17 - Rei
«3rd person's POV»
Todoroki checked himself in the mirror one last time. Yesterday Midoriya caused a havoc, true. And it made his mood worse than it already had been, true. But that didn't stop him from keeping his promise to Bakugo. He by now knew he would never get tired of seeing that face everyday. Those beautiful, gorgeous red ruby eyes which he loved. It's so unrealistic how those eyes had made him like red roses. Since the day he had witnessed the beauty of those gorgeous sparkling things, he always stared at the red rose garden in front of their dormitory building and oh how it made him happy.
Smiling, he started his way to the elevator when suddenly he bumped into someone for not paying much attention.
"Ah, sorry."
Todoroki looked at the face of the other person to recognise him. He saw a purple haired male with tired eyes. Eyebags visible underneath his eyes, and he as far as Todoroki could remember he was a student from class 1-B. Shinsou, was it?
"Ah, no. I apologize for not paying enough attention. Shinsou right?"
The purple boy's face lit up for a split second.
"Yeah, I'm the one who gave you chocolates before, remember?"
Todoroki nodded. He did remember Shinsou giving him chocolates on Valentine's day. it was kind of unexpected, but Todoroki didn't mind much of it. Without any other word he left the area and got into the elevator. His only goal was now to reach the blond boy and see him. His heart raced at the thought of Bakugo, and though Todoroki tried to push away any sort of emotions from him, with Bakugo he felt like he could be open. So he accepted the feelings he had in his stomach when he saw the blond male's face. Mesmerized in his beauty, grace and loyalty Todoroki accepted the fact that Bakugo was the one for him.
He softly knocked on the door when he reached his destination. A smile creeping on his face even at the thought of meeting Bakugo in a few seconds.
After the few second, the door cracked open and the dual eyes were met with red ruby ones. They locked their eyes for a moment when Bakugo coughed to catch Todoroki's attention.
"So what are we eatiing for Icyhot? Let's get going."
"Right.." Todoroki sighed. disappointed that he didn't get to stare at those eyes for a bit more. But that didn't matter, what mattered more is that the owner of those beautiful eyes himself was next to him now, walking. "We'll take the bus to the central hospital."
"Mhm" Bakugo hummed in respond.
They both walked along the road in silence. And It was killing Bakugo. In addition to that, he couldn't keep his eyes off Todoroki no matter what. The other was wearing a plain black t-shirt with a white undershirt, black tight jeans and brown boots. It wasn't anything special, but it made his heart race 10 times faster that it would have. He tried to avert his eyes from Todoroki's thighs, causing him to curse multiple times but failing every singnle attempt. Then the silence was pissing him off, he didn't know how to feel anymore.
"So, how's your mom?" Todoroki cut the thick layer of awkwardness between them. Why were they so awkward? He didn't know. He personally couldn't think anything right then but Bakugo's appearance. A white plain tee with ripped jeans and a red and white wrist band. This was one of the first times todorki realized Bakugo was ripped as fuck. And holy guacamoles was this a torture. He wasn't sure why he felt an electric shock going through his spine whenever he thought of the blond's legs. This wasn't normal, was it?
"Old hag? Yeah, she called me yesterday and went full bonkers mode." Bakugo let out a mini explotion in the air. It wasn't loud as the usuals.
"Geez, what did you do this time?" Todoroki shook his head.
"Me? Why the hell would I do anything?"
"Come on Bakugo don't be like that. You should say sorry to your mom and thank her for raising your stubborn ass. It must have been hard for her."
"My stubborn ass? You asshole!" This time, the blond male let out a bigger and louder explotion. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"
"You and I both know you don't have the guts to do that."
"I have fucked no mothers."
"I would, but what would you do without me?"
Bakugo stared at Todoroki for a few seconds. What should he do without Todoroki? He didn't care of it was meant to be sarcasm or not, at least his body didn't care. Blood quickly rushed to his face and his eyes widened. His face grew hotter every second passed and the need to smack Todoroki's face with his own kicked in again. He sworw to god if he hadn't avert his gaze from the grey and turquoise ones, some shit would've happened right there and then. Was he glad to prevent it from happening? No, absolutely not. But he was sure he wouldn't want to force something on the other male. something he might not want to deal with.
And that's when the thought hit home. The dual male might not feel the same way as he did. He might not have a tingling feeling in his stomach whenever they met, he might not have any intention to have that kind of relationship with the blond male and These thoughts alone made him feel like his heart had been cut in several pieces. Pieces that can't be put together again. His eyes grew dark and he felt like falling in a blackhole of depression. It was sinking him until he was shook by the boy that was causing this.
"Hey, Bakugo. are you alright? You stopped walking all on a sudden."
Todoroki's words brought Bakugo back to reality. that's right, reality was where Todoroki was there next to him. Reality was where Todoroki stared at Bakugo's eyes with something in his own ones. Some emotion that Bakugo couldn't read. Reality was where Bakugo didn't care about the future. If anything, he needed to enjoy the present until it lasted. So he did. He shook the thought away from his head and looked at the dual eyes.
"I'm fine. Is that the bus station? Let's get going bastard." He growled, coming back to his normal self. Leaving Todoroki behind him, he fastened his pace.
To which Todoroki soon caught up with. He didn't know what was up with the blond boy these days. He was inattentive, zoning out quite often. He wondered what had gotten Bakugo to be like this. What was he worrying about so much?
They got in the bus and Sat on a sit by the end of the bus. It wasn't fully crowded which was quite unusual. Normally there wouldn't had been anywhere to sit. But guess they got lucky.
"So, we're visiting a small shop down town first." Todoroki started.
"A small shop? For what?"
"I always buy flowers for her when I visit her. She likes them." Todoroki smiled softly. He loved his mother despite of what she did when he was younger. It wansnt her fault at all, in fact Todoroki understood why she couldn't hold back.
Bakugo stared at the soft smile from the corner of his eye. It was small, yet how it sent thousands of butterflies inside him was nearly unbelievable. Got, this was torture. Nonetheless Bakugo understood how much Todoroki's mother meant to him. And he was up to meet her soon. He wanted to know who gave birth to this amazing man beside him. His powers, his endurance, his physical ability, his face, every inch of his fibre, Bakugo liked all of them. He finally accepted the fact that yes, he indeed had a crush on Todoroki. A big fat beautiful one.
The bus soon stopped at a stop. The two classmates got up and left the bus. Following Todoroki, they both reached a small but elegant flower shop. An aged woman spotted them and immediately greeted Todoroki.
"How have you been, Aunty?" Todoroki asked as he smiled as the aged woman. They were close enough. Todoroki came to her shop every week, it was like a scheduled duty.
The aged woman smiled back. "I am good as I'll ever be. I see you're brought a friend, dear." She pointed at Bakugo.
"Huh? Oh yeah. H-hello. I'm Bakugo." Bakugo bowed a little.
As those two were talking, Todoroki stared at the fresh new red roses. And again that sensation of happiness hit him. His mind wandered off to his own dimension of thoughts.
Red Roses are just like Bakugo. They are thorny when you pick them up, they might even sting you. but when you smell them, they're sweet. They glow in the pitch of darkness. They're painful, but beautiful and loving at the same time.
That's the exact thought Todoroki had in this mind. Bakugo was always that one unapproachable classmate. Everyone feared him, never took him for a person worth a friend. He was thorny. But when Todoroki stepped in and reached his hand out, Bakugo wasn't that thorny. Instead he was sweet. His beauty and sweetness beat all the pain that was there to sting him. Todoroki had picked up the most beautiful and perfect red rose.
"Do you want those, Shoto?" The aged woman nudged Todoroki as he was spacing out. Much like Bakugo earlier, what was happening?
"Yes, please. One bouquet of red roses." Todoroki nodded.
"Red roses? Seriously?" Bakugo stared at the flowers.
I stared at Bakugo's eyes. "They remind me of.." Todoroki paused for a second. was he ready to give it out? "...Someone I know."
Bakugo stared back at Todoroki with his hands in his pocket. "Tch." He averted his gaze. Someone he knew, huh?
After Todoroki was done paying, they both left for the hospital which wasn't much far away from the shop. It was merely a ten minutes walk. But the whole walk was again in silence. sometimes Todoroki started to start a topic, but it would soon die due to bakugo's short replies. Which led Todoroki to wonder what had happened in such a short amount of time that the blond was so calm and unusually ditching questions.
When they reached the hospital, Todoroki went to the desk woman and told her the patient's name.
"Rei Todoroki." Todoroki said.
"Room 667. How many visitors?" The woman asked.
"Me and this guy, that makes us two."
"That's rather unsual.." the woman mumbled. "Okay, you may go see her until visiting hours are over."
"Thank you." Todoroki turned around to Bakugo. "Lets go."
Bakugo nodded and followed as Todoroki led the way. The room was on the third floor, so they took the elevator. When they reached a certain door which had a note written '667' on it, they stopped.
Todoroki took one last glance at Bakugo before knocking on the door softly. A soft voice from inside said "come in."
When they opened the door, they were met with a smiling lady in all white. Bakugo was mesmerized. Rei Todoroki was a pretty, pale woman with white long and straight hair. Her eyes were grey, exactly like Todoroki's right side. Her quirk was obviously icepowers, seemed like Todoroki really got half from his mom and half from his dad. Nonetheless, Bakugo now knew where exactly Todoroki got his beauty from.
"Hey mom, I bought the friend I told you about with me today." Todoroki smiled a small smile.
Mrs. Todoroki smiled back, getting up from her bed and walking towards them.
"Welcome, Katsuki. Shoto told me a lot about you. It's nice to see my son cooperating with someone." Her smile widened and she eyed Todoroki. "Come here, take a seat."
They both sat down on the couch. The room was nicely organized. That was probably the cleanest hospital cabin Bakugo had ever seen. He guessed being the wife of the number 2 hero had a beneficial side after all.
"Mom, these are for you." Todoroki handed Rei the bouquet of red roses.
"Red roses? That's unsual.." Rei mumbled more to herself, accepting the flowers from her son. She looked at her son and then Bakugo. While staring at the blond male, her eyes lit up and she nodded like she had understood something. "Thank you Shoto, Katsuki." Rei smiled again.
They chitchatted about random things for a while. It was mostly Bakugo and Todoroki mocking each other to which Rei smiled. Todoroki would always smile while talking to his mom, and oh how Bakugo would love to capture that smile in a pickle jar for the rest of eternity. In a few hours Todoroki went to buy some soda, leaving Bakugo with Rei.
After a few seconds of silence, Rei looked at Bakugo and smiled.
"You seem like a great friend to him, Katsuki."
Bakugo scratched his neck. He didn't know how to answer that question. For he didn't want to be friends with Todoroki, he wanted to be more than that. "I guess.."
Rei nodded to herself but suddenly her smile faltered.
"Did he tell you about his past?"
Bakugo was now afraid. He didn't know what to answer. Should he just have told the truth? Or lie about it? The smile faltering from the fair woman's face made him more anxious. What if she wasn't happy with him knowing their family matters? What if she actually disliked him and never let Todoroki near him again? But he couldn't lie. Not to the woman who was Todoroki's mom.
So he went for the truth, "yes.." He quietly said.
And to his utter surprise, Rei's smile came back to Her face again. He felt a wave of relief run through his body.
"I'm glad he did."
"You are?"
"Yes. It only means he's relying on somebody." Rei sighed as she looked outside from the window, at the two birds that were sitting on a branch of a tree. "You see Katsuki, Shoto has never been the person who would rely on someone. Since his childhood, he was seperated from his siblings. He was raised completely alone as I was trapped here in the hospital. He had no one to tell how he felt about all these, no one to ask him how his day had gone. He completely isolated himself. I do blame myself for this, I've tried so many times to bring him back. But me trying for a few months won't decrease the damage that has been made for years." A tear rolled down Rei's eyes.
Bakugo remained silent. Sure he had heard this all before, but now hearing those all from Rei Todoroki, it felt different. They've all struggled, all of them suffered because of one specific person in his family. Bakugo could feel the rage awakening inside him. "No, Mrs. Todoroki. You aren't at fault for any of this. If someone is, it is that douchbag of a number two hero. I'm sorry for saying this, but it's true. Please don't blame yourself. You can change him, have faint in yourself."
Rei smiled in her tears as she shook her head. "No, Katsuki." She took Bakugo's hands. "Its you."
"Me?" Bakugo asked, shocked.
"Yes. Ever since he's become friends with you, he's changed. He smiles more often. He seems more relaxed. When he talks to me about you, his eyes lit up. I've felt it, Katsuki. You are special to him. You are that one person he's been seeking for all these years. Katsuki, you're the one who can change him for the better. And I am counting on you. Make me proud."
Bakugo couldn't do anything but to sit there in awe, his jaw open. He was special to Todoroki? Him?
"Can I trust you, Katsuki?" Rei asked. Looking deep in Bakugo's eyes.
"Yes, Aunty. You can." Bakugo slowly nodded his head. His eyes still widened due to the shock. He comprehended each words Rei said to him, one by one. The door made a Crack sound.
Two of them left the hospital about half an hour later. Rei had invited Bakugo to visit again soon. Heck, she had even gave him a big hug after giving Todoroki one. Which made Bakugo blush a bit. He wasn't very find of hugs or any kind of physical affection, but when it came to people he accepted in his life, he was okay with it. Right then they were walking by a pond.
"Hey, let's stand on that bridge over there." Bakugo suggested, to which Todoroki had agreed. He didn't even ask why.
Something had been going on in his head. He had been thinking about how calm Bakugo was during the walk back. It did seem like the blind had enjoyed the visit to his mom though, he was smiling and even blushing a little when Rei held him in her arms. Todoroki found it charming how the aggressive blond could get along so well with his mom, an always calm and quiet woman. The picture was somehow just in place. And he liked the fact that his mom had accepted Bakugo nicely. Though, there was one thing.
When Todoroki had come back with three soda cans, he saw his mom wiping tears from her eyes and Bakugo's eyes widened in shock. Though he did find it weird, he didn't question it much then. But now that he was thinking about it, he finds it really weird. What happened when he left? Did Bakugo say something that made mom cry? Or was it the other way around? The shock is Bakugo's face had been so obvious and he didn't even notice when Todoroki stepped in the room. Todoroki wondered, was it something that he didn't know about? Something he shouldn't know? But why? Why were they hiding things for him.
"Beautiful.." Bakugo's voice made Todoroki fall back to reality.
"Sorry, what?"
"The sunset." Bakugo pointed at the sky. "It's dope to look at."
Todoroki gave his attention to the sky. Yes, it was indeed beautiful. That's when Todoroki realized, it's been long since he had seen the sunset with someone. Every weekend while his walk back home, he would stare at the sunset and think of an imaginary person beside him. He liked loneliness, true. But at times like that, he liked to think that there was a person walking beside him. Seeing the sunset with a special person was his lifelong dream, never got to be fulfilled. But this afternoon, he didnt need to imagine a non-existent person. Because he had that person right beside him. The person he was always looking for.
Suddenly he felt something warm sitting on his hand. It was Bakugo's hand. The blond's hand rested on his own's, fingers wrapped around Todoroki's own. It fit so perfectly. Todoroki felt vast of emotions just feeling the blond's touch. He looked at Bakugo with rather shocked eyes.
Bakugo looked back at him with soft eyes, and something in them which Todoroki couldn't read. "I'm gonna say this only once so hear me out." He sighed.
"From now on, give your full trust on me. I will be your savior, and I will change you, make you forget whatever the fuck happened years ago. You will live a whole different life. From now on, you belong to me. Got it?" Bakugo stared at grey and turquoise eyes as his face heated up at what he just had said. He looked away, his face matching the color of the sunset. "G-got it?"
Todoroki smiled. A warm smile. He had emotions running inside him. These emotions, this feelings, these are unknown to him. So foreign, yet he wanted to feel these. And he wanted to share these feelings with the ash blond standing beside him. He squeezed Bakugo's hand.
That night, Todoroki got a phone call.
Pic cred: plasticcracked on Twitter.
Damn I was supposed to update 2 days ago, but some shit came up. And I was rewatching Noragami uwu. My kitties♥
Longest chapter I've ever written in my life I-
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