36 - Necklace
Yaomomo added Shoto and Katsuki
Yaomomo: heyy
Shoto: hey what is this
Yaomomo: a group chat!
Yaomomo named the group 'best trios'
Shoto: I see
Katsuki: eh this group name is so boring
Katsuki named the group 'death dominators'
Yaomomo: Ehm
Katsuki: we're keeping this
Katsuki: try fighting me butch
Yaomomo: that was so rude
Shoto: I didn't know you could make a group chat like this
Katsuki: lol no it wasn't
Katsuki: you're a baby Sho
Shoto: I'm 15
Yaomomo: uwu
Shoto: what is uwu
Yaomomo: it's a face expression
Shoto: okay
Katsuki: bruh
Yaomomo: so what were you two upto today
Shoto: we went to visit mom in the hospital, luckily we found my sister and brother there too.
Katsuki: yea heck your brother is so cool
Yaomomo: are they?
Shoto: yeah Natsuo nii and Bakugo discovered each other's game obsessions
Katsuki: we're having a video game marathon someday soon! Fuck im excited
Yaomomo: wow
Yaomomo: katsuki has made a friend!1!!
Katsuki: stfu loser
Shoto: dont be rude tsuki
Shoto: also momo you accidently wrote 1 while typing '!!!'
Yaomomo: ...
Katsuki: see i date a dumbass
Shoto: with better pickup lines
Yaomomo: heck lmao
Yaomomo: but he does have better pickup lines
Shoto: hA
Katsuki: no i do
Shoto: no u do not
Katsuki: you must be from Jamaica
Katsuki: because Jamaican me horny👀
Yaomomo: oshit, beat that sho
Shoto: you must be from Yukon
Shoto: because yukon go fuck yourself
Katsuki: fuck me yourself you coward
Shoto: i would, but you wouldnt be able to handle the D
Shoto: maybe i am. Come face me if you dare
Yaomomo: ouch
Shoto: damn tsuki
Yaomomo: katsuki darling you lost this round
Katsuki: im not fucking losing the next one
Shoto: we'll see :)
Katsuki: FUCK YOU
Yaomomo: get a room you two😂
Shoto: did i ever tell you Katsuki likes to converse with ducks
Shoto: you do. You did that day before i kissed you
Yaomomo: oshshshhsz
Yaomomo: should i be asking who's the top😔
Shoto: i am
Katsuki: me
Shoto: ehm youre the girl remember
Shoto: damn ma i wish
Katsuki: I'M NOT
Katsuki: WE DON'T
Yaomomo: ejajs my two gay children❤❤ im so proud of you
Shoto: thank you yaomom
Katsuki: with due respect and humble submission, mother figure, fuck off
Yaomomo: child. You have disrespected me. You require punishment
Shoto: lol
Katsuki: yea whatever ma
Katsuki: you free tomorrow morning?
Shoto: me? No I still have a few more assignments to finish
Yaomomo: yepp. Wanna go out?
Katsuki: sure. 11:30 in front of the dormitory building
Shoto: wait I'm not free
Katsuki: you go work. Let us chill damn
Shoto: oh... okay
Shoto: um im gonna go try sleep a bit. I'm tired
Katsuki: yea night
Yaomomo: night sho! Katsuki call me so we can discuss where we wanna go
Katsuki: aight
Seen by Yaomomo and Shoto
3rd Person's POV
But Todoroki didn't sleep as he had promised his friends. He was waiting and checking his phone continously for any calls or texts at 12:01am. But nothing came up, not even one from his mom or siblings.
That night, Todoroki had went to bed feeling extremely hurt, angry, sad and quietly singing 'Happy Birthday, Shoto.' to himself.
Bakugo grinned at an also smiling Yaoyorozu as she jogged up to him.
"I didn't know that'd work so perfectly." She exclaimed.
"I know right? That went so smoothly. That bastard is fucking dumb." Said Bakugo as he chuckled.
"But he does know better pickup lines."
"NOT WITH THAT SHIT AGAIN!" Bakugo growled.
"Okay, okay!" Yaoyorozu chuckled out, "you two really act like some husband and wife."
"He's the wife."
"Sure," Yaoyorozu gave Bakugo a smug grin.
"Let's get going or we'll be late to fetch that idiot of a boyfriend up." Bakugo said as he started walking towards the gate.
"Yeah. You did a pretty good job shutting his mood off."
"Nothing I couldn't handle. Okay listen up," Bakugo took out a piece of paper from his pocket. Name of a few items were scribbled on it. "We're first stopping at the cake shop to order the cake. Then we part ways. You go to this restaurant," said Bakugo as he pointed at the name written on the paper. "and get the food, whatever you pick. Your choice. Then go straight to you know where and I'll be there. Then we can put the candles and decorations, you can make them with your quirk right?"
Yaoyorozu nodded, she knew the structure so it wasn't a big deal.
"Cool. I've already contacted Natsuo and Fuyumi-nee and they informed they'll be there just in time."
"What about Sho?" Questioned Yaoyorozu. "How will he get here?"
"We'll send an Uber to get him and text him to come have lunch with us. We need to act as careless around him as we can." Bakugo said while mentally calculating everything in his head, checking if he had missed some important information.
"What if he refuses?"
Bakugo stared at the raven haired girl. That was something he didn't think of. Exactly, what if Todoroki refused?
He shook the thought out of his head. "He won't, I promise." He reassured.
"Allright, I'll go get a taxi then." Yaoyorozu said, already moving fast to get a ride.
"Yeah." Bakugo muttered, still lost in thoughts.
He did make Todoroki a bit mad yesterday, if not a lot. He didn't wish him, oh let alone Bakugo. Even his family members didn't wish him. Now that Bakugo thought of it, it was really cruel to do so. To ask his family not to wish him because he had planned a surprise party for his Shoto's birthday.
No. Bakugo again thought, no he wasn't letting all this planning and plotting go to waste. This was gonna be the best birthday his boyfriend had ever had. And Bakugo was gonna make sure nothing went wrong. Absolutely nothing.
The blog started moving when he heard the brunettes voice calling for him, informing him that she had found a taxi. Still lost in thoughts about Todoroki, he felt the air slap him on the face when the taxi moved. And also very suddenly, squinting his eyes real hard, he again saw the familiar dark aura vanishing into thin air from a distance. He was just imagining things, right?
"He's gonna simply love the cake!" Yaoyorozu sang as they walked out of the cake store.
"Sure he will. I mean, I chose it." Said Bakugo with a smug grin. Yaoyorozu just rolled her eyes and continued smiling.
"So," the brunette started. "I'm heading to the restaurant. You never told me what you'll do in the meantime."
The blond shrugged and danced his eyebrows in a mysterious manner. Yaoyorozu gave up and sighed. "Okay, see you in an hour or something." She said as she started to walk for a taxi.
"Yeah, see ya." Bakugo yelled back. After watching the raven haired girl getting onto a taxi, he started walking too.
The previous day while walking back from the hospital, he had seen a pair of necklaces hanging in a jewelry shop, shining brightly. It had caught his eyes well. And he didn't fail to nitice the fact that the pair was a couple's necklace. A small heart broken into two puzzle like pieces, and they would connect and finish each other like a perfect match. It might had been the typical couple's necklace, but to Bakugo of course it bore a very big meaning.
The two pieces of one heart represented him and his Todoroki, two different beings with one soul. To Bakugo, without Todoroki in his world, it was half empty. Like half of his life, half of his entire soul had been nothing but air. He wasn't complete without the dual male. It all just ended up giving the same idea, Bakugo and Todoroki were destined soulmates, always meant to be stuck together to be perfect and complete.
Hence, he wanted to gift his beloved one this necklace, promising him the eternity together. Just like how they both wanted to spend it.
Bakugo smiled when he saw the necklace was still there. He pushed the door and entered the store.
Todoroki was in his bead, having the worst mood in a long time. His eyes swollen from crying without his own will. It had been out of his controlled, he had been working on his assignments trying to get his mind off of recent saddening incidents when he had felt his face wet. And that was it, he couldn't stop the flow of water emitting from his eyes. Damn it.
He didn't want to be so weak, he didn't want to give a fuck about something so minor. So what no one hadn't congratulated him being born, it wasn't like he himself did it much often either. So what if his two best friends were out having a fun time together while he was in his room suffering from homework, it wasn't like anyone cared. So what if his family even didn't give him a phone call to sing 'happy birthday' like every other year. So what if everyone forgot about his whole existence on the day he had got to existing. It wasn't like he was someone special for being born.
It also wasn't like he gave two shits about being another year closer to death. So why the heck was he so emotionally broken? Why wouldn't the tears stop? Why was he hurting so much?
Why wasn't there a single call or text from either of his friends or family? Hadn't anyone checked the calender and the thought of Todoroki Shoto crossed their minds? No one?
Even if he didn't see his birthday as a very special occasion, he still would get at least three wishes every year. But this year, no one seemed to remember him. Like he was thin air.
Even the daily texts saying 'good morning' or 'I love you' from Yaoyorozu and Bakugo were missing that very day. Like all the pain cuddled up and spanked him hard at the same time.
Fuck, he cursed, Fuck I'm such a crybaby. Why can't I get this through my thick head that other people have lives and won't waste their precious time on someone useless and not worth like me. Not even my boyfriend. Not even my best friend. Not even my family.
He felt the urge to cry again, but he restrained it. He felt like an emotional middle school girl and he sure wasn't one.
Todoroki got up, checked the clock which read 1:32pm. He looked around the mess he had made when he was having a frustrated tantrum. He sighed and just started towards the bathroom to wash his face when his phone went off, making him jump slightly.
He unnecessarily ran to his bedside table on the other side of the bed to check his phone. His heart beat fast as he checked the caller ID.
Angery Boyfriend.
His heart did a strange flip as he cleared his throat and picked up the call. "Hello?" His voice sounded quite gloomy and dull.
"Shoto? Hey, babe. Sorry I couldn't call or text you earlier. I was a bit busy." Was heard from the other side of the phone. "Where are you?"
"In my dormitory. Where else would I be?" Todoroki said, sounding almost stiff. Well, 'almost' in his opinion anyways.
Bakugo was silent for a second or so before answering. "Yeah right. We sent an Uber for you. It'll pick you up at like, 15 minutes from now. Get your ass ready."
"Why? You're not having enough fun together?" Said Todoroki's bitter voice. "Oh, or did you just seemed to remember I exist?"
"...the fuck's wrong with you? Did you hit your head or something?" Said Bakugo's voice.
"Oh no, I'm completely fine. Just wondering what suddenly made you interested in having me joining your fun." Salt was dripping from Todoroki's voice as he rolled his eyes physically, mildly aware Bakugo couldn't see it.
"Look Shoto, if you don't wanna come then tell me straight." Said Bakugo's now stern voice.
"Oh, now not wanting me to join because you suddenly realized I'm the party proper, huh babe?" Todoroki snapped. "Well guess what fucker, I'm coming and you can't blame me if I, the boring moody edge lord who doesn't know how to entertain people, accidently makes your fun time less enjoying. Tell me the address."
"The driver knows it." Bakugo simply said from the other line.
"Cool then, see you there." Todoroki said the last sentence as grimly as it could possibly be said before cutting the call, rage boiling the blood in his veins. Or was it the feeling of being betrayed present in him once again?
He sniffed and wiped the stream of tears with the hem of his shirt and went to his closet to find the most boring clothes he could get to wear to a party. A Grey t-shirt with black jacket and black jeans with a pair of black converse was all he could come up with. He put those and and kept his hair a tab bit messy. They thought he was boring? Oh, he was gonna show them boring.
He huffed and sad down on his bed, waiting for the Uber to come.
"Damn he's hella pissed." Bakugo whispered after he cut the call. But Yaoyorozu and Natsuo caught it anyways.
"Well, he did kinda leave him all by himself today." Yaoyorozu muttered.
"Yeah, that we wish that dude every year. Was probably a shocker for him to discover none of us did this time." Natsuo shrugged. "But he'll come around when he sees the surprise his boyfriend has planned for him." He grinned at Bakugo who mildly returned it.
The blond was worried now. Had all that he planned been enough to make up for Todoroki's horrible mood and terrible misunderstanding?
He shook off the thought for now, everything was gonna be fine. Maybe they had gone a bit overboard but it was fine. He could make it up. They could make it up.
Fuyumi popped out behind from one of the trees of the garden. She walked towards Bakugo and grinned, "this place is so beautiful! How did you find it?"
Bakugo smiled at the memory. The place they were currently at was a bit away from the main city, a little flower garden with loads of trees around it. It was Bakugo's comfort place, the place where he would often come and cry to himself. He first discovered it while playing hide and seek with a few fellow classmates at the age of 9, and since then he marked it as his territory. There was a small pond beside the garden which added a breath-taking scenery to everything. No cars, no noise, no annoying horns. Only birds chirping and leaves being crushed under feet, it was a peaceful place. And Bakugo was proud to finally share this place with someone other than his own family. He had always wanted to have a family picnic here, and today here he was, with his two families in that place.
"I discovered this place when I was pretty young. Showed to it my mom and dad. Apparently no one owns nor knows about this place very much because of it being a bit distant from the urban areas. But damn it brings the mental peace." Bakugo replied to Fuyumi as the winter breeze hit them.
The blond looked around to see Rei and Mitsuki having a great time gossiping about God knows what. His smile grew wider, this was the scenery he dreamt of. Both of his moms talking and laughing, Natsuo talking to his dad about sports and Fuyumi and Yaoyorozu chatting happily. Only one person he needed to complete this picture, the person obviously being his lover.
A horn was heard, indicating that a car had stopped nearby. Bakugo and Yaoyorozu glanced at each other and bakugo ran for it.
Todoroki stepped out of the car with his wallet in his hands. But Bakugo had paid the driver before, in result Todoroki had to stuff the wallet back in his pocket in confusion.
"Hey." Bakugo's voice was in the air. Todoroki sharply looked at Bakugo before opening his mouth.
"So where is this place? What? Couldn't party anymore because I arrived?"
Bakugo rolled his eyes, "oh stop being so salty. Follow me."
But Todoroki had other plans. He put his hands on both sides of his hips and said, "I'm not going anywhere with you before you tell me where we are."
Bakugo stopped his tracks, turned around and walked up close to Todoroki. He placed his chin on Todoroki's shoulder as he whispered "are you saying you don't trust me, Sho?"
And Todoroki's shoulders slumped. His face turned to Bakugo as much as possible from that angle with sharp eyes. Bakugo closed his eyes and got off.
"Follow me." He commanded as he started walking again. Todoroki silently obeyed. He wasn't gonna be weak anymore.
"Where's Yaoyorozu?" The dual male's harsh voice said sharply, looking for the female.
"She's there." Bakugo simply replied.
"Where!?" Todoroki has enough of being in the dark. Either he was going to be informed that he was being laughed on the back, or he was going home.
"Tch, just fucking walk will you?"
"I won't." Todoroki came to a stop. He folded his arms on his chest. "I want answers."
Bakugo watched in disbelief, "you won't?"
There was a pause.
"Fine then, have it your way." Bakugo shrugged, got closer to his boyfriend and picked him up on his shoulder and resumed walking.
"What the hell! Katsuki, out me down! Put me down, now!" Todoroki started throwing his arms and legs like a little kid.
"Oh shut the fuck up baby boy." Bakugo said while slapping the other on the butt. "We're here, stop being a scandal."
"What here, where is this place-" Todoroki stopped talking.
In front of him was a beautiful garden, but he wasn't astonished by that. Oh hell no, his eyes focused on the people who were there. His family, his families. All of them standing surrounding a bunch of food and a large white cake.
"Happy Birthday, bastard." Bakugo whispered in his ear from behind him, his breathe hitting his earlobes making him flinch suddenly.
"Happy Birthday, Shoto!" The rest of them yelled in unison.
"you...." it took Todoroki a moment to register what was happening. "you all- you all remember-"
"Of course we do little champ!" Natsuo grinned heavily.
Todoroki looked at Rei, and then Mitsuki, Mr. Bakugo, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Yaoyorozu and Bakugo.
And then,
He burst out in tears.
Falling on his knees, he started apologizing. "You guys- God, fuck it. I'm so sorry. I-" he turned to Bakugo with his glossy eyes, "katsuki- baby I was so rude to you- forgive me." He managed to squeak out between sobs.
"Shoto, look at me." Bakugo kneeled down in front of Todoroki and pulled up his chin. "Listen, don't you dare apologize for something you're not at fault for. I'm the one who should be apologizing for ruining your day and mood. Don't you dare go crying and ruining this perfect lunch I arranged for you because goddammit it took me time and effort to think and make it perfect. And don't you even fucking dare be sad and optimistic about yourself on this day, because this is the day you came to existence, and this is one of the most special day for me and all of the people here." He pointed at the people around. "We love you, Shoto. I love you."
Todoroki stared at the Ruby eyes and instantly felt more calm and stable.
While they were having a moment, Natsuo walked up to them and slapped Todoroki's back. "Ay happy surviving another year haha."
"Natsuo! Ugh this kid," Fuyumi sighed as Rei and Mitsuki chuckled. "Don't you dare laugh mom! He needs some scolding!"
Natsuo just stuck his tongue out at Fuyumi, who started chasing him. Everybody including Shoto started happily watching them fight.
When the chaos was finally over with Natsuo having a head-slap as his punishment, Mitsuki and Rei along with Mr. Bakugo wished Todoroki. Then Yaoyorozu and Fuyumi. And then Todoroki was pushed forward to cut the huge ass cake("CAKE TIME!" Natsuo had yelled, achieving yet another slap on the head from Fuyumi). They happily cut and ate the cake, and thanks to Natsuo and Bakugo, the cake frosting was visible on everybody's face except for the parents'.
Everybody had had a good laugh while eating at Natsuo's chicken break dance and then all had been mesmerized by Yaoyorozu and Fuyumi's excellent singing. ("Holy cricket, your voice is so cool!" Natsuo had complimented a blushing Yaoyorozu who thanked him in response.) Overall, the party was just perfect and soon sunset was visible on the open sky above them. They all were standing on the edge of the pond, admiring the orange-yellowish scenery.
Todoroki was feeling the cold breeze hit his face when he felt two hands touch his waist. He didn't need to turn around to know who it was, by the familiar orange scent he could tell it was Bakugo.
The ash blond put his chin on Todoroki's shoulder. "Hey." He breathed.
"Hi," todoroki responded.
"You know, for a moment there I thought you weren't gonna come. Remembering how angry you were, I was almost scared."
Todoroki grinned. "Was I scary? Haha."
"Yeah, imagine you deciding not to come." Bakugo chuckled.
"Yeah, I would've missed this beautiful scenery, all of this you planned." Todoroki said while tilting his head slightly on the blond's.
"Yeah, and I also would've never ended up giving you this on the perfect timing."
"Giving me what?" Todoroki asked, confused when he felt the weigh of Bakugo shift away from him.
"This," said Bakugo whilst putting the necklace on todoroki.
The dual male stares at the glassed stone for a few minutes before staring back at Bakugo with doe eyes. "A broken heard necklace?"
Bakugo chuckled. "Idiot." He muttered as he pulled the similar necklace from inside his shirt, it was hanging from his neck as well.
He connected the two hearts, like they were supposed to be and stared back at todoroki. "We are one."
And then their lips met each other.
That night, todoroki got a text from an unknown message saying. "Happy birthday."
He found it odd, but didn't think much of it.
It was probably just a mistake. He thought.
Happy birthday the cutest bean in the whole wide world world, Shoto Todoroki😔❤♥❤😔❤♥❤😔❤♥♥♥♥
Nd thanks for 16.1k reads❤
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