When he started to run
For the next five years, Peter and his family lived on the desolate planet of Dantooine out of the site of the First Order. They never found them or got word of where they vanished to.
As he promised, Richard found a secure link to contact them, and he managed to fool the Order with his story of what happened. Using their connection, Warren has been sending them information to give to the Resistance.
The family kept as little contact outside the planet as they could. The planet didn't have many people as it was, and not many people came to visit it.
The family managed to use their intelligence and what supplies the Resistance would bring them once every few cycles, trying to maintain their living.
Then things changed when Mary learned she was pregnant with their second child. A year after the resistance saved them from the clutches of the First Order, Mary gave birth to their daughter.
As much as Peter looked like his parents, Teresa already looked like how Peter looked like his parents, just in reverse. It was like looking at a mirror for the parents when they saw their kids together.
Even with the new dynamic of a second child, they loved both of them like nothing they have ever loved before. Their children were the light of their lives, and every day when they woke up and saw just how glum their lives have become, they remembered who it was for.
They would go to hell and back to keep their kids safe. The First Order were still hunting them according to Leia who left messages as updates every now and then.
Five years later, Teresa started to show to have extreme intelligence after fixing their evaporator for their crops. Being homeschooled might have also helped boost her intelligence over the years. Peter and Teresa would love to just work together, building things, tearing things apart, and testing new creations they made to do things better.
Richard and Mary would watch them and smile, knowing that years later these two would look after one another when the time came.
But one day, everything changed to the First Order. There was a transmission that was sent through the entire universe. Heard only by everyone through the First Order.
"At last, the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith!"
When Warren heard this message, he was left with a feeling of shock and fear. Running back to his labs and personal quarters, he activated the transmission and sent a message to Richard.
"Richard, I am sending you something big. This will change the course of the war." Warren warns them. "And I have the feeling-"
Before he was able to stop the transmission, a swarm of Troopers enters and aimed at him. Warren didn't even dare move as he saw all of them, and he had sprung what appears to be a trap.
"Well done, Mr. Warren." Modern Canady said as he walked past the troops and looked at Warren. "You have finally given us exactly what we need."
They have been tracking the signal. Backtracking it to its location where the Parker family has been hiding. Now they have the last piece of the puzzle that they needed to find them.
Back on Dantooine, Peter and Teresa were messing with one of the evaporators when they got an alert that one of their robots noticed a giant command shuttle coming through the atmosphere. This was a transport measuring 37.2 meters tall with wings extended, and featured room for up to five crew members, along with an internal passenger compartment with room for ten occupants.
The craft's lower wings protected the shuttle crew's cabin from hostile fire during takeoff and landing procedures. Four landing gears, two repulsor lift arrays, a single ramp, and landing lights allowed the ships to load or unload their complement in a multitude of conditions.
The ship was coming down towards their home, and they both knew that this meant trouble. Quickly taking off and running towards their home, they noticed that the ship was making its way over, circling their home.
Inside their home, Richard and Mary also got the alert and noticed the First Order was approaching. The kids ran in to see their parents were franticly running around the homestead.
"Dad!" Peter tried to warn them.
"We saw," Richard informed him, knowing what was coming.
"Teresa, Peter, go get your things. It's time." Mary was sorry to say the day they feared had finally come.
Teresa ran into her room and started to pack her things. A few packs of clothes, her tools, and a few personal belongings of hers. Peter made it to his room and packed some clothes, his sketches of some outfits for some suits, and some formulas he believes will be helpful.
While their kids were packing, Richard was burning everything that he could. He was burning everything that was leading back to the Resistance. Anything that could lead them to Teresa, as they have no idea she even exists.
As he was doing that, Mary made it to the kitchen, pulling out the drawer and reaching underneath it. She ripped off the communicator that Leia left them all those years ago and pressed the button.
A few seconds after sending the signal out, Leia was quick to answer their distress call. "Hello?"
"Leia, it's Mary." Mary introduced herself since it's been five years. "It's happening. They've found us."
Leia began to get worried and looked behind her. "You know what to do. We'll be there soon."
Mary nodded before she hung up on the call. She was shaking out of fear and terror. This could be the last time that their family is together. But if it was, then she was gonna make sure that they were safe.
The shuttle landed just a yard from the homestead. The doors opened as one man was leading a battalion of Six Death Troopers towards their home.
Back inside their home, Peter and Teresa grabbed their bags and Richard stopped his kids before they could leave. The plan was simple. Richard would keep the First Order busy, while Mary took the kids to a location they would hide until Leia shows up.
Richard looked down as he kneeled to hold his kids close. "Peter, Teresa, know that you two have been the light of my life. And out of all of my accomplishments, you two are the greatest out of all of them. Look out for one another. We won't be around to take care of you two, so you need to do it for us. You understand?"
Peter nodded, but Teresa was only getting more confused as to what he meant. "I understand."
"Good boy," Richard said as he pulled Peter and Teresa in close for a final goodbye. He then looked up at his wife and saw the look of sorrow on her face. "Go."
As they made their way out of the secret exit underneath their parent's bed, they made their way to the location Leia is expecting them. While they did that, their father was going to stall the First Order with all he could.
Walking out, he finds that the man who found them was Moden Canady, who served as a naval officer in both the Galactic Empire and the First Order. Not to mention he was the one to drag them into all of this in the first place.
"Canady." Richard greeted him, keeping his hand near his blaster.
Over the years, Richard and Mary not only got some training from the Resistance but they also taught her kids the same. This was to protect them, but also to make sure they were able to survive in a world without them. They wanted their kids to be normal. Go out and live their lives like every kid in the universe.
But that was never going to happen.
When they made it to the exit point, the family made their way out and Mary stopped when she noticed who her father was talking to.
"Canady," Mary whispered and knew that he was in danger. Looking back at her kids, she knew what needed to do. "You know where you're going?"
Peter nodded, knowing where they were supposed to go. "Yes."
"Okay," Mary said as she handed the drive with the last information Warren sent out. "Get this to Leia. She'll know what to do with it." She then took off a necklace that resembled a Yin and Yang symbol in two parts. "This is for the two of you." She knew this wasn't the best time for this, but it was the only time that they currently had. "It's a reminder to keep your promise. Look out for one another. Keep each other safe."
Peter and Teresa both took the necklaces and placed them on before Peter started to lead Teresa to the location. As her kids ran off to safety, Mary ran off to protect her husband from the First Order.
"You've become a hard man to find, Richard," Canady tells him.
Richard looked around and saw the Death Troopers looking around, trying to search the area. "Hello, boys."
"Out all of the things that I expected you to be doing...farming wasn't one of them," Canady commented as he gestured around them. "And I don't see the boy. Or your wife."
"Peter died just a few years ago." Richard tried to act the best he could. "Mary was shortly after, heartbreak."
Canady walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "My condolences." He then quickly turned to the troopers. "Search the place. They're bound to be here somewhere."
They then marched off and Richard allowed them to, knowing he doesn't need to worry for now. "What do you want from me?"
"A transmission has been sent out," Canady tells him. "He's back."
"I've heard," Richard replied, never letting his blaster go. "Emperor Palpatine is alive."
"Alive. But dying." Canady admitted what they have learned. "He needs something. Something you have."
"I've told you. My son is dead." Richard stated, now seeing what he wants.
"Your son, even a drop of his blood, could resurrect the Emperor to his formal glory," Canady stated, walking back to Richard. "Help us restore order to the galaxy."
"You're confusing order with control," Richard stated to him. "You won't touch him."
That's when they noticed Mary racing over to the two and the leftover troopers. "Oh, here's Mary back from the dead."
Mary reached them and pulled out her blaster. "You're not taking him!"
"Mary!" Richard wanted her to run but was stopped.
"No, of course not. I'm taking all of you." Canady tried to assure her. "Him, your child, you will all live in comfort."
"As prisoners?" Mary asks him.
"As heroes of the First Order. Saviors of the Emperor." Canady tried to pull them to their side.
But Mary wasn't having it as she kept her aim on him. "You won't lay a hand on my children."
"Children?" Canady asked when she fired on him.
"NO!" Richard called when the Troopers fired back, shooting Mary down. Richard fired off this time, taking down one troop before they opened fire on him.
The two of them were shot down seconds before the troops started to look for the kids.
Peter and Teresa made it into the cavern where there was a hidden compartment for them to sneak into. But as they were running towards it, Peter suddenly stopped and froze. He felt something deep inside of him. He felt something cold and dark inside of him.
"Peter?" Teresa called out to her brother.
Peter felt what feels like he was hit with two blaster shots in his chest and shoulder. The same places his parents were shot at.
"Peter?" Teresa broke him out of his feeling.
Peter has no idea what he felt and shook it off as he ran with his sister over to some rocks. Lifting them with his strength, they crawled into a hidden compartment to stay out of sight.
As the two of them sat alone in the chamber with a few days' worth supply of food, Peter couldn't shake the feeling. He felt the darkness inside. The emptiness. But then he looked at Teresa as she slept and was filled with light. He felt complete again.
Something was crawling inside of him. He felt as if something was happening to him.
But it was filled with light when the doors opened, and he looked up to see that Leia was there. "Peter?"
"Yeah," Peter answered in relief.
"Thank goodness." Leia sighed in relief herself. "Come. We need to move."
The two of them were then taken to the Resistance cruiser where they were later on taken to D'Qar. When they made it there, Leia set them up with a place to stay whilst they looked at the last information from Warren.
What they discovered...was something beyond their imagination.
"We have looked over the intel that was delivered to us." One of the members, Wedge Antilles, informed the rest of the room. "After deciphering it, we took a look and it confirmed our worst fears. Somehow...Palpatine has survived."
Those two words sent the entire room into a panic as they murmured.
"Do we actually believe this?" Cova Nelle asks.
"It cannot be." Admiral Akbar said in shock. "The Emperor was destroyed."
"Dark science." Greer Sonnel answered for them. "Cloning. It could be a number of things."
"The boy mentioned his parents were working on this type of stuff," Leia mentioned to them. "They were trying to make an army for him."
"Or a vessel." Min Sakul tossed in a theory. "These are too unstable, but it's possible that he could transfer himself into a body."
"Something powerful enough to contain his power," Leia confirmed that was a possible idea. "Restore the Emperor in a vessel to contain his power. He would be unstoppable."
"General, what do we do?" One of them asked, nobody quite sure what their next plan was.
Peter and Teresa were left out of the meeting. Everyone saw that they have been through a lot and deserved time to rest. Many of the people here knew what it was like to lose their families to the First Order.
Peter watched his sister sleep, not letting her out of his sight. He was going to protect his sister and last family member. His parents died protecting the two of them, and he wouldn't let them die in vain.
Ashe watched her, Leia entered the room and saw him keeping an eye on her. She saw that he was as protective of his sister as any brother should be. Especially one who's been through as much as he has.
"It's okay." Leia tried to assure him they were okay. "You're safe here."
"They're gone, aren't they?" Peter asked her, wanting to make sure.
Leia nodded sadly, there were two bodies at the house that were identified as Mary and Richard. "I'm sorry."
"What's going to happen to us now?" Peter was worried about what comes next.
Leia took a seat beside him and was wondering that herself. "We're going to protect you. Both of you. Hide you from the First Order the best we can."
"And what about what happens next?" Peter asks her. "Am I supposed to be on the run for the rest of my life?"
Leia smiled and saw what he was truly asking her. "You want to fight back?"
"They took my parents," Peter said as he looked at Teresa, who was sleeping calmly. "They took our parents. I want to fight back."
Leia sighed and should have known he was gonna say something like this. "You know, I went through something similar as a kid."
"Really?" Peter was shocked to hear.
"When I was a little girl, I was kidnapped by the Empire," Leia explains to him. "I didn't know exactly what was going on, but when I had a chance, I stepped in to help."
"Is that what you're asking me to do?" Peter was curious to figure out what she was saying.
"I'm saying when the day comes, if you still want to, your powers can help us keep the galaxy safe from the First Order." Leia offers to him. "Until then, we'll train you to use these powers."
Peter nodded, understanding what she was telling him. "Okay."
"And we'll train your sister so she can protect herself, too," Leia said, remembering the dangers she faced as a girl.
"I can protect her." Peter felt offended by that.
"I know you can," Leia promised, placing a hand on his head down to his cheek. "But you won't always be there. She needs to learn for her own safety."
Peter finally understood that and nodded, seeing it would make sense for Teresa to be able to protect herself. But he also knew he was always going to be there for his sister. He made a promise to his family to protect her.
But little did he know that Teresa was thinking the same thing. Remembering the promise their mother made them take. The promise to look out for one another. To never leave the other behind.
Their parents were killed in cold blood because they wanted what Peter has. What Peter has in his blood. Something he isn't sure the full strength of it is. But he'll get stronger. He'll get faster. Better.
He'll do anything to protect his sister.
And she'll do anything to protect her brother.
They were the last of the Parkers.
And they were going to make the First Order pay for what they did.
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