. He stood there with a mocking smirk. Krul sighed and shut her eyes. "Yeah Krul, you're team leader. Don't rely on Crosley for everything." Ferid taunted.
"Shut your mouth." The pink haired girl demanded from him. The silver haired man obeyed and even chuckled a little, that gave him a confused look from Lest and an amused one from the sniper himself. When Krul reopened her eyes, she looked ready. She looked like she was ready to operate as an actual team leader now. Ready to give orders and not fail her team. "Alright, we'll be heading south." She spoke her plan out to the rest of her team. Without much objections, "Roger that!" was heard from all three of them.
It was now 4:11PM.
The black haired team leader of the Guren's squad, stared down at his wristwatch. His eyes narrowed at the change of time, "4:11 and according to the scan, a team has been wiped out by the city area." He told his comrades, who were carefully huddled beside him. Sayuri was the first one to respond to that, she peered over at the terminal in Guren's hands. "I believe that's a village, Guren." She corrected calmly. Goshi, who was sitting on a hay bale, simply shrugged. "Village or not, we don't care. What's important is that this was a one sided massacre. Frankly, I'm impressed." He added with pure sincerity. The red haired girl between Sayuri and Goshi stood up abruptly. "Come on, we can do much better." Her grey eyes flared up.
Guren tapped on the surviving dot in the centre of the village area. "Hm.." he let out a sigh and a clear sign of deep thinking when he realized which team was responsible for the newest elimination. It was KFLC, naturally. Why wasn't he surprised? That team is brutal therefore he had to be careful when crossing paths with them. However, not this tournament, not this one, no. Him and his team didn't have to worry getting slaughtered by KFLC. "That's KFLC, right? Eep, I don't want to get on their bad side." Sayuri mentioned, her expression turning into a concerned one at the sight of KFLC's surviving dot. Shigure, who noticed Guren's struggle to calm everyone down, sighed. "Don't worry Sayuri, it's not like they're totally unstoppable. They just defeated 6 players in 10 minutes." She said.
Sayuri raised her hands up to her cheeks. "That's still saying something!" She exclaimed to both Shigure and Guren. The team leader sighed at his turn and only faced Sayuri with an unconcerned expression. It seemed like he had a plan and Shigure could tell almost immediately. When their team leader decides not to say anything, it means that he was in the process of thinking of a good plan or their team. "You have a plan, right Guren?" The short blue haired girl made sure that her theories were correct. But then Guren said: "Eh, plan? No, I was thinking about what to have for supper." He told Shigure. Sayuri and Shigure's eyes both widened. "Eh?!! We're gonna die!!" They both screeched. Well, this was it, this was gonna be their demise. They would die in the hands of KFLC. However, Guren sighed, smiling in amusement when the reactions came out. "I'm kidding, I do have a plan. We'll make our way south. We'll see if we can catch up to KFLC." He ordered.
Mito prepared to climb down the ladder of the barn. Currently, Guren Squad were at the highest floor of the smelly barn. To assure that other players in the vicinities couldn't shoot through the arc-shaped entrance of the red painted building. "Are you suggesting we fight KFLC?" The red haired girl questioned Guren's decisions. Fighting KFLC head-on didn't seem like a good idea in her eyes. Having being beaten by Krul and Crowley in SS1 then by Ferid alone in SS2 was concerning. Yet they were 6 players. The team leader followed her and gestured everyone else to follow him. "I'm not saying that exactly. But you're close." He told Mito. As the six players of Guren squad prepared to leave the barn, Mito still had no idea where she was off in her suggestion.
"And that's the last one dead." A boy holding a bow 'cursed gear' spoke over the communicator. He sat atop a tree and was accompanied by another boy with pink hair this time. He had twin blades that fell under the category of: 'cursed gear' too. Below them and hiding behind a massive rock, was a dead corpse with the 'DEAD' marker above their chest. It was clear that the user with the bow and arrows was the one responsible for this player's elimination. A few metres below and farther from them, another voice was heard on the communicators. "Report." The purple haired girl ordered the two players atop the trees to repeat their report and their current situation.
"Like Yoichi just said, Shinoa. All four players from that squad are dead." Kimizuki, the boy with the twin blades, explained calmly and began climbing down the tree. It was rather fuzzy there with all of those leaves settling down on his pants, it was surely uncomfortable. Yoichi began to follow him down as well. "Well that's good. We meet where I am." Shinoa said to the two boys. However, before Kimizuki fully allowed himself to make his way towards Shinoa, "Are you sure it's safe there?" He questioned. The two boys started to speed walk towards the location that a Shinoa told them earlier. It was behind three big rocks and the possibility of being spotted hit 10%. When they would be done assaulting the squad that recklessly shot in these forests, the two would have to meet up with the rest of the team there.
"It's safe trust me." Shinoa replied over the communicator before her hand was placed on the 'Off' button. She sighed and glanced up at the sky. "Over and out." She told the two boys over the radio line. Kimizuki and Yoichi nodded. It wasn't like they were completely in a screwed up situation. Yuuichiro, Mikaela and Mitsuba were still on the other lines. Plus, they were the closest to Shinoa so if the two spotted more enemies, they could just tell one of the three and Shinoa will be aware. Meanwhile, Shinoa leaned back on the giant rock.
There was a pestering ruckus beside her and her ears couldn't take it anymore. Yuu and Mika were talking a bit too loudly. "Hey Mika! Do you have any ammo? I don't have anymore.." Yuu whined.
The blonde sighed for what, the umpteenth time? "I already told you, if I give you anymore, then I will run out myself." He took a pause to mention another fact. "Besides, I gave you some in between the battle we just had. Did you seriously waste them all?" Mika didn't seem impressed with the black haired boy. Yuu shrugged, well he would have nodded but he knew that Mika would be completely done with him. "Well no but actually yeah." He gave a big smile, in hopes that his friend might give him more ammo for his gun. But like expected, Mika scooted away from him. "No, ask Mitsuba." With those cold words, he stopped speaking with the black haired boy. Yuu was left with empty magazines, he grumbled sadly. "Awww man.". Quietly, watching how the banter between the two ended, Shinoa gave a light-hearted laugh.
Siga Madu stared up at the skies. He had a big smile on his face as his hands were stretched out, as if almost ready to grasp the sun over to him. "It's such a beautiful day to compete, don't you think Urd?" He questioned the man dressed in a white shirt with a black vest over it. It was a bullet proof vest as well so he didn't have to worry too much getting hit. Calmly, Urd replied: "Yes, I agree." No smile nor frowns were seen on his lips. He was completely indifferent to all of this. "It's sad how we didn't encounter anyone yet." Siga brought up, there after minutes of smiling, a disappointed look was seen.
Though, Ky Luc interjected. "To be blunt my leader, I'm perfectly fine with not encountering anyone for the entire tournament." Sitting on a chopped off log, Ky said. Siga Madu shrugged. "Ah yeah, but that's boring. The point of SS is to fight and get better in gun battles!" He addressed to the unenthusiastic newbie of the progenitors, who was currently quaking under his boots. Ky Luc gulped.
"I'll try my hardest to impress you then." He muttered just loud enough for his team leader to hear. Siga lowered his head with a grin. "Please try your hardest." He responded.
A/N Hiya! LillaSmolBean here and thank you for reading chapter 5 of Seraph squads! If you enjoyed and like the storyline so far, please leave a vote and comment down below your thoughts! Now usually I'd end the author's note here however I have a little storyline. So yesterday I got a new phone and synced it with my iPad. Then, all my notes that were on my iPad got transferred to my phone. I didn't want to have all these notes on my phone since storage reasons so I deleted them off my phone. Biggest mistake ever because when I checked the notes on my iPad, they were all gone. I didn't remember what were those 52 notes in whole but I know it was important notes, OTP oneshots, my list of OCS so far and chapter drafts. Yeah everything was gone and I just feel, really disappointed. However, as for SS, it's an advantage since I can rewrite those gun fight scenes and have fun by adding or removing things from the draft and the rewrite. Now because I remember what happened in the old draft, I'll point out the differences between the deleted draft and this version of the chapter.
Keep in mind that in the original, I haven't gotten around to writing the checkups between the Guren Squad, Shinoa Squad and Progenitors.
1. In the original, Crowley doesn't mention that Lest will be acting as backup. He just says that Ferid and Krul will be teamed up for this battle.
2. In the rewrite, Ferid taunted Lucas and the team leader more than what was originally planned, which would have made Krul's scoldings last only 1 phrase compared to 1 whole paragraph.
3. Adding to that, originally, Lucas didn't have a name and was known as: "the blonde boy" or "rookie".
4. During the water fountain attack and Lest's debut, Ferid originally shields Krul from the water. In the rewrite, he runs behind her to shield himself.
5. In the rewrite, Lest and Krul had less interactions than in the original. The two were also more friendlier with eachother during that interaction.
6. The spectators were gonna have a scene to describe how they feel about the murderous KFLC for each part during battle. There would have had 3 scenes(the fortified house scene with Ferid and Krul, the fountain attack and the end of battle.) But in the rewrite, the spectators only appeared at the end of the massacre.
And that's about it! What did you think? What did you wanted to be kept in? Let me know and I'll cya you all later! Cya cya!
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