Chapter 9: Pool party

It was a beautiful day within the forest as we see Y/n and Ikargua at a small boat float by the lake as they throw their fish hooks attached to their fishing rodes into the lake's waters and sat down and waited for fishes to come as they sat there quietly waited and during the wait Y/n broke the silence and said.

Y/n: (smile) Sure is a lovely day out here.

Ikargua: (smile) Agree not a single cloud in site. Thanks for inviting me for fishing, haven't been one for a while.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Ikargua, thought it be great to calm ourselves and relax.

Ikargua: (smile) I agree.

Then Ikargua's fishing rode moved a bit meaning she had something. Then Y/n's fishing rode moved as well as the two rail up their rode up and once Y/n's splash out of the water, Y/n caught a really, Really small fish that was the size of his hand.

He place the small fish onto his hand and looks at it kinda disappointing he didn't caught a large fish.

Y/n: So what's your's Ikar-

He turn and see Ikargua have a large fish as she hold the rails of it as she smiles to herself while Y/n was surprised but also kinda jealous as he looks at his small fish and throws it back into the lake.

Ikargua dose the same to her large fish and then Y/n grab the peddles of the boat and start to roll further into the lake to catch more fish.

Ikargua: So how was you and Asuka's date?

Y/n: Oh it was good, we meet up with the Arc angels back stage and after that we left.

Ikargua: And what do you think of their song on stage?

Y/n: (smile) It was pretty good, It reminded me when I try to play a instrument when I was young.

Ikargua: I never knew you play? What instruments do you play?

Y/n: Guitars and the drums. Guitars are my best thing about instruments.

Ikargua: Must be interesting, maybe one day you'll play a few guitar musics.

Y/n: Sure, haven't play it for a while so why not, I'm sure it be great to-

Then they hear someone calling out as they look over and see Team Hobijo training by shore as Y/n and Ikargua watched.

Ikargua: That's Team Hobijo, they must be here for their training.

Y/n: They look pretty cool. Should we go and visit them?

Before Ikargua could say Ryouna looks over to see Ikargua and Y/n and calls out to them while waving at them.

Ryouna: (smile) Hi Ikargua!

They all stop and turn to see them which means there is no turning back so Y/n roll over to shore and once there they leap off of their boats and walks over to them.

Miyabi: (smile) Hello Ikargua, never knew your be here.

Ikargua: (smile) Same to here Miyabi, how are things?

Miyabi: (smile) Pretty cool, by away who's this boy?

Y/n: Names Y/n, nice to meet you Miyabi and all of yous.

Miyabi: (surprised) So your the son of a evil shinobi leader that abandon him and even defeated him?

Y/n: Well sort off but yeah, I'm his son.

Miyabi smiles and reach out her hand to her and Y/n grabs her hand and they shake on it.

Miyabi: (smile) You must be one brave shinobi to stand up against your father.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Miyabi.

Ryouna: Oh what he is soo cute. I wonder he likes girls like me.

Ryoubi: Would you ever be quit for once, we don't him to be weirded out or anything.

Miyabi: So what bring you two here?

Ikargua: Just some fishing in this beautiful day.

Miyabi: I see, are yous on a date or something?

Ikargua: (blush) N-No! Nothing like that.

Miyabi: (smirk) Oh ok, just wondering. Anyways are yous going to this famous pool fun park?

Ikargua: pool fun park ?

Y/n: Oh wait I heard something like that. There is this fun pool park just open 3 days ago.

Miyabi: That's right and we are going there to check it out, are your team going as well?

Ikargua: I don't know, we never heard about this place until now.

Y/n: But I think it be a great place to go there and have fun. Bet we will have a lot of fun there.

Ikargua: I guess we can go there and see how it is.

Miyabi: (smile) Awesome we meet you there.

Ikargua: (smile) Same to you.

Y/n looks over and see Muraski as she looks up at Y/n and Y/n smiles and wave at her. She blushes bright red and cover her face with her stuff bear.

Y/n: (thought) She must be very shy.

Ikargua: Well good luck on your training and we see you there.

Miyabi: (smile) See you soon Ikargua and Y/n.

Ikargua and Y/h goodbye to them and they push their boat out into the lake and hop on in and Y/n roll away while Team Hobijo watch them go.

Ryouna: Oh woah that Y/n is such a dreamer and his face is something in my wet dreams.

Ryoubi: That's kinda gross Ryouna.

Ryouna: (smile) Come on Ryoubi you like him right?

Ryoubi: (blush) N-N-No I don't, J-Just shut up ok!

Imu: Y/n dose look pretty interesting, not to mention his history with his father.

Miyabi: Yeah and he seem pretty nice.

Miyabi smiles and then they go back to training before they leave to get ready for later on.


We see Y/n at the shop picking out a Swimming clothes to wear as he look through the piles of Swimming shorts and pick out a blue one and looks at it and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Hmm this looks like a good size to wear for today. Woah been a while since I visit a fun pool park, I can't even remember the last time I've been one. Maybe this will be great.

Y/n take the blue Swim shorts and a few things and head to the till to buy them. After that he exit out of the store and looks around and he was about to leave when a familiar voice calls out to him.

Minori: Hey Y/n!

Y/n turns to see Minori along with the rest of Gessen Squad with bags on them as they walk up to Y/n and Y/n turns to them and said.

Y/n: (smile) Hey there, see all of yous are also shopping as well huh?

Yumi: (smile) Yep and it's pretty nice bumping into you here, what brings you here?

Y/n: (smile) Nothing much just out to get some Swimming clothes for this pool fun park that was opened 3 days ago.

Shiki: So your also going there as well huh?

Y/n: Yeah including the rest of Team hazno.

Shiki: That's pretty cool cause we're also going there as well.

Y/n: (smile) That's awesome, know anyone else coming?

Yumi: I think New team Hanzo and Homura's squad is also gonan be there.

Y/n: Cool, Team Hobijo is also gonna be there as well.

Yumi: (smile) That's great.

Shiki: (smirk) So what kind of swim clothes are you gonna bring?

Minori: Oh Oh I wanna know as well!

Murakumo: Same here!

Yumi: Yous know you can't ask him that, that is disrespectful!

Y/n: It's alright Yumi, besides I brought and fre things but yous gonna be wait once we get there.

Shiki: (smirk) Can't wait handsome.

Y/n: Well I see yous there.

Then Y/n walks off as Yumi turns to them.

Yumi: That was kinda rude asking him like that?

Minori: Come on Yumi, you may wanna know what he brought right?

Shiki: (smirk) Yeah and I think he was thinking the same thing about you as well.

Yumi: (blush) H-H-Hes not like that!

Shiki: (smirk) How do you know?

Yumi: (blush: Let's just go home and get ready.

They nod and they headed back while Yumi continues blushing and she could lie, she really wanna know what Y/n will wear for the pool fun park.


We see Y/n and team Hanzo arrived at the pool fun park as they step inside and after they paid for it they walk through the halls to get to the changing rooms to get change. They enter the changing rooms and Y/n was alone in the males changing room as he get himself change to go into the pool.

Y/n: (thought) Woah this place is pretty nice, guess this place is new and maybe will be messy once more people will arrive and mess everything up.

Soon he got his blue swim shorts on he look at himself through the mirror and look at himself. He noticed the tattoo on his chest as he thinks about his father and the demon claws but he shakes it off and said to himself.

Y/n: Your not like him, your never gonna be like him just forget about the past and look on towards the future.

He then exit out of the male changing room and enter the park and was amazed how big it was with many slides, many food stands and drinks and more stuff as Y/n already see Gesssen Squad, Team Hobijo, New Team Hanzo and Homoura's squad already here and already playing around the park.

Y/n: (thought) Looks like the rest have ready come here before us.

Asuka: (smile) Hey Y/n!

Y/n turn and see Asuka and the rest run up to Y/n with their swim suits on as they run over to him.

Asuka: (smile) This place is pretty awesome.

Y/n: Yeah and I see the rest are already beat us to it.

Hibari: (smile) It's good to have anyone else here for this great day.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I'm exited to slide down a few slides.

Katsuragi: (smile) Your telling me!

Ikargua: Well let's have fun and have a great time, understood?

They all nod and they split off to do their own thing. Katsuragi and Asuka were with Y/n as they do the slides while the rest go their own ways as the three claim up a large slide.

Once at top Asuka sat down onto the slide and she slide down as she cry out in joy. Then Y/n was next as he sat down and then Katsuragi sat down behind him and wrap her arms around Y/n's as she lend her breast onto Y/n's back making Y/n blush a little.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Your alright Y/n?

Y/n: (blush) N-No, I'm good.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Your nerves going down or is it something on your back?

Y/n: (blush) Nope, nothing like those, let's go down.

Katsuragi giggle with a smirk as Y/n push his arms forward and they slide down as Katsuragi laughs as they go down the large slide before they splash into the water with Asuka at the bottom cover her self from the splash.

Then Y/n and Katsuragi comes out of the water as they laughed before a water was splash onto them as they turn and see Minori and Mirai behind them as they laughed.

Minori: (smile) We got you! (Giggle)

Mirai: (smile) Yeah take that!

Katsuragi: (smile) Oh yeah!

Then Katsuragi splash them back and they do the same as well. Y/n smiles and join in on the fun as they have a water fight as they splash at each other while Asuka laughs a little as she watches.


We see Hibari, Yagyuu and Haruka at the spare baths as they were relaxing by the warm and bubbling waters as they lend back at the edge and taking all in.

Hibari: Woah this feels nice.

Haruka: So you girls ever gone close to Y/n during his time being in your team?

Yagyuu: What do you mean by that?

Haruka: (smirk) You know. Like close close with Y/n?

Yagyuu: (blush) Wh-What?! N-No we haven't!

Haruka: That's a shame. Asuka may have the first taste of him when they gone out of their date.

Hibari: How did you know they went out?

Haruka: (smirk) A girl never tell their secrets, besides it's lucky that Asuka has the first taste from Y/n. It will be nice if Y/n would be here.

Yagyuu: But this is the ladies spare bath, I don't think Y/n will not be allow in here.

Haruka: (smirk) Yeah but just imagine he snuck in here, gotta close any one of us.......

During that Haruka slowly moves over to Hibari and wrap her arms around her and rest her head on Hibari's shouder making her nervous and blushing as she imagines Y/n doing that to her as Haruka continues on saying.

Haruka: He'll cuddle one of us with his warm and soft hands and arms, his chin lining on one of uses shoulders and said "You're soo good, I wanna taste you."

Hibari: (blush) Ahhh!

Yagyuu doesn't say as she was still blushing while Haruka let's go of Hibari as she was taking a breath just imagine something like that if Y/n was here a as Haruka smirks and said.

Haruka: (smirk) I mean we all like LIKE him and we don't mind he sneak in here right?

The two girls stay silent as they were blushing and not saying anything while Haruka smirks to herself once more before she stands up and walks out of the spare bath and grabs a towel and wraps it around herself and said.

Haruka: I leaves yous to it, see you girls later.

She the walks off leaving the two alone as they blushes deep red and still silent as they think more about Y/n then ever.


We see Seimei laying one of those beaches chairs as she was asleep and Y/n, Hijkata and Ayame looks at Seimei sleep.

Ayame: Come on Seimei you can't sleep all day here.

Y/n: (smile) Guess she sleeps everywhere, when ever she wants.

Ayame: Yeah she dose that most of the time.

Hijakat: We suppose to be having fun and all Semei is doing is sleep all day.

Y/n: Well she seem happy of being here, maybe it's not gonna be that bad.

Hijakat: I suppose.

Y/n looks over and see Muraski sat on the edge of the pool with her feet into twh water all alone as she hugs her stuff bear. Y/n see this and walks over to her and Muraski see Y/n in the reflection of the water and looks up to see him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey how is you?

Muraski blushes and looks back down while Y/n sat down next to her and looks beyond and water as there was silence between them before Y/n ask.

Y/n: Is that your stuff bear?

Muraski: (nervous) Y-Y-Yes. His name is B-B-Bebeby.

Y/n: (smile) Bebeby? That's a cute name.

Muraski: (blush) Th-Th-Thank you.

Y/n: How come your not joing with everyone else by the pool?

Muraski: (nervous) I'm kinda.....a shut in.

Y/n: Shut in?

Muraski: (nervous) I don't interact with other people outside and sometimes be nerves. I mostly stay in and play games.

Y/n: That's kinda alonely do you think?

Muraski: (nervous) Yeah. I'm sorry.

Y/n: No need to apologise Muraski, if you need someone to hang out maybe I can come by.

Muraski: (surprised) Really?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it be fun, it's like a sleep over party we may do with the rest of your team someday.

Muraski: Y-You think I-It be fun?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, would I ever lie to you?

Muraski: N-No.

Y/n: (smile) That's more like it and maybe we can get to know more better someday.

Muraski: (blush) Y-Y-yeah. Th-thank you Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Muraski.

Muraski blushes more and Y/n thinks she's kinda cute when she's all shy. After that he stands up and walks on over to see the rest as Haruka from the other side came out with a microphone with her as she place it over her lips and then calls through it.

Haruka: Attention all shinobi's, it's time for our a shinobi game.

All of them looks over to Haruka including Y/n as Haruka smirks at Y/n and said yo everyone.

Haruka: I think I know what game we should play for today. It's called who will catch the date?!

Y/n: (thought) Who will catch the date?

Haruka: Here's how this game is gonna play out. Each female team have to chase and capture a male they see and if they caught the male, the squad will go out on the date with the male person. However when that clock hits 5:30 and no one hasn't catch the male person, yous will lose. The rules are simple, you can kiss the male person, hug the male person or even trap the male person in order to get him and shinobi skills and stealth are allowed.

Y/n: (thought) So the females have to catch the male person? But there is now males here other then me............oh wait.

Then all the girls turns to looks at Y/n and Y/n knows that Haruka is talking about who will catch Y/n so one of the squads will go on a date with.

Y/n: (thought) Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh crap.

Haruka: (smiek) Now dose anyone have any questions before we begin?

Y/n: Um I have one question-

Haruka: No one good.

Y/n: Wait what?

Haruka: Let the game begin!!!


Then all the girls leap out of the pool and try to land at Y/n but Y/n sprins off like there was no tomorrow as the rest of the girls chase after him.

Homura: Move out of the way Asuka. He's all mine!

Asuka: Not as chance Homura, we're gonna get him first!

Y/n: (thought) Why do I get in situations like this!

Y/n turn she corner and the rest also turn but when they do that they seen Y/n has disappeared.

Asuka: Where di he go?

Hikage: How did he do that?

Katsuragi: First one to find him wins!

Mirai: Oh no yous don't!

They then run off not knowing Y/n was hiding behind the bushes as he peeks over and see them running off as he ducks down once more and breath a sigh.

Y/n: OK it's 4:59 so I need to survive a hour in a half so all this will be over. Well if I stick to the bushes I should be fine.

Minori: I found you Y/n~.

Y/n quickly turn to see Minori behind her as she lend in to kiss him but Y/n leaps over the bushes and runs off while Minori also leaps over to the bushes and calls him.

Minori: Don't be a meanie Y/n, I just wanna give you a kiss!

Y/n continues running off while Minori chases after him and Y/n turn she corner and stops as Yomi and the rest was blocking his path.

Y/n: C-Come on Yumi your smart then this, can you help me?

Yumi: (blush) I'm so sorry Y/n but I've been dieing for this moment evee since we first met.

Y/n: (thought) I'm dead.

Minori runs up behind Y/n and leaps over and stick out her lips to kiss Y/n. Y/n ducks down and Minori flys over Y/n and she crashes into Yumi and the two fell onto the ground as the girls looks over and Minori kissed Yumi on the lips.

Minori open her eyes and see it's not Y/n wather Yumi as she sats up and said.

Minori: Whoops your not Y/n.

The rest of the girls turn and Y/n vanshined as we see Y/n running off and soon he stops and catches his breath as he looks around to see no one.

Y/n: Good, looks like I'm-

Ryouna: Y/n~!

Y/n: Oh no!

Then Ryouna flys down about to land on top of him but Y/n jumps to the side and Ryouna lands on her feet as she looks up at Y/n with a cute smile as she said.

Ryouna: (smile) Y/n my love, we may have met for the first time but I want  be your sexxy wife and we will make a lot of love if you know what I mean.

Y/n: (nervous) I-I wather pass on that, sorry.

Ryouna: Oh your so mean but I'm gonna kiss you so you'll be mine!

Y/n: Oh no!

The Ryouna leaps over for a kiss but Y/n ducks down that missed Ryouna and Y/n runs off. Then Imu and Miyabi were behind him as they chase after him.

Imu and Miyabi: Stop right there Y/n. Let us be your wife's!

Y/n: (thought) This place is going nuts!

Then in front of him Ryoubi and Muraski were blocking his way and they were ready for them. But Y/n leaps over them and land behind them and continue on running as Ryoubi and Muraski turn with surprised in their face.

Ryoubi: (surprised) Wow what the-

Then Miyabi and Imu bomp into Ryoubi as they fell onto the ground with both Imu and Miyabi's breast on top of Ryoubi's head followed by Ryouna as she said while point at the fleeing Y/n.

Ryouna: He's getting away!

Miyabi: After him!

Then they all chase Y/n and looks back and see now all shinobi was now on his tail as Y/n gone faster and faster and looks ahead of him as see Seimei still sleeping on the beach chair but she was blocking his way.

Shinobi girls: Get back here!

Once close Y/n leaps over Seimei and he was over Seimei as he was about to land when a hand caught Y/n by the foot all of a sudden.

Y/n: Eh?

Shinobi girls: Eh?

Then Y/n fell onto the ground face first which hurts. He turns over and felt something or someone crawling towards him as he looks down and see Seimei laying on the ground and slowly craws over towards Y/n's face and once at his face she suddenly kisses Y/n on the lips.

This surprised all the girls and even Y/n as Seimei moves back and opens her eyes and stare at Y/n and smiles before she cuddles with Y/n and said.

Seimei: Nighty night.

Then she fast asleep with Y/n cuddling him while Y/n anndthe rest of the shinobi girls were silent for a while.

Asuka: So what happened?

Miyabi: It seem Seimei caught Y/n and kiss him.

Yumi: Wait if Seimei kiss him?

Hormura: That means.........

Ayame: (smile) It means we won! New team Hanzo has won!

New team hanzo cheers while the rest of the shinobi girls except for Haruka who enjoys it were disappointing all a while Y/n still lay there as he looks at Seimei still sleeping and cuddling him as he thinks to him.

Y/n: (thought) Oh thank god this is all over at least.


We see Y/n walking home with Ayame as they arrived at Y/n's appointment and Y/n takea a sigh as he lend his hand on the door handle.

Y/n: man I feel tired after that.

Ayame: (smile) Yeah but at least it was fun.

Y/n: Yeah guess your right. So guess the rule is I have to go on a date with your whole team?

Ayame: (smilezl Yep make sure you're be there tomorrow.

Y/n: (smile) OK I will, I see you there Ayame.

Ayame: (smile) Same to you, see ya.

Then Ayame walks off while Y/n watches her leave and once she gone Y/n grabs the door handle, unlocks it and then opens it as he swing the door open and steps inside and stretch himself.

Y/n: Man that was a great day, maybe I watch some TV and then I-

Then suddenly someone came towards Y/n and something sharp jab into his neck which hurts. Y/n pulls it out and see it was a dirt and looks over ryo see someone standing and starting at him.

Y/n can't tell because it was dark but he can tell it was female and probably the same one he saw as he calls out.

Y/n: Hey who are you and what's-whats wrong with me? I feel.....tired.

He then fell to his knee and realised this female shot him with a sleep dirt as he looks up and his vision was a blur but he see the female shinobi looks down at him and spoke, saying.

???: Go yo sleep Y/n, I need you awake to ask me several questions.

Y/n: Wh-Who are.......

Then Y/n fell on the ground and closes his eyes as he blanks out while the mysterious shinobi girl reach over her hand towards Y/n and everything turns black.

To be continued.........

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