chapter 8

I made lunch and ate. I was sitting in the kitchen and messing with my powers, summoning lightning between my fingers, making light in one hand and shadow in the other, trying to summon wings and failing. Then light walked in and seemed surprised to see me. "Hello," I greeted, making a hand out of shadows appear and wave.  He smiled nervously "I apologize for our behavior earlier..." he said. I nodded. He walked over to the counter and started to make some tea for himself. "So.... Have you ever heard of a demon known as ace?" I asked. "Yes, I do believe he was in a very high position before he disappeared," light answered, his back towards me, "the doctors say he is were I got my power..." I said. Light turned to study my face, "did they mention the mother?" light asked, leaning against the counter. "No, I never actually knew my parents either, so I am no help to my own cause." I stated defeated. "Interesting..." light said, staring off into space. I looked over to the window above the sink, and saw a little bird. I glanced back to light who was staring. I snapped infront of his face and he left his trance. "Sorry..." he said, scratching the back if his neck. I laughed and grabbed myself a cup of water. I downed the contents of the glass and set it in the sink. I left the kitchen, only to run into dark and anti playing a video game on the couch. I walked up behind them on the couch and rested my arms on the backrest. They were playing old mortal combat. "Sooo...," I broke the concentration, "how would wings benefit me?" I ask. Dark speaks up. "I have wings, but if you are a demon with wings you can't teleport, if you're like anti or Wilford, and don't have wings, they teleport around, wings look cooler though." dark explained
"Pshh yeah right!" anti exclaimed "it depends on how you teleport is what makes it cool, my brother JG, he teleports through electronics." anti added, "suuure anti, you know that Glitch does that too." dark said as he did a combo on anti's character on the screen. "How do you summon your wings?" I asked. "Well I just think of darkness and despair and poof!" two wings sprung from darks shoulder blades. They were huge, black and smoking feathered beauties. I marveled at his glorious new appendages in amazement "will mine be as cool as yours?" I asked in bewilderment. "Well first you need to summon them," dark ended the game and got up "follow me outside so I can tell you how to pop these babies out," dark said, walking to the back door that lead from the kitchen to outside. He stood out side and lifted his wings. He took into the air with one big swoop and was gliding above me. I stared up at him impressed. He did a few flips and tricks then landed back next to me, his giant wings folding behind him. "So, making you angry seems to bring out your powers...." dark suggested, "maybe if I rise your temper you can draw power from it and open your wings." he theorized. "Hmmmm, what makes you mad..." he pondered to himself. "What about your parents leaving you? The little monster baby?" he ask with a smug look, I felt my eyes change from their normal (e/c). "And getting kicked out of all the foster homes? Hmm? Problem child?" dark said, starting to pace. My breathing got a little quicker. "Oh, and don't forget the kids, those hurtful words?" dark said, standing infront of me, I felt my shoulder blades heat up, then a cold rush of air as my new wings sprung forth. I still held anger bubbling inside me like a soda with mentos in it. "Uhhh..." dark stood astounded at my new wings, as they had a very wide span, even though they weren't very tall. I let go of my anger and looked behind me to see my wings. They were Grey in color with black tips on the left and white tips on the right, interesting. I twitched them a bit, then raised and lowered them. They shrunk in size, so that they reached about half my arm length. I flapped them a couple of times, then folded them. I looked back at dark who was gaping at me. I felt a small amount of blood rush to my cheeks. "Dark? Earth to dark." I snapped my fingers and that seemed to break him out of his trance. "You got a cool set of wings, not every demon is that fortunet." dark states, casting his gaze to the ground. "I have to show mark and jack! And every body!" I happily squealed. Dark chuckled and gestured to the back door. I ran over and opened it. I stepped into the kitchen and found mark and light conversating. Both looked up at me as I entered, my wings tucked out of sight where they couldn't see them. Light smiled warmly and mark smiled happily. "GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT!?" I shouted eagerly. "What is it (y/n)?" light asked, taking a sip of his drink. I let my wings pop out behind me and flutter, they were still tiny of course. Light nearly spit out his drink and mark studied them in awe. I turned around so they could get a better look. "Oh my god they are so cool!" mark exclaimed, taking one gently in his hands and running his fingers along it. His gentle touch felt nice. "Oh! These will be right up jacks ally! He loves runes and all of that stuff!" mark said, he ran off, I am assuming to fetch jack. "Your powers are growing at an alarming rate, why had they been pent up for so long?" light asked, more to himself than to me, "you never had powers before?" he asked curiously, "nope! never even knew a was demon until recently." I confirmed. "Suspicious... And you said the doctors didn't know the mother?" he inquired, I nodded. I had been thinking this too, why had I learned my powers so quick... It wasn't like I practiced or anything, and when I got angry before my eyes didn't change. Light was right, this was getting suspicious. "What's your theory?" I asked. "I believe some one may be unblocking your strengths after they have been compressed. I did sense a strange aura when you arrived, that might have been the thing keeping you power locked away for so long." he deduced, "I never knew my parents, so I don't know what kind of power they may posses." I confessed. My wings drooped a bit as a few sad memories floated back into the front of my mind. I shook them away quickly. Jack walked in with mark in tow, obviously bouncing off the wall in excitement. "Can I see them?!" he asked, super pumped. I turned and spread them out so he could study them. I heard a gasp of amazement behind me. "They look so fucking cool!" he said like a gitty five year old. I chuckled at his child like behavior, until I heard a scoff from behind us. I turned to see fire, with ice hiding behind him timidly. "You think those dorky wings are something?" he asked in a mocking tone. I felt my eyes change again and my blood began to boil. "Oh look! I'm a new girl and I get angry!" he teased in a high pitched voice. I was about to go over the edge. Ice tapped fire on the shoulder and fire shook his head. "Listen here bitch," oops! There goes the last straw, the final push off the edge. My wings flared up and grew, my teeth suddenly sharp in my mouth. I felt my nails grow into menacing talons. "You have NO IDEA what I have been through, I don't have parents to go to, no family, no friends. I scraped up just enough by working under paid to get on a bus! You are so lucky and you abuse that power you crybaby imbecil! You have food at your finger tips, family that DOESN'T JUST DROP YOU OFF AT AN ORPHANAGE AFTER THEY DIDN'T WANT YOU! I JUST WANTED A FAMILY AND I FINALLY GOT FRIENDS! YOU WANT TO RUIN THAT?!" as I spoke my voice was sharp and distorted. I folded my wings behind my back as they shrunk and I took a deep breath. Now in a calm voice I speak, "I have been through hell and back brother, so if you want to provoke me, do it outside, I don't want to mess up the house."
I said. I walked out of the room leaving everyone in shock, the next noise in the house is the slamming of my room door.

(Dark's POV)

The next sound in the house after (y/n) left was her door slamming. Every person in the kitchen, including me, turned to ice and fire. Mark and I cracked our knuckles at the same time. "WHAT THE HELL, FIRE?!" Jack yelled, "WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING GET YOURSELF STRAIGHT AND BE NICE TO
(Y/N)?! SHE WAS JUST GETTING OVER HER MENTAL TRAUMA FROM THE FIRST TIME YOU MESSED WITH HER!!!" He screamed, out raged. I walked up to fire and ice, and grabbed each of their collars. In a deep whisper that the others couldn't hear, I said "(y/n) is to kind to hurt either of you, but nothing is keeping me back from hurting you immensely. So straighten out before I have to straighten you out myself." I backed off and went to my room. I had taken a liking to (y/n)? No... Really? I was confused. But anti had already said he liked her and I sense mark does to, Wilford is always a flirt and light has the good-guy mentality going for him. And if anti loves her then jack most likely does to. Urgh. I flopped down across my bed. I turned on my back and ran my hands over my face. She was complicating my simple life and I didn't know if that was a good thing or not. I heard a soft knock on my door. I groaned a 'come in' and the door opened half way. I looked over, my hands resting above my head. Mark popped his head in, "you alright?" he asked, taking note of my position and messy appearance. I groaned again and rolled over, it's not like I could just say "oh yeah! We all like the same girl and we are going to have to fight our way to the position of boyfriend!" mark stepped into the room and sat at the edge of my bed.
"Dude you haven't been acting yourself lately." he informed. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "You have been quite, and less..."
"Less what?"
"Less... Scary?" mark finished.
I rolled my eyes.
"What's bothering you? Is it light?" mark asked, getting worried,
"No... Its nothing." I assured him. He looked at me, skeptical.
"It's (y/n), isn't it?" he asked,
I looked away.
"I know we both like her, and light might also." mark theorized. I was surprised he confessed. I nodded and sat up.
"What do we do about it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"I guess just see which one she picks." mark proposed. Then a loud thump and a scream was heard from the other room. I jumped off the bed with mark in tow, and dashed over to (y/n)'s room. I knocked quickly, and heard no response. I kicked down the door and searched around the room for (y/n). Anti teleported in with jack and light ran in. I looked up from my search and my eyes landed on the window. which was wide open.

(I know you hate me. Anywho this story is finally getting intresting... FINALLY. What do you think about you're wings? And ice and fire? See you all in the next chapter! Bu-bye!)

(P.S. HAPPY EASTER! If you don't celebrate Easter, HOPE YOU HAVE A COOL DAY/NIGHT!)

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