Chapter 11: KFLC's wrath
As the time reached 6:00PM, KFLC had just managed to find the exit to this horrendous forest. They were following a path made by some podzol and luckily found the clearing of a massive field.
But, because the scan was starting, it was only right for them to take a break on their little hike to check who was around.
They were behind a couple of trees. Lest was next to Krul, his curious eyes peering over the map while Crowley and Ferid were right across from them. The silver haired man's body was leaned against the sniper however, the latter didn't seem to mind.
There was a brief silence before Krul sighs and presses a few of the buttons by the side. By pressing one of them, the map got smaller—at least, that's what it gave the impression of but the area that appeared were full of trees and bushes. It zoomed the map by a bit for the team.
"The Shinoa squad is close to us. As well as the Progenitors and..." as team leader, Krul felt the need to give out the reports of their current situation. She had noticed the first two dots with ease and was a little worried when she spotted that the two teams were a bit close to where they were. Examples being that the Progenitors were on the other side of the fields and the Shinoa Squad were a bit further into the forest.
What caught her interest, however, was the fact that a team by the name of: "MZEF" was seen a few metres away. Was it about ten metres? They could easily ambush a team at such close distance, they were KFLC after all. Krul put the terminal scan on her lap and turned to her teammates. "There's a team really close to us. It's MZEF."
Crowley was the first one to give out his opinions. He hummed to himself, staring up at the leaves above him before looking back down to Krul and Lest, who awaited his answer. "They may have noticed us on the map though." he suggested quietly.
Krul nods and hums in response. "Yes, that is true." She replied almost briefly as Crowley's previous comment.
Beside the sniper, the silver haired man rose his head up from his shoulder and laughed. Of course, Ferid Bathory would always be laughing even if they were currently dying. "Well let's hope they're dumb and let's go after them~!" He chimed, already planning ahead of Krul.
All three of his members gave him death glares, the most affective one belonging obviously to the pink haired vampire Queen who so happens to make his heart flutter. Ferid purses his lips and chuckles quietly. "Aww, but I'm joking. Anyways, Crowley, you have any ideas?" It was amazing that he was able to change subjects so quickly.
Though, his plans of having Crowley think of another attack plan for them fell short. It happens that the sniper gave him a confused and awkward look. "Um Ferid, Krul is the team leader here, you know?" He shifted in place slightly and refused all eye contact with Krul, not wanting to give her the impression that he was meant to go along with what Ferid wanted.
Ferid pouted, raising a hand up in what seems to be disappointment. "Awww really? I didn't even notice." His immediate reaction was to glance to his side to check for Krul's reaction. In which, he amuses himself with it as he notices that a fixed glare was on her face as he said those words.
The pink haired bunny sighed once more and put her terminal scan away. "You may very well be killed off if you don't appreciate me as team leader, Ferid." She warned the arrogant silver haired demon.
This was already becoming a tiny heated argument between the two players and frankly, Crowley and Lest were used to their little banters.
"There he goes again with teasing her..." the top-hat wearing boy commented.
Ferid sighed, calming himself down from his laughter, to the said fear of upsetting his little Queen even more. "But Crowley does make great plans though. Especially what happened at the start of the tournament." Ferid turned his attention to the buff sniper sitting beside him. Crowley simply shrugged.
"I'm glad you liked them. But like I said, I cannot make the plans this time because Krul is leader." The sniper was a bit annoyed that the silver haired man didn't just give up on receiving plans from him than Krul. It was always a little twisted game whenever you talked with Ferid. That man himself can make someone's head blow off.
However, to the sniper's surprise, Krul stood up and glanced at her three comrades. "Actually, about that. I do have a plan in mind but it won't entirely work due to our positions on scan. Crowley, please do share whatever idea you have in mind." She spoke to the man.
In all honesty, the red and black haired player was a little surprised that she was giving the idea of plan-making to him. He hopes that she wasn't guilt-tripped by Ferid's teasing.
Then again, "Yay, looks like we'll be having a plan set up by Crowley again~!" Ferid chimed, quietly clapping along as his claps matched the rhythm of Krul slowly walking away to try and spot their enemies.
Soft wind wafted through her hair as her red eyes glanced back and forth. One foot of hers stood on the rock to claim her balance.
Alas, a few minutes after standing on the rock, she spotted about four men cautiously walking around the forest.
The team leader pursed her lips and without turning her back on her team:
"Listen here closely. This will be where you will be positioned. No arguments." She began to tell her team the plan she had in mind.
Team MZEF found themselves wandering around the forests in search for a team to take down. Their defences and desire to look for other teams has been rather futile now that the scan has ended, all dots spotted during the satellite search has been pinpointed onto the map.
Continuing to walk deeper into the forest, Fuola Honte glanced over at his team leader. "I bet that if we walked a little more, we'd find the exit to this God forsaken forest in no time." He suggested for the team.
Raising a brow, Mel stopped in his tracks to confront the man. "Huh? Aren't we supposed to go look for powerhouse teams, where did the exit idea come from?" He questioned, not seeming to understand the logic behind such a simple plan.
But hearing his team leader's response caused a wave of disappointment to rush through Fuola, did Mel really not get it?
"When we find the exit, we'll know that a powerhouse team is nearby. Seeing us on the map will excite them to want to ambush us." The black haired avatar sighed, explaining in full detail what he had meant to suggest to his entire team.
Ambush them, now that wasn't a bad conspiracy at all. It almost made the team leader reconsider even going after a powerhouse team at this point.
Feeling that he was frozen in place, his lips quivered at Fuola's words. "A-Ambush?"
Bewildered, he pronounced those words rather loudly, almost in a shocked cry towards his teammates. It felt like the thought of being ambushed was a direct sign that his teammates didn't believe in their strength as a team.
They couldn't continue walking however, nor form any other type of plan for they heard ruffling from the trees above them.
Then, they saw them.
White and red braids dangling from the tree's branch,
"Yo, this is an ambush."
Lest Karr blankly waves over to the confused "MZEF" members before raising his grenade launchers and unleashing a single smoke bomb.
A few minutes before they had spotted "MZEF" in the distance and Lest revealing his location to the enemy team, the four KFLC members sat in their positions.
The pink haired Queen was behind a tree's trunk, the one tree that was two metres away from where Lest was hiding, in the foliage of a tall forest tree.
"What? This is actually not fair." growled Krul over her communicator as she was placed beside a rather tall man.
That same man chuckled at her small complaint. "You really don't like me that much, Krullie? I'm hurt!" Ferid pouted, turning his head to try and catch the bunny's reaction.
On the other side of the bushes Krul and Ferid were hiding behind of, "I'm sorry, Krul. But in order for this plan to work, you need to be teamed with Ferid." Crowley sighed as he turned on his communicator like agreed.
Becuase they were in a forest, Crowley didn't have much creativity for this plan. But, he sure hopes that someone among the three will like it.
Refraining from arguing anymore, Lest's voice came on from his side of the communicator. "I took care of the first half of the plan, what's next?" He reported whilst reloading his rotator with two more bombs.
Back then, there were only two grenades, one in each rotator. That is, Crowley had decided that in case he accidentally missed the targets, they were quite near after all, literally under him.
But with Lest having mastered his training and understanding of the trajectory of his bullet-line, such a scenario was less likely to happen.
Crowley smiled to himself, honestly relieved that the first step of the plan was already going well.
At the moment, MZEF were overwhelmed with smoke, Crowley hadn't meant for the smoke to be harmful in any way, it was mainly a diversion for what was coming next.
Lifting a hand to load in a single sniper bullet, "Alright you two, you're up. Rush them. I'll take care of their leader." He gave out an easy command.
Without wasting any more time, Krul was the first one to step out from behind the tree trunk.
Her partner of this operation was Ferid Bathory, who held his KTR-09 rather tightly. "Wow wow, they probably won't see us coming with all that smoke in the way." He observed playfully.
But such a comment could earn him a quiet growl and sneer from the pink bunny.
"If you don't shut up, they most likely will. We already owe Lest a big favor for succeeding such a close shot." She whispered, being mindful to not want to waste so much of her energy on speaking.
Sure, she had high agility points and her speed was impressive but this was all just a cover-up to the real reason to why she wanted to be silent: She didn't want to talk to the idiot.
He did catch on quite quickly to that and laughed, turning his head slightly to look his Queen in the eyes. "Yes yes, I will shut up, don't need to tell me, ahaha." He ran a little bit faster than her for a second.
Krul had noticed and widened her eyes, she did not appreciate it at all. No, she couldn't allow him to run in front of her. She was too determined to get the last laugh even for something as trivial as small talk.
Finally arriving into the scene, Krul turned her head back to look at Ferid. Her lips parted to pronounce a single word before she moved out of the way entirely.
She had told him before running towards the left, leaving an opening for him on the right.
Luckily understanding and being trained to react to a message like this, Ferid smirked and aimed his KTR-09 at the enemies from the opening.
"Oh my, you are all my lovely prey~"
he announced in that usual sing-song tone of his. Stop mid-track to get an accurate shot of his enemies was not the right way to go. But with the smoke as their distraction and main entrance, Ferid may very well attempt to stand still for a few seconds.
Though first, he needed to obey his team leader's orders, Ferid quickly hugged his right and flung himself to be in front of a rock. Krul, on the other hand, began shooting at the four enemies from a left rock.
"W-We are being under attack!" Fuola Honte pointed the clear obvious to the sulking Mel Stefano.
So far, he has been running circles, covering his hat in sheer anger. No, they had not expected this ambush but knowing that they were a powerhouse team, Mel felt a little humiliated by the way that they've been teased so far.
For example, there was Lest who showed zero to no emotion before releasing a single smoke grenade from his launcher.
Then, now, they were clearly being rushed by the two strongest players of KFLC. One was carrying a P90 and the other had a KTR-09.
Yes, Mel Stefano could tell those two apart from a mile away due to their traditional colour scheme. "I know that, don't tell me the obvious idiot!" He turned his head back to snap at Fuola in return.
He growled to himself, dammit, he needed to think of a plan or else his entire team perishes. "Everyone, begin to shoot!" He gave out his order after deciding for a few seconds.
It was a miracle that they haven't died yet despite being shot at so many times, in MZEF's eyes, each member acted as a shield for the other and so forth, unlike Krul and Ferid, they kept moving to avoid getting their health butchered down.
Alas, respecting their leader's orders, everyone removed their guns from their sling and aimed it at Krul and Ferid respectively.
Team leader Mel Stefano had an auto-sniper, in a situation where he was this close to his enemies, he couldn't use it in any way. Though, that was alright, he could potentially try running off to find a good sniping point.
Next was Fuola Honte, who carried an AK-12 gun. Just like the other three, who all had AK-12 guns, the team leader is the only one without a mid-range or close-ranged weapon.
Yawning and observing the scene before hand, Crowley looked through his gun's scope. "Reports, what is going on?" He spoke quietly through the radio, he wasn't commenting on the actual battle because he didn't have a killer seat to watch from, he wasn't even remotely close to the battlefields anyways.
He didn't know exactly what was going on nor could listen what could be said. Therefore, he asked Krul and Ferid for informations.
A nervous smile formed on Ferid's face as he stopped shooting to reload his beloved gun. "Not looking so well, we're starting to get shot at," he spoke to not alarm the one who called for him, but he glanced over to the pink haired bunny demon.
He thought that he'd receive more death threats or plain upset rejection from his Queen. But today, she smiled, a bitter and insincere one for sure, and placed a finger on her lips; a sign for him to shut up.
His heart skipped a beat on that one, Ferid's eyes widened and he began to giggle quietly to himself.
Love struck, that's what the feeling was.
"Well they're beginning to shoot now, it's not good! Please come and save us!" Ferid chimed through the communicators. Of course, he wasn't actually being serious.
If anything, it pissed off Crowley and Krul more than usual, since he was just so blatantly yelling out his begs in front of four enemies.
The pink haired Queen rolled her eyes and brushed off his plea entirely. "I noticed that three of the members all have the same gun except the team leader." She reported to the buff sniper a few miles away from them.
Taking a deep breath, Crowley readied his sniper, by aiming it at the forehead of one of the four players. Quietly, "Allow me to take care of Mel Stefano." He sent out a rather polite request to Krul Tepes, their team leader.
Hearing his request from the other line, Krul abided. She raised her head and kept shooting, her hand already pulling out her emptied-out magazine from the P90's chamber. "That's fine by me, do what you've got to do." She responded.
Having readied his sniper before hand, Crowley takes a deep breath. His pupils were fixed on his target and he nudged his head to the side a little to enhanced his sight by a major amount; he was looking through the scope now.
Mel Stefano was behind Fuole Honte, he looked from left to right, too confused from where the gunshots were coming from exactly. Crowley wanted to laugh; the man looked so disorganized on the battlefield, it makes him believe that "MZEF" wasn't prepared enough for a tournament like Seraph Squads.
With his teammates pushing in, not stopping with their crossfire at all, it really made it harder for Crowley to shoot, seeing as the four members were relatively close to one another. Again, the downfall is that a member he didn't mean to target, would act as a body shield for Mel Stefano, he wanted to avoid that at all costs.
Either way, it was just a shot, right? The sniper's accuracy was always on point too, so there really was nothing to worry about. He moved his muzzle a little to the side, wanting to aim directly for the head.
Continuing to fire, "Anything wrong?"
The pink-haired bunny, who had said earlier that it was alright for the sniper to go after the team leader, grew confused as it was a minute now and she didn't hear any sniper shots on his end. She began to wonder if something had happened to the black and red-haired man.
Snapping out of his thoughts, Crowley continued to focus. "I'm alright. Firing now." He told Ferid and Krul from his end of the line. Like he had told them, his finger squeezed his sniper's trigger and a single bullet was fired out of the chamber.
KFLC watched as the bullet that Crowley fired travelled over to Mel Stefano—-
—-and missed him by a hair's breadth.
Lowering his gun and standing up from his spot, "Missed." Crowley affirmed to his team without any exclamation in his voice.
His teammates through the communicator hadn't said a word.
On the other hand, Mel Stefano was losing his cool. Waving his hands out and panting exasperated puffs, he swerved from left to right, mocking Crowley's terrible aim.
"Oh oh, I almost got shot but I survived that?! No way!" He cackled, definitely earning the attention of not only his own teammates but KFLC too.
Fuole Honte, Zane Lindau and Esther Lee worriedly looked over their borderline delusional leader with raised brows. They weren't sure if messing with KFLC's sniper of all people was generally a good idea. They sighed and one of the three brought up their concerns.
"Uhh boss, I don't think you should say such things. Crowley Eusford's aim is well...almost flawless, he could very much shoot you again." Zane pointed out, slowly starting to back away from his team leader, not wanting to get shot.
"Nonsense! I'd just dodge it again!" Despite having been warned, Mel didn't listen and just kept laughing, playing the clown in his little victory stadium.
KFLC had pulled back after their sniper had missed to re-strategize. They all remained where they were, Krul and Ferid only crouched down and used the large rocks they were hiding behind of as cover.
"Well isn't this embarrassing for our name?" commented Lest as he was now sitting on a tree branch and observed the victory dance Mel Stefano was pulling off. He rolled his eyes in disgust, not enjoying this embarrassment — even if he really can't blame Crowley for missing here.
"Krullie, I got hurt again." pouted Ferid as he calmly watched the small bunny Queen shoot down her prey. She was so fierce and blood-thirsty. Ferid smirks, liking the idea that she looked so focused because she was busy getting revenge for him.
"I do not care, that is your fault." Krul replied, not turning a single bit to face her injured comrade. She focused her aim on the members of MZEF and fired repeatedly, unloading her current magazine.
Ferid, who was now gasping in mock-outrage, "Awww, you didn't even feel bad for lil ol' me?" questioned, not really caring about what she says — rather, just wanted to talk and annoy the hell out of her.
Like usual, "No, now shut the hell up." Krul dismissed him coldly. She raised her wrist to look at her wristwatch. 6:07PM, it reads. The battle didn't last for long.
Through the other end of the communicator, "Guys, come on, can't we just kill them already?" Lest groaned, not wanting to sit by another argument between the Demon extraordinaire and the ferocious bunny Queen.
He didn't know why they were playing the passive route of all of this either, why couldn't they just charge straight in?
No, why hadn't his team leader given him any other orders aside from just watching the enemy team in case they manage to outsmart the pink and silver-haired players on the same team as him.
Standing back up, Ferid gave a nod to Lest. "That's exactly what I was thinking~! Well well, there's no point. Let's kill them all!" He positioned his KTR-09 above the rock he was using as a shield and began to fire at MZEF. Lest and Krul held back on any comments about his reckless decision just now.
MZEF saw right through him. Quick for the team leader to regain his composure,
"Attack all at once!" Mel Stefano alerted his teammates. The four of them being close to one another, they used each other as a shield for if Ferid didn't a manage to land a hit on one of them.
Fuole Honte, Esther Lee and Zane Lindau all raised their weapons and fired — their bullet lines all passing through Ferid Bathory.
Ferid, who was beginning to fire straight at them, "Aha~!" let out a single snippet of a laugh before acting as a meat-shield for the tiny Queen who still hid behind the rock. The bullets of all four guns pierced through his armour and right through his chest.
Having witnessed the crossfire from his scope,
Crowley's ear-shattering voice was heard yelling through the communicator. He couldn't help them, he was too far away.
The bullets continued to take him down, blood splashing out from his chest and neck. Ferid was still laughing.
"*pun* *pun* *pun*"
Krul growled and stood up from the ground. She leaped on top of the rock and with one hand, grabbed Ferid by the back of the head and slammed him down on the grass, that way, he wasn't just standing there, waiting to be shot to death. She huffed and then brought her hands to hold her beloved P90.
She quickly fired back, her weapon resonating in "*pon* *pon* *pon*" it made a cute but deadly melody in the ears of the other competitors here in SSIII.
Unlike Ferid had done, she changed her position every once and a while, mainly moving from left and right to avoid bullet lines. That way, she was a harder target, she saw how Mel Stefano and his team struggled with taking her down.
As for Krul, she didn't struggle at all, she was landing her shots, as they stood there metres away and unloaded their magazines on her. Ferid, who was now laying on the ground and continuing to bleed out, attempted to stand up and gather his gun from his sling. Krul stopped him at that by stomping her foot on the rock.
"The hell was that?!" She hissed, referring to everything that went through his head whilst he one-sidedly fought that team.
On the other side of the line, Lest's voice came in. "Krul, what's his HP?" He asked, not showing any particular concern or somewhat for the idiotic Ferid.
Krul, who was close to finishing off Esther Lee in particular, "10HP," she answered Lest first before snapping right back to Ferid, so infuriated with him that she ended up repeating her words. "The hell were you playing at?!"
He wasn't getting a rest after this one.
The cross-fire continued and Mel Stefano figured it was wiser to rush them, seeing as they understood that Ferid was incredibly weak after being targeted just now. They couldn't allow him to heal, that's why they came even closer.
"Keep firing! We'll charge em'!" Mel gave an order to his teammates.
His health lowered to 5HP, Ferid calmly chuckled upon hearing the new order as well as Krul's voice perfectly blending in. He spat out pixelated blood along the way as he took out his second medkit from his pockets.
"Relax, I wasn't going to die." Fetid calmly states, pressing the medkit to his arm. He didn't look too concerned about his failure just now — which rose large red flags for Lest Karr and Krul Tepes.
His HP raised to 70%, he had 1 medkit left however Ferid knows for a fact that he wouldn't need to use it anymore for the rest of the tournament.
Continuing to shoot, Krul didn't turn around to face him. But the anger in her voice was audible and understandable. "Another bullet and you would've!"Krul jabbed back, honestly annoyed that he didn't get how important this tournament was for them yet.
All healed, "Concerned for me now, Krullie? Aww that's nice." He assisted her in her battles. He stayed behind the rocks this time and only exposed the muzzle of his precious KTR-09. He was very careful with headshots too, he didn't want to get sniped by Mel nor have a bullet graze past his ear.
The cross-fire came to an end when Krul and Ferid managed to take down one of MZEF's members. Fuole Honte was shot in the forehead, a perfect shot by Ferid himself, and toppled over to the ground in front of Mel Stefano. There was a 'DEAD' marker above his head, signalling the two opposing teams that one has bitten the dust.
Mel Stefano, who saw his teammate die before his very eyes, "H-Holy shit, we must run!" He yelled over to his two other comrades with mortified eyes.
That wasn't going to work in his favour.
'Bang'. A sniper shot was heard from the distance.
Two separate sniper bullets pierced through Mel Stefano and Esther Lee. It knocked the both of them out of the tournament was two 'DEAD' markers lit up on the spot.
Ferid, who was still peering by the rock, figured it was safe to stick his entire head out and he smiled, turning back and glancing in the direction of their team's sniper.
"Nice work, Crowley!" He complimented cheerfully.
Crowley, who was leaned by a rock of his own, a few metres away, reloaded his sniper rifle. "Yeah, I saw what happened earlier. Not cool, Ferid." He talked about when Ferid was ready to throw in the towel for his team.
The silver-haired man laughed and leaped over the rock, getting closer to the remaining enemy, Zane Lindau, with the company of Krul.
"Awww, that's not very nice. I protected you all, you know?" Ferid made an excuse.
In sync, "That's BS!! You didn't protect anybody!" Crowley and Krul spat out at Ferid, resulting in a sigh from Lest, who acted as a listener, and once again another laugh from the extraordinary demon.
Still running after their enemy, Krul and Ferid both charged over to Zane, who reacted very poorly and began running away from them.
"E-Eh?! U...Uwahhhhh!!"
He ran the opposite direction, closer to the forests of this map.
A chase broke out.
They arrived in the forests, it was a very open space as there were many places to run through, as long as he could fit through the trees and such. Zane had no problem despite his avatar size. What he didn't know however, was that a fourth person was in the forest along with him and the two members from KFLC.
A low voice was heard from the top of the trees.
"Oh nope, you're not going anywhere."
Zane didn't have much time to realize where he was running off to. All he knew was that he was running deeper into the forest, away from the clearing that was behind him.
He didn't notice a certain red and white-braided boy leap down from the tree and his boots' landing on the top of his head. But that wasn't all, Lest landing on top of his head was only a booster for him to remain in the air and slam down his grenade-launcher square on his head.
The chunk of metal made contact with his skull. Lest didn't relent despite such an unpleasant sound.
Zane Lindau was knocked out on the spot.
He fell to his front and Lest glared down at his unconscious state.
Most of the viewers watching from Sanguinem would have thought in this moment: "Man, that was brutal and uncalled for."
As Krul and Ferid caught up to Lest and noticed the unconscious body. She sighed and lifted her P90 to her chest's level and slowly shot away, only wasting two bullets to end off Zane Lindau for good.
A 'DEAD' marker appeared over Zane's head, all members of MZEF had been eliminated. KFLC remained victorious of this battle.
Inspecting his grenade-launchers and checking for any dents, "Huh, that was kinda an easy battle." He commented quietly and confidently. He really thought it, he just didn't want to make such a big deal out of it.
Who did however, was the pink-haired bunny Queen. She brought up Ferid's screw-up from earlier once again.
"Would've handled it better if Ferid didn't get too arrogant and wasted another medkit of his!" She hit him in the arm. It caused another friendly banter between them. Well, not so Ferid already received a hit.
"Hey now, I made the battle more interesting by jumping in like that—" he was interrupted by the Queen who kicked him away from her. He gasped as he had not expect such a violent response after all. But, being "friends" with Krul, more so being on her team in SS, he was used to her coldness.
"No!" Krul replied, honestly fed-up with him at this point.
All Ferid could say or do was laugh at her reply.
Krul huffed and didn't bother to continue arguing with this man. She may never see the day where she'll get along or even appreciate his actions. She was tired — annoyed with him, she wanted to shut him out of her life sometimes, she didn't want to have to see that toothy grin he gives whenever she's unwillingly nice to him, ever again.
Frustrated with their banter himself, Lest made it rather obvious that he wanted a topic change. Therefore, Krul did so. She didn't want to continue on as well so this was easy for her.
"Anyways, you knocked him out before we go here? That wasn't part of the plan." Krul called him out, not seeming to care really. She had said it in a way to remark about it, more so ask what made him act like that.
Lest didn't know what to say. He didn't even know why he moved in the first place. He pursed his lips and turned away from the two. "Don't know, guess I got bored just sitting in that tree." He responded.
They all shrugged. Not having much to say about their battle just now and stayed by the forest near Zane Lindau's corpse. They were waiting for the sniper to get over here and join them.
A/N: Hey, Lilla here and my goodness, this hasn't been updated in a very long time, now hasn't it? My inspiration to write this book came back all of a sudden(and I don't know why, but I'm thankful, I love this AU!) and figured I could continue writing here! Funny story is, I was so excited to write a KFLC battle after having had nothing but Shinoa Squad, Guren Squad and Progenitors battles. But when I got to chapter 11, all of my ideas were gone and motivation to write the scene kinda disappeared. But I'm back and it's finished! I hope you all joined this update! SSIII is drawing to a close very soon! ;)
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