Chapter 20 : Why Horrorcore You Asked?
Roy was kinda impress to be in our old hangout place. Perhaps not as impressed as seeing my photo studio and La Geole. "This place does looked like Central Perk," Roy remarked. "Cool."
"Wait until you see the band," Linus said. "Oh! Peps, there they are."
"Wow, Paolo and Miguel looks different now," I remarked once they came out and got on the small platform. "I almost didn't recognize them. They lost weight."
The band was setting up while we had our drinks. Seeing them, took me back. Back then, Ben&Ben were at their peak of their popularity. They were known for their emotional engagement in their musical style.
Their song really speaks to me. I felt it the first time I watched them play.
"Hey, guys, it's great to be back here again after so many years," one of the lead singer said.
When they were ready, they played a song called Make It With You.
Hey, have you ever tried
Really reaching out for the other side?
I may be climbing on rainbows
But baby, here goes
Dreams, they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
And if you're wondering what this song is leading to
I want to make it with you
It spoke to me before and it will always speaks to until the end. Moreover, this was also Topher's favorite band. He would play their music whenever he was gardening and cooking.
It was my favorite too. Actually, it is still my favorite. I just hadn't listened to them as much as Topher. Let's just say I had my own preference and one of them was horrorcore.
Why horrorcore you asked?
Well... after I accidentally caught my old highschool crush (you-know-who) having sex with another girl in my brother's victory party, I began listening to dark-themed rap songs, like Razakel.
Not a lot of people knows that, even Topher. I only listened to them whenever he was in his business trips.
I was first introduced by it from a friend of mine back in high school because she started listening to those after her parents' divorce.
I decided to give it a chance when I was too heartbroken and bitter that once I heard their lyrics, I imagined that it happened to them.
I'm not gonna give an example because it's very gory and intense. Like the worst you could imagine and multiply it by ten.
Anyway, back to the story.
The night was over, and the band had to pack up their things. Before leaving, Roy immediately stood up to tell them how amazing they were even having a selfie with them.
It was nice to see him having a great time when he was with us.
Once he was done, we all got out of there. We were chatting a bit before leaving. "Ben&Ben are the coolest band ever," Roy expressed. "I think I had goosebumps just listening to them."
I was not suprised because they are the coolest.
"Glad you liked it," Linus replied.
"Like it? I love them," Roy clarified. "They rock."
While they were talking, I realized I was standing at the same spot where Topher and I confessed our feelings towards one another. It was one of the best thing that ever happened in my life.
However, I shook my head from that sentimental piece of nostalgia and just searched the keys to my Vespa inside my bag.
"It's getting late, guys. I have to go before my boyfriend wonders where I am," Jo said.
"Same," Mav replied. "Come on, Jo. Maybe we can still get the eleven o'clock bus."
"Oh! Yeah, let's go. Bye, guys."
Everyone was leaving and saying their farewells while Roy and I got on my scooter, then went our way back to the inn.
Later, once we arrived, we got inside. Lo and behold, Barry was there, sitting by the front desk. Again.
Ugh... I remember saying in my head before he could open his big mouth, "Please, don't say anything stupid. Please, don't say anything stupid."
"Hey, where'd you guys been?" Barry questioned with a teasing look on his face. Geez... it was annoying. The horrorcore era in me wanted to do what the lyrics said in one of Razakels rap to him. Times a thousand.
"We went to Barcon Perk," Roy answered.
That gave another assumption in Barry's head. "Just you guys? Like on a date?"
"With four of my friends came along with the ride?" I responded sarcastically. "Yeah, it was quite a date. Very romantic, I might add." I was satisfied when I saw his smirk disappeared from his face.
Good thing Roy was clueless. "Yeah..." he uttered. He just brushed it off that Barry and I were just kidding around.
So once that was dealt with, Roy and I went upstairs. We got to our rooms since we were right across from one another. "Oh, by the way, I won't be in the studio tomorrow," I informed him. "I'm gonna be with Emmy. I promised to do a fun shoot with her to update her portfolio."
Roy nodded in acknowledgement. "Oh, okay. No problem."
"I can still gonna drop you off there since that's where Emmy and I are going to meet tomorrow before heading to her shoot. Are you gonna be okay with my friends?"
"Yeah, I can manage. Don't worry about it. They're great. I really have a great time today."
As for me, I was worried. Very worried. But I couldn't cancel on Emmy just because of my fear. If only there was a way to spy on them to make sure they didn't mention Topher.
"Okay, great. Well, goodnight," I said to him before going inside my room.
All of a sudden, I was pulled away gently by him. "Wait."
"I enjoyed my time today and also, tonight," Roy told me. "Whenever I travel, I was always exploring by myself. You know what I learned along the way? It's not just what you see in the places you go, it's who you'll meet. Right now, here in Barcon, I'm lucky to have met you."
I was speechless from that.
"... And also, Mav, Jo, Linus and Emmy," he added. "You guys have been so cool and helpful."
"Yeah, of course..." I stammered and smiled at him. "I'm glad you had a great time."
Roy smiled back at me. Next thing I knew, he was came closer towards me and kissed me on the cheek. It was quick, but I could feel his soft lips on the side of my face.
I froze because I definitely did not expect that would happen.
After that, Roy pulled away and gave me another smile. "Good night," he said softly, then went into his room.
Meanwhile, I stood there for what guess was two minutes, trying to process what just happened. Eventually, I got in my room with my body shaking from... euphoria?
I was as happy as a high school girl. That was my first initial reaction.
So I closed the door right behind me and even though I wanted to scream on top of my longs, I couldn't.
Instead, I just rolled over my perfectly made bed like a dog on a fluffy carpet.
It was like the first time ever, I was over the moon towards anyone.
However, after I let my happy out of my system, I remembered that one little crucial detail, and that was he looked like my late-fiance. It was not right.
And, what did it all mean?
I knew I wasn't a naive teenage girl. I know the different between platonic kiss and a romantic on the cheek, but that was truly confusing to me. Why did he do that?
I had to cut-off my happiness then and there after that realization. After that, I had to plant it my head that it was platonic. Nothing more, nothing less.
I just laid there, staring at the ceiling and let out a heavy sigh before dozing off.
The next morning, I woke up before my alarm went off. I wanted to sleep a bit more, but it felt like my brain didn't let me like I didn't need coffee. So, I decided to get up from the bed to go to the bathroom.
The problem was there was not much to do when you wake up earlier before breakfast time aside from washing my face and brushing my teeth.
I sat on the bed, checking on my emails for a next gig or anything at first. That time, I was thankful that I didn't have any because I was tired. Until, the thought of the kiss the previous night.
Alright, not kiss kiss, but a kiss on the cheek.
I felt silly just overthinking about it since I agreed that it was platonic, but I couldn't help it.
I am falling for him.
I am falling for him bad, and I shouldn't feel this way.
I remember thinking why did he have to do that? Couldn't he have just hugged me or gave me a handshake? Does he do that with his other female friends? Would it matter if he do that with them too?
Okay, stop it, Pepsi. Stop. You're overthinking again.
All of a sudden, as I was about to start my day with my ten-steps of skin care, there was a notification in my phone via Gmail.
My clients usually reached me through there, or on my Instragram.
This was different. Like, big decision different kinda thing. Anyway, I will get back to that soon.
Anyway. Fast forward to me waiting for him by the main entrance. I was sending a FB message to Emmy that I was on my way there and spinning the chain of my keys to the Vespa.
Eventually, I heard Roy came down the stair. I looked over to his way, and it was like he was on slow motion. My heart was beating fast, just watching him go down the steps.
"Hey, I'm ready," he said.
I snapped back to reality. "Okay... Do you have everything with you?" I replied.
"Yup, looks like it."
"Alright, let's go."
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