18. Sealed With A Kiss

It was getting closer to the end of my year at KISS. Minho and I were currently walking together. "So, my year is nearly up." I said to him and he looked at me.

"You're acting like you won't be back next year. You will be back, right?" He asked me and I looked at him. I didn't know what to say to him just yet.

"I will be back. But you know, it's a longer break than before." I said to him and he looked at and took my hand.

"So, what you're really trying to say is that you'll miss me. I understand, Hwang." He said to me and I looked at him with a smile.

"At least with this necklace, it'll feel like you're with me back in Portland." I said to him and I could tell that he was trying to think somethings over.

"What do you think you'll do back home?" He asked me and I looked at him with a smile on my face as we reached a tree we both then started to sit down.

"I don't know. Have a party, catch up with friends. Take Minnie out somewhere. She wants to go to a concert." I said to him and that's when Minho looked at me with a smile.

"Minnie wants to go to her first concert? Is there anyone she wants to see in particular?" He asked me and I looked at him and nodded.

"There is and I swear the kid is using me ever since she found out." I said to him and he looked at me all confused.

"Who is it?" He asked me and I could tell it was eating him away.

"It's your half-brother, Joon Ho." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile.

"I think I can do something to help her out. After all, he is family and with my dad as the manager. I'll make it happen." He said to me and he saw the smile on my face.

"You know you've made her incredibly happy." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile.

"How about, she comes to the opening show here in Seoul. Make it even more special. I can fly your family out private." He said to me and I'd never loved him more.

"I think she'd actually cry. How about, I call my mom and you can tell Minnie." I said to him and he took my hand.

"Or we tell her together." He said to me and I nodded.

"That sounds a lot better." I said to him and that's when I got my phone out and called her.

"There's my daughter and her handsome boyfriend. Don't let this be a call for surprise big news. You're both too young to get married or to have a child." She said the last part quiet. Appa must've been around.

"Umma! It's nothing like that. I can assure you." I said to her and that's when Minho looked at her.

"Mrs. Hwang, I can assure you that it's nothing like that. It's actually a surprise for Minnie." He said to her and that's when she looked at him and then looked at me.

"Minnie, what about her?" Umma asked and I looked at her.

"We want to make her dream come true about seeing Joon-Ho." I said to her and that's when she looked at me and shook her head.

"I get that it's a nice thing to do but it's very expensive." She said and that's when Minho looked at her.

"It'll be all expenses paid for. I'll fly you all out private, I'll get the tickets for you all and I'll pay for the hotel stay as well for you guys." Minho said to Umma and she looked at him and nodded.

"Y/n, I've changed my mind. Marry him now if you want to. Minho, why would you do all this for us?" Umma said and me and him looked at each other.

"Because I love your daughter and I'm grateful that you've all accepted me. I want to do something to pay you all back for that." He said to her and that's when Umma nodded. Taking everything in.

"Minnie! There's someone who wants to talk to you!" She shouted and that's when I could hear Minnie running as fast she could. When she got to the phone she saw Minho and I.

"Minho! I missed you. I missed you as well, Y/n." She said to me and I see where I came.

"Gee, I missed you too." I said to her and she looked me with a smile. "Anyways, Minho and I have something important to tell you." I said to her and she looked at me with and Minho with a smile.

"What is it?" She asked us and I looked at Minho and nodded.

"How would you like to see Joon-Ho in Seoul for his new tour?" He asked her I could see that she looked like she was going to die from excitement.

"I'd love to! Does that mean I'm going to see him! Please tell me it is! Wait, can Avika come as well?" She asked and I looked at Minho.

"Who's Avika?" He asked me quietly and I looked at him.

"Her best friend." I whispered to him and he nodded and looked back at the phone.

"She can come as well." Minho said I could see the smile on her face grow even bigger.

"Thank you! Thank you! Minho, you are the best. I need to tell everyone. Hyuk! Chris! I'm seeing Joon-Ho!" She said and she ran around the house. That's when Umma came back onto the screen.

"You both have made her very happy." She said to me and I looked at her with a smile.

"Umma, I'll call you and Appa later." I said to her and she looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine. You two, don't do anything stupid." She said and I looked at her and nodded. That's when she ended the call. I saw Yeojin run over to us.

"We've got to practice." She said and I could see Stella watching.

"I guess we do. Minho, I think Stella's looking." I said to him and I was still so angry over my dress that split her drink on.

"What's that saying, keep your friends close. Your girlfriend closer but keep the enemy of all the closest." Minho said and it may not have been right but I know what he meant.

"Please, don't let her do anything." Yeojin said to him and he looked at me.

"Don't do anything please. It broke my heart a little when she kissed your cheek." I said to him and he looked at me and took my hand as I stood up.

"Nothing will happen. I'll shut it down if she tries again." He said and he kissed my hand. "Now, go and practice." He said to me and that's when me and Yeojin started going. I was glad to be practicing. I just wasn't happy the day of the show.

"Y/n, I'm not feeling too well." Yeojin said and she came over to me. She was pale.

"Yeojin, you're not well." I said to her and she looked at me. Her eyes wide.

"I need a bucket." She said to me and I looked at her. She then looked around and picked up the trash can. I went and found Mr. Moon.

"Y/n, are you looking for Minho?" He asked me and I looked at him and shook my head.

"No, I'm looking for you. Yeojin, she's unwell. She can't perform." I said to him and that's when I saw Minho and Kitty come over.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked me and I looked at him and nodded.

"Stella gave her a cup of water." I said to him and that's when Minho and Kitty spoke up about her as well.

"So, Stella was behind MoonLeaks? Why are you just telling me this now?" Mr. Moon asked Minho and I looked at him.

"Stella bugged your office. She found out Joon Ho knocked up that gold-digging backup dancer and threatened to release the story unless she wins." Minho said to him and that's when I saw someone appear beside me. It was Joon Ho.

"For the last time, Eunji's not a gold digger." Joon Ho said and if it was coming from him. It had to be true.

"Joon Ho, don't start this again." Mr. Moon said to him.

"I told you, I love her. I want to marry her." Joon Ho said and that would be cute.

"No, hold on." Mr. Moon said to him.

"Wait, you love this girl?" Kitty asked him and I looked at him with a smile.

"I say go for it. Especially if you love her." I said to him and he looked at me and then Kitty.

"I know that you're Minho's girlfriend, Y/n Hwang." He said to me and I don't know how he knew that. "But who are you?" He asked Kitty.

"Kitty Song Covey. Your skin is everything." She said to him and I saw the smile on her face.

"I know." He said making Kitty chuckle.

"What about your career? Your fans? You're just gonna walk away from everything that we have worked for?" Mr. Moon asked him and I was hoping we could sort Stella out.

"Not being with Eunji? Not being in my kid's life? That would be the real mistake." Joon-Ho said and people should understand that.

"And I think out of everyone, you would understand. Right, dad? Or should I say...harabeoji. You told me you want to do better as a dad. So prove it." Minho said and it went silent for a moment.

"You're right. And of course, I'll support you if that's what you want." Mr. Moon said and I smiled. We had a solution for the situation now.

"And this might also be the best way to get out of this mess. Joon Ho, listen up. I have an idea." Kitty said and I looked at him.

"Trust me, it'll be a good one." I said to him and that's when Kitty started talking about the plan. "I've gotta check on Yeojin." I said and that's when I ran to find her.

"She keeps saying she can perform but look at her." Farrah said to me and that's when I could Yeojin perform. I could see Minho look at us.

"Find someone to get back to the dorm." I said to Cassie and that's when I saw Dae's dancers running. I went over I him. He was with Yuri. "Are they sick?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"How did you know?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"Same happened to Yeojin." I said to and thats when Kitty and Minho came over.

"What's going on here?" Minho asked him.

"I'm screwed. All my dancers are sick to their stomachs." Dae said and I looked at Minho.

"The same thing happened to Yeojin." I said to him and he looked even more angrier. They'd messed with my family.

"Plus, Stella messed with his music track and his visuals." Yuri said to us and we needed to hurry and get her out.

"Okay, don't panic. We've got this." Kitty said and I looked at Dae.

"I can dance for you. I can get Farrah as well." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile.

"You'd do that for me?" I asked him and I looked at him and nodded.

"I will. Me and Farrah are dancers we need to dance." I said to him and he looked at me and nodded. That's when we all met together. Me, Q, Farrah, Dae, Jin, Yuri, Juliana and Kitty.

"Here's the plan. Dae's music and visuals have been sabotaged. Minho you're gonna access the sound system and fix that. The rest of us are gonna be Dae's dance crew. We've all seen him rehearse the choreography." Kitty said and I'd seen parts of it.

"I'm down. We can't leave Dae hanging." Q said to her and we had to do something.

"Yeah, I'm down." Juliana said to us.

"I already said I was." I said with a smile.

"I definitely am." Farrah said with a smile on her face.

"Me too." Yuri and Jin said at the same time.

"What are you talking about?" Q asked Jin. That's when the boot came off.

"Oh!" Kitty and I got out. I was just as confused as Q was.

"Okay, what is happening right now?" Q asked him and I wanted to know as well.

"There's something I need you to tell you." Jin said to him and I think he did.

"Miss Covey." I heard Mr. Lee say from behind. "For future reference, a peremptory text demanding your head of school, quote, 'haul ass' to urgently meet you? Not appropriate." Mr. Lee said and I looked the others.

"We need to get changed." I said to everyone.

"I think that's a yes! Okay, team, let's do this thing." Kitty said it was time for us to walk away. That's when Minho pulled me closer to him.

"Not too quickly." He said to me and he looked at me before tucking a Locke of hair behind my ear. "Go and kill it out there. I'll be cheering you on and Dae of course." I said to him and I looked at him.

"You too. Go and save that track." I said to him and he kissed me. That's when the two of us then started going our own ways. I got changed and had makeup done. We then headed onstage. Mr. Lee playing guitar. That's when Dae started singing Seven by Jungkook. When we all finally got on stage and started dancing. I was enjoying every minute of it. At one point I could see that Minho was looking at me and smiling. When the song finished we had a group hug before heading backstage. Me and Kitty found Minho, we then walked to see what was happening with Stella.

"No, this is my moment!" Stella shouted and I saw security grab her.

"Not anymore." Kitty said to her and I looked at Stella.

"It was never your moment." I said to her. She as done for. That's when the announcer came on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your favorite son, Joon Ho!" The announcer said and that's when the crowd went crazy.

"If I don't get to perform, I'm gonna destroy your family." Stella said and no she wasn't.

"There's a special announcement I'd like to make tonight. I wanna introduce you to someone very special in my life. Eunji, would you come out here, please?" Joon Ho said and we all knew what was going to happen. The crowd cheered again. "My whole life, my fans have been my family. But now, I'm ready to be a father...and hopefully a husband. Eunji...Will you marry me?" He asked and he got on one knee. I was watching it all on the screen. Minho watched an arm around me as we watched it happen.

"Yes." Eunji said with a smile on her face. That's when Joon Ho stood up and put the ring on her.

"No." Stella hit out. Her plans had been destroyed.

"There goes your blackmail material." Kitty said to her and I looked at her.

"Let's face it Stella. You were never going to win anyways. Especially since you were trying to mess with the wrong relationship and you messed with the wrong families as well." I said to her and that's when Minho wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. He knew I'd fight her now if I could.

"I am putting you on the next plane back to Ohio. But I always want you to know, I am sorry I was cruel to you. I've done things over the years I'm not so proud of. And I'd like to think I'm a better person now. I know that the most important thing is my family. And just hope you have people who care about you like that back home. You're gonna need them." Mr. Moon said to her. That's when she started to walk away.

"I'm sorry about your cousin and for what I was trying to do to you and Minho." Stella said to me and Minho tightened his grip on me even more.

"You're just sorry you caught." I said to her and she looked at me.

"I hope Yeojin gets better soon." She said to me and she walked away. Minho looked at me.

"It's not worth it. Let her go." He said to me and he kissed my temple. That's when Joon Ho and Eunji came backstage.

"I'll give you guys some time." I said to him and I headed to see if Farrah was still around. Or even Yeojin. I could see Mr. Moon coming towards.

"Y/n, just the person I was looking for." He said to me and I looked at him. I was confused on what was happening.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him and he looked at me with a smile.

"Everything's fine. I want to give you an opportunity. With Eunji's pregnancy, we'll be down a dancer for Joon Ho's tour. You're my best dance student, you have a lot of potential. I'd like you to fill in the spot, only if you can." He said to me and I looked at him with a smile on my face.

"Mr. Moon, that would be a dream come true." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile.

"Think it over. It's a big ask but let me know soon." He said to me and I looked at him and nodded. That's when he headed onstage to announce the winner. I saw Minho come over.

"What was that about?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"It was nothing. Don't worry about it." I said to him, I was going to do it of course. I just wanted it to be a surprise for Minho.

"From six outstanding contestants, all but Dae and Eunice have been eliminated. It was a tough call for the judges, but a decision has been made. The winner is...Eunice Kang! This summer, Eunice will open for Joon Ho on his worldwide 'Sugar Daddy' tour." Mr. Moon said and I knew that it would've been amazing knowing that Dae won and we'd helped. But I was fine with Eunice winning. When Dae came backstage Kitty hugged him.

"We tried." Kitty said to him and I looked at them both.

"You're a great friend." He said to her and the two of them separated.

"We're all here for you, you know." She said to him and he looked at her with a smile.

"Yeah." He said to her and Minho looked at me.

"You did really well out there." He said to me and I was
Imagining what the summer would be like.

"I could see you smiling while watching me." I said to him and he nudged me lightly before pulling me closer to him.

"I thought you were too busy dancing to see me. Does that mean you saw trying to dance with you." He said to me and I looked at him and nodded.

"I saw parts of it. Don't worry, I'll teach you." I said to him and that's when I saw Mr. Kim come over.

"Dae!" He got out. Me, Kitty and Minho bowed to him. It was good to see that he was out. Even if he did have crutches it was a lot better than before. "I'm so proud of you." He said to his son.

"I wanted to win. We need the money." Dae said to him and I knew how badly he needed that win.

"Truthfully, I didn't know how things would turn out, so I didn't tell you. A lawyer called. There will be a class action lawsuit against the Han Group. From now on, we're going to be fine. Don't worry." Mr. Kim said and I was wondering how this would affect Yuri. All her money was gone. When we made it back to campus, I was still thinking about the ways I'd tell people I wouldn't be home for the summer.

"You have been very deep in thought. What's going on?" Minho asked me and he took my hand.

"Like I said. Nothing. Don't worry about it." I said to him and I knew that he would be. Especially with how this semester was.

"Is it about what my dad said to you earlier?" He asked me and I looked at him and shook my head.

"No, it's about Minnie actually. I've never seen her more happy than yesterday." I said to him and that's when we heard Kitty's phone go off.

"Oh no." Kitty got out and the three of us stopped.

"What's wrong?" Me and Minho asked her.

"Margot and Halmeoni were headed here to reunite with Soon Ja, but the flight got canceled. Margot has a small window before she goes back to Scotland for her new job- -" Kitty said she was having a breakdown.

"Kitty! Calm down." Minho said to her.

"Why should I?" She asked him and I knew what he was going to say.

"Because you know someone whose dad owns a private jet." Minho said and we all knew this reunion needed to happen.

"Seriously?" She asked him and that's when she hugged him. When she pulled away Minho looked at her.

"Let me see what I can do about it." He said to her and that's when she looked at him and nodded.

"Cool." She said and that's when me and Minho started walking away.

"I need to start packing tomorrow." I said to him and he looked at me as he took my hand.

"Do you want me to help?" He asked me and I looked at him with a smile.

"You don't have to but I could do with another set of hands." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile.

"I'd love to. But also, we still have two weeks. Why are you so eager." He asked me and I looked at him and shook my head.

"No reason, I just want to be prepared I guess." I said to him and he gave me a confused look.


Those two weeks had passed. I'd given Mr. Moon my final answer that I was going on tour. I'd already been sneaking out and talking with the other dancers. My scholarship was renewed and I was here for another year. We'd had finals and I was definitely passing them. Today, we would be leaving for the summer. I found Minho in the garden. "What are you doing out here?" He asked me and he looked at me with a smile. I'd never come out here.

"Well, I have some news that I wanted to tell you." I said to him and I started fiddling with my necklace.

"What's the news?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"Not only am I actually coming back next year but I'm Joon Ho's new dancer for the world tour." I said to him and I could see the smile on his face.

"This makes sense as to why you were acting so weird. Well, I'm going to be on the tour as well. So, it looks like we've got a summer together." He said to me and I let go of the necklace. I wore it all the time.

"I know, I could've have thought of anything better." I said to him with a smile and that's when he looked at me with a smile.

"I believe our car is here to take us." He said to me and we started walking towards it.

"Did I do a good job with keeping it a secret?" I asked him and he looked at me with a smile.

"You did, and usually you are terrible with secrets." He said to me and that wasn't true. For the most part.

"Well don't be too surprised. There's a few more things you don't know about." I said to him and he took my hand.

"Now you've got to tell me." He said to me and we got closer to the car.

"No, not yet. Maybe later." I said to him and that's when he opened the car door for me. I was going to enjoy this summer.

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