25 - boba


Me: hello

Angery boyfriend: hey, mornin

Me: good morning

Me: I want to go drink those with you

Angery boyfriend: drink what

Me: you know those smoothie looking things

Angery boyfriend: ???

Me: those smoothie looking teas with rocks in them

Angery boyfriend: ROCKS!?

Me: or cococrunches

Angery boyfriend: Sho what the fuck are you on

Me: please try to understand

Me: those smoothie looking nice teas with chocolate crunchy rocks in them

Angery boyfriend: Icyhot I love you and all but

Angery boyfriend: those are fucking called

Angery boyfriend: BOBA

Angery boyfriend: and the tea is

Angery boyfriend: BUBBLE TEA

Me: yeah let's go munch on those


Me: I'm always an idiot around you💗

Me: let's go at 11

Angery boyfriend: bruh. Fucking fine

Angery boyfriend: I know a good Boba store

Me: alright :)

Angery boyfriend: did you have breakfast yet

Me: no. I was just gonna cut the packet of instant zaru soba.

Angery boyfriend: hell no

Angery boyfriend: I'll make you taste the tastiest rich flavored spicy beef curry today

Me: spicy?

Angery boyfriend: yeah, really spicy

Me: I'm gonna take tissues with me then. Just in case

Angery boyfriend: lmfao



Me:  that actually didn't taste so bad

Angery boyfriend: see

Angery boyfriend: you gotta try some new Damn food once in a while

Me: zaru soba is still my favorite

Angery boyfriend: kskdksksm

Me: you said you know a good Boba stood

Me: have you been there with anyone before?

Angery boyfriend: uh yeahh

Angery boyfriend: my mom loves bubble tea so she takes me sometimes

Angery boyfriend: and I also went with that bakusquad once

Me: I see

Angery boyfriend: yeah

Me: well, I'll come pick you up then

Angery boyfriend: why is it always you picking me up

Angery boyfriend: It makes me feel like I'm the girl in this relationship

Me: aren't you though

Angery boyfriend: FUCK NO

Me: just kidding haha

Angery boyfriend: NOT FUNNY OKAY

Me: lol. See you

Angery boyfriend: bye


«3rd person's POV»

After checking the door if its locked for the second time, the dual haired male was seen heading off to the elevator area with big step. He was smiling brightly, scrolling through the first few conversations he had with the blond. It was ironic how they both had changed each other so quickly. they started talking like what, two months ago?

"Oufgh-" he heard a female voice whimper while his own phone fell from his hands. He had been bumping into people a lot lately. he needed to pay more attention to current events and not daydream.

"I'm sorry." He said while picking up his phone. Not paying attention the the brunette.

"No wait I'll pick it up for you." The girl was faster than Todoroki. And that's when they both took a closer look at themselves.

"Todoroki-kun?" The brunette named Uraraka said.

After what had happened, it was quite uncomfortable to talk to Todoroki. A big iced wall had been placed within him and everyone around him except for Bakugo. And she of course didn't like the unwanted tension between her and who she called a friend. Uraraka picked up the phone anyways and took a glance at the screen before opening her mouth to apologize.

But her jaw dropped fifty meters.

"A-angery boyfriend? Who is.....?" She looked at Todoroki, confused as ever. And then she gasped. "B-Bakugo kun? You two are dating!?"

The dual male himself was left dumbfounded when the brunette expressed wonder and surprise. He was sure Yaoyorozu had seen them kissing the last day. Did she not tell the 'big news' to people around her?

"You seriously didn't know?"

"What? No! What the hell Todoroki-kun?" The brunette screamed, absolutely not happy with the idea of the two dating. "Why him?"

Okay, now Todoroki was pissed. Really pissed.

"What kind of question is that Uraraka? Isn't it obvious because I love him?" He scoffed. "Some people really need to hydrate their brains."

The dual male snatched his phone from the brunette before storming off to the elevators, leaving her in complete silence.

"Bad choice." Uraraka muttered under her breath.


"Hey." Bakugo poked his boyfriend's cheeks, noticing the gloomy aura around him. "What's up?"

Todoroki on the other hand, flinched from the sudden touch. He looked at Bakugo and shook his head. "Its nothing."

"Cmon Shoto, I know somethings up. Tell me." He said whilst watching Todoroki take a sip of his Boba tea.

"Itsh nmthimg" Todoroki let out while crunching the tropica pearls.

"Dont talk while eating, bastard."

"Okay, mom."

Bakugo glared at his boyfriend, a slight evil smirk on his face. "Say that again?"

"Ohkay mom."

"Youre gonna get punishment if you keep teasing me like that."

This time, Todoroki had an evil smirk decorated on his face. "What are you gonna do? Lock me up in a dark room?"

"Oh, it'll be more than that."

They both grinned. But Todoroki's smile soon faltered which Bakugo of course wasn't unable to notice.

"Okay, now you're really starting to worry me. Shoto," Bakugo put down his Boba and held Todoroki's hands. "Tell me what's wrong, please."

Todoroki looked at Bakugo's eyes. The ruby red eyes really never failed to calm him down no matter what situation he was in. All his problems and thogjts, vanished with the blond just starting at him.

"I feel like I'm hurting people."

"What? What makes you think that!?" The blond was shocked. He wasn't ready for this.

"You know yesterday Yaoyorozu saw us together?"

"Yeah, stupid tits."

"Tsuki, she didn't tell anyone. Everyone is totally clueless."

This time, the blond was also found in silence as the dual male continued speaking. He was confused, surprised and weirded out at the same time. After watching the movie yesterday, they both had a conversation on their relationship and how they would want to keep it. They decided that since it had already been exposed to a person, it would eventually spread and everyone would know. so they wouldn't tell anything themselves, but if anyone asked, they wouldn't deny. which is exactly what Todoroki did to Uraraka. But to their utter surprise, she hadn't known. And that could only mean one thing.

"Yaoyorozu kept it as a secret..." Todoroki sighed, devastated.

"How do you know she didn't tell anyone at all? Maybe Deku or four eyes know."

"No, Katsuki." Todoroki shook his head. "If one of them knew, everyone would know. I'm just.." fiddling through his hair, he continued. "I feel like I'm pushing them away on purpose."

Bakugo narrowed his eyes and the multicolored haired male, proccessing what he had said in his mind. He tried to elaborate things, was Todoroki starting to think he needed more friends? That he could trust a few more people?

"Are you..." The blond started. "Are you trying to say you want to be friends with them?"

Todoroki's head shot up and looked at Bakugo with surprise. "I-I'm not sure about everyone. But.. Yaoyorozu.."

Bakugo sighed.

"I get it, fucking big tits got your attention."

"Its not like that! Come on Katsuki, don't you think she kept it a secret thinking that we didn't tell anyone yet?"

Bakugo understood it. He wasn't that stupid. But he was stubborn. He liked being an only friend to Todoroki. it might had seemed selfish, but he had reasons. He knew trusting someone was hard for his lover. He knew if Todoroki got betrayed once again, it'll end him and he didn't know if he could fix him again. He also feared, feared that if he let Todoroki get influenced by other people, he would leave him. And the only love of his life leaving him was the last thing he would want on earth.

"I don't know, Shoto." Katsuki shifted on his chair, leaning on the back supported for comfort. Only to be met with the coldness of hard wood. "I really don't know about this."


The little couple was heading back to their dorm room at evening. they had spent the rest of the day watching ducks on ponds, visiting Todoroki's mom and such. Rei was really happy to see Bakugo come back with her son, not to mention the big smile she gave to both of them when they got out of the bag and told her about their relationship. Bakugo had been scared that Rei wouldn't accept them, but it all went out nicely and he was relieved. They were currently holding hands and chitchatting ever so randomly. Bakugo's cheeks would often heat up at Todoroki's complements and other sweet talks and also vice versa.

After spending a long day with his lover, Todoroki finally snapped out of the phase he was in. He felt refreshed and nice. Something he didn't feel without the blond beside him. At last, he had convinced his tsundere boyfriend to hold hands with him while walking. And despite all the curses Bakugo uttered at the people staring at them weirdly, Todoroki knew he was secretly happy too.

"Oh hey guys." Someone had encountered them ever so casually. "Good evening."

It was Yaoyorozu. [Okay this name is hard to write I-]

Todoroki was about to response back with the same words. But Bakugo beat him.

"Skip the polite shit. We need to talk."

The black haired lady and the dual male stared at the blond at the same time. The black haired female spoke. "Yes? Is something wrong?"

"No, um-" Todoroki tried to start. He knew Bakugo wasn't seeing this very nicely, and he didn't want to start a little argument here. "Its about us actually-"

Yaoyorozu's eyes widened at the mention of what Todoroki was directing to. She smiled widely and said, "oh, about that? Don't worry. I won't tell a soul."

"Exactly, why wouldn't you?" Bakugo snapped, clearly not satisfied.

Yaoyorozu blinked her eyes a few times, being quiet for a while. "Wait, am I supposed to not keep it a secret?"

And Bakugo eternally facepalmed.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm trying to ask you why would you keep it a secret from your 'lovely dovely bffs'." He said, air quoting the lovely dovely bffs word.

"Because it's you guys's little secret I shouldn't have found out but found out accidently? Bakugo, I don't go around telling other people's secrets. Specially if I consider them a friend." She looked at Todoroki. "Even if that friend hurts me."

Todoroki was left speechless by the way Yaoyorozu was talking. Those weren't fake comforting, one time used meaningless words. These were the words which have him the same urge to trust and hope again as Bakugo's enchanting ones. In an instant, the dual male felt guilt pushing her away like this. Yaoyorozu wasn't like those traitors. If anything, she was a nice friend to Todoroki before he even realised it.

His head hung low. "I'm sorry, Yaoyorozu. I was really-"

"Caught up with feelings? Trapped in traumatizing childhood memories? I get it." The black haired girl smiled.

"Wait," Bakugo blinked. "You know? You told him?" He asked the second question looking at Todoroki though.

"No, he didn't. It wasn't hard to figure out actually, I don't know what really happened. but I'm sure his childhood has something to do with his scar." She turned to the dual haired male again, smiling. "I studied you Todoroki, I figured you out and tried to win your trust. but what you only ever do is pushhing me away."

"I'm sorry I regret-"

"There will be nothing to regret if we start over again."


While Yaoyorozu and Todoroki were having this conversation, Bakugo was left in shock. He couldn't understand Todoroki the way she did. Sure, he did think Todoroki's scar had something to do with his childhood. But the real story was really more pathetic than he had imagined. He honestly would've never thought that under that mask, a person was waiting to be saved. Maybe he was the one who saved him, but it could've, would've been the girl in the black ponytail if the dual male didn't push her away. It was Yaoyorozu who was able to tear off the mask first, even if it was no avail.

And then he realised, he had been holding Todoroki since. He had thought that Todoroki was like him, all alone and desperate. But when reality hit him hard on the face, it wasn't like that. The man he claimed his boyfriend was also wanted by a lot other people around. But him himself? He was only wanted by one person. And the fear of losing that person had turned him into a monster who didn't let anyone touch their things. That was basically bring selfish.

But now that he thought about it, he was ready to let go. He was ready to let other people gaze upon his star. because in the end, he knew that star would belong to the sky aka him, always and forever.

Todoroki was looking at Bakugo when he noticed him smiling to himself. It was oddly strange and confusing. "Tsuki?"

The blond snapped out of the daydream he was in. Wait, was that allowed to be called a daydream?

"Hey, ponytail." He called. "I don't know if I will regret saying this later, but if you hurt my man in any way possible or impossible, I'm gonna end your whole existence."

Yaoyorozu stared at the blond for a bit, his lips slowly forming into a soft smile. And then, she started laughing.

The two males watched as the girl in ponytail in front of them was dying out of laughter. Was what Bakugo just had said so funny?

"That's your way to swing the mood, I see." She said, still laughing.

Todoroki's mouth was also carved upwards which, apparently, Yaoyorozu found extremely rare. "Omg, those lips can smile?"

"Those lips can do something else too." Bakugo scoffed, making both of the others burst out laughing.

"That was unnecessary information, but I'll keep it in my head." The girl in ponytail said while wheezing.

The mocked, bickered and most importantly, had a fun time with one another for quite a while. They had just been friends, but it felt like they had known each other since they were in diapers. yeah, that's how close their friendship had bonded in a few minutes.


«a little flashback of Yaoyorozu in the dekusquad room. This takes place at the afternoon when everyone was relaxing»

"Todoroki-kun is gay!" Uraraka said, panting because of running.

The people inside the room instantly shot their heads towards her, surprised from the sudden outburst.

"Slow down, Ochaco Chan. What happened?" Tsuyu, who had recently been a member of the dekusquad, asked.

"Todoroki-kun...Bakugo.... Dating." She said while panting, but everyone understood anyways. They all turned their heads at Shinsou, who was no phased by the sudden information they had gathered.

"Shin, are you alright?"

"That jerk of a Bakugo stole him away from you!"

"Todoroki doesn't belong with someone so offensive and rude."

"Good things always belong together. Todoroki should be yours!"

"If only we knew Todoroki was gay a while ago..."

"You shoudnt let go of him."

Everyone started to state their opnions while all Shinsou did was sip his tea. The tea flavor Todoroki liked so much.

The recently found information hadn't moved his heart one bit. He knew something like this would've happened sooner or later. He had already given up on winning any fibre of the dual male's being. What was the point if his heart already belonged to somebody else?

"You all are disgusting." Yaoyorozu stood up from her respective chair. She had had enough of the chaos around her which sounded like some romantic CD drama breakup scene. "Todoroki finally found someone to put trust on, can't you all let two people fall in love in peace? Disgusting."

Everyone except Shinsou was left shook. Some really shocking things had been happening lately.

"Where are you going momo Chan?"

"Where I don't have to see faces of some inconsiderate pieces of literal dumb garbage."

With that, the door slammed shut.


This is a pretty big chapter I think, but it's borIng
I'm out of ideas again😔

Btw the Boba date idea was from XxNatPatxXnew uwu thnx a lot.


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