where is (y/n)?
(Dark's POV still)
I punched the wall and left a dent. Mark and jack looked mortified, and anti had a dark look in his eyes.
"Get every one into the living room. We'll start a search after we find a plan." I stated, jaw clenched and my hands in a fist. Jack and mark nodded and scurried away from my famous bad temper. light left as well and anti walked up to me and patted me on the back. "We will find her dark, and when we do the mother fucker who took her will have hell to pay." anti assured me in a threatening tone. I felt me wings grow out and my teeth sharpen slightly more. "They'll have worse then hell, that's for sure." I replied. I stepped downstairs, my wings and sharp teeth never shrinking. I stepped into the living room, where everyone was gathered on couches and chairs. Even JG and shadow were down here. Wilford stood infront of the big TV, rubbing his arms and pacing with worry. Everyone looked up when I stepped into the room. I walked over to ice and fire and got straight up in their faces,
"if you have something to do with this I swear, no-one will find your body when I am done with you." I stated in a low threatening tone. Both of their faces turned terrified and they shook their heads violently. I backed off and walked infront of the entry to the living room. I cleared my throat.
"(Y/n) has been taken by someone, and I intend to fucking find her. Got that?" I asked in athoritive tone. Everyone nodded in response. I then instucked jobs for everyone. Mark and jack would talk to the police and such, to see if they could get the police to search for a while. light and I would fly over the city and look for anyone in suspicious buildings. Anti and JG would go through some nearby pocket dimensions, just in case a demon took her. Wilford would use his many spies and eyes on the street to cover ground. Shadow would help Wilford's men. Ice and fire would scour the parks, I totally did not do this to make them feel guilty. We broke into our jobs and got to work.
I had the task of looking through dimensions with my little brother JG. We immediately started making a plan. We each would have a clip board and pen, and teleport to each dimension, then write down the place and rendezvous back at the house every hour. I had grown attached to (y/n), even though we didn't have many interactions on a daily basis. But this was to far. I would gladly behead and incinerate the person who took her away from us, I already know that multiple people in this house have developed feelings for the new demon. This made things complex. I teleported to my first dimension and wrote the name on my list. I teleported around in this dimension a small bit, looking around for (y/n). I hoped she wasn't hurt. Just the thought of an angle like her being hurt made my blood boil and my skin crawl at the same time. I started working faster, and moved through about twenty before the hour was over. I met JG at the rendezvous spot and we discussed what we found. I got more and more panicked the more dimensions that were empty. This wasn't going to be easy.
((Y/n)'s POV)
It was dark and cold, and the air was damp. I felt a piece of cloth over my eyes and an object in my mouth that limited my speech. I went to lift the blindfold, but soon found my hands were bolted by metal bands to a metal chair. I tried to move my legs but found they were also bolted. This is going to be fun. I stayed still and didn't make a sound, there was no point in hurting or bringing attention to myself. I evened my breathing and focused on staying calm and collected. This was the mistake everyone made in horror movies, where they would shout and hurt themselves in a panicked state. I heard foot steps growing closer and I kept quite, hoping whoever was coming wouldn't bother me. I hear the foot steps stop, and a door open. Flash backs to the forest ran through my mind, but I sent them away as I heard the door close. I felt a presence in the room with me. I saw light creep through my blindfold and I heard the person walk behind me. They lifted my blind fold but I kept my eyes closed, preventing the light from reaching them to soon. I felt two very cold hands slip over my eyes.
"Guess who?" said a mans voice, a bit higher then marks, but not as high as jacks. I stayed quite. The hands were lifted and the man walked to the front of me.
"Oh come on sweet heart! you're no fun! Open your eyes! Let your old uncle hear your voice." the man coaxed.
I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to the new light. As they adapted to the lighting I saw a man with a white mask and black suit appear in front of me.
"Morning sweetheart! Nice to see you again." the man greeted in a pleasant tone. He must have detected my confusion, I think I would have remembered if I saw a man with pointy ears and horns.
"I'm your uncle, sketch. Your daddy is my brother!" he chirped.
"Can't you speak?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Well, how have you been?" he asked, expecting a response.
"Fine..." I said quietly.
"That's my girl! We used to be inseparable, you and I. That was all the way back when you were just an itty bitty baby!" he reminisced.
"All the way back before your poor daddy had to leave you with the humans." he finished. He had my attention now.
"Where is my dad? He didn't just leave me?" I asked, new courage in my voice,
"Heavens no! Your daddy thought you were the best thing to happen to this world! He had to leave you because he had a few people after 'im." the man named sketch replied,
"He was the one who asked me to pick you up!"
"What's with the kidnapping and restraints?" I asked, slightly shifting in my chair.
"Oh! Well... You were living with a bunch of other demons, and demons don't trust other demons, And I didn't want you to run away or use your powers on me so I locked you up! Sorry darlin'" he answered.
"Is my dad coming here? Also can you undo these bands? My wrists are getting sore" he walked over and unlatched me from the chair. I rubbed my wrists to try and sooth some of the pain.
"Your dear ol' dad should be here any minuet now." he assured me.
"Do you have a phone? I need to call my friends and tell them I'm okay, or else they might freak." I asked, getting comfortable around my uncle.
"Sure thing hon, phones in the corner over there." he indicated to a table in the corner. Looking around, I was in a sort of hotel room, it was pretty beat up and broken down, so I assumed it was abandoned. I stepped over to the table and picked up the old landline, how was this getting power? I shrugged and dialed the home phone at the house. It was picked up almost immediately.
"Hello?" came the worried voice of mark,
"Hey mark, you okay?" I asked in an equally worried voice,
"(Y/N)?! Screw me! Are you okay?! Are you safe?! Where are you?! Who took you? Did they hurt you? I swear to god if they hurt you-"
"Mark, mark chill! I am safe and unharmed! My uncle took me, and he is not dangerous so just chill." I reassured him. I heard darks voice shouting in the background.
"(Y/n) you're on speaker now." I heard mark say.
"Is everyone there?" I asked.
"Yeah everyone's here! Are you alright?!" I heard jack's scared voice.
"Yeah I'm fine! A family member took me, he said you guys wouldn't trust him because he was a demon," I looked back at sketch.
"Why don't you put him on the phone and let him explain," anti's voice suggested.
I handed sketch the phone, and he held it so I could hear what the others were saying.
"Hello! This is sketch! (Y/n)'s dear ol' uncle, how may I help you boys?" sketch answered in a chipper voice. Dark's voice was first to answer.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" He screamed.
"Woah! Chill! She's fine! I can't tell you where we are now, her father is about to arrive to see his baby girl for the first time in around 20 years, and if he figures out she is living with a horde of male demons in one house, he might go into father mode." my uncle answered.
"Just tell us where you are so we can come by and pick her up once she has her little reunion." jack demanded. Sketch paused for a bit, then nodded.
"We are in the broken down hotel called 'crystal skies'. We will call when you can come over." my uncle said, and handed the phone back to me.
"I'll see you in a bit guys! Don't worry about me, I have been taking care of myself for far longer then you would believe." I said my farewell and they told me they would see me soon. I hung up and turned to sketch.
"I didn't know they were so protective, sorry, they probably got like that after the first incident." I apologized.
"It's fine! Its nice to see you aren't on the street." he stated. Sketch's ears perked up suddenly. "Your dad's at the entrance to the hotel, do you wanna go meet him or do you want me to bring him up?"
He asked,
"Can you bring him up?" I asked.
"Sure thing, see you in a jiffy." he replied as he left the room. I sat on the chair with my elbows resting on my knees. I studied the room and focused on a bug crawling across the floor.
I then heard two sets of foot steps and a pair of voices conversating. The door opened once more and I found my uncle and another man in tow behind him. I stood to meet the two, laying eyes on, for the first time, what was my father. He had the same gray skin as sketch did, but he wasn't wearing a mask. He was wearing a black vest over a red button up, the sleeves were rolled up just above his elbows, and he wore a black flatcap that provided holes for the horns that were slightly bigger replicas of sketch's. His neck sported a black bow tie, and his pants were simple black dress pants that matched his black and scuffed dress shoes. I studied him for a bit, and he studied me. I was still in my (f/c) tank top with the ripped up back, and black jeans. I was the first to break the silence. I cleared my throat,
"So, dad, long time no see." I said in a slightly sarcastic voice. He cracked a smile.
"You look beautiful, I haven't layed my eyes on my baby demon for twenty years. There wasn't one day I wasn't wishing to see you, to save you from all your hardships." he confessed.
I felt my eyes heat up and knew there were tears on their way. This was like the first time I was connecting with my past that wasn't bad. I walked up to him and hugged him.
"It's so nice to see you! All these years I thought you just didn't want me! I felt like no-one wanted me!" he hugged back and pet my hair,
"Oh sweetheart, I loved you so much you took a piece of my heart away when I had to leave you in that awful orphanage! I knew when your protection spell wore off I had to contact you, are you doing alright now? Are you living some where nice?" he asked,
"Yeah I live in a big house, and were you the one who cast the protection spell over my powers?" I asked curiously.
"No, that was your uncle, he is better at casting charms like that." dad said as he held me at arms length.
"How are your new powers coming along?" he asked excited, smiling wide. I summoned some lightning and shadows, then some light. "So you have some of your mother's power to I see" he observed,
"Did you inherit teleportation?" he asked eagerly, I turned and showed him my tiny wings and spread them a bit.
"Ah, you got wings from your mother two, interesting..." he said.
"What happened to mom? Is she with you?" I asked eagerly. Dad's head hung,
"No hon, I am afraid your mother died while delivering you, and that's a bit of the reason I had to give you to the orphanage, your uncle and I tried to raise you, but we were on the run, and had to disappear, and make you disappear as well so they wouldn't go looking." he explained, my wings dropped a small bit. Dad checked his watch. "Oh my its late!" he stated,
"I have things to do and places to go, but I will stay in touch. I might drop by your house later, so don't be surprised! See you soon hon." he said, and with that he teleported away. I felt a knot in my chest diminish, and a weight leave my shoulders, I finally met my father, and got an explanation for my childhood. I think I'll keep this between me, myself, and I. I walked over to the corner and picked up the phone. I dialed the house number and it was picked up immediately, as if someone was waiting by the phone.
"(Y/n)?" came Wilford's voice on the other line,
"Yeah it's me, you can come and get me now." I said, feeling a little melancholy about my situation.
"We'll be there in ten." he said, before hanging up. I looked back over to sketch. "Next time you want me to go some where, just phone me?" I asked a humorous smile plastered on my lips. He nodded and chuckled, then teleported us to outside the front door of the hotel.
(OKAY COOL!!! So you met your dad, and we saw your darker side! And dark and anti didn't have to kill anyone! This chapter was fun, any way
Bye bye!)
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