meeting the crew

(My art again) 

Every. Single. Person. Pointed at me. I just shrugged and kept eating as I studied each of their faces. I noticed right away I am the only girl in the room. As I looked around I saw that every one of them was either a doppleganger of jack, or of mark. Then I made eye contact with one of them. He was hunched in his seat with his arms crossed. He looked like mark, but he had black hair and black eyes. Then my talent kicked in and I knew this one was about to speak up.
"Who's the girl mark?" he asked darkly. He sat with a grimace on his expression. I held eye contact with him silently. I just stared into his soul, and then he looked back down at his food submissively. Mark tapped me on the shoulder, slightly confused. "W-why don't you introduce yourself." mark said. I shake my head. I speak up "I know that a few of you want nothing to do with me. So ill tell you that my name is (y/n), and if you try and hurt me you'll be sorry. If you want to know more about me you'll have to actually try." I said in a dry tone with a flat face. A man on the left of the table giggled as I kept eating. I got done and quietly asked mark where the kitchen was "its on the right of this room." mark stated in bewilderment. I exited the dining room swiftly and put my plate in the kitchen sink and started washing the piled up dishes. I got done with that and and headed up to my room. I got in the room and flopped on the bed. I opened my phone and was on some social media when a knock sounded on my door. I got up. I opened the door and looked up to see the mark look-a-like I had stared down in the dining hall. He had a scowl plastered on his face. "What?" I asked devoid of emotion. "Who the hell are you?" he asked in a harsh tone. "I am a nobody that is now your roommate. And who are you?" I asked. "I'm dark. What did you do to me in the dining room?" he asked. "I am talented at looking into people. You sir, are a very hard target." I said. "Whatever. Just don't mess with me, or else you'll regret it." he said shoving his hands into his pockets. I laughed and took out my hand for him to shake. He shook it reluctantly. "Is there anything you needed?" I asked him. "Uh no. Just wanted to tell you to be careful around me or I might murder you." he said in a menacing tone. I laughed and closed the door. I didn't doubt him for a second. As soon as I looked into his soul I saw it was mostly as black as it could get. I walked back down stairs. I wanted to adventure a bit and figure out my surroundings. I walked through some halls and came up on a suspiciously placed book shelf. My intuition is pretty sharp. I grabbed a pink book and tilted it like in the movies and the bookcase opened like a door. I went inside and the bookcase closed behind me. I was in a giant library. The shelves must have been never ending up into the ceiling. I quickly got on a ladder and started to explore the many books. I was on row twenty when I found a little reading nook. The walls were black and it sported three pink, cushie, arm chairs and a pink rug over the dark wood floor. I grabbed a book and sat in the corner on the pink rug. I started reading the book and heard the bookcase open. I closed the book and listened in the quiet library. I heard a man mumbling to himself in the front section. Then the mumbling stopped and the library was silent. I held my breath. "Somebody is in here..." he said in an odd accent. His words were slurred and drawn out in places of the sentence. I then heard foot steps coming towards my direction. I got up and sat in an armchair and opened my book. If he was gonna find me I might aswell act  natural. He soon walked into the nook. "Why, helllloooo there miss!" he said in the same strange voice. "How did you find this place?" he asked. "It wasn't very well hidden." I stated bluntly. He looked confused. "Ill have you know that my brother bought this house and HE hasn't been able to find it after three years." the man stated. "And you're what, two hours into your stay? You found it very swiftly." I look up to study the man. He was another brother of mark. He had black hair and a pink handle bar mustache. He also wore a light yellow shirt with brown suspenders holding up his beige dress pants. He wore a pink bow tie that matched his mustache. I closed my book and got up and put it back without a word. I then turned and walked up to the mustached man. I held out my hand for him to shake. He took it and instead of shaking it he held it up to his mouth and planted a light kiss on the back of my hand. He let go and I let it slide into my pocket. "Nice to meet you miss (y/n). I'm Wilford Warfstache." he introduced himself. "Nice to meet you to Mr. Wilford." I said. He chuckled. "Now how exactly did you find this place? Hm?" he asked, sitting in one of the three armchairs. I sat in the one next to him and crossed my legs.
"Well I was exploring my new surroundings, and I saw a very odd book shelf. I then pulled the most feasible book that stood out to me and found this place. I didn't touch anything of importance by the way." I explained. "Hm... Interesting..." Wilford thought to himself.
"Am I being a burden? I could easily leave..." I asked.
"No no no! It's nice to have another intelligent person such as myself to talk to." Wilford said. He adjusted in his seat.
"So, miss (y/n), what is your line of work?" Wilford asked, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.
"Well I have done several lines of work... The most interesting was photographer." I stated. Wilford's eyes lit up.
"Have you ever had an interest in journalism?" he asked enthusiastically.
"I have done a few shots for the news before... Why do you ask?" I said. "Why I am a very well known interviewer! My interviews are the best of the best!" he exclaimed.
"That's pretty impressive." I stated "would you happen to be hiring?" I asked. "What a coincindents! One position was just discussed with management!"
"which is that?" I asked.
"The Co-host position!" he stated.
"How much does it pay? I am not in the best spot with money currently." I asked.
"Well as you may know, hosts on news shows are played very generously." he said "I get paid around 10 million a year." Wilford stated smugly. "So that's why the house is this big..." I stated distracted.
"Here, ill hire you, and all you have to do is some research on stories and ask questions along with me. It wont be hard at all!"
Wilford said excited. "Deal." I said. He held out his hand for me to shake and I did.
"Ill give you some time to settle into the house since you just moved. I believe mark is trying to look for you. But please be discrete in leaving this place as I do want it to stay hidden." Wilford said. I nodded and stood up. He stood up as well and walked me to the hidden doorway. I went through the door and started down the hall. I got to the living room and saw dark and one of jacks brothers on the couch. "Hey dark" I said. "What do ya want?" dark replied "Wilford told me mark was looking for me. Have you seen him?" I asked. Jacks brother giggled and looked up at me. His right eye was green with a blue iris, and his other was black with a white orb that symbolized a pupil. His eyes had an insane look in them. "Ol' Wilfy didn't kill you?" he asked amused. "Thats anti." dark stated. "Hello." I greeted my new roommate. "Marks in the kitchen." anti said with another insane giggle. "Thank guys" I said and walked over to the kitchen. I walked in to a nice smell. I look to see mark putting the final touches on a cake.
"Hey mark, you needed me?" I asked. He spun quickly as he hadn't noticed I entered. I chucked.
"Oh hey (y/n)!" he greeted. "I was just finishing up your welcome cake!" he exclaimed.
"Thanks mark but you didn't have to!" I said.
"No its fine! I also needed an excuse to make a cake anyway so I seized the opportunity." mark and I both laughed as jack walked in with anti and dark. Both jack and anti stopped talking and snapped their heads in the direction of the cake. Both mark and dark sighed. Jack and anti tried to bolt to the cake but dark and mark held them back. I started laughing really hard and everyone started staring at me. I didn't care. I doubled over in laughter and had to catch my breath. I looked up to see all of them confused "are you okay?" jack and anti asked at the same time. "Yeah I'm fine... Lets have cake."

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