37 - shopping
3rd Person's POV
"Heck, that was annoying." Said Bakugo as he stretched his arms. "I almost had beat the shit out of dunce face."
Three more days passed after Shoto's massive successful birthday celebration. Classes were on fleek and they were getting homeworks and assignments almost everyday. The blond, brunette and dual haired male were finally over with their classes and we're heading back to the dormitories for the day. All Might had out them into pairs to train with each other in the last class. Bakugo, having been paired with Kaminari, had won fairly but had complained that he had not finished beating the other blond yet. That's when the class was dismissed, achieving Bakugo a bad mood.
"Give it a rest, Katsuki." Todoroki sighed, trying to hide his slight smile when Bakugo blepped his tongue out in respond. Yaoyorozu laughed.
"You're such a baby, Katsuki." Yaoyorozu exclaimed as Bakugo continued sulking.
"There's so much homework due this week. I wonder how we'll complete everything," Todoroki stated worried.
"I know right. I wish the winter vacations hurry." Yaoyorozu deadpanned. "I'm grouped with Kaminari-san and Ashido-san for the assignment on misuse of important quirks. What about you guys?" She asked grimly.
"No one wanted to be partners with me." Bakugo scoffed. "So me and Sho ended up with bird dude."
Yaoyorozu took a few seconds for her brain to sink in the information and then finally said, "oh, Tokoyami? He's nice."
"Yeah. He can actually gather information for us, or his shadow." Said Todoroki.
"I mean, at least you have decent group members." Yaoyorozu again said with a grim expression. Todoroki sensed the disapproval and butted in to help.
"We can help you if you're left on your own. Besides," Todoroki glanced at Bakugo carefully before continuing. "Ashido-san isn't that bad."
"I guess." Yaoyorozu sighed.
"Eh, fucking lift your spirits. It's smelling like depression here." Bakugo said, patting his hands over his nose indicating that he didn't like the smell of sadness.
Yaoyorozu smirked along with Todoroki, they both knew that was just the way of Bakugo's saying that he didn't like to see them sad.
"Says the one who was sulking three minutes ago." Yaoyorozu exclaimed, the smirk not faltering from her face.
"fuck off." Bakugo scoffed. Todoroki laughed again.
"The assignment is due Friday right?" Todoroki asked.
"Yeah." Answered the brunette. "I need to buy a papers and a few markers... wanna go shopping today?"
"You can just make those. Save money." The blond said as yaoyorozu rolled her eyes.
"That'd be misuse of my quirk. That's the whole point of the assignment, Katsuki."
"How's is misuse if you can save money with it."
"You-" Yaoyorozu paused, then put a hand on her chin. "You know, that's a good point. If we're using it to save money, and money is an asset of the government, then we're not misusing our quirks. We're using it to help the government, that's the point of heroes-"
"You know, shopping sounds great." Todoroki interrupted, not wanting to hear anymore lectures for the day. "I needed a few clothes anyway."
"You need to go to shops to buy clothes? You can just call someone and order them to buy you stuff." Bakugo said in disbelief. Todoroki just stared at him.
He had told neither of his best friends that he wasn't receiving any pocket money or help from his father. After the massive argument with Endeavor, he had not contacted him. Which meant it had been weeks. And he was admittedly a bit sad that Endeavor didn't try to contact with him either. The birthday wish he had gotten used to every year from his father was absent. And not that he was gonna ever admit it even to himself, but he had been a tad bit disappointed. He found out that his pocket money was cut off when he checked his bank account last night. Even so, he had a decent amount of money with which he surely could lavishly live until he graduated and got a job. And he wasn't someone who spent his money here and there either.
So, he had decided that he didnt want to bother either of his friends of family about this matter as they had had enough problems for the time being. It was only between him and his choice.
"I'd rather go buy myself." Todoroki said, his eyes falling on his shoe laces.
"Kay then, it'll settled. We'll go shopping today after lunch. Does that sound good?" Yaoyorozu clapped her hands together as she said. They had reached the elevator.
"Yeah, we'll take the stairs. By then." Said Bakugo, eyeing Kirishima and Kaminari who were on their way towards the elevator.
Yaoyorozu looked confused at first but then also noticed the duo in a distance, then nodded with a smile and small wave before she left.
Todoroki waved back before he was yanked towards the stairs by Bakugo. "Hey, that was rude."
"Tch, oblivious idiot." Bakugo muttered under his breathe.
They reached the 3rd floor and Bakugo stared at Todoroki and asked,
"So, are you going to stay in my room or?"
Todoroki took a few seconds to think before answering. "Nah I think I'm going to go refresh myself. I'll come down to your room after lunch."
Bakugo nodded before lingering his gaze on Todoroki again, who, in fact, didn't move up the stairs.
"What?" Todoroki blinked.
Bakugo roamed his eyes around the deserted stairs(no one used them for obvious reasons) before planting a quick but affectionate peck on Todoroki's lips. Todoroki smiled at the sudden act and blushed. Gaze remaining on Bakugo's back as the other male walked towards him room without any other word.
But what they didn't know, was that they had not been alone in the staircase.
"Okay," Yaoyorozu huffed angrily. "You have no idea how I'm keeping the urge to kill you two down my instincts."
They three had promised to meet after lunch in front of the dormitory building. But it so had happened that when Todoroki had reached Bakugo's room, they had started making out starting with a small peck. Which had resulted in them being about 15 minutes late and a fuming Yaoyorozu. They both apologized for being late and getting carried away(Yaoyorozu restrained saying 'awww') and started walking towards their destination.
"Have you listen what you want to buy?" Yaoyorozu asked both of them.
"Well, I need a sweatshirt and some black marker. What about you Tsuki?" Answered Todoroki, turning his head towards Bakugo who was distractedly staring at a bunch of cats.
"Huh? Oh," said Bakugo, "yeah. Whatever. I only tagged along 'cause I had nothing better to do anyway."
Todoroki and Yaoyorozu slightly shared glances, clearly seeing through the lie and smiling. Todoroki nodded.
They chit chatted while walking, mostly Bakugo and Todoroki bickering each other lovingly and Yaoyorozu fangirling like usual. It was any other normal day, and little did they know it was about to get not-so-normal soon enough.
"Okay, I'm gonna head straight to the stationary section. Sho," Yaoyorozu eyed Todoroki. "Do you want me to buy your markers for you?"
"Yeah, okay." Todoroki nodded.
"Alright. Do you prefer any specific brand?"
"No, as long as it's suitable for using I'm alright." Todoroki responded, now eyeing Bakugo. "Do you want anything?"
Bakugo scoffed and threw the 'I've-already-answered-that-question' look, but in the end as Yaoyorozu had predicted to Todoroki secretly, answered anyways. "Yeah, a few black and yellow colored paper, that's it."
"What are you gonna do with them?" Todoroki asked, amused.
"I'm gonna eat them." Said bakugo. Then noticing the confused look on Todoroki, he hurriedly continued. "Dumbass, of course I'm gonna use them on the assignment. What? You think I eat colored papers?"
Yaoyorozu laughed and Todoroki felt ashamed a tad bit for actually thinking Bakugo was out of his mind. A tad bit, because the feeling was healed with Bakugo laughter which was music to his ears. The dual haired male smiled himself.
"Alright, I'll get your stuff. We can meet in front of the food counter in about half an hour. And DO NOT BE LATE DOING STUFF." The brunette emphasized before walking away. And that's when both the blond and the dual haired male realized.
"We haven't given her money!"
"Katsuki, what about this sweater?" Todoroki said whilst waking out of the trial room.
Bakugo looked up from his phone, and his jaw dropped. Todoroki was wearing a pastel pink sweater with a turtle neck. It was rather unusual as Bakugo was used to seeing Todoroki in dark themed clothing. And now he had to admit, everything suited Todoroki from every angle.
While dark themed clothing made Todoroki look edgy and tough, the exact same person in light themed clothing seemed like a bubbly angel. Bakugo couldn't figure out why on earth his boyfriend suddenly looked a thousand times more cute and soft. He walked up to Todoroki and ruffled his dual colored hair to make them fluffy.
"Mhm.." Bakugo said, feeling blood rushing to his cheeks. "Cute." He said with a smirk.
Todoroki blushed, but argued with a frown. "I'm not cute!"
"Yes you are, candy cane." Bakugo quickly planted a soft peck on Todoroki's forehead before walking away, looking for more pastel themed clothes for his boyfriend. Todoroki in soft colors was definitely his new favorite thing.
Meanwhile, Todoroki stood there blushing furiously and coming to a sudden realization. He grinned heavily and followed Bakugo, mimicking the blond's method and whispering into his ears,
"You know, I just realized you have to stand on your tiptoes to kiss my forehead."
Bakugo's head shot back to face Todoroki's who was, in fact, grinning michevously. The blond's face heated up and it wasn't helping the angry look he was trying to pull on. Todoroki just continued grinning.
"Y-you-" stuttered Bakugo.
"See?" Todoroki tilted his head sideways seductively. "You are the girl in this relationship." [Just a random side note from Author that when I was writing 'girl' my autocorrector made it 'guru' so it became "you are the guru in this relationship" and I had a good laugh at this😂]
"No!" Bakugo tried defending himself, but miserably failed when Todoroki started chuckling. "This isn't fucking fair!" He hit Todoroki's chest playfully.
"Oh just wait till I get you in bed, Icyhot." Bakugo scoffed, returning back to his usual cocky self.
"Well, your personality changed fairly quickly." Todoroki exclaimed, still shaking from laughter. "I was actually starting to enjoy you with your guard down."
"Hey!" Bakugo whined. "Fuck you."
"Like you said, in bed." Todoroki winked and walked away to the cashier to purchase his sweater, leaving and extremely red Bakugo in the corner.
"Fucking asshole." Muttered Bakugo, then facepalmed himself. "Oh God, he's my asshole."
"Why is he sulking?" Yaoyorozu poked Todoroki with her finger, pointing at Bakugo. "Did you two argu?"
They were in front of the food corner in half an hour. Yaoyorozu had noticed that Todoroki was rather cheery and Bakugo was red and cursing at everything. When they chose a table to sit, Bakugo went towards the window and started cursing at cars for being cars.
"Oh, I just reminded him who's the man here." Todoroki shrugged.
"Well, who is?"
"Me." Todoroki said while looking at the menu. Then glancing at Yaoyorozu's fuming face, he hurriedly continued. He didn't want to experience an angry mom again. "He kissed me on my forehead and I pointed out that he had to tiptoe for it. He got mad at it and said 'fuck you.' I responded that in bed."
"That's it?"
"Ugh." Yaoyorozu facepalmed. "I don't get you two. You love each other but bicker at the same time. Tch, boys."
Todoroki laughed. "He'll come around. He's just- oh look he's already coming back."
The brunette looked up and saw Bakugo slumping on a chair in front of Bakugo, still having a dark aura around him.
"Has your feminine mood been improved, your highness." Todoroki sarcastically said.
"Oh, shut up." Bakugo deadpanned. Yaoyorozu smiled.
She watched them continue bickering each other when something in a short distant caught her eye. Short, purple hair...
Yaoyorozu stiffened when she noticed the figure getting closer to their table. She knew that figure, it was impossible to not recognize.
"Hey, guys! Didn't know I'd find you here. What a coincidence." Jiro Kyoka's voice caught the bickering couple's attention. "May I have a seat here?"
Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Bakugo stared at Jiro who was smiling sweetly, her hand over her shoulder showing a sign of nervousness.
"And you are?" Bakugo asked, raising his eyebrow. Yes, he did know Jiro Kyoka, the singer of their class. But he for sure didn't want someone like her interfering his happy time with his friends. Not when she was one of the people criticizing him and his boyfriend.
"Haha, Bakugo you really know how to pull the sarcasm!" Jiro smiled wider and looked at Yaoyorozu. "So, do I get to seat or not?"
The trio glanced at each other before eyeing Jiro again. Yaoyorozu cleared her voice before answering,
"I think we have quite a rivalry and unwanted argument to give you the clear conception that no, you shouldn't sit with us or in fact talk with us to begin with."
Jiro looked taken aback at the sudden politely rude behavior of the brunette. Her gaze lingered at the brunette a few more seconds before sighing.
"I- I wanted to talk." Jiro has her hand on over her neck again. "You know, about... stuff. I wanted to know if you would give me a chance to speak."
Yaoyorozu eyed Todoroki who eyed Bakugo, who was still piercing his stare on Jiro with a raised eyebrow. Then he opened his mouth.
"You have 5 minutes, sit, talk and scram."
This chapter was supposed to be longer, but we have a lot more ahead and I'm tired af so akdnwnd sorry
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