I was playing games on the couch next to mark and jack. We were playing a fun game called "gta". I had got in a jet multiple times and was currently blowing up mark and jack with missiles from my air craft.
"Take that bitches!" I shouted smugly, blowing up the car jack and mark were in. I laughed loud as they both groaned. My mood had improved vastly and the twins were out of my state of mind as I flew high into the virtual sky with my jet. I dogged a few missiles from other planes and kept flying. Then jack came up behind me in a jet he just stole and destroyed me. I laughed as the screen displayed the words "wasted" in bold text. I took the last bite of my food. I hadn't realized how tired I was until I had finished off my food. My eye lids felt like they had two tons on them as they started to close. I felt myself lean against the person next to me. I didn't really care who, I was just so tired I could probably sleep for days.


I felt my left shoulder get heavier as if something was weighing it down. I look over and see it
(y/n)'s sleeping form leaned against me. I feel my face get hot and I feel like my face now resembles a cherry tomato. I look over at mark and see... Jealousy? "We better put her back in her bed." mark said getting up carefully. I nodded. I got up as well and mark helped me carry (y/n) up the stairs to her room. We set her gently in her bed. As we both tried to walk away, I felt the sleeve of my sweat-shirt being tugged on. I look over at mark and see that the same was happening to his flannel. I shrugged and sat on the bed, So did mark. (Y/n) tossed and turned for a bit then settled in and let go of mark and I. I stared down at the girl sleeping in front of me. She was so adorable when asleep I couldn't handle it. I smiled and blushed I looked over at mark and saw he had the same look. He looked up to me and we both nodded. We would protect her till the day we die.


I woke up in my big bed. I sat up and stretched, then yawned. I went to get up, but the covers were weighed down by something. I look down by my feet and see mark and jack sleeping at the edge of my bed. A small smile crept up my features as I studied my two new friends. He both started to stir and both sat up. Mark rubbed his face while jack stretched. They both looked around and realized where they were, judging by their expressions. They both turned their heads towards my direction and saw me sitting up, slightly confused as why the two were in my room, let alone sleeping at my feet. Then they both spoke at once
"You're up." they said in unison. I giggled and saw both start to blush. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. My hair was a bit messy, so I combed it quickly. I walk back into the main room and grab my phone to check the time. It was morning. My gosh I slept for so long! When I had fallen asleep on jacks shoulder it was 2:34 pm. I looked over at the two, my facial expression asking the question I wanted answered. Why were they sleeping in my room?
"Y-you fell asleep on me." jack stammered.
"Then we brought you up here and you wouldn't let us leave." mark finished. Now it was my turn to blush. I shrugged it off quickly, then asked another, more important, question.
"Is breakfast always in the dining room?" I asked. They both nodded, and I walked out of the room quickly, heading down to the dining hall.
I soon got down there and found myself at a place in between dark and anti. I was still sleepy so I wasn't very observant. I had made myself some cereal and was eating it carefully, because I just woke up and I didn't want to accidently spill it or anything. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around quickly. It was Wilford. He was wearing black pants, nice shoes, and a bright red and white dress jacket over a black button-up with a wight tie. He motioned me to follow him, so I got up and so did dark. We walked to his library and entered. It seemed that Wilford didn't mind dark finding this place so I didn't protest. They lead me to the reading nook and I was getting kind of nervous from the no-mess look on each of their faces. I sat down uncomfortably, but the two look-a-likes were still standing. Wilford must have noticed my discomfort, and softened his expression a bit, but he still had a serious air about him.
"So (y/n)...." dark began, starting to pace around.
"We have reason to believe you are, at least part, demon." he stated bluntly. My face was blank. It really didn't seem too far fetched by now. I was always a weird child. Maybe that's why I spent all of my childhood in a orphanage. Maybe my mother couldn't handle having a demon as a child, a monster. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a nervous looking Wilford calling my name. I shook my head and looked around.
"Did you ask me something?" I asked them.
"We are going to take you to our two "family members". they are doctors, and can confirm if you are actually part demon, as we suspect you to be." dark informed. I nodded.
"Let me go get dressed, ill meet you in the living room and we can go." I said getting up. They both nodded and they walked me to the entrance of the library. I left and went back up to my room to get dressed real quick. This would be very interesting.

I walked back down the steps to the living room wearing a tanktop with the fabric stripped in the back, and a pair of black jeans. I walked over to see dark and Wilford in a heated conversation. "You better not let them hurt her!" dark threatened quietly.
"You know I would never try to break something so precious!" Wilford whispered back defensive. I walked up and cleared my throat. Both boys turned, surprised I was standing there. Then they both studied me, both their faces getting red.
"M-may I say, you look particularly ravishing at the moment." Wilford complimented, elbowing dark who had been staring. Dark blinked. He put on his tough face and grumbled something.
"A-anyway! I will be escorting you to the doctors'. They have their own little place, where they practice their medicines and such." Wilford informed, regaining his composer. I nodded and took out my phone.
"Do you guys have phones?" I asked, completely unobservant of the two boys' behavior. They both nodded and took their phones out of their pockets
"Why?" dark asked.
"I don't want a reapete of the incident." I stated "give me your phone numbers." I demanded. They both spouted off their numbers and I saved them into my phone as "wilfy🌸" and "darky🌹". I sent them each a tiny "hi" so they could set my contact to. Little did I know that Wilford had set me as "my love" and dark had set me as "baby". I put my phone in my pocket and looked up. They both mirrored my actions.
"Ready to go?" Wilford questioned. I nodded and dark bid us farewell.
"So are we walking?" I asked. Wilford nodded.
"Unless you want to take the
bus-" I cut him off swiftly.
"No no no no! That's fine! I can walk! I got legs!" I said. I really didn't want to go on the bus as memories began to resurface. There was a look of confusion on Wilford's face for a few seconds before he brushed it of. He began to walk down the sidewalk and I followed. I had never noticed, but Wilford had a walk of purpose, one that said "don't mess with me!". I then began to realize that that was a cool quirk he had and reminded myself to shove that in my memory box for him. I had a memory box with all the people I met. Wilford's was a bit empty at them moment, mostly filled with the way he talked and the few facts I had learned when we first met. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a pair of fingers snapped infront of my face. I looked up to see Wilford. He looked a bit worried. I gave him a questioning look.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, still looking up at him.
"I should be asking you the very same." I replied. "Are you okay? You're acting out of it and you keep spacing out. You litteraly stared at me for ten minuets while we were walking." Wilford said. I blinked a few times. I suddenly felt very faint. He grabbed both my hands in his as I felt my face paling.
"Are you alright love?" he asked. I shook my head no and held onto him, afraid I would fall and hurt myself on the pavement. He stooped down a bit to meet my eyes.
"You don't look well. Here." Wilford then lifted me bridle style. I didn't attempt to protest, I was already about to pass out so it was better he was carrying me now. He started walking fast. I just let my head fall to his chest and my arms folded over my stomach. Then the world slowly faded and all I could hear was Wilford's strong heart beating in his chest. Then it went black.

~(Wilford's POV)~

I felt a blush creep up my face as I felt (y/n)'s head fall on my chest. I had to get her to the doctors' house quickly. As soon as I felt her pass out I teleported infront of their door. I knocked quickly. From inside I heard someone bellow "SHUT UP NURSE!!!". the door opened and I saw doctor Iplier in the door way with his normal medical personnel attire on. He looked surprised to see me, then looked surprised to see I had a girl in my arms.
"WHO IS IT?" shouted a voice behind doctor Iplier. I knew from his accent that it was Dr. Schneeplestien. These two are some of the less popular of the ipliers and septiceyes, so it was a surprise to them that I had stopped by. Dr. Iplier opened the door wider to let me in and I set (y/n) on the couch. I heard footsteps shuffle around and Schneeplestien came to stand next to me.
"I am guessing you vant us to help zee girl?" Schneeplestien asked. I nodded and Dr. Iplier came over with a cup of water. I raised her head and he tipped the glass so water dripped passed her lips. She stared to struggle in her sleep. He stopped pouring water and backed up. I sat on the couch and put her head in my lap. She started to twist in her sleep, mumbling incoherent sentences. I was overly worried. Then she sat bolt upright. She quickly turned around to face me and I saw her eyes had taken on their demonic state. She was looking around franticly, as if she couldn't see anything. Then her eyes locked with mine and it seemed her vision cleared. She took in a deep breath, as her previous breaths had been panicked, quick, and shallow. She swallowed and tried to calm down. She took another breath and seemed to compose herself.
"Are you okay?" I asked, worry dripping from every word. She simply nodded. But I knew better. Her eyes showed terror and her hands were shaking. I need to get to the bottom of this, but for now she has an appointment with the demon doctors.

(Oooooooh~ finally a cool ending to a chapter! Also finally getting into romance a small bit. I made the gif at the top, and while it was fun to make, I have a lot to learn before I can animate the world.... *the last airbender theme starts*......Im random......
Yeah hoped you liked it!

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