lost and found (chapter before the last)


It had been about two hours and I had got tired. I found a big stump and decided I would rest for a bit and cool my nerves. I just need to be calm and think rationally. I sat on the big stump and folded my legs so they were crossed. I took in a deep breath and then exhaled. I reapeted the process a few times and took out my phone. I saw the time and realized it was nine o'clock and it's getting dark. (*cough cough* totally not a tally hall reference *cough*) and my face instantly fell. Everyone knows that a forest gets a thousand times creepier at night. I took in another breath. What could hurt me? I'm in a park trail right? Wrong. I had wondered to far and I was completely away from society. Then the sun set and I shivered. It was so dark. I pulled out my phone and used the flash light to head down the path. I then heard footsteps behind me. I sprinted to the left through the woods I then found a fence like structure. I walked around and was inspecting it when I found something. It was a piece of note book paper with a rather creepy drawing scribbled on it. I shivered and stuffed it in my pocket. I heard the footsteps again and run back to the line of trees. Next I came up on a sort of tunnel. I walked through the weird tunnel and found another page. This one had a drawing and the word 'no' scrawled all over the paper. I stuck that one next to the other I had collected. I didn't know why I felt compelled to find all of these pages. I looked at the two and turned the first around so the back shown. The back informed me there were supposedly 8 of these creepy notes. I shrugged and went on my way.

(Teeny tiny time skip)

I had collected 6 of the supposed 8 that were hidden. I had heard the footsteps countless times it seemed like each time they got closer. I spotted I giant red structure poking out of the ground. I walked around it and found the seventh page. I did a little victory dace because I only had one more to go. This little scavenger hunt had taken my mind off my problems, and even though its absolutely terrifying, I was glad it did. That was until a loud noise broke my thoughts. The deafening sound of a static television filled my ears at a loud volume. I sprinted away and it stopped. I was walking all around the forest and couldn't find the last freaking page! The sound off static filled my head once again and this time I turned around to see the cause. I regret that choice oh so much. I laid my eyes on a tall hulking figure. It was dressed in a black suit and red tie. That wasn't the scary part though. I would say the fact that his skin was white as a sheet and he had no face were the scariest parts about this monster walking towards me. I ran for my life now that I knew what the footsteps were. The static went away once more and I stumbled upon an old truck. I was walking around it when I heard the static. Now that I knew what it was it was a whole new level of horror. I quickly opened the beat up truck and climbed inside the drivers seat. I sat in the still truck. The only sound around me was my ragged breaths. Then I hear foot steps outside the vehicle. They circle the truck. I close my eyes and try to even out my breaths, I open them slightly and see a sheet of paper where the gas pedals are. I quickly grab it and put it with the rest if the pages. I close my eyes again and listen to the footsteps crunch on grass and dirt. This was terrifying. The the footsteps slowly approached the drivers side. I slid the lock on with my eyes closed still. T the footsteps stopped abruptly. My heart sank down to my feet as I heard scratching trail around the body of the old truck. Then it stopped outside of the door I was on the other side of. It felt colder as silence fell on the world. I listened intently. Then there was tapping on the truck window. A shiver ran down my back as the tapping grew more rapid and aggressive. This was it. This is how I was going to die. Then the tapping turned into banging. That creature was banging on the window and shaking the whole vehicle. The vehicle was about to tip over when it all stopped suddenly and unexpectedly. I opened my eyes slowly and looked over to my window. My breath caught in my throat. The thing's head was right outside the window. It didn't have eyes but I felt its stare on my face. It was studying me. I looked down at the pile of notes. Is that what it wanted? The notes? I took a heavy breath and held up the notes. I pointed to them and mouthed the words "do you want these?". The thing nodded and held out his hand. I looked down to see there was a crank to roll the window down. This really was an old truck. I rolled down the window just barely. I slid the pages through and the slender creature grabbed them. I rolled up the window again at lightning speed. I then fell back against the seat as the monster took long and graceful strides back to the tree line. I sighed and caught my breath. Then what happened hit me. I stared sobbing as the shock wore off "what the fuck was that?!" I screamed to myself. Then I thought about it some more and it buried it's self deep into my mind. The scratching of its long fingers.... Its ghostly pate skin... Its non exsistant face haunted me. I soon felt drowsy and looked down at my clothes and hands. They both were absolutely dirty and my pants and sweater were ripped from places they probably got caught on trees or bushes. My hair probably looked like it could have rats living in it. I didn't care at the moment. I just wanted to sleep. So that's what I did. I soon drifted off to sleep in the old truck. That experience will haunt me forever.

I woke up to rays of sunshine barely over the horizon. I looked around the truck and remembered last night. Oh god when I find the twins there is no stopping me from making their life a living fucking hell on earth. I climbed out of the truck and broke into a run towards the woods. I still was haunted by the memory and vision of the tall and slender creature that lurked here. Last night's scavenger hunt let me explore this forest thoroughly. I basicly knew it like the back of my hand. I got back to the original trail. My thoughts quickly took over as I knew it was going to take a few hours to get back. My mind wondered back to the twins. I had trusted them. I had fully forgave them for going through my stuff out of the kindness of my heart. And what did they do? Hm? They left me in a giant unfamiliar city. I could have died. I could have died by that thing. that horrible monstrosity that lurked these woods. I could have had a grossum death. I could picture it. My guts and intestines spread across trees like streamers at a party. My head desplaid proudly on a stake, glistening with the morning dew and my blood. My arms and legs thrown in a pile in some dark caves. These unpleasant thoughts and many more filled my head as I walked the rest of the trail for two hours. I finally got to the edge of the forest and looked back down at my hands. I hadn't noticed before but they were bleeding. So were my knees. I stuck my hands in my pockets and went on auto pilot as my rage fuled me in the direction of somewhere. I honestly didn't know where I was heading.
A few minuets later I found myself at the door to the house. I was surprised but was soon taken over again by my rage. I burst through the front door and stomped into the sitting room to see everyone with worried faces discussing something. I stood in the door way fuming. I looked around to room and saw the two furmiliar faces of the twins. "YOU..." I growled and walked up to the both of them. I grabbed their shirt collars, and with strength I didn't know I had I held them up to the wall. I felt several eyes observing the scene. "I ALMOST FUCKING DIED!" I screamed in a hellish tone. "I GOT LOST IN THOSE FUCKING WOODS! I HAVE ONLY BEEN IN THIS CITY FOR ONE. DAY. ONE. FUCKING DAY!!!" I lost it. Both of them were white in the face and both looked terrified. I slid them up the wall so their feet were barley off the ground. "THIS IS NOT THE END OF IT YOU TWO. I BARLEY SLEPT AND I LOOK LIKE I JUST SPENT TWO YEARS IN THE AMAZON JUNGLE! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME FOR AWHILE OR YOUR LIVES WILL BE IN DANGER!" I let both of them fall to the floor and stomped on one of each of their hands. I then stormed out of the room, not caring about the twins or any of the other's reactions. I stomped up the steps and slammed the door to my room shut. All I wanted in that second was to take a really hot shower. That's all I ask. A hot shower. I walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. I didn't bother looking in the mirror as I could guess what I looked like. I glanced at the mirror and for a second I saw my eyes were different. I looked back and my eyes were the normal (e/c) color they always had been. I undressed and got in the shower. It was already stocked with the standard shampoo, conditioner, and soap bar you would expect it to host. I turned on the water and it came out hot. I just let myself feel the water and let all my problems wash down the drain. I inhaled and exhaled deep breaths and just relaxed. I washed my self of all the blood and dirt and scrubbed my hair. I then got done and found a towel on the towel rack. I dried myself off and quickly got dressed in a soft grey sweater and some black sweatpants. I got my hair dry and combed it. I brushed my teeth. Ah how good it felt to be clean. I bandaged my knees and hands I had scrapped somewhere along my encounter in the woods. I plugged my dead phone in and took a deep breath. I needed to go downstairs at eat. I opened the door and walked down the stairs with a calm expression. I saw a figure in the hallway but it soon ducked into another room as if trying to hide. If they are gonna be like that who cares? I said what I meant and I meant what I said. I had warned them at the start that they would be sorry if they hurt me. I walked into the kitchen, not noticing there was another person there. I angerly opened the door to the pantry to see if I could make myself something. Then my instincts kicked in again and I knew someone was in the room with me. "H-hey (y/n)? You need anything?" it was jack. I turned around and saw a nervous and scared looking jack by the sink washing dishes. This broke me. My anger and rage melted into sorrow. One of my only friends in this world was now scared of me. This is why I kept moving. My expression melted into a sad one. "N-no I'm just gonna be in my room..." I said trying not to tear up. I put the sleeve of my sweater up to my mouth, choking up sobs as I ran back upstairs to my room. Great job (y/n)! You get saved by two wonderful and generous people, move in with them, then threaten their brothers' lives! Urgh. I fell onto my bed a single tear falls. then my face hardens. I had a blank expression as my mind soon drifted off to memories of the past.... Back when I had friends....when I had family..... I sighed. Why do I even try. Then I heard a faint knock on my door. I mumbled a faint come in. Two people entered the room. I turned so I was facing the two men. It was Dark and Wilford. Wilford aproched the bed. Dark fallowed and they both sat on the bed. I was still laying down and I curled up. Now my back was parallel to the head board and dark and Wilford sat at the end of the bed. They studied me for a bit in silence. Then dark spoke. "What the actual fuck happened to you?!" he asked. Was that a hint of...worry? In his voice? Wilford nodded. "Well they left me on a street away from the house and I couldn't do anything." I started, putting a hateful tone on they. I then recounted the story and even left in all the parts about the woods. "Then I got out of the woods and by pure rage I found myself back here." I finished. Both looked concerned as hell and I didn't have to wonder why. Then darks expression changed. Apparently I had been getting mad again by retelling the story. I felt myself feel strong power again and I wanted to punch something. I got it under control. Wilford and dark were staring at me. "What?" I asked irritated. "Your eyes they're...." Wilford trailed off "they look like a demons." dark finished

(WOAH EVEN LONGER CHAPTER! I made the gif by the way! They are an equal amount of fun and irritating to make. Anyway hoped you liked it! Bye!)


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