Chapter 3: An unannounced meeting

It was 7:10AM, a pair of brown eyes fluttered open at the sound of an alarm going off. Ugh, right it was morning. A petite girl stepped out of bed and very gently, turned the alarm clock off. This girl was the person behind the adorable little bunny queen. Both were remarkably 145cm, both have pink hair, just different hairstyles and she decided to use her real name for her avatar. She quickly washed up, brushed her teeth and got dressed into a white shirt with a black skirt. There was also a black tie wrapped around her neck as well as golden bracelets around her wrists. The girl tied one strand of her hair into a braid while attaching multiple flower clips onto it for show. Finally, she walked off to the kitchen where she grabbed her bag containing all the written reports she had to get done for the week then slipped into her black heels.

As if on cue, she spotted a silver convertible waiting outside her apartment. She flinched at the closeness, walked out anymore and she might have tripped onto the bumper. "Well well, if isn't her majesty Krul Tepes? Get in." It was the silver haired, Ferid Bathory. The pink haired girl rolled her eyes and just walked over to the front seat. Crowley was in the back, sipping on a cup of coffee. When the door shut, Ferid proceeded to back the car up in order to return to the road. "You look ravishing, as always." He complimented Krul with a cheerful look like most days. "Hm, why thank you. I see you never lost your detestable grin." She mentioned, smiling at him sweetly. There was clear hatred for one another here, Crowley observed the two quietly. This just happens everyday, he was used to it.

"But it's charming right?" Ferid laughed at Krul's comment. The car began to drive on a fine road, narrowed down because of the forest-like environment they were in. "No." The pink haired girl simply responded to his question. It earned her another laugh from the driver. His free hand gave her the hot cup of coffee, "It wouldn't be fair if me and Crowley enjoyed a cup of hot coffee this nice morning, why don't you have some, my queen?" He asked, occasionally glancing at her, he surely couldn't go one day without looking at her cute face atleast once. Krul looked down to face the cup of coffee, a cold glare was seen on her face. "You didn't poison it, now did you?" She inquired, slightly sniffing the warm drink in her hands. It truly did smell like delicate coffee. But she just wanted to make sure. Once again, Ferid acted like a complete moron.

"Ouch! I'm hurt! I can't believe you would accuse me of doing such a thing." The silver haired man chuckled a few times before that. Ferid truly was a lost cause. She turned over to Crowley for guidance. The man with red and black hair took another small sip from his own cup then gave Krul's obvious eyes. "If he really did poison it, would I still be drinking? Seriously, he didn't." The buff man responded. He leaned against the backseat as more air wafted through their hair locks. Krul reluctantly drank from the cup, she found herself discovering that the beans were absolutely divine. Ferid sure does know how to make coffee. "Very much appreciated, Bathory." She absolutely refused to say the word 'thank you' to a pest like Ferid. Sure they've known eachother for awhile now, but they weren't exactly considered to be on 'good terms.'

Every day, Krul would be picked up and dropped off by Ferid. Though since Crowley lived closer to Ferid, he figured that it wouldn't be too bad If he picked up and dropped off the both of them. It was always nice to chat to someone on the way to work and home. However, there was always one question on the red and black haired man. "Hey Ferid, I've got to ask, why do you always insist that I stay in the back?" He questioned. It was true though, why did he have a full bench all to himself? While his 'rival' was sitting right beside him in the front? Ferid laughed upon hearing the sniper's question. Thankfully, it was a red light. The vehicle stopped and the silver haired man had the time to glance back only to catch Crowley's amused look. Was he getting on to something?

"Well for example, if we ever get in a car accident, atleast you won't be the first to die! Ahaha~" Ferid cackled, glancing immediately towards the pink haired girl in the front passenger seat. She surely wasn't amused. "No offense of course!" Ferid smiled at her cold glare. She's so cute though, taking jokes way too literally. To his surprise, the small girl didn't really say much about it. She just shifted rather uncomfortably. He couldn't make any more comments about the joke before the light turned green again. Ferid began driving once more along the thin roads. To end off this topic once and for all, Ferid said: "Or maybe I just like to see my dearest Krul's cute face whenever. Remember that Crowley." He rephrased his precious statement to him. Krul felt herself tensing up at his chosen response. Crowley just nodded, the silver haired man could see him from the rear-view miroir.

"Anyways, I'd like to discuss about SSIII coming up tomorrow." The sniper chose the new topic to their conversation almost simultaneously. Ferid and Krul's eyes widened slightly at not only the his's choice but the announcement. Was there gonna be another SSIII? It had already been three months since the last tournament and Krul surely had a good time going up against Ferid and Crowley with the help of Lest. Now that there was going to be another tourney, the two boys in the car with her would expect her and Lest to team up with the, forming the legendary KFLC squad all over again. "Tomorrow? Why have they announced it so late?" The pink haired girl asked, something was not adding up here. If a game hosted a competition as important as SS, shouldn't they have announced it to the public sooner than today?

"They didn't. They announced it one week ago actually. I just held myself off from telling you guys. I thought you might have known for yourselves." The man in the back gave a smug eye brow raise. Crowley was a man in whom they call: 'Last-minute.'  A few chuckles from Ferid were heard as his hands still stayed fixed on the steering wheel. "You are so silly, Crowley. You should have told us next time. You know I don't exactly follow up on 'Seraph of the end' often. I play other games too." He brought up. It was no surprise that Ferid revealed that he played other games before. The two of them practically knew. It's just, he spends more time in a game called: Bloody blades. Again, it's an RPG-type game that has 8-bit graphics. Not only that, he also plays a TRPG game called: Beginning of Destiny, it was recommended by a friend of his. The man did enjoy both and still continues to play them no matter the popularity 'Seraph of the end' was getting. "Don't you like a good surprise? Right your majesty?" The sniper chuckled, then addressed to silent silent Krul.

A huff was heard from her as she stayed laying down against the headrest of the seat. No, she shouldn't get too comfy. This car belonged to a smug pest that only wants to hold power over others. "I don't like surprises, no." She discarded Crowley's attempt to prove a point. It earned a laugh from Ferid and a bored expression from Crowley. "See? Krul Tepes has spoken, don't keep any surprises from us again, got that?" He made Crowley promise him. Although, je was a bit relieved that Krul agreed him. Not because it gave him the impression he wasn't alone, but maybe more so he could threaten the man in the back. What was also remarkable was that both men were awfully fond of using Krul's 'Seraph of the end' aliases as an excuse to mockingly treat her like a real queen. But for Ferid's burning hatred for her, he just saw a fake queen, a wannabe ruler who is showered by her own lies. That's what she wanted to make the people of his workplace realize.

"Unfortunately, I'll keep that in mind." The black and red haired man replied to the silver haired driver's request. Silence had entered then left for a minute as the car gently drove in a mediocre speed. Then finally, "Point is, are we entering?" The sniper asked to the two main attackers of the team. Good question. Were they? Well, Crowley and Krul have entered all two SS's so far. Ferid and Lest made their grand debut back in SSII. Now SSIII gave them the opportunity to unite together and their skills to form the greatest and strongest team in all of 'Seraph of the end.'  The one to answer to Crowley's question was the pink haired Krul, her eyes were still fixed on the scenery. It truly was a beautiful day outside, right? "Depends if Lest wants to join. I hate to say it but KFLC is nothing without our nuclear tornado." She stated.

There a few more stoplights and tunnels to take before they arrived at the official 'Amusphere' complex. Ferid drove towards the parking lot. Right, they'll think more about SSIII and Lest's potential participation later. They have just arrived at work, they should be focusing on that. It wasn't everyday that you get the job at the company who literally builds the machine in which the four of them have been binge playing for the past months.
"Why do you never invite Lest when we're driving here?" inquired the pink haired girl as she walked up the building's front steps. The silver haired man was beside her and the buff guy was behind as usual. I think it's a practical mock to have Krul in front just because she was so short. Ferid held the door open for his two co-workers, especially for Krul because like they always say: "Ladies, first." But in his mind, Krul was no lady. She was a lying hypocrite that just wanted authority. Power, more more power, that's all she needed to function. Ferid needed to keep a close eye on her in that case. "I could've of! But the boy insists on arriving bright and early. Not to mention, je doesn't want to waste petrol." The silver haired man stated. The three of them entered the building, only to be greeted by two other humans. One had soft blue hair and green eyes while the other had black hair and grey eyes. The two waved at their superiors, they were just ordinary delivery men among the other individuals here.

"Lacus, Rene, delivering I see? So early?" The eccentric one walked up to the two and did a little handshake. Lacus laughed. "As always, man, boss Shikama is always so hard on us. Always being like: 'Get these amuspheres delivered to the local game store as soon as possible!' " he imitated the demanding boss before walking off with a pile of boxes attached on a trolley. Rene had a serious expression on his face while Lacus was laughing to himself. The three did have to admit, it was a pretty good impression of Mr. Doji. Arriving inside of the lift, Krul raised her hand to press the button leading them to their floor. Ofcourse, she just couldn't have a single minute to herself. "Are you sure you can reach or do you want me to do it?" Ferid broadly grinned, leaning on the elevator's rails. Crowley simply rolled his eyes, he was pretty used to it by now. Krul curled her palm into a fist then glared at Ferid. "You see, this is why you should invite Lest to join us in the mornings. Bull crap like this won't happen on his watch." She threatened to literally beat the hell out of him if he said another word.

"What? But I think riding a bike to work is quite pleasant." The buff man intervened, he was quite athletic actually which explains why he had more muscles than Ferid and Lest. Crowley doesn't only practice shooting, swordskill nor play games all the time, he plays a few sports as well. For example, soccer, tennis and baseball. Let's not forget cycling, he loves cycling is practically at Lest's level in riding bikes. Both can ride through high hills or when control themselves when sliding down a mountain. Ferid and Krul still loose their balances and often crash into trees or bushes when attempting to do so. The important part is that everyone knew how to bike without helmets....possibly. "It tires me out. Especially when your back tire isn't pumped. Extra pedalling for nothing." Krul responded, finally pressing the button. Still though, massive props to Lest Karr for coming to work everyday with only a bike. Maybe living so near to their workplace gives him an advantage?

It didn't take too very long for them to arrive at their designated floor. The elevator doors opened and the three fled out. They were greeted by the early-comers. As an example, there was Chess Belle and Horn Skuld who were quite delighted to see Crowley arrive. Well Ferid as well, but they always found him to be quite delirious at times or even strange, they didn't know how to explain it. As for Krul, they don't really talk much, Chess and Horn only make sure to respect her humbly. She was their superior after all. Then there was Esther, who always manages to arrive 20 minutes before his friend: Lucal Wesker. He was a good worker under Lest's faction. Right, someone should probably explain the factions orders. Basically, everyone works for Shikama Doji. So therefore, everyone is technically considered inside of Mr. Doji's faction. After him, it splits into two other factions. Urd Geales and Rigr Stafford's.

Actually, Lest, Krul and two other workers of theirs named: Nix Parthe and Ky Luc were apart of Urd Geales' faction. While the exception of Ferid Bathory and Basteya Irclu were apart of Rigr Stafford's faction. After those two, Lest, Krul and Nix gets their own factions. They've got a few workers in their own factions, there isn't really an imbalance between the three. Afterwards, there's the building team. Those who builds the amuspheres, Ky Luc's faction. His team is composed by a bunch of workers and Basteya Irclu, who isn't working under him. Finally, there was a mistake. Ferid Bathory was just an ordinary worker like Crowley. His job was to spread the news around on their new product or coming up with ideas on how to improve their product or handle complaints about the amusphere. He wasn't allowed to have a faction yet he was very smooth with words. The man talked his way into making a faction for himself. Luckily, the given opportunity didn't go to waste. Crowley, Chess, Horn, Fuole Honte, Lacus and Rene were apart of his faction. That's the explanation.

Chess Belle and Horn Skuld got off their computers and walked out of their cubicles only to greet the man with black and red hair. "Hey Crowley, how are you doing?" The blonde woman smiled warmly at him while the smaller girl with blue hair pouted. She had her hands on her hips. "You were one minute late man. Respect your routine! I believe it's the first time you came at this time!" She practically scolded him. As the three individuals got into a conversation, Krul walked off towards her workspace. Again, like said earlier, she couldn't have a minute to herself or even a day without interruptions from an idiot. "Ferid, stop following me everywhere. Will you?" She growled under her breath. But the man still kept a cheerful smile as he twirled his fingers around his own hair. "But why not? I like following you around." was his excuse. At this point, Krul's growl was audible for both of them to hear, for her to enjoy and for a Ferid to fear. "You're getting creepy. Wait no, my bad. You're always creepy." She corrected herself earning a quiet laugh from Ferid. "How cruel."

Krul opened the door to the room where all her things were. It was a pretty small room, enough to fit three computers at least. This room was where the advertisers worked. Which were: Lest, her and Nix. She walked inside and sat down at her desk, which was the one at the right. Nix was at the left and Lest was in the centre. Speaking of Lest, his chair turned around to see the small boy with his arms crossed. "Look who it is." He declared with a serious tone. Ferid laughed and Krul only rolled her eyes. She didn't have time for this. "Did somebody get off at the wrong side of the bed this morning?" The taller man inquired to the red and white braided boy as he walked even closer. "Halt there Bathory and no, I didn't. Did you?" Lest raised a hand out, stopping Ferid in his tracks. Krul sometimes envies how Lest was able to make Ferid stop under his commands. Whenever she tried something like that, the man would always do something blunt. Like disobey her orders and hug her when she clearly demanded him to cease.

"Oh no, I can't actually. My bed's against the wall. If I tried rolling off to the right, I'd just bump myself against the wall." Ferid claimed. Lest moved his hands to tap a few things on his computer, right, the boss assigned him to skim over a document on the estimation of prices for the amusphere. In fact, it seems everyone was doing something different today. Krul had to work on advertising on sites as well as earn sponsorships while Nix had to edit through the ad Lest and Krul sent him last week. Krul sighed as she continued to search through virus-free sites. Her eyes lifted to face the smiling man who was still by Lest's desk. "State your business, Bathory." The small boy grew impatient of his presence here. He was being watched and it was absolutely disturbing. Despite Ferid being a lower-rank than him, it still builds some sort of pressure knowing he was allowed to have a faction.

"Oh nothing really, I'm bored out of my mind. That's why I'm staying here." He cheerfully told the two shorties working by their desks. Lest and Krul glanced at eachother, both seeming to have annoyed looks. That is, the silence broke when the pink haired girl asked a question but not before she found a legal site for advertising. With her mouse, she clicked on it, made sure there weren't any scams nor viruses on it a second time then searched for a place to post an ad. "I seriously doubt you finished all of your work for the week." The pink haired girl scoffed slightly. It was true though, Ferid Bathory finishing all of his paperwork for the entirety of seven days. Though surprisingly, the girl received a chuckle from the taller man. Did she found out the truth?  "Ah, you caught me. I didn't. But why can't I just stay here to hang around with my friends for a little while?" It was quite funny actually, Ferid don't really consider those two as friends seeing they're so hostile around him. The only one he truly considered as an ally was Crowley. Atleast he was bearable.

"Friends? You hung out with us yesterday." Krul reminded with slit eyes. Despite them seeming rather close by their interactions on that augmented reality game, they didn't really seem that way during work period, or rather, real life. The only one who does an effort at being friendly was Ferid. But no one really knows if that's a facade or not. "Oh yeah but that's 'Seraph of the end'. I'm talking about real life here. There's a fine difference between online and offline meetings." He leaned against the wall, sticking around for a good minute or two just for the purposes of pissing the two workers off. They hung out yesterday as well as before before yesterday. It was without a doubt that they'd be playing tomorrow after work. It was so incredibly lucky that SSIII was being held exactly at 4PM, the four of them usually finish around 3:40PM. So they have some time. "I suppose so. But still, begone. The boss will potentially fire you if you don't do your work." Lest gave him one last warning.

Compared to Krul, he was able to make him cease, finally. His blabbering mouth can be shut at once. Ferid did a small wave to the two workers before he walked out of the door. "Alright alright, I guess it would be inconvenient if I did get fired. Well, I guess I'll see you during break. Later! Oh and Krullie dear~ I love you!" He waved at them enthusiastically before popping out of the room and having the manners to shut the door behind him. Krul grumbled under her breath, well this just dampened the mood. Still, she remained focus and kept working. What she didn't know was for a second, Lest eyed her down with a neutral expression. How does she deal with someone like Ferid Bathory? "Does he actually mean it when he says that he "loves" you?" Lest raised a brow, realizing that Krul wasn't going to glance back at him and ask why he was staring at her. Upon hearing the question, "Frankly, I don't want to know the truth." Krul responded passively.

After leaving the advertisers' office, Ferid made his way back to his cubicle. His was right in front of Crowley's and it was beside Fuole Honte's. He sat down on his chair and opened his computer. Well, it was time for work. Before he could even log onto his account, a call was heard right in front of him. Crowley was standing up and being quite tall, he can see over the dividers between him and Ferid. He waved at him. "So what did he say?" Crowley asked, his hands pressed on the top of the cubicle. Ferid looked lost for a second. What was he talking about? He inserted his username and password thus logging into his account then looked up at Crowley, who was basically towering over him. "Was I supposed to tell them something?" He asked the taller man. It was then that Ferid remembered what he was supposed to tell them- especially Lest Karr. "Did you really forget that quickly? You could've asked Lest if he wanted to participate in SSIII." The buff man seemed a tad disappointed. But Ferid assured him that it wouldn't be a big deal. They still had a whole day.
A few more hours passed and it was finally known as: Work period. All employees have arrived in the building and are by their cubicles. Man, it would be a busy day today, wouldn't it? Ferid and Crowley were hard at work, writing down ideas for their new product: The amusphere. It was quite popular among the townspeople all around the world at the moment. At least, that's what they thought. The silver haired man typed a few things on his computer before he rolled his chair back, Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're already done." He sighed, already knowing that his friend had in mind. Ferid stood up from his cubicle, with a smug grin on his face. "Of course not~" he responded. Right, he was going on "break" for the fifth time today.

"If you keep this up, Mr. Doji will surely notice something." Crowley warned, still typing at his keyboard. However, Ferid shook his head. "He won't notice anything if he's always by his office." He snickered before walking off towards the advertisers' office. God, Crowley just didn't know what to do with this man anymore. Why was he still rooting for him? Was it because of all their time spent in 'Seraph of the end'? He really didn't know. Nevertheless, When Ferid arrived by the advertisers' room, he calmly knocked on the door. "Open up~" he quietly cooed from behind the door. Unfortunately, his voice could be heard from Krul and Nix's side, they were the nearest to the door. As the pink haired girl stood up to answer it, she was stopped by Lest extending a hand. "Stop, it's Ferid Bathory again." Lest interjected with an evident glare.

Nix rolled his eyes, scrolling down the page a bit more using his mouse. He stretched back, "Well he came here several times already. Tell him to shut up." The man responded impatiently. Krul sighed, just hearing her co-workers' complaints encouraged her not to open the door. When he came here the first time, he simply wanted to borrow a pen, turns out, he overstayed his welcome.
All the other times were visits of consecutively thirty minutes each. The three were sick and tired of Ferid Bathory's nonsense. "If I don't answer the door, he'll just keep coming back." She whispered to the two. Lest and Nix both rolled their  eyes, were they really giving her the decision to open the door or not? "You both suck." She spat harshly as if understanding the conclusion. Answering the mad man would be her choice after all. Just because she was the oldest.

"Lord Karr, Lord Parthe. Please open up for lil' ol' me?~" Ferid called out for: behind their door. Nix, Krul and Lest all groaned. Was he ever going to shut up? The pink haired girl turned over to Lest, giving him slit eyes. "I'm gonna answer." She responded before standing up. The other boy crossed his arms, glancing away for a brief moment. She just didn't get it, did she? If she didn't answer, he would stop coming. Well dear Lest, that's incorrect. Krul was right to answer the door, it would shoo him away for several minutes. It's a tactic from dealing with Ferid many years ago. Eventually, Krul opened the door, glaring right at the taller man in front of her. He gave her a sweet smile before calling: "Krullie dear~" he started, looking over at the annoyed Lest Karr and Nix Parthe. Krul herself didn't seem too pleased. "What do you want?" She questioned, getting straight to the point.

"I finished with work, I'm bored, can I not talk to my friends?~" He complained at his friends. Lest quietly hissed, trying his best to focus on the essay he was writing. Nix couldn't focus at all, he simply listened through the conversation  inches away from him. "We all know that's a load of bull. Get back to work." She ordered. Ferid only smiled even more at that, ahaha there goes his points being right. See? He was right after all! He told Crowley that she acts like a total queen, like she ran this place. Who was he to follow orders? "But that's boring~" he retorted. There was a bit of silence between the individuals before Krul spoke once more. "I wonder why you aren't fired yet, Bathory boy." The worker in front of the doorframe and her, only laughed. "I don't know why mr. Doji wanted me to stick around for much longer." He admitted.

"Well whatever, I can end your career at the moment. It's best not get on my nerves, your superior, mind you." She gritted her teeth. But to her surprise and probably frustration, Ferid leaned down, the conversation could now only be heard between the two of them. He cupped her cheek, stroking her soft pink hair. "Such arrogance, my beautiful queen. Do remember that if you ever decide to tell mr. Doji of my disturbances, I'll have you reported for being involved with other companies such as: Nervegear." He threatened, a small smile forming on his lips as he witnessed her eyes widening. Blackmail, of could she have allowed this? Krul's heartbeat sped up as she thought of her next move. Instead, "You..." a weak response was muttered. Ferid stopped bending and winked at the small girl. "Please remember that if you ever think on reporting mr. Doji of my actions, you will be in trouble with the boss yourself. Think wisely! I love you Krul!" The man began to walk off slowly.

The pink haired queen stood there, completely tense. Her fists were clenched and she couldn't even begin to think how much she wanted Ferid Bathory dead right now. How did he find out? She hid her secrets rather well. How could he have found out? It was all so ridiculous. Ferid couldn't have stalked her, she would have noticed by now. Suddenly, "What was that all about? Krul Tepes?" a call from Nix snapped her out of her thoughts. The small girl turned around to meet her co-worker. "Nothing to worry about." She glared. Lest and mr. Parthe didn't seem too convinced as they noticed the look on the girl's face. From behind a corner, was a peering Ferid, he smiled devilishly. One step of his plan was working smoothly. How long will it take for her to realize that he was secretly plotting against her? To have her eliminated?
As Krul was about to shut their office's door, the familiar hazel haired man stepped over in their direction. Urd Geales, one of Mr. Doji's secretaries. If he was here, their boss would need something, wouldn't he? The small girl looked up at him. "Mr. Geales." Krul started, her tense converting back to her normal state. No, she couldn't lash out at her superiors, let alone the boss. "Karr, Tepes, the boss would like to see you." He informed them in a monochrome tone. Lest's eyes dilated slightly. The boss would like to see them? My, It has been weeks since they haven't been called to his office. "What for?" Mr. Karr inquired, rising from his seat. Urd shifted slightly. "What do I know? Just don't keep him waiting." He responded sharply. Always so calm and serious, that was Shikama Doji's second secretary.

When Lest joined Krul outside of their office, a head popped out from the wall. Addressing to the three workers, it chimed: "If you don't mind, I'd like to see the boss myself! I would be pleased to hear what he'd like to say." Of course, it's as the demon extraordinaire: Ferid Bathory. The first one to snap was Urd Geales. "We mind very much. Workers like you, mr. Bathory, should know their place." He denied his request. It earned a glare from Krul, a disgusted sneer from Lest and a pout from Ferid himself. "Awww, but why?" He questioned the obvious. He wasn't as high ranking as the two short individuals in front of him. Urd began to walk off, Lest and Krul following behind him. "Reel in your tongue." He demanded quietly before he continued leading the assigned workers towards the boss's office. Ferid only smirked, crossing his arms. "Ahah!"

Urd knocked on the office door belonging to their boss. "Sir, I have brought Krul Tepes and Lest Karr. May I be dismissed?" He questioned, knocking a second time as a sign that he has arrived with the two. So many thoughts ran through the pink haired girl's mind. What could Shikama Doji wanted to talk about? Honestly, it would be something regarding their company but the possibilities were endless. A few minutes passed by before they received a response. "Yes, you are dismissed." Shikama answered through the door. Urd turned over to the two, he nodded hesitantly before leaving. He returned to his own office. Krul sighed, looking down at Lest's gloved palm touching the door handle. "Well?" She asked. Just open the door already. As if reading her mind, he opened it.
Inside, he saw their boss smiling down on them as they entered his office and took a seat. "Please please, come in. It's nothing major." Shikama cooed.

Being content on his seat and assuring that the door was nicely shut, Lest questioned: "What have you called us here for, today?" raising a brow slightly. Shikama exhaled, leaning back on his chair. "Ah you see, it's about the Amuspheres." He started. Well yeah, obviously it would be about the amuspheres. What else could it possibly be? Surely not the Nervegear. "We are very much aware of that, sir. Please, we beg your pardon but mind getting to the point?" The red and white haired man requested calmly. Instead of denying that or even scolding him for answering a man of riches with such a way, he scoffed. "Not a busy man I see, Karr. Very well. I have come to tell you that we are losing money. Many complaints have been filed for the past two weeks and well, customers have been demanding refunds." He explained the matter seriously. The two's eyes widened. This was bad.

Lest stood up, slamming his fist down on their boss' desk. "What do you mean losing money? Isn't our product the finest treat?" He retorted, still being unable to believe what he just heard. Krul decided to join into the argument instead of staying silent most of the time. "Sir, so many customers have bought the amusphere the past month. I believe this information is false." She replied.
However, Shikama shook his head. "Oh but it is not. What I'm saying, Miss Tepes, is the truth. If we don't act quickly, we'll fall out of business." Those words came crashing down in both of the workers' minds. Not one was able to speak for several minutes, possibly even more than ten. But Shikama couldn't blame them. No, no one could.
A/N Hiya! LillaSmolBean here with another chapter of 'Seraph Squads'! If you enjoyed, please leave a vote and comment down below your thoughts! Alright now, this chapter was extremely painful to write since I'm such a newbie in business talk. I know I wrote a few things wrong about workplace but what can I say? Feel free to correct me in the comments. Now, my original idea was going to have Ferid annoy the third progenitors a bit more but just gave up on the idea since it'll take too long to write. I've already stalled enough on the first few paragraphs. Anyways, that's my author's note! The serious stuff is happening next chapter! *nudge nudge* *wink wink* Squad jam 3. However! I will make sure not to write it exactly the same as AGGO's Betrayers' Choice, oh no, it will be ENTIRELY different. Just you wait!

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