Light and Dark, Fire and Ice.


After cake all of us, (anti, dark, mark, jack, and you) sat in the living room. They had turned on (favorite show) and I was watching eagerly as my favorite episode came on. Then, surprisingly, Dark spoke up out of the blue. "Ummm (y/n), why are you still in pajamas?" he asked. I looked down to see I was still wearing my gray onsie. I laughed a bit and shrugged "eh. I need to wash my other outfit. Plus I don't have anything else to wear." I said. Marks expression changed and he was about to talk when multiple people entered the room. I looked up to see Wilford, who stood with two more of their brothers. Wilford had the two boys by the ear and looked mildly irritated. "Mark, please tell these two some manners about a ladies privacy." he stated. Mark sighed and face palmed. "What did the twins do now?" he asked in a tired voice. "I found them snooping around in miss (y/n)'s room" Wilford stated bitterly. Wilford dragged the two across the room by the ears so they were standing infront of me. "Apologize to miss (y/n), ice and fire" Wilford ordered firmly. I took the time they were thinking to study their apperences. The one on the left wore a heavy sweater with blue and white on it. He wore blue jeans under it and his hair was quite spiky. It was also blue to match his outfit and piercing blue eyes. The one on the right wore a thin sweater over a orange and black v-neck shirt. He wore orange jeans and had hair that stuck of his head in the shape of flame. He also had firey orange eyes. The both looked at me in awe. I stared into their souls like I did to dark the first time we met. The one I assumed was ice, bowed his head quickly, while the one called fire had a rebellious spark in his eyes. But he soon bowed his head as well and both boys apologized. Mark got up quickly and lead both boys into a separate room. I laughed at everones bewildered expressions. "OoOoOo! (Y/n) used her magic on the twins! Like she did dark!" anti said in his regular insane and joyful tone. Dark punched anti in the shoulder and I laughed again. "So! What's this I hear about you not having clothes!?" Wilford asked quite loud. "I am in a bad patch with money so I can't afford clothes." I said to him. He did a super dramatic gasp and grabbed his mouth in faked horror. "Well we can't have such a lovely lady like you in a onsie for the rest of your days! Come! Come! Come!" Wilford shouted as he held out a hand for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me back to the library's hidden entrance. We went inside and he pulled me along to the deeper part of the shelves. Eventually we came to a set of big double doors at the back of the library. Wilford walked up and swung them open dramatically. It was a closet full of different types of clothes, both male and female. He lead me inside quickly. "Pick any outfit you want love! I have to go help mark teach the twins some manners." he said. "Well they didn't find much in my room. They might have taken my only money, which is a very small sum." I said. "Those boys always get into trouble! They need a talking regardless." I nodded and he walked out. I then began walking around the huge closet area. I soon found a pair of black jeans and a (f/c) hoodie. I unzipped my onsie and slipped the new clothes on quickly. I looked around more and found some plain black socks. I put those on as well and looked around the room some more. There were much fancier outfits, I predicted those, long flowing dresses, nice black tuxes. I then remembered what I wanted to do. I snuck out of the library and down the hall. I got into the kitchen quietly. I snuck to the pantry and was finding a snack when two voices came up through the door. I grabbed a snack, some cheezits, from the pantry. Then two people came bursting through the door. It was dark, and ANOTHER brother of mark. This one had white hair and light grey eyes. He was wearing a grey t-shirt with angel wings printed on the back. He had white cargo pants covering his legs. They were in a screaming match about something. "WELL HOW DARE YOU?!" the light one shouted "I'LL DARE TO EVEN GO FURTHER YOU-" dark started. I polity cleared my throat. Dark and the other man jumped back, suprized that I was there. "Dark, whose this?"  the other male asked. "Oh. That's right you weren't at breakfast." dark said thinking back to breakfast. I walked up to the lighter one and held out my hand for him to shake. He took it gladly and shook my hand. "I'm (y/n). I uh... Sorta live here now." I stated awkwardly. The other man looked surprised but shook it off. "I'm light, Nice to meet you (y/n)." he said and let go of my hand. "So what were you fighting about?" I asked. "Oh nothing..." light said looking down to his right. "I know your lying but I won't push your buttons." I stated. Dark rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I went over to the counter and poured myself a bowl of cheezits. As I did I felt two sets of eyes watching my every move. I grabbed my bowl and walked out of the kitchen. I sat down on the couch again and watched some cartoons on TV. Two figures were behind the couch. My "power" kicked in and I knew the two named ice and fire were behind the couch. I laughed and turned behind me two see the two. "Nice try." I said they both stood up and rolled over the couch to sit next to me. The ice one spoke first. "Awww we had the best scaring plan!" he whined. I chuckled and ran my hand through my hair. "So... You live here now?" fire asked leaning forward so his elbows rested on his knees. "Uhhh yeah I needed a place to stay and I met mark and jack and they offered me a room. I hope that's ok with you guys..." I explained. "It will be awesome to have some one other than our stupid brothers and jacks brothers! They are total buzz kills most times!" ice exclaimed excited. "Oh okay! Cool! I'm glad you guys don't want to murder me.... That would get complicated...." I said wondering into my own thoughts. "Nah you seem pretty cool! Wanna go to the park?" fire asked. "Sure. Let me grab my phone." I said and got up. I felt two arms snake around my stomach. I stiffened. They where very cold. Then I heard ice's voice behind me. "Thank you for forgiving us..." he said. "N-no problem." he let go and I rushed up the stairs. That scared me for a second as I had flash backs to the bus. Then the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I knew someone was hiding out of my sight. I stopped my steps and took a moment to observe the area. I looked around the landing of the stairs and the hall infront of me. I was looking around when I saw a black door. It was slightly open. I walked up to it but it closed when I got closer. I heard whispers and murmuring from the other side so I got closer and listened. I heard two voices, and I immediately recognized them as dark and anti. I leaned in closer to hear one of them pacing and one taping their foot. It seemed they were discussing something, but I could only hear bits of their conversation. "Do you think she saw?"  "I do too"  "she is powerful"  "should we tell mark and jack?" then they stopped talking and I hear the one pacing walk up to the door. Thinking quickly I got up and pretended I was about to knock on the door, so when he opened it I would have an excuse why I was by the door. Dark opened the door. He jumped back, slightly surprised that I was standing there. "Everything okay?" I asked, pretending I didn't know why he was surprised to see me. He composed himself. "Yeah I'm fine... What do you want?" he asked. "Oh yeah! Um I am going to the park with ice and fire and I thought you would like to know where I was incase you need me or something." I informed him truthfully. "Yeah yeah sure, now I need to go so if you would please," he said impatiently. I stepped out of his way and he stormed off. Anti scurried after him and closed the door. I shrugged and walked over to my door and opened it. I found Wilford stuffing clothes into my closet. He turned around quickly as if he was a small child getting caught eating cookies. I laughed and he relaxed. "I thought I would bring you some outfits!" Wilford stated. "Thanks! I'm going to the park with fire and ice." I informed him. "Don't let those two get the better of you. They are tricksters, they are tolerable when you get to know them though." Wilford warned. I nodded and grabbed my phone off the charger. 100% yay! I walked back down stairs and saw both the boys conversating on the couch. I walked up two the couch. "Hey guys! Lets go!" I said. They both got up and we walked out the door together. As we walked the two started to walk faster. I picked up the pace, but I knew I wasn't a running person. They then both broke into a sprint away from me and I coukdent catch up. By this time I was scared beyond belief. I didn't know how to get anywhere in this city. I had even lost the way back to the house. I sighed as my eyes started tearing up. This was one of my worst fears. I was in a giant city, in a place so big, and had no idea where I was. I couldn't use my phone because I didn't know any addresses. I decided just to keep walking forward towards where the twins had gone. My eyes were getting more and more wet and I sniffled a few times. I soon came upon a park and I walked down one of those hiking trails. I thought I could get my head striat if I had some forest air in my lungs. I would only fallow the trail and not get lost. This was going to be a long night.

(OMG THAT CHAPTER WAS SO LONG!!! yeah any way here's the 3rd chapter. I drew fire and ice, or at least how I thought they would look. I will probably draw light later and dark too. Yay! Okay see ya later!)

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