Chapter 2: The treasure from Osaka

In the prominent territory of the pink vampire, "Aw how nice of you~! It's nice to hear that you risked your composure for me!" The silver haired vampire took a second to observe the stack of magazines he was gifted. When the plastic holders were carefully stored in his inventory, he approached the small girl, that was peacefully sitting on the rock across from his then enveloped her up wth his long arms. Krul, "Hey! What are you doing? Get away from me!" screeched at the feeling of her personal space being engulfed in Ferid's white attire pressing on her black frilly dress. Lest and Crowley watched, unamused. Them too were grateful for their gifts but denied to express any over-the-top emotions like how Ferid did just now.

When she was finally released out of his grasp, she sent a flying kick to his neck. Using the rock she was standing on as a stool to reach him because she was awfully short. Lest slightly winced at the thud being heard. Though the kick wasn't enough to make Ferid's avatar stumble back. Instead, he laughed and brushed the dust from her boots away from his shirt's collar. "Not quite. If you kicked me harder than maybe you could have dealt damage to my health bar." He advised her. But Krul shot down his advice, her teeth clenched as she growled once more. "Would you cut it out?" She asked, more than frustrated at this point. Ferid smirked, "Cut what out?" He played dumb, like expected.

"Would you stop being so annoying? Especially towards me! Why can't you hog Crowley and Lest?" She pointed at the two unphased boys beside her. The sniper simply waved at Ferid while the small boy shook his head, growling lightly at Krul for bringing him into the dilemma. "Don't you dare mess with me, silver haired maniac." Lest threatened. While the pink bunny and the sniper were silent, it didn't prevent the silver-haired demon to make a comment out of that. "Maniac? No no I'm afraid you are solely mistaken." Ferid kept his happy smile up. The nuclear tornado rolled his eyes at Ferid Bathory's attempt of a correction. They changed the topic momentarily.
"So Crowley Eusford, you said you went exploring? Did you find anything?" Lest brought up with an intrigued look. In fact, just by that comment, all eyes were laid on him. Easy easy now, everyone..It's no use to change the topic once more, He really had to tell them the tales of what happened yesterday huh? Taking a deep breath, he warned everyone first: "This might get long so I advise you sit down." The sniper told them. Lest was leaned against the rock that Ferid Bathory was sitting on. The only one that wasn't sitting, "Krul, dear, why won't you sit down?" The silver haired avatar advised her with an awful cheerful smile. The one he keeps every single day of his damn life. The pink-haired bunny huffed, already annoyed by his obvious comment. "I'm about to, I don't need anyone telling me the obvious." She crossed her arms then plopped down on her own rock.

"Are you mad at me? Oh please don't be mad, I can't take your cuteness." He joked, earning a sharp growl from the small girl herself. He just loved to mess around with her, Huh? Will there ever be a day where the man doesn't decide to 'show his affection' to her? Krul lightly clenched her fists before shifting her head to face the sniper in front of her. "Please excuse this jerk, Crowley, go on. Tell us what happened and what goods you came across on." She gave him permission to start speaking. This was going to be a rather long story, he wished that the others were mentally ready for this. Heck, he was glad this wasn't in real life because firstly, he'd run out of breath eventually. Second, the atmosphere in real life would ruin everything. In Seraph of the End, they were in a vast desert coated in complete pink, like you'd find something like that IRL.

"The place that I've been to, how do I explain it..?" He paused to think. He needed to remember what exactly were his surroundings. It was a tad too dark for him to remember the precise details- on the leaves for example. There were loads of them actually, one could mistake it as a forest. It looked more like a jungle due to the massive vines laying everywhere. Lest scoffed at Crowley's pause. "What? Only five seconds in and you're already forgetting stuff?" He mocked. Crowley shushed him, with a non-strict expression on hier lips. "No I was debating if what I saw was a true jungle. It seemed like it." He mentions. Lest nodded in approval, as for Krul, she added: "A jungle huh? Oh I see. I didn't Seraph of the End had jungles in the first place. I'm mostly used to deserts and the broken city of Sanguinem." She admitted to the group.

Thinking that Crowley would continue, Ferid responded in his place. "You're only aware of those two places in this entire virtual reality world? You should go out more often, perhaps, go out with me?" He had the most smuggest smirk someone could ever imagine. It was quite a hilarious sight for someone witnessing this entire scene unfold. The fact that there was no awkwardness from Ferid nor from the caught-off guard Krul made this ten times funnier. Lest and Crowley had to refrain themselves from laughing after seeing Ferid get rejected. "In your dreams! Creep!" The pink bunny got all defensive.

"Like I was saying, the jungle was massive. It was bigger than all of Japan, I feel. There were leaves scattered everywhere, on the ground, on the trees. That's why I had hard time looking around, the trees were covering what's rest of the sunshine. When I first arrived, I was slightly terrified. Who knows what kind of monsters could leap at you at any minute. Not a problem for a former soldier in the military in real life. I carefully ventured through the territory of Osaka." Crowley claimed. The mysterious territory reveals to be Osaka huh? Not really much of a shocker but it was truly something. "Osaka? I've never actually been there before. Then again, why would I visit Osaka when I previously resided in Germany?" Lest brought up. Ferid glanced over at his friend. "I've been to Osaka a few times before. Well good job on discovering that place all by yourself, Crowley." Ferid smiled at him.

The boys then all looked over at Krul, expecting her to make a comment out of all this. The small bunny lifted her head from her nails. "Me? Oh no, I have never been to Osaka before. I'm only familiar with Kyoto." She explained to them briefly. Well that was funny, they are already in Kyoto. Sanguinem was located in Kyoto. Ferid scoffed at her comment. "You know, Osaka's not a bad place for a date-" he was stopped by Krul once more. "Please Bathory, I'd refrain from traveling with you." She shot him down carefully. Crowley sighed, picking up from where he last left off. "I didn't find much in the first few minutes. The place was rather gooey and icky. It gave me an uneasy feeling the entire time I was there. Only in the first ten minutes of entering this place, I heard something growling." He continued, trying to sound as mysterious as possible. He wanted to intrigue his fellow listeners.

"Growling? Was it like a bear or something?" Krul glanced at Lest and Ferid as confusion struck her. Lest shrugged at her question then said: "You can't find bears in jungles, Krul." He also happened to shoot down her theories on the mysterious creature that Crowley could have possibly heard. "Then maybe,it was a four horsemen of John?" Now that thought had a bit more sense put into it. Four horsemen of John appeared anywhere, no matter what territory you were in. Therefore, there was no such thing as an 'anti-four horsemen of John' area. However, as the two shorties got into a debate on what the creature was, Crowley said: "You're both wrong. It was my stomach."

That made Ferid the only one burst into a small fit of laughter. Krul and Lest were too heated up in their start of an argument to even realize properly what Crowley had just said. When they finally did, "Wait are you kidding me? It was your stomach?" Lest questioned, half disappointed it wasn't a threatening creature or anything. However, his mood lightened up when Crowley replied to him. "No that was a joke. What I really heard was a four horsemen of John-" A slap was heard coming from Lest and Krul's directions. The small bunny slapped the boy from behind his neck. "See? I told you Lest!" She giggled, occasional chimes escaped her. Lest rubbed the back of his neck, ouch, he had to admit, even though this was VR, that neck slap hurt.

"But I do confess that, that the four horsemen of John I saw yesterday had a different shape to it. It was turquoise-coloured, with white spikes. It was a bit smaller than the one you took down Krul. It spat out a lot of venom that's for sure. I thought that I would end up back at the respawn zone in Sanguinem but somehow, somehow I just managed to pull through." He explained, remembering the events that happened exactly. The ones that left him frozen up in fear for a short while. Lest, Krul and Ferid paid attention to the next part. "What I did first was to quickly get away from the monster. It was running straight at me. I ran and ran for my life. Not for the exit! That would be coward's way out. Instead, I positioned myself atop a cliff that I luckily managed to climb in a short amount of time. I took out my M14-EBR and tried to target my opponent." He explained, even using his fingers to demonstrate how tight he held his sniper back there.

"And then what? Did you kill the bastard?" Krul prompted by the build-up of action so far, not even realizing until Ferid slid it in that she cursed. The pink bunny tries her best to not curse as much as the others. But she's the one who's always slipping on her words. Especially in the two previous Seraph Squads. To answer her question, "Not right away. I missed. Like I said before, that four horsemen of John was rather strange-looking." He reminded her only to have Ferid outrageously comment: "You suck Crowley! You shouldn't be the team's sniper!" The silver-haired man meant it as a joke, even proving the following with a laugh. He tensed however when Crowley chuckled back.

"How about you try sniping for a living. Oh and Ferid, I have shooting experiences in real life, mind you." The shielded sniper rubbed it in his friends' faces. The two shorties of the team were amused while Ferid's teasing smirk never left his face. Man, did he never show any negative feelings? Any genuine feelings as well? Not fake ones. "I'd rather not. Now please continue on." He raised his hand to make a 'shooing' gesture. Crowley inhaled, continuing on with his story. "After I missed my shot, it instantly alerted the monster that I was armed. I reloaded and thus aimed once more. I was surprised when I spotted in my scope that the monster was relatively close to me now." He paused to face his three friends. They all had attentive looks on their faces.

"This monster may be scary-looking but it was quick! Man that thing almost made me fall off my spot. Since my gun was already loaded, I couldn't waste this opportunity. Even though panic rose inside of me, I still shot. I tested out my luck, would I be able to escape from the cliff and at least deal damage to it?" He paused to make it seem like he was asking the question to his listeners. When he didn't receive a verbal response from them but rather a 'shut up and continue with the story' vibe filling their conversation circle, he sighed, giving in then continued on. "The answer was yes. I managed to pack up my sniper and jump off from the rock before the creature pierced its leg into the rock." He finished that thrilling part of the story, for Crowley, it was more terrifying.

"In case you were wondering, my second shot managed to hit it. This particular horsemen of John had three red eyes on the head. My bullet passed right through one." He explained with a small smile. Even though it wasn't anything to be celebrating at, Crowley was proud to land such a precise shot. "From there on out, I tried to escape the creature as much as possible-" He was interrupted by yours truly: Ferid Bathory. The white-clad man gasped mockingly as Lest just listened to what nonsense he had to say this time.
"You chicken!" Ferid insulted Crowley. However, before Lest could step in to stop the potential fight between the sniper and demon extraordinaire, "I'll take it as a compliment because if I didn't run away, I wouldn't have defeated the monster." He brushed away Ferid's insult like it was nothing.

"In fact, running away gave me so much time to spare. It gave me the time to take out my photon sword and slash at that monster from its legs. I admit, the blade of a photon sword was rather sharp and very warm, it was like it could reduce anything to a melting mess. That's what happened next, I cut off the monster's legs which made it completely vulnerable. Its torso along with head all collapsed forward, leaving me the chance to indulge myself into killing that creature once and for all." He explained with a raised fist. His comrades were quite surprised that he managed to kill a four horsemen of John all alone. Usually, the team would work together, assisting eachother out. "Ah how very impressive." Ferid praised, clapping his hands in delight. Krul and Lest didn't bother to make any remarks at the four horsemen of John's defeat. However, the pink bunny showed a small smile. She wanted the story to progress.

"I gained a lot of experience after killing that creature. What happened next come immediately. There was a cave situated in the distance. I walked in and surprisingly, there wasn't any traps at all. My surroundings were pretty bland so don't bother asking me. At the very end, there was a golden chest awaiting me. Inside, was a sort of reward I guess?" He was interrupted by the white and red haired boy. He opened his mouth curiously: "What was inside of it?" He inquired. Crowley smiled at his curiosity, he raised a finger. "It was one of those anti-tank material rifles that I've always wanted to acquire in this game." He revealed with a proud look. That instantly prompted Ferid to make the next comment. "So like the drops on when you kill a dungeon boss?" He asked in whom Crowley nodded. Lest stretched. "But wasn't that fight rather easy then? A four horsemen of John isn't technically a dungeon boss." He pointed out.

Crowley had to agree with him. A four horsemen of John wasn't a dungeon boss. So why did the game decide to reward the player so easily? An anti-tank material riffle was a weapon that would be extremely useful during competitions. The sniper shrugged. "For now, I'd theorize that the fact that the four horsemen of John had a different look to it, the game instantly registered it as the 'boss' of Osaka." He explained his point of view on the matter. Ferid changed the topic slightly. "But are you sure you wouldn't have liked it if we came along with you? Too close too close, that battle sounded fun~" he gave imploring puppy eyes- one that could rival Krul's adorable expressions. Especially when she wanted cherry juice back at Sanguinem's bar. Crowley exhaled before dismissing Ferid's begging eyes. "Fine, If i find a map that leads to an unexplored place, then maybe that could be scheduled as a team trip." He promised. Te three seemed satisfied with his response.

"Hey Crowley, you said you found an anti-tank riffle?" The pink haired bunny girl inquired, hopping off her rock. Yep, that was definitely what he said. Unless he was lying of course to get his teammates' hopes up for nothing. It was always exciting when you hear that you've access to a perk. Let alone, a literal player-mutilation machine. One pierce through flesh, you are absolutely dead and probably ripped to shreds. Point is, no one should underestimate the bullets of an anti-tank riffle. The sniper nodded at the team leader's question. Then afterwards, he nodded once more at her next question. "Could we get a good look at it?" The bunny queen asked. His left hand slid to the right, opening up a small menu in front of him. He made his way to his storage where the name: 'M14A1' was seen in bold text. That must be the gun.

When he clicked on the regular showing those words, a rather long gun appeared in his hands. It was heavy to someone like Ferid, Krul or Lest but for Crowley, he wasn't even pulled down when it landed directly in his arms. He showed an emotionless look as he brought it closer to his comrades. The gun looked amazing. It had a terrific scope and the muzzle was shiny as ever. "This it'll surely kill the players in one go!" chimed Krul, bam I gotta her head away from the thin muzzle. Ofcourse, she was getting a tad too confident there. Crowley may be a sniper but he did occasionally miss from time to time. Not to mention, wielding a heavy gun like that could take hours of practice just for precision. The other two were silent, as they observed the stunning weapon from up-close. That's when,

"I hope today's training will go well today. I haven't been here before." A voice was heard from t(e distance. It was coming their way. Crowley was about to summon his M14-EBR from his inventory when Lest raised his hand out. "Stop. I think there are other players coming our way." He announced to his teammates quietly. He still kept low despite being sat up on the rock. He immediately hopped off when hearing the voice of the man that had just spoken. Crowley was ducked and Ferid bent down, he still kept his back against the solid object. "Well yeah obviously, why don't we take the gun for a test run?" The silver haired player suggested. You know, it wasn't all that bad. It would take time to set up though. Hopefully these players were newbies and wouldn't notice a tripod being set up at the moment.
"I can't believe Crowley wanted us to watch." Ferid grumbled, his red eyes fixed on the approaching players. There were three of them. One had brown hair, the second had blonde locks while the last one had black. "Seems to be a trio...all carrying the exact same gun." Lest barely made out, his voice was audible on the communicators. There were three giant rocks in their current territory. Lest was hiding behind the one on the left, Crowley was behind the centre one, his M14A1 atop the rock itself. The last one, the right, Ferid and Krul we're behind those. "Please specify?" The sniper asked for precision as he set up the closeness of the scope. Lest sighed. The guns came into view as the enemy drew closer to them. "They're all carrying assault riffles: AR-15's." He reported.

Crowley nodded at Lest's precised report before fixing the lens of his scope. "Thanks. How about the distance between us and the enemy?" He asked next. From the way he was speaking, it was if he was the team leader and not Krul. Oh well, the pink bunny certainly didn't mind him asking questions like this. For all she knows, Crowley could be in charge of these sniper-like trails. She idolized the way he gave commands around as if he was a professional squad leader. Then again, he was apart of the military in real life. "Around 400 meters. They're close, don't you think? How's the gun doing?" Ferid answered this time. Krul peaked over the top of the rock, she gave a small sound. "Hmm..from here, it looks like 30 meters, no joke." She groaned. Just what were these people doing in her territory? Hasn't she made this clear to the public yet? The pink desert belonged to her.

"Alright, well. The gun is ready, acquiring target right now." Crowley brought his right eye to look through the scope. With the world all zoomed up, he could even point out features that the three players had that were different from each other. For example, the brunette had two different colour eyes-presumingly contacts, the blonde had freckles and the black haired boy had scratches on his forehead. Hey all carried their AR-15's while being clad in dark green camouflage jackets. "Haven't you heard the news This is the vampire queen's territory. We're so gonna die here." The man in black warned. The brunette, who seems to be the team leader, did a 'shooing' gesture. "Nonsense. That greedy chibi can't hog this place for all eternity. Besides, I don't even think they're around!" He deliberately laughed.

The two boys behind him glanced at eachother nervously before nodding. "Whatever you say, sir." He black haired man answered promptly. It was true though, the pink bunny's team seems to be absent this instance, atleast. That's what they thought. Little did they know. "Aim locked on their leader, the brown one." Crowley declared to the rest of his team. Lest, Krul and Ferid's eyss widened as the loud 'bang' was going to be heard in any minute. Hopefully the first shot wouldn't be a huge disappointing fluke. It would of kind been embarrassing given the fact that Crowley was the legendary shielded sniper. It would give the absolute 'noob' team a bad impression on them. The sniper took a deep breath then proceeded to bring his finger to squeeze the trigger. He made sure the bullet circle was directly placed in the man's chest, then...

A loud 'bang' was heard coming from Crowley's end. If it weren't for his high strength skill, he would have probably dislocated his shoulder and stumble over. Like damn! The momentum could surely be your assassin in this game. Because he was so strong, Crowley only flinched, the gun slightly trembling off the rock for a quick second. He managed to keep it still though, for he was holding onto the tripod with his other hand. Ferid was grinning mischievously as he waited for the bullet to pierce through the enemy, Lest only blinked and Krul had to cover her ears then refrain herself from reacting. The enemy team stopped in their tracks, having heard the loud gunshot. The blonde, "Eh? Did you just hear a gunshot?" inquired to the two other members of his team. He certainly wasn't going crazy, the other members of the team agreed with him, they must have heard it too. "Perhaps we've overstayed." The black haired boy began to cower out in fear. However, "Let them come! We'll destroy that team!" was their leader's response.

Seconds after he had said that, "G-Guk!" a sharp needle-like feeling tore his chest apart. There was more of that gushing blood fragments spilling out of his chest and mouth. The team leader was definitely wounded....and he was going to die. The two other members of the team gasped as they had just noticed their leader's health bar go down. It just confirmed Ferid and Krul's suspicions of them being a 'noob' team. Well for starters, they immediately bent down to ask if their leader's alright when he clearly wasn't. Next, they didn't bother keeping their guard up for any possible enemies after that first shot. The pink haired girl sighed, albeit bored, she stil felt bad for their lack of attention. She pressed a button to turn her communicator on. "I feel bad, perhaps that was too mean. Can we go easy on the last two?" She requested.

Crowley's eyes narrowed upon seeing the leader's body vanish into a mist of particules. Yep, he must have spawned back in Sanguinem. He sighed then formed up words to answer the official squad leader of KFLC's question. "Actually about that, I already have a plan." He stated, earning multiple confused sounds coming from both Lest and Krul. Ferid chuckled at their reactions and from his line: "Aww! Both of you are so adorable when confused~" he complimented with a cheerful look. Crowley rolled his eyes then refilled the bullet chamber with another sniper bullet. Another question came from Ferid. "But seriously Crowley, did you already have this plan planned out?" He inquired, still hiding behind that rock. It was hard to actually answer that question for some odd reason. Not because Crowley was uncertain of his answer but more because he knew one of his comrades wouldn't like the plan. "I thought about it just now actually. Thanks to those beginners over there, they gave me the time to think." He protested. An answer came almost directly from the silver haired player as he watched the two players observe their surroundings as asked of their leader before he respawned back in Sanguinem. "Oh! Don't keep us waiting now!~ What's the plan?"
The four members of team KFLC were in their positions. Crowley had managed to refill his beloved M14A1, Ferid had his M24 out, it was a gun he found a while ago but always felt the need to stick with his fabulous KTR-09, Lest had one of his MGL-140's in his hand as he laid on his back. Finally, Krul was only armed with her dagger, she gave a nervous glare in the directions of Lest and Crowley. She wouldn't even bother with wiping that smug grin off of Ferid's lips, seeing she was so vulnerable compared to them. "I hate you for putting me as decoy once again." She huffed, addressing to Crowley. The man didn't seem too insulted by her phrase, instead, she just gave her the signal to begin the plan. "Yeah yeah, we'll see if you'll hate me after this plan succeeds." He stated. He gave Krul the green light to start running.

The small bunny queen leaped atop the rock and furiously rolled off the rock. Upon getting back up from her roll, she began to charge towards the two players. Thankfully, they noticed her coming their way, or else Krul would have felt bad for actually conducting this plan. "Isn't that-" the blonde started. His comrade that was beside him confirmed his thoughts. "It's her. The pink bunny queen." He gulped as the small girl only closed the gap between them even more. Crowley and Ferid watched from their scopes. Lest simply stayed in a supine position. The two boys began shooting directly at her, though luckily, bullet lines exist in 'Seraph of the end.' She could easily dodge their bullets.
However, she remembers that Crowley gave her a few lessons on how to dodge bullets if anyone used silencers.

"Hup! Hup!" Krul gave them a big smile as she dodged the attackers in a rather elegant manner, making it seem like they were missing her from a far shot. She leaped in the air, did several backflips and even changed the direction she was running in many times. Seeing her dodge all of the bullets, the boys reloaded their guns. "Oh crap.." the black haired boy muttered then stepped back. "She's fast on her feet!" He declared and began shooting once more. Krul dodged with ease however, there was one where she was too slow in reaction-time. A single bullet grazed her exposed shoulder. She clenched her teeth and still kept her smile, she had to keep going. The gap between the three players closed even more. "A delicate individual, my queen. You certainly earn a 10/10 from me." Ferid complimented, watching her move so easily through the hail of bullets. Krul growled at his voice reaching her end. "I'm about to impress you even more, Bathory. So shut your mouth."

She was now two inches away from the two boys. There was a clear opening between them. That's where she was going to compete her task of the plan. Though, she did promise the silver haired man that she would impress him, might have to have a little bit of fun while she's at it. "That's it for my big debut!" She told the two boys, her palm lifting to make a peace sign at them then with all the momentum from her dash, she sheathed her dagger back in its holder on her waist then flung herself to the ground. Her hands pressed on the ground and acted as support as she lifted the rest of her body off the ground. The bunny did a double back hand-spring, while bullets were still being shot at her. She missed every shot despite her legs being completely exposed to them. She finished her trick with a double backflip. Again, all the shots missed. When she landed, the two boys completely lost sight of her. "H-Huh?!" They both yelped, confused as smoke entered their field of vision. That was Lest's doing, he fired two bombs to give Krul an opportunity to recover.

The two remaining members of the enemy team was more than confused at this point. However, they couldn't focus on their bewilderment at the moment for two crashing bombs came in their direction. "Gah! Watch out!" The blonde man warned his comrade before leaping towards his left, where he tightly hugged the ground. The two managed to escape from being crammed by Lest's bombs. But they did have a few scratches on their arms and face. Not to mention, they had smoke on their camouflage jackets. What they didn't know however was that the nuclear tornado's attack was only a mere distraction. The minute they jumped to the ground, a stinging pain was felt through their chests. "G-Gah..." blood poured out their mouths. That's right, the two men were too astonished looking for Krul that they were completely still for a minute or two. Crowley and Ferid used that opportunity to their advantage.

The blonde and black haired man disappeared into a pile of particles. They all received a bit of experience for slaughtering a player. Despite Ferid and Crowley actually assaulting them in some way. Though they couldn't have done all that without Lest's bombs and Krul's return to the race. The sniper sighed in relief as there weren't any more locatable enemies in their field of view. He asked the pink bunny to retreat immediately before she gets shot at. Krul did so, she dashed back towards the rocks where her comrades were hiding behind of. When she did, "That fight was too easy. What were those two doing?" Lest brought up as he sat beside Crowley in the centre. The man with red and black hair simply shrugged at his question. "Probably tryhards That think they can beat us." He gave him his honest thoughts.

The two other members of KFLC didn't pay much attention to the conversation between the nuclear tornado and the shielded sniper. Well, the vampire queen tried to however she just couldn't without the pestering Ferid telling her nonsense as always. His back was leaned against the rock she was sitting on. "I saw that my dear~ You really impressed me." He smirked, wanting to catch her reaction. Just like always, the pink bunny gave him a cold look. "Why thank you, can you do any better? I'm curious." She boasted, arrogance building up inside of her. That only made Ferid chuckle. "Too proud Krul, too proud." Just like that, the four went back to discussing about the M14A1, without any interruptions this time, they hope.
A/N Hello guys! LillaSmolBean here and I apologize for the massive delay for chapter 2 of Seraph Squads! Don't worry, it's not like I lost interest in this series right away! It was because I didn't have motivation to write Crowley's explanation on how he got the M14A1. My original idea was for him to face even more monsters when inside the cave but gave up on the idea because I would never finish this chapter. So to make it up, I thought about an epic battle scene between KFLC and that noob team! What do you guys think? Did Crowley have a good plan? Anyways, the next chapter will focus on real life! and the players' real life identities. I hope you'll enjoy! But for now, if you liked this chapter and want more, please leave a vote and comment down below your thoughts, ships and theories about the plot so far. This wraps up this author's note! Cya cya!^^

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