44 - Revealed
« 3rd Person's POV »
Todoroki blinked, and decided it was all he could do as a reply to Dabi's previous statement. Was he supposed to laugh? Or be kind enough to show Dabi his way to a nearby hospital?
Dabi saw Todoroki shuffle awkwardly in his place and grimaced, "you don't believe me, do you?"
"Oh, am I supposed to?" Said Todoroki, conjuring up his anger again. He was here to fight, not have a round table conference about bullshitery.
Dabi once again dodged the furious wave of ice coming coming towards him with one swift movement. "Pity, how you can't recognise your own brother."
"You're not my brother, you filthy villain!" Todoroki's aggressive voice rang through the room. Dabi laughed in response.
"Oh, well, If you don't believe me, ask our father here." He cocked his head at Endeavor, who was struggling to break from the chair again, but in vein.
Todoroki shot a sharp glare at the villain, not wanting to tear his gaze from him and miss an attack. He figured this was Dabi's way to distract him, a funny way.
But just to be sure, he threw a glance at Endeavor who's eyes showed defeat. Todoroki's heart dropped to his stomach, a bewildered emotion dawned upon him when he read his father's expressions.
But he still didn't believe it. He couldn't.
"Touya is- Touya is dead. He's gone and we know it. You're not him, you're not anything near the person Touya was, you're nothing. So stop this nonsense." Todoroki yelled, mostly to assure himself. But Dabi laughed cruelly again.
"Oh, poor old Shoto. Taking anything this man feeds you in belief." He shot a glare at Endeavor. "Pathetic family is what he turned us into."
"I'd rather not hear about my family from someone like you." Todoroki rasped, Dabi this time looked at him with disbelief.
"You still don't believe me?"
"Heck, never."
Dabi stared at Todoroki, unblinking. Then he started,
"When it all comes down to the same old song, when it rains and thunder joins along, when fate puts you in a fatal atmosphere.." He trailed off.
"....I promise, I'll be there." Todoroki finished, his mind blank. He sank in the horrible realisation that this was oddly familiar, he used to love hearing these exact same words in the same tone
From Touya Todoroki.
Todoroki felt numb, his heart shattering in pieces but brain telling him it was a trick, it was all a lie. His eyes turned cold steel as he shot a murderous glare at Dabi. It couldn't be his older brother.
"Do you believe me now, Shoto?" Dabi smirked eerily. "Of course I can show you more proofs, but this one seemed legit. You out of all people should know that big brother Touya only sang this to little crybaby Sho."
Todoroki tried to find his voice, but his throat was dry. He wanted to scream it wasn't true until it became reality, but the wasn't possible. He, in fact, was facing his supposed dead brother, who was a villain.
"But..... Touya's dead." He whispered. It wasn't as though he wanted his big brother dead, but maybe that was better than seeing him as one of the most wanted villains. Todoroki gulped.
"That's what you've heard, that's what all of the world has heard. But this man over here," Dabi pointed at Endeavor. "He knew I was alive. He didn't know where I was, but he definitely knew I was there somewhere. And to hide the fact that his abusive ass shunned away his oldest son, he decided that I was dead."
Todoroki watched as Dabi went ahead and kicked his dad in the face, blood dripping from Endeavor's nose, his muzzle had finally fell off from the kick. Todoroki's shoulders tensed, ready to aim at the villain again before he was stopped by Dabi.
"Talk, old man." Dabi barked. "Didn't you know? Talk!"
After another kick and a cough of blood, Endeavor stared at his youngest son, face saying sorry in every inch. "I did, kind of. I assumed he wasn't dead. But he was dead to me for running off." He stumbled on his words.
"Well, what do you expect when you treat your children like shit everyday? I'm surprised how Fuyumi even manages to stay positive with you. You, old man, were dead to me. You still are."
Endeavor just sat there and silently agreed to the words. After all, it was his fault. Todoroki only breathed while Dabi continued.
"Calling us a failure and pushing us away, only spending your precious time on him!" Dabi threw a physic glance at Todoroki. "What do you think that made us feel? Loved? how wrong you are, Endeavor. You can't even beat me."
That wasn't true, Endeavor could win against Dabi. But at the same time, he couldn't. Maybe it was because he thought he deserved to be given the same treatment as he had once given to his children. Or maybe it was simply just his 'fatherly conscience' which made him not attack his child brutally. Whatever it was, it refrained him from hurting Dabi somehow. And of course the villain took advantage of that.
Red flames burst from Todoroki's left side, his eyes screaming rage. "How could you?" He shot the flames at Dabi who flinched slightly, but didn't burn his skin. "You and I, we despised dad. Because dad was villainous, and we hated it. We hated villains. How could you become one of them? How could you betray me like this!?"
"Isn't it clear? It's because of him. Dad, he never looked at me how he looked at you. You were his hero, I was a loser. A humiliated accident, that's how he treated me. You took it from me, the throne I deserved. As dad's heir, that's the position I was supposed to have. His successor. But I wasn't enough, nor were Fuyumi and Natsuo. No, you were his priceless gem. Did you know how his eyes glinted with greed when you were born? Like he finally found his victory. And he decided to will everything he owns to you. When it shouldve been me!" Dabi furiously let out.
"Is that how low you've gotten? Money and position? That's all you want?" Todoroki started. "Take it then, take everything from me. I don't want those, those are worthless. Take them and leave us alone."
But Dabi laughed again which made Todoroki wonder if the villain suddenly had a weird fetish to laugh every now and then. "Oh, I'm gonna take everything from you all right. Everything."
Todoroki seemed confused at the tone in Dabi's voice, but then he quickly registered everything in his mind. Bakugo.
His eyes widened, "you- no! I'm ready to give you my 'throne'" He air quoted. "But not my life. It's mime, Katsuki is mine. I refuse to let you put a finger on him." He roared and Dabi smirked.
"Caught up soon enough, haven't you little Shoto? Just like how I expected." Dabi moved closer to Todoroki, dodging an attack swiftly. He whispered to Todoroki,
"You'd make a great villain."
Yaoyorozu was walking cautiously, a rod made of steel and a protective shield in her arms for any sort of attack. She had everything set in her mind.
There were three hostages, Endeavor, Bakugo and by the looks of it, Shinsou. And there were three of them who took three different corridors, her, Todoroki and Aizawa. If her calculation was correct, each of them were bound to end up with one of the hostages. And this was positively what the villains were aiming for, to separate them.
And there was clearly an obstacle for each of them, an obstacle which will not allow them to win. And she didn't have any vague idea what her obstacle was going to be, nor she knew how the other two were doing.
After walking straight for what it seemed like fifteen minutes, Yaoyorozu came to a hault as a door appeared in the wall. It was a dead end, there was no other way. And Yaoyorozu felt herself tense.
She slowly approached the door, keeping an eye out for anything odd. But nothing happened.
"I guess the catch is behind the door." She muttered under her breathe, inhaling deeply.
Putting her hand nervously on the doorknob, she waited for a few seconds. But when nothing out of ordinary happened, she decided it was now or never.
The doorknob clicked and the door creaked open, revealing the sight Yaoyorozu guessed would be horrible but in fact, is wasn't.
Shinsou looked up as if expecting to meet a ghost, emptyness in his frightened eyes. The eyes eased when he caught the sight of Yaoyorozu, who felt rage.
"You-" Yaoyorozu started to yell, but figured it was better to keep her voice down. She hastily closed the door with a small creak and fastened her footsteps at the purple haired male, ready for combat.
"YOU!" Said Yaoyorozu in a hushed voice, aggressively jerking Shinsou's shoulder. "What were you thinking when you- why did you join those filthy creatures? Why did you mess with Kyoka's mind? What do you want?"
Yaoyorozu was ready to hit him with her rod before Shinsou held up a defensive hand in surrender, "Look, I had no choice!"
"What do you mean you had no choice?" Barked Yaoyorozu.
"Villains." Shinsou whispered. "They threatened me, just like how they threatened Endeavor. I was forced into this, I had no control over my own power."
Yaoyorozu's breathe was still hot, but she calmed down a little. "Tell me everything."
"It started when the news of Todoroki and Bakugo went out. It was weekend, I was having coffee in a cafe a bit far away from U.A when the manager suddenly came up to me and revealed their plan, the manager was Dabi. I wanted to escape but out of nowhere this girl strangled me and the next moment, I was listening to their masterplan and found myself abruptly agreeing to it. I really has no choice, I'm sorry." Shinsou explained. "That night you guys had a karaoke party, I started controlling Jirou when she came to get more drinks. Then I noticed you two always hung out, and you seemed to have have a soft spot for the girl. I thought you'd notice that something was off about her when I started giving you small hints, but I guess like Aizawa said, and I quote, 'love blinds'. You overlooked the odds."
Shinsou stopped for a bit and noticed the disappointed look at Yaoyorozu's eyes, he sighed and quickly added. "Hell, look I'm not trying to say it was your fault your friends got in trouble. No. Neither of us are at fault here."
Yaoyorozu held back tears and bit her lips before saying. "What about Sho's dad? Why did they set this up at the first place?"
Shinsou shrugged, deciding whether to put a comforting hand on the female's shoulder or not. "I don't know actually. But I did hear that it's got something to do with Dabi's inheritance."
"Dabi's inheritance?" Yaoyorozu frowned, not understanding. Thousands of thoughts blooded her mind, but she kept the possibilities aside for now. "How did they threaten him?"
"No idea."
"How about you?"
Shinsou stiffened, looking away quickly. Yaoyorozu sensed the tension and figured it was something personal and refrained from pushing it. That was, until Shinsou spoke.
"They threatened to hurt.... Todoroki."
I'm hungry."
"So am I."
"I'm starving."
"I want my nuggets!"
"Shut up!" Roared Bakugo at Amaya, who was whining like a baby. Bakugo didn't know if it was to annoy the fuck out of him or just because she was really mental, but she kept emerging from different places and kept reminding him that she was hungry.
"Look," Bakugo spoke, trying to sound as assuring as possible in that moment. "I'll buy you nuggets. Hell, I'll even sign up a deal to buy you nuggets all your life. But you have to let me go first. Right?"
Amaya perked her head at the statement. "Really? You'll buy me nuggets all my life?"
"Yes, if you let me go."
"But you won't live that long." Amaya casually pointed out, smiling.
Bakugo huffed. He had been stuck in a room with a physic girl for what seemed like hours, who's constantly assuring him he will die by the end of 'it all.' How could life get any more spicier?
He still hadn't solved the mystery about Amaya's sudden change of behavior. Was she bipolar? Or did she do that on purpose? What happened on 17th April, 2001? Or was something going to happen?
Why did her eyes seem way too familiar?
His confusion didn't get any better when amaya's eyes had turned normal again, and she had started laughing about some dead person. If anything, he had gotten more confused.
He had tried way too many ways to get her open up, maybe a slip of plan that'd help. But right at the edge, she seemed to catch her guard and turned the coversation into a solid argument on whether Bakugo was going to die or not. It was childish, and dumb.
Amaya reunited with her lower body and walked towards the table, which was pretty much the only thing in the room except for the chair Bakugo was trapped with.
"I'm starving."
So they were back at it again. At least that was what Katsuki thought until the door which was separating them from the outside world, burst open. Smoke filled the room as Amaya jumped up, and a soft thud was heard.
Bakugo squinted his eyes as if it would clear the smoke from his eyes. That was, until the smoke actually cleared, revealing a tall figure in black and another figure laying on the ground.
Bakugo soon realized the tall man was Aizawa, and the figure on the ground was, to his shock, Amaya covered in white ropes. He recognised the enchanted ropes to be Aizawa's, his eyes wide.
Was he saved?
"Aizawa-" Bakugo started only to be cut off by Aizawa.
"We're not safe, we need to move and find others quickly. Wait I'll get you out of there."
Bakugo sinked in the words as Aizawa proceeded to somehow get him distangled. "Others? Where are they? Is Shoto alright? Momo?"
"Everyone's fine, I hope." Aizawa muttered. "We parted ways."
"You what?" Bakugo barked. "You fool! You fucking scum! They could get hurt!"
"Mind your language Bakugo. We had to take three different paths." Aizawa explained quickly. Bakugo nodded in defeat, not bothering about his surrounding, he sank in the thought of Todoroki. Was he alright?
"We're done." Huffed Aizawa. And then he eyed Amaya who was starting to stir a bit.
"What happened to her?" Bakugo asked.
"Sleeping gas, it won't work for long. I'm out of it. We need to run before she completely has consciousness-"
But it was too late, the figure lying on the floor vanished leaving only the white rope. And as soon as it was gone, Amaya appeared again behind Bakugo and strangled him. Aizawa's eyes turned red.
That's when Bakugo realized, Amaya had the same eyes as his teacher Aizawa.
However, Aizawa removed both of Bakugo and amaya's quirk which resulted in Bakugo forcing away from Amaya and her being bewildered for not being able to use her quirk that was her all time transport.
"Hey! What happened to my quirk! Hey you-" Amaya stopped and blinked when she looked up at Aizawa. Bakugo noticed Aizawa was holding the same expression.
Amaya's eyes suddenly held fear, a sudden emotion and something else which Bakugo couldn't read. She fell on her knees, still staring at Aizawa.
"W-who are you?" She stammered which surprised Bakugo.
Aizawa inhaled, "Amaya-"
"No, what's happening! Who are you?"
Aizawa persed his lips before answering. "Shota Aizawa."
Amaya stared again.
"You look exactly like her. Who are you?" She whispered.
"Linda Aizawa..... was my sister." Aizawa exhaled, his eyes watering.
"But that means-"
"Hello, Amaya. I'm your uncle." Aizawa said as kindly as possible, earning a gasp from both Bakugo and Amaya.
But Aizawa didn't stop there.
"You look exactly like your father. Except the eyes, you have your mother's eyes. My eyes. Our eyes."
"I know." Whispered Amaya.
This chapter was supposed to be longer, but meh I'll leave the details for another chapter. :)
If anyone is confused, ask me lmao.
Also this doesn't contain any spoilers from the Manga. Amaya is a totally made up OC, I created her and gave a back story for the sake of this book. :')
Thank you for reading and supportinh! ♡
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