43 - The Lost Todoroki

Okay I'm not the best artist out there, but i tried.

This is Amaya Shizukana(the picture above), one of my OCs :') hope y'all love her because She's pretty lonely :(

« 3rd Person's POV »

"It's not OKAY!" Todoroki's hollow voice echoed through the empty hallway. 

Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and their teacher Aizawa, all three if them were still in utter shock. It had all happened too quickly: Bakugo exposing Jirou being controlled by non other than a year mate of them Shinsou, Jirou suddenly collapsing and then  Bakugo himself suddenly disappearing. Todoroki wanted to believe this was a nightmare,  that he'd wake up in the morning with his blond by his side and everything would be just fine. But it wasn't.

"Well, h-he couldn't have gotten himself kidnapped." Yaoyorozu tried to find a way of comfort. "Sure it's not possible for those villains to work so quickly without us noticing. Right?"

Aizawa shifted his form, hesitating. "Actually, I think Amaya can do that pretty easily."

"Amaya?" Todoroki's head perked up at the new name.

"She's the villain I was talking about. It's her quirk, silently appearing from thin air through a black portal and vanishing with anything she touches." Aizawa explained whilst cautiously keeping his eyes everywhere.

"But thats- a really powerful quirk." Yaoyorozu frowned and glanced at Todoroki. It hit her how devastated Todoroki might feel, she returned her gaze at Jirou and thought for a bit. "Shoto, you know Katsuki right? He's not weak or dumb, he's alright. He won't get himself hurt because he knows it'll hurt you. He loves you, right?"

The dual haired male stared at the ground and sunk in the words. He wanted to believe those, but there was always that annoying voice in his head nagging loads of bullshit crap.

No. Todoroki decided in his head. He's alright, he's fine. He won't get himself hurt. And if the villains used him as anorher weapon to blackmail me, they won't hurt him for sure.

He looked back at Yaoyorozu and gave a curt nod at her direction, then turned his attention to their teacher. "Do you think we should continue?" He asked.

Aizawa jerked his head from one direction to another while answering. "Yeah. What about he?" He pointed Jirou who was still lying unconscious on the ground, her head on Yaoyorozu's lap.

The two males glanced at the consious female to answer, who kept averting her gaze to the other girl and back at them.

"Maybe I should stay with her?" She questioned.

"That's," Aizawa paused. "A terrifically absurd idea. What makes you think we're leaving you two alone on your own after all this?"

Todoroki nodded in agreement. He for one didn't want to lose any more friends in this 'battle.' Bakugo's disappearance made him realise just how much trouble he had gotten his friends into. And he didn't want to increase that. "I'm sorry for bringing you in this mess. I shouldve done this all by myself. they want me, not any of you." Me murmured.

"Oh, will you shut up? Without us your thick head couldn't have gotten halfway through this mystery. So what if Shinsou was controlling Kyoka. he wanted to help us. I'm the one who should be sorry for not picking up the hints she- he gave me." Yaoyorozu stumbled upon her words, tears running down her chin. "And if I would have paid more attention to her behaviour, she wouldn't have have to be here right now."

"It's not your fault, Yaoyorozu." Aizawa said after a quiet minute. "Love... does blind us sometimes." He trailed off. No one questioned it.

"Well, whatever we do, we need to do something about Jirou. We can't just leave her here." Todoroki pointed out impatiently.

Aizawa thought, they all did. It wasn't an easy decision, either someone would have to carry her with them or someone would have to stay with them. There was no other option.

And at this precise moment, a voice came wavering from the pitch darkness of the hallway they just had walked through.

"Oh great, spider net on my hands. How disgraceful." A female voice complained, clearly not noticing their presence. They all excluding Jirou activated their Quirks for any sort of abnormality or attack, but to their relief, Midnight emerged from the darkness.

"Oh are we glad to see you." Aizawa deadpanned, and Midnight finally took them in notice.

"Oh! Shota, I was looking for you you all.  Did you know the tracking system doesn't work in this building? I had to guess and walk all over the directions until I finally heard some voices and followed the path. Whew, why is that student on the floor?" Midnight exploded, expecting them to gobble everything up quickly.

As Aizawa was the first one to swallow the sudden presence of help, he answered. "Long story short, Jirou here was brain - washed and Bakugo,  another student, is kidnapped. We need to start looking for him and Endeavor."

Midnight stared at Aizawa for a bit. "A student brain-washed? Bakugo Katsuki kidnapped?" And then, after a pause, she sighed. "Again?"

"Basically. Actually, now that you're here, Yaoyorozu can take Jirou back outside while we continue here. Yao-"

"No." Yaoyorozu said at once, earning a look from Aizawa. "No, I won't go. I want to stay here and fight. Shoto is my friend, and I want to help my friend in the best way I can. I'm not going, I'm staying here and I will fight." She added in one breathe.

"Yaomomo, as much as I appreciate you volunteering for help, I think it would be better if  we add more pro-heroes." Todoroki pointed out.

"So you don't trust me now, you think I'm a weak coward?" Snapped Yaoyorozu. "They messed Kyoka, messed with her brain. You think I'm gonna let them off without breaking a bone or two?"

Everyone stayed silent for for a while, stunned by the brunette's fierce yet teary gaze. Midnight fidgeted her hands, looking at Aizawa for further instructions.

Aizawa at last decided.

"Very well then. Midnight, take the unconscious student back and treat her. Are the forces ready to attack?"

"They are."

"Good. Tell them to enter and take position. They'll attack at my command."

"Eraser - head,  the trackers don't track your location in this building, and network has been cut off. How are you going to command?" Midnight said, getting in hero character.

Aizawa paused for a beat. "The ancient way."

Midnight seemed to cringe at the thought. "You mean that screaming sound signal?"

"The very one."

"If you say so." She leaned down and easily picked up jirou's skinny frame, Yaoyorozu nodded to herself as if trying to make herself understand something important. "Good luck on....that."

Todoroki could see a faint smile covering Aizawa's lips for a split second, but then it vanished and seriousness dawned upon his features.

"Let's go."


"This is a pity, why can't I kill you already." Moaned Amaya Shizukana while half of her upper body sat upside down on a table. It looked like half of her body was floating upside down, but she was really just appearing from a black portal while the other half of her body was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it was behind the chair Bakugo was tried to, the ash blond thought.

It had been about half an hour of him enduring Amaya Shizukana singing horrible lullabies and playing around with her sharp knife, occasionally pointing it towards Bakugo as if he was an apple she was aiming to shoot with her arrow.

At first Bakugo had protested against the abnormal behaviour and cursed at her, but eventually he gave up and decided the girl had some kind of mental problem. Great, a sloppy murderer with mental problems who keeps pitying that she can't kill me just yet. How lovely.  He had thought.

"Why can't your pathetic little friends hurry and show up already? I'm starving and Dabi won't give me chicken nuggets unless he gets his work done clean." She complained again, now reunited with the rest of her body and sitting with her legs on the table as well.

"Where are the other villains?" Bakugo asked after what he thought was solid 15minutes, his voice raspy. He realized he was hungry as well. And he was kind of greatful that the girl had returned to her waist, he had been starting to lose belief in the law of gravity.

"Oh, I don't know! Can you believe that?" Deadpanned Amaya Shizukana. "They add me in the plan but don't even tell me the plan fully! I guess I get a little too much distracted with nuggets. The old fire guy wasn't fun at all, unlike you. He kept getting out of hand so they had to make a fireproof room for him! It still doesn't work properly, anyway. And he seemed like someone abusive. I hate abusive human beings, do you know how much I suffered when i-" She paused, realising she said way too much. Bakugo widened his eyes.

A black smoke, and she appeared right in front of him, too close for Bakugo's liking, and pointing her knife right at Bakugo's throat. The blond could see her every feature, the sharp scars on her dimmed grey right eye reminded him of Todoroki,  which made him very anxious about his lover's whereabouts.

Although his anxiousness was soon replaced with an urge to gag when the smell of blood hit his nose again. Screwing up his facial expressions, he stared at the black haired girl as she continued to pierce her gaze through him, a slight smirk displaying on her lips.

"Curious little pup, aren't you?" She teased, and Bakugo felt the edge of the knife touching his throat. "You know I can kill you right here,  right now, right?"

"I don't fucking dread death, you bitch." Bakugo muttered making the girl laugh out loud.

"Of course you don't, dumb boy. You fear your lover baby's death, you dear your family's death. Unlike me, who doesn't have any family or friends to fear for." Amaya Shizukana sang, mildly forcing the knife onto Bakugo's skin.

Bakugo's breathe hitched as he felt the sharp knife cutting through this skin, he shuddered and wondered if Todoroki was facing the same things he easy,  if Todoroki was okay. "Yeah, you're damn right. You ain't got nobody at all. Because you fuckers don't know how to value other's life. Because your depressed little asses decided the world needed another bad person in it. You got no fucking clue how it's like to lose someone's affection, because you've never tried to feel it. Because in your opinion, be damned humaneness! We don't give a shit! We just wanna be ruthless fuckers because we can! Because it's our choice!"

All on a sudden, the force on his throat stopped. He looked ahead and saw Amaya Shizukana staring at him, but it felt like she wasn't seeing anything with her eyes. Her gaze remained dim, the shiny left eye losing its light. The smile faltering from her lips.

Bakugo shifted as much as someone could while chained to a chair, mainly because she was in that position for a way too much long.

"Oi fucker. Gerroff my face, you're making me puke." Spat Bakugo, but Amaya didn't budge.
"2001, 17th April, 7:80pm." She murmured quietly, but the ash blond caught it anyway.

"What bullshit?" He furrowed his eyebrows, and wondered if explosions would shake the girl off her guard. He doubted it, but tried anyway. He needed a way to get to Todoroki and rest of the others

Large amount of explosions cracked from his hand, and betraying his doubt, Amaya shook her head and averted her gaze at the exploding hands. 

She gazed back at Bakugo, her eyes grim. And emphasising every word, she slowly said,

"Every bad guy in this world was turned bad. It's never our choice."

Bakugo stared back at her. Her eyes seemed familiar.


"Damn it!" Shouted Yaoyorozu before shutting her mouth for cursing in front of a teacher. Aizawa respectfully ignored it.

They once again reached the end of the long hallway where it split to three different corridors. And in a frustrating situation like this one, anyone was bound to say Damn It.

"What now?" Groaned Yaoyorozu.

"We split." Todoroki stated simply, earning a glare from Aizawa.

"Oh hell no, we aren't leaving each other's backs anymore. We're trying out these corridors one by one, hopefully one of them aren't a dead end and will reveal some answers." Aizawa rasped.

"Do you know how long that'll take? Villains aren't dumb. There's no guarantee that both my dad and Katsuki are trapped in the same place, which they likely aren't because if they were, the quilt place would've burned down way before. No, it's it's a trap. abd I think there's a trap at the end of every one of these corridors. We should split." Todoroki observed and ordered in a blunt voice, and then realizing that he was talking to a teacher, he added, "Sir."

"I agree with Shoto. " murmured Yaoyorozu after a few seconds.

Aizawa observed everything, took their opinions into notice. Todoroki needed to reach his father first, whereas he needed to reach Bakugo. Bakugo, who was with Amaya Shizukana.

Aizawa's heart clenched, no matter how much he denied it, deep inside he wanted to meet Amaya, see her up close for one time more. He screwed up his eyebrows and shunned the thought away from his mind.

"Alright then. I take the middle, Todoroki go left and Yaoyorozu go right." Aizawa started. "And please, be cautious about yourselves." He added.

Both his students nodded and left for instructed directions. The black haired teacher wondered if he had made the right choice.


Endeavor glared at the man covered in scars before him. His fire was turned off, he was looking like any normal human being with an obscene amount of bruises and cuts, tightly tied to a chair. His eyes displaying years' worth of tiredness. "You're playing a nasty game, boy."

"Yeah... wonder who I learnt that from." Dabi smirked.

"I don't believe you're my son! That you're him. No son of mine would ever turn into... into you!" Endeavor roared, Dabi scoffed in return.

"Just you watch, Endeavor. Just you watch." The scarred man whispered in in a dangerously low voice.

"Why are you even involving Shoto in this?"

"Because you see, my dear father," started Dabi in a mocking voice. "You have placed all your belongings onto my youngest brother's shoulders the moment he saw light of earth. He's my successor, my champion. I wonder who said these words, calling me and my other two siblings three complete failures." Dabi threateningly pointed at Endeavor, who continued glaring.

"What do you want?"

"I thought I made it clear the first time I paid you a little visit."

Endeavor rolled his eyes. "With Shoto, what do you want with him?"

"You know that too."

"He's given up!" Endeavor yelled, "he's given up everything for that blond boy! You're free to get my possessions, why involve Shoto?"

"Grown to care for him now, haven't you?" Dabi cocked his head. "Trying to get him back now that he's out of your reach?"

"Why-" Endeavor controlled himself, then continued calmly. "What gave you that idea?"

"In our lives, all you've been is a complete dick obsessed with power! You've never spared a glance at any other person, not me, not even mom. Only shoto mattered to you. How do you think we would see your sudden change in behavior?  Oh! My dear daddy has changed! Yeah, no."

Endeavor remained silent, sinking the complaints.

"Shoto was your favorite, why? Because he had power! Because he was the perfect result of your nasty experiment!" Roared Dabi, eyes, which were way similar to Endeavor's ones, screaming hatred.

Endeavor knew it. He had realized not long ago that he was biased, selfish, abuser and a bad father to all of his children. He has realized that he was all arrogant husband. But his dismay was he realized all of these a bit too late. Consequently, he never got the chance to act as his realisations.

He wanted to apologize to everyone. But he simply couldn't bring himself to utter the S word to Dabi, he so called son. He couldn't. He wondered how long it has been since he last saw daylight. He was pretty sure it hadn't been more than 3 or four days, confide ring confide ring the awefully meals they threw at him. But it felt like decades.

There was a wrestling sound coming from the other side of the door, and echoes of rapid footsteps. And Endeavor's heart did couple of horrible flips when when a voice shouted, "Katsuki? Katsuki! Dad?"

The voice was faint behind through thick door, but that didn't refrain from Endeavor realizing it was his youngest son.

Endeavored roared, trying to warn Todoroki, trying to tell him not to step forward and meet with a disheartening truth. But as soon he tried scream, he was fed with the knowledge that Dabi had placed a tight gag on his mouth. All he could do was make ridiculous noise as the stinging object clenched his teeth together.

Coldness interrupted his thoughts, the freezing sensation was coming from the door. Dabi watched with interest, forming a maniac smirk.

Perhaps Dabi had permitted the door to open, or maybe Todoroki had forced enough power, because the door burst open revealing a comparatively smaller figure.

Todoroki gasped seeing his father in a fatal state. After hearing a muffled yelp from one of the doors, he had froze the door and broke it, although it felt like the door opened itself willingly. At the moment, he didn't give it much thought, he was more focused on the scene before him.

"Todoroki Shoto." Hissed a voice Todoroki had heard before, the same way, the same whisper.

The younger Todoroki jerked his head towards the voice, and saw a figure which he hadn't notice in the darkness, shifted in its position. Todoroki was ready for any sort of attack or counter attack, but he waited.

He needed to know the cause behind all this.

For all he knew, he was dragged into this without any additional reason and his friends were dragged without any need. They could've been home, safe and Bakugo would've never be kidnapped like that. Todoroki wanted answers.

"What is this bullshit?" Todoroki activated his left side. Soft light radiating from the fire replaced the darkness in the room, and Todoroki finally recognised the third figure.

But he can't be alone. Todoroki thought, being ready for any type of back attack. There must be more people here.

While Todoroki looked around for any other people, he took into notice that Dabi wasn't attacking him, nor shifting any closer. Which certainly put him into unease and confusion.

"Why are we here? Why have you kidnapped my dad and Katsuki?  What do you want?" Todoroki bombarded Dabi with questions. Dabi laughed as if Todoroki said something rather childish.

"Now, now, we don't want to rush things do we?" Dabi smirked, and Todoroki felt like he was being kidded around.

"Why do you want!?" He emphasised every word before sending a furious wave of ice towards Dabi, which the scarred man dodged with a flame of blue fire.

"Ah yes, we'll definitely have a good family conversation about that, Shoto." Dabi nodded.

"You're not allowed to call me by my first name!" Todoroki shouted again, sending another furious wave of ice at Dabi which he again dodged. Endeavor groaned as the ice hit his feet.

"I'm not?" Dabi pretended to be shocked. "Oh!" He pretended to remember something. "Right you are, Shoto. I haven't introduced myself yet have I?"

Todoroki felt his eyes redden, he had enough fucking around for one day. He was ready to crush the villain in front of him anytime as his anger was reaching its limits. He could sense this was a game, maybe even a way to waste his time while something worse happened to Bakugo.

"Oh, I see what you're doing. You're buying time to gather force and attack me, well guess what, I caught you." Said Todoroki grimly.

This time, Dabi looked genuinely confused before he chuckled. "Oh Shoto, Shoto! Brilliant boy, such an evil though, spectacular idea. But sadly no, I'm not buying time. In fact, we do have a family conversation waiting."

The 'family' word hit Todoroki. He noticed how the villain had used the word two times already, and furrowed his brows. Was he missing out on anything? Were his siblings kidnapped too? But how was that possible?

To answer Todoroki's questions,  Dabi tilted his head. "But first I shall introduce myself. Shoto," He started. Todoroki stared at Dabi,  not losing his guard.

"I am Touya Todoroki. The oldest sibling, your oldest brother. And what they call me," Dabi interestingly took out out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"The Lost Todoroki."


Hi hello uwu

Here's another chapter, this took longer than I expected. Mainly because online classes are being a bitch and I'm pretty dumb and lazy.

Hope y'all are doing well. Stay home and stay safe!♡

Thank you for reading and supporting. Please take care of yourselves :'")

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