11 - trust

《3rd person's POV》

Bakugo sat there, completely frozen and unable to enjoy his cold meal. Sure, he wanted the dual haired male to open up to him. But he definitely wasn't looking forward to that.

As Todoroki started to let out everything about his childhood, with every single detail how he or his mother had been abused, Bakugo couldn't do anything but to sit there and listen. What was he supposed to say? Was there even anything to say? Should he say sorry like any normal people would? But what was the point of apologizing?

Bakugo couldn't understand how a simple 'sorry' could make up for the loss his friend had. He couldn't understand how such a simple word could make Todoroki forget about his past. Neither he understood any of it, nor he wanted to. All he wanted to do was to punch the douchbag of a number 2 hero named Endeavor, To pull off his mask to the whole world, to destroy him, blow him into beats.

But most importantly, he wanted to throw his hands around the halfie's body and give him a big tight hug.

Todoroki had just finished his little sob story. The whole time he was talking, Bakugo was extremely quiet. He didn't even utter a word. He just stared at his eyes with a blood freezing look and his plate of cold noodles in his hand.

Now after letting everything go, he definitely felt weak. And he felt like the ash blond was disgusted by him. Or was trying to pity him? Bakugo was awfully silent even after Todoroki finishing. And Todoroki instantly feared that he might regret the decision of letting the blond know soon. Now that bakugo knew his weak spot, would he blackmail him? Or spread his pathetic childhood story all over the class?

Now that he was thinking about it, he thought what made him blurt these out in the first place. He remembered to have this sudden urge to let it all out. A sudden feeling inside him forced him to speak. But was it without his own will? Definitely not. In fact, he wanted the blond to know. After all these years keeping his feelings bottled up inside his heart, he finally willingly wanted to let go of them. But why was it Bakugo, the angry blond who hates everyone?

Todoroki didn't have an answer to that. He didn't know why he wanted to trust bakugo despite having Midoriya, Uraraka, Yaomomo or Iida right there. It just felt right?

Meanwhile Todoroki was having the time of his life figuring out why on earth he trusted someone with such a foul attitude, Bakugo was left in his own little world of imaginations, realisations, questions, questions with no possible answers. They both zoned out for a minute or two and just stared at each other with lifeless eyes. Until one of them, Bakugo being the one that is, fell back to reality.

"Hey, Todoroki." He started with a calm and soft voice which startled himself, not to mention the dual hired male also. "Do you mind if I explode your ol' man, clean the ashes with a broom, throw them in the nastiest trash cans out there and give you a big Bear hug?"

There it was, the first sentence Bakugo uttered after listening to another boy's sad childhood memories. The second Todoroki heard it, he couldn't hold it in.

"Pffft." the sound of laughing echoed through the room. The blond male sat there with his eyes wide open as he watched the dual haired boy laughing his head off. He wasn't, in fact, couldn't believe his eyes. Todoroki was laughing.

It wasn't some small smile or a fake chuckle, he was actually laughing with his whole mouth formed into a big smile and his beautiful eyes closed with a few tears forming on it.

He was beautiful.

Bakugo found himself being fond of the sight. He wanted to capture it and put it in a frame. He wanted that sight to last forever in front of his eyes. That smile ticked something inside him, and he couldn't detect what it was. He instantly felt warmth embrace him. He felt his heart reacting to different emotions. And once in a long time, he felt happy.

Bakugo stared at Todoroki in awe until he him started laughing along with him. Small drops of tears started to form in their eyes as they laughed their asses off. Was Bakugo's statement really that funny? No, that statement didn't make Todoroki laugh. He was certain it was the humor Bakugo put in stating that statement, how he came up with such an idea after hearing an extremely pathetic story. And as for Bakugo, we'll, he didn't know. Seeing Todoroki laughing made him feel happy and free, he felt like he could let go of his pride and laugh along with the dual haired male.

With Todoroki, he felt like himself.

Their laughter died out in a few minutes. Still having a huge smile on his face, Todoroki was the one to speak up first this time.

"Please do."

Also having a huge grin on the face, Bakugo looked at Todoroki.
"Remember to visit me in jail when I finish that bastard."

"You might as well want to give me the hug before you finish his existence. Pretty sure they won't let us have a private talk there." Todoroki smiled.

And that's when Bakugo's cheeks started to form a light shade of pink. Had he actually said that? He wanted to hug Todoroki?

"I know right?" Todoroki said mockingly reading the expression on Bakugo's face. "I never knew you could be the cute type."

This time Bakugo's face turned a darker shade of pink to the point where it spread to his ears. He was definitely embarrassed because he blurted out such an embarrassing thing. But it wasn't that part what clicked him.

Holy guacamoles, Todoroki had just technically called him cute.

"Yea right, shut your face." Bakugo looked away before he lost his cool anymore.

Todoroki sighed. His smile faltering, making Bakugo disappointed a bit. But never would he admit it, not even to himself.

"Well now that that's over." Todoroki turned to Bakugo. "What's up with you and your so called Bakusquad?"

"The fuck is a Bakusquad?!"

"You know, the name Kirishima gave to your little gang. Why did you drop off?"

"Tch," Bakugo looked away. "Never mention their names in front of me."

"But I just told you my life's most important secret."
Todoroki pouted. And that did something to Bakugo's heart.

"Allright, dang. Pull of that face. It's fucking disgusting." It was certainly not. Rather Bakugo found it extremely cute and wanted to squeeze Todoroki's cheeks. But he wouldn't let his pride fall more than it already did.

"It was just they couldn't afford to hold onto my good side."

"Your good side?"

"Yeah. I treated them a bit nicely, they made real fuss about it, spread rumors n stuff."

"But, I don't understand." Todoroki sat a bit straight. "What do you mean by nicely?"

"Yeah like, made them lunch and other shit. Like how I treat you, you could say."

"Ah." Todoroki nodded. But in an instant he shot his head up again. with confused eyes, he asked "wait, what?"

"What?" Bakugo shot a glare. Not a burning one, but a more questionable one.

"I mean, nice to hear you treat me differently. But I don't I noticed it that much before, sorry." Todoroki said. He was honestly kind of surprised when Bakugo said he treated him differently, nicely? He thought Bakugo made meals for his acquaintances often. He didn't know, maybe he was too blind and oblivious. But either way, he didn't actually care. He was glad as long as he had a truthful and loyal person beside him, having his back.

Bakugo smiled. "Thanks."


"I said thanks you idiot."

"Yes, I heard that. But why exactly?"

"Well, for once I didn't get judged or pointed out for being nice to someone. It feels good, to know such people exist in my life." Bakugo looked down as he kept the smile. The smile was not reaching his eyes, but it was a warm and relaxing smile. And Todoroki found himself stare at him for a few seconds before questioning.

"Why would you get judged for being yourself?"

"They did. They pointed me out when I tried to show my friendliness. They laughed at me and thought I was joking or some shit when I helped them. They asked me if I had a fever whenever I made them food. They judged me whenever I told a sentence without a cuss word in it and they spread rumors about me turning soft." Bakugo started forming tears in his eyes, "no shit I wasn't being nice. I was just being myself. I wasn't turning soft, I was just showing them I truly cared. I tried to tell them that I have a better person inside me too. A person who likes to helps others, love others. A person who wants to feel less lonely. A someone who wants to talk to people normally and laugh with every joke along with them. But the way they judged me for demonstrating my true self, I was left fucking dumbfounded. I couldn't believe I actually trusted them and thought them to be my real friends. I had thought I finally found the people who would understand me. But they didn't, instead they always made fun of me when I cared. In the end, I was left alone anyways, and it fucking hurts."

Bakugo let it all out in one breathe as tears started falling from his eyes.

It was Todoroki's turn to be left in awe. He had his jaw dropped on the floor as he watched the most powerful and strong man he knew break down in front of his own eyes. Not only was he shocked, but he felt pretty bad for him. And it wasn't out of pity, it's because he has the same problem.

Everyone in class thought Bakugo to be that kind of a person who never gave two shits about them. But Bakugo wasn't that kind of person, he was turned into that. He had a caring personality inside him and he wanted to show it, but he never could. Everytime he did, he would be judged or pointed out. That's why he never did. Todoroki understood the pain of being pointed as an odd one. He understood the pain of not being able to scream all these bottled up emotions. He understood the pain of fearing to show the true self.

In other words, he understood Bakugo. And he totally knew why Bakugo said thanks.

Todoroki had never pointed him out, nor he had even noticed him acting differently around Todoroki. And that's what why Bakugo continued being stuck with him. Bakugo could finally let all his emotions out, because he had found someone who actually understood him and never judged him for being his true self. And that's all he ever wanted from a person he called a friend.

Todoroki kneeled down in front of Bakugo with a tad smile. A small one, but a warm and caring one. One which made Bakugo's heart flutter for he didn't know what reason.

The dual haired male placed both of his thumbs of the corner of the ash blond's eyes, carefully wiped the tears and stared at the beautiful ruby eyes which were a bit swollen from crying. The red ruby eyes stared back at his hetero chromatic turquoise and Grey eyes. They both stayed like that for a bit.

Because they both knew, that they were in the same position. They both had the fear of letting their true personalities slip out.

And they both knew, that they could trust each other with every fibers of their beings. That they could be themselves in front of each other.

But little did they knew, a small flame started to burn in their hearts.

A flame called Love.


Please read? :<

Yeetus my readers. My phone has broke. So I'm using my sidekick tablet :D lolses

Not really important but just a quick reminder that I don't have the story planned. I come up with ideas a day and write a chapter.

Yaknow, While studying one day my dumbass(instead of actually studying) thought 'hey I should write some todobaku fluff' and I just wrote the first chapter cos I was bored. I didn't really expect readers so I was like meh but then some random Todobaku fan popped outta nowhere and starting voting and commenting and I was like oshit I need to improve my writing skills ;w;.

All I want to say is thank you for reading this shit worth story. Y'all really inspire me to write another chapter, then another. I appreciate it. This story is really not good in my opinion, but Y'all still keep reading it. I can't describe how i feel in words when I see someone voting on my chapters or commenting. I almost jump and feel like, really blessed.

So thank you♥😭

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