Chapter 8: The machine factory and Asuka's date (Lemon)
As the Hazno academy we see Asuka walking through the halls of the school as she thinks that this is time for her and Y/n to go one their first date together as she stops and looks out of the window as she wonders to herself.
Asuka: (thought) OK Asuka you been around Y/n and shown to have to love him. Now it's time go on a actually day out together. But what if he refused or worse? Calm down Asuka he's not like, just go and ask him out and things would be fine. Just need to find him and asked him.
Hibari: (smile) Hey Asuk.
Asuka jumps and turns to see Hibari and Yagyuu there as Yagyuu asked.
Yagyuu: You alright Asuka, you look kinda nervous about something?
Asuka: Oh I'm ok I was wondering if you see Y/n anywhere?
Hibari: I think he is in the woods doing some shinobi training.
Asuka: Is he alone?
Yagyuu: Yeah he said he'll be working on some ninja stars that he made for some reason.
Asuka: That'd good.
Hibari: Why is there a problem?
Asuka: Oh no just wanna ask him something, I see you two later and thanks.
Asuka runs off while Yagyuu and Hibari find it kinda odd as we cut back to Asuka running out of the building and into the forest were she hear a explosion and races over and arrived at the location and see Y/n with a table with different types of ninja stars with a target in front of him as he grabs a clip board and writes something in.
Y/n: Explosion stars are a bit too big so I may need to have a small amount of TNT so I won't blow anyones arm off.
Asuka: Hey Y/n, what are you doing in the forest?
He turn to see Asuka walking up to him as he places down his clipboard and said.
Y/n: (smile) Well since there is evil spirits and my father have a new army that tries to kill me I figured I upgrade my equipment so I be stronger.
Asuka: (smile) That's pretty cool and ninja stars is your starter point?
Y/n: (smile) Yep I have different kinds of explosion, acid, smoke bomb, tracker and many more. But I needed to test them first so I can use them in missions.
Asuka: That's pretty cool, it can be very useful in our missions.
Y/n: Yeah. So what brings you here Asuka?
Asuka: (blush) W-Well I was wondering if you like to go out with me.
Y/n: Sure who else is coming with us and where-
Asuka: (blush) No I mean just you and me, if you know what I mean.
Y/n: (blush) Oh.....OH that.
Asuka: (blush) If you don't want to its ok, I'll understand.
Y/n: (blush) No No I'll like to go with you and besides it be great we can get to know each other more.
Asuka: Well I kinda know about you so I guess you'll know a little about me.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess that's true (chuckle).
Asuka: (blush) So is that a yes?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah anywhere you like to go?
Asuka: Well I figured we visit them in their concert at the theme park at six afternoon.
She then pulls out a poster and looks at it and read through the poster.
Y/n: Arc Angel's? Do I know that name from somewhere?
Asuka: Their also another group of shinobis that is also in a band.
Y/n: Ah that's them, yeah we go there.
Asuka: (smile) Awesome. So at the mean time mind showing me with the ninja stars you've been making?
Y/n: (smile) Gladly.
He then show Asuka the ninja stars to her and explains to her what they do and how they work. Asuka try to throw one into the target but it missed and blow a tree off which was on accident. Y/n laughs it off and so dose Asuka and they each have a go with the ninja stars until it was home time.
We see Y/n with a large box filled with the ninja stars as he walks home and get himself ready for Asuka and Y/n first "Day out" together and Y/n was also nervous by it.
Y/n: (thought) Come on Y/n why are you soo nervous? It's just your first date and it be awesome. Although I am worried that something would ruin it but who I'm I kidding, who and what is gonna ruined our date?
Then suddenly there was a explosion in the distance as Y/n rolled his eyes and said to himself.
Y/n: Right and now the city is attacking. Well time to see what's up.
He transform into his shinobi outfit and leap to building to building until he arrived the location and see Ninja bots costing chaos at down town as Y/n realise.
Y/n: (thought) Those are the same bots that attack me and the Hanzo team when I first came back to Japan. Never knew they will appear after a week or so.
The ninja bots was sciling up the people and killing them before Y/n leap in the sky and throw his acid ninja stars that hits the bots and they were burned as Y/n lands on his feet with his mask on him as he looks up to see more coming his way.
Y/n: Alright Ninja bots. Let's dance!
He pulls out his twin blades and charges at the Ninj bots and slice them up with quick speed. The two large ninja bots appear and try to slam their large fist to Y/n but he dodges it and slice the large bots arms off and dashes pass the large ninja bots legs and it was sliced off and the large ninja bots fell on the ground.
Y/n jumps up in the air and step his twin swords onto the head and it was offline. The second large ninja bot pulls out his twin machine guns and aim it at Y/n and fired it but Y/n dodge it in time and lands on the ground as the second large bot aims it at Y/n and Y/n was ready to charge at it then heard something behind him.
???: (distance) Look out!
Y/n turn and quick ducks down as someone flys over Y/n and went pass the large ninja bot as Y/n turns up and looks up to see a girl wearing some kind a super hero like outfit with a jetpack on her back as she hovers above Y/n and the large ninja bot.
???: Never fear citizens because I am here to save the day!
Y/n: (thought) Wait a super hero? Or who is she?
???: I will destroy this evil bot with my super hero skills.
The large ninja bot just looks at her for a second before it aim its large machine guns at her bit the women dives down towards the bot and summons green energy blades and slice them off.
The large ninja bots arm came off as the woman turn and fly over and slice the large ninja bot many times until he falls apart and fell onto the ground as the woman lands in front of the dismantle ninja bot.
Y/n: (thought) Woah that was very cool enev though I just met her like right now but still cool.
???: (smile) Yes the day is saved thanks to me and my heroic skills.
But the large ninja bot was still online and it looks at the girl and charge up its viser to blast her with its lazer as the girl turn and before it fires a blade stap through the bots head and it was now offline as she looks up and see Y/n that saved her as he pulls out his blade and looks at her before saying.
Y/n: Thanks for the help and I like the suit your wearing, you really are like a super hero.
???: (blush) Th-Thanks and you are kind sir?
Y/n: Names Y/n and I'm a member of the Hanzo Team.
???: (surprised) Wow so your the heroic shinobi that stood up against your fathers evil plans and fought back.
Y/n: Well something like that.
Hisui: (smile) It's nice to meet you, my name is Hisui and I'm from Shinozuka Industrial high.
Y/n: Huh so are you a super hero or a shinobi?
Hisui: I am a shinobi but I use my heroic skills to fight evil like those ninja bots.
Y/n: I see.
Hisui: We believe that these ninja bots are made by a evil company and we're trying to figure out who made them?
Y/n: Well I may not know much but I think I may know what company could made these.
Hisui: You do? Great mind you come with me to our base so you can tell us?
Y/n: (thought) Aw man now I'm gonna be late for our first date. Don't worry maybe it won't take long, I can explain to them about it, stop this guy and head to Asuka on time.
Y/n: Sure I would like to help.
Hisui: (smile) Awesome let's go before anyone would see us.
Y/n: Right.
(A while later)
Y/n and Hisui arrived at Shinozuka Industrial high as the two enter the build and walk through the halls and while they walk along the halls Hisui said to Y/n.
Hisui: (smile) It sure is great that your not with your evil father that wants to take over the world.
Y/n: Yeah so how did you get that super hero outfit.
Hisui: Oh I made it myself, pretty cool huh?
Y/n: Yeah I was actually thinking about upgrading my shinobi outfit since it gets ripped off or destroyed a lot.
Hisui: That must fo sucked real badly.
Y/n: Yeah and I have to close some parts of my suit so it won't be completely exposed.
Hisui: Well if you want some help making the suit I be gladly to help you some day.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah that would be great thanks.
Hisui: (blush) Sure no problem.
Hisui: (thought) Woah he is very cute and awesome. Is this how all super heroes meet their first crush in battle.
Y/n: So where is your team at?
Hisui: Oh not far, follow me.
They soon reach a door and Hisui slide open and they head in and see Hisui team as they were doing some stuff. One girl named Motochika was playing with her trains, Kaede was drawing some art with her note book, Kuroudo was doing her chemical stuff and Kasumi was at the front of the class as she have a hologram in front of her before she looks up to see Hisui and Y/n and said.
Kasumi: (smile) Hello Hisui, I see we have a guest here.
Hisui: (smile) Hey Kasumi and yeah this is Y/n. He saved my skins from that large ninja bot that tried to blast me.
Y/n: (smile) It was nothing really just looking out of people.
Kasumi: (smile) Well we're thankful for you saving her.
Y/n: But I'm actually here to tell yous who has been making these ninja bots and costing chaos around town.
Kaede: (surprised) Really you know who's has been making these bots?
Y/n: Yeah. When I was young my father was talking to a business man who runs this company known as Robotic Peace Incorporated.
Motochika: But I thought they make robots to help humanity like trains?
Y/n: Thats what they try to make you think. In reality their goal is it seek control over the governments wealth by sending out ninja bots to take out important business people or leaders or cost chaos into towns and cities.
Hisui: (shocked) No way!
Y/n: My father makes a deal with the CEO to make robot ninja botsas my father's extra army and as a deal, the CEO be part of his clan and be spread from them.
Kuroudo: Who ever this CEO is will pay as I will throw these new chemicals at him.
Kasumi: Now we know who is making them we must know where they are making them.
Y/n: I think I know. I heard rumours at my school about a second factory where they see ninja bots being made. If we head there we mite be able to stop them from making more for a while.
Kasumi: Alright, will you join us in this mission?
Y/n looks at the time and it see 4:30 and he mite get to the date with Asuka so he turns back to Kasumi and nods.
Y/n: (smile) Sure got some time to kill.
Hisui: Are you in a hurry for something?
Y/n: Well I little but I'll join yous in your mission before the clock hits 6.
Kasumi: Alright. Team let's move out.
They all nod and they gather their gears and they head out to find the factory and put a stop to their making more ninja bots.
We see Asuka at home looking at her set of clothes for their date as she wonders which one to choose. She pulls out a fancy dress and holds it in front of her and looks at it through the mirror.
Asuka: (thought) No.
She puts it back and pulls out a beautiful t-shirt and looks at it through the mirror but she thought to herself.
Asuka: (Thought) Not this one either.
She puts it back ams sighs to herself as she sat down on her bed and then lay on her back as she stares up at the ceiling above her as she wonders what clothes she shouldn't wear.
Asuka: (thought) I know it's just a date but I want to wear something that give Y/n an attention. Something that he would like?
She thinks about it and then she had an idea as she leap off of her bed and dig through to her dresser to look for something and after a while or digging through her dresser she finds it and smalls.
Asuka: There you are.
We see Y/n with Kasumi's team as they were in the bushes and see the facility in front of them as they see trucks pulling in a ninja bots getting stored into the trucks.
Y/n: Yep this is the place.
Hisui: I small evil within that factory.
Motochika: So what's the plan? We go cho cho in and destroy it?
Kasumi: We nedd to find out who's the CEO and then he stop the factory.
Y/n: Looks like he's rolling in now.
Y/n points and they see a large limo drive through the gates and made its park as the driver gotten out and run up to the back and open the back door as a man wearing a black suit steps out of his limo and light up his lighter and puffs a smoke from his cigarette.
Kuroudo: Is that him?
Y/n: Yeah I remember him years ago and he is still the same right now.
Then a worker walks up to the guy and he said to him.
Male worker: Mr Oki it's a honour meeting you here.
Oki: I'm just here to see how things are doing with may bots.
Male worker: Well you see the ninja bots are being made faster like you requested to be.
Oki: I see. I heard that shinobis have been destroying them very easily so I wanna know how come my ninja bots are so easy to be destroyed!
The male worker steps back in fear and clear his throat and said.
Male worker: My apologies Mr Oki but we're trying to test on a few materials to outmatch the shinobis but we still need more time.
Oki: Is there any way to hurry it up?
Male worker: W-Well N-No.
Oki: Why?
Male worker: (scared) W-Well we mite end up ruining the material and if that happens then we will-
Then Oki pulls out his pitols and fires at the workers head and the worker falls on the ground which shocked Y/n and the rest as Oki slide his pistol back into his coat and turns to everyone around him.
Oki: I want everyone to continue on working. The hurry up the new material other wise your families will be next like this guy here.
They were scared as Oki hops back into his limo and after his driver closes it he get into the driver site and drives off as Y/n and the rest watch him go.
Hisui: That's somw evil man.
Y/n: Yeah now let's smash his toys.
Kasumi: I agree. We can't let them finish their work. Let's go.
They all leap over the fence and landed onto the roof of the factory and they sneaky looks around for a way in. Motochika signal them over and they sneaky run up to her and there was a ceiling window that is slightly open.
They open it and they leap down and landed onto the second floor and they look down and see how ninja bots is being made as machines put the parts of the bots together and shipping them off to the tracks.
Y/n: (whisper) So dose any of us have explosions to blow this place up?
Kuroudo: (whisper) I have these acid bombs I've made that will burn the metal off these machines before anyone will notice.
Y/n: (whisper) Looks awesome Kuroudo, you must be best with chemical like bombs.
Kuroudo: (blush) Thanks.
Kasumi: Alright let's take some and place them around the factory and once that we make our leave.
They nod and they tram some and they split up and place them around the factory and even the machines as they place them on one by one. Motochika was placing one when a guard see her and walk up behind her and was a to knock her out.
Y/n: (whisper) Hey up here.
The guard looks up and see dose Motochika and Y/n jumps down and kick the guard in the face knocking him out as Y/n lands on his feet and turns to Motochika and nods.
She blushes a little and nodded back and they continued placing around acid bombs around until they were done and they make their way back up to the roof and leap over to the fence and back into the forest.
Kaede: Woah that was very quick as I thought.
Motochika: Yeah but who's gonna do the honours of active the bombs?
Y/n: I think Kuroudo would sense she made them.
Motochika: You sure?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah blow the sucker up.
Motochika blushes and nods and tools out a trigger and presses the bottom and there was a large explosion followed by alrems as Y/n and the rest gets out of the area before any guards would have spotted them.
We see Oki back at his office as he gets a call about his factory that he has been was destroy and after he hung up he throw everything off his desk in pure rage.
Oki: (anger) God dame those dumbasses! I knew I shouldn't be longer I shouldn't...FUCK!
Isao: I see I'm here at a bad time.
Oki turns and Isao steps out of the shadows and walks up to he desk as Oki straighten his tie and said.
Oki: N-No your not, I got a call that one of my factory was destroyed so it be a while before you get your ninja bot army.
Isao: I see. I can bet my son must of destroyed it along with his shinobi friends.
Oki: Really? That son of a-
Isao: Still we must stop him before things will get worse.
Oki: I agree which is why I'm making a fre more bots that could help both of us in our fight against your son and other shinobis.
Isao: I see, what is it?
Oki gone onto his laptop and Isao looks over at his laptop and Oki clicks on a file and it opens to reveal something that makde Isao interested with.
Isao: (surprised) Huh I see.
Oki: (smirk) With this your son and other shinobis can't stand a chance against these new types of ninja bots.
Isao: (smirk) Excellent. You never seem to impress me old friend.
Oki: (smirk) I know.
We see Hisui and Y/n outside of Hisui schools gates as she said.
Hisui: (smile) Thank you soo much for helping us Y/n. Now the citizens of Tokyo will enjoy in peace.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Hisui and it sure was fun, maybe we do this again next time.
Hisui: (smile) Yeah.
The two shakes hand before Y/n looks at the time and it was 5:55 as he was gonna to be late for Asuka's date.
Y/n: Oh shoot I better go but I see you around Hisui!
Hisui: Oh ok you too.
Then Y/n rushes off while Hisui watches him go with her heart skip a beat as she thought to herself.
Hisui: (thought) Y/n, you're trolley are my hero in my eyes.
We cut to Y/n racing through the street to try to get to the theme park before he be too late. It took him a while until he made it to the theme park just in time and he catches his breath as he looks around and see Asuka wasn't here late but then heard Asuka calling out to him from behind.
Asuka: (distance) Hey Y/n, sorry if I'm late.
Y/n turns and see her running to her wearing a nice coat she has as she runs up to Y/n and catches her brrath.
Asuka: Well what do you think?
Y/n: (smile) You look great.
Asuka: (smile) Thanks and I can tell that you didn't have time to get ready yourself huh?
Y/n: Yeah it's a long story.
Asuka: Well tell me about it after this date, for now let's have some fun before it starts.
Y/n: (smile) Sure let's go.
So they enter then theme park and they go one many rides as they have a lot of fun. They have a go at a roller coaster and they rais their hands up in the air as they go down and went very fast.
Later they go one the water ride as the ride they were one went down and splash into the water that got them a little wet but they laugh it off while smiling before they go on the ferris wheel and they look over the beautiful afternoon of the city as Y/n turns to Asuka and see her smiling which made him smiling as they watch the view before they came down and play some games.
Y/n was throwing the balls so he can knock the stack cans off and he did it successfully and the guy hands Y/n a stuff dog and Y/n hands it to Asuka which made her blush and takes it and it was fluffy and very cute.
Soon they arrived at the concert were the arc angels will sing and they sat down on one of the seats and after a while the Arc angels came out on stage and everyone cheered for them as one of them named Tsubaki said to the crowd through the mic.
Tsubaki: Hello people of Tokyo! Are yous ready to rock!
They all cheered and so dose Asuka and Tsubaki and her crow start the music as they sing a awesome rock song that Y/n was surprised of how their voices are.
They all play the musical instruments while they sang and everyone was cheering for them. Asuka was also cheering and Y/n smiles at this and after a while the song ends and they ended with sparks behind them which was beautiful and everyone cheered once again.
Once everyone left the stag the arc angel girls were in back stag when they heard a knock at the door.
Tsubaki: Come in.
Then Asuka and Y/n came in as Asuka waces to them and said.
Asuka: (smile) Hey Tsubaki it's been a while.
Tsubaki: (smile) Hey Asuka it's been a while.
Asuka: I saw yous on stage and yous were great.
Tsubaki: (smile) Thanks.
Y/n: (smile) Hey names Y/n and I wanna say your voice was great and it's very nice meeting yous.
Tsubaki: (smile) Thanks and you must be Y/n, it's very nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smirk) You know I'm into rock music when I was teen. I always imagine myself on stage and do rock music to everyone.
Karasu: (smile) Aw that's cute.
Tsubaki: (smile) If your went you could visit us at our place if you wanna hang out?
Y/n: (smile) Sure that would be great.
Asuka: Well we better get going now, see yous around.
They wave for them goodbye and they left and once they were gone Ukyou said.
Ukyou: Y/n looks soo cute
Sakyou: I agree. He's nothing like his evil father when that mysterious shinobi told us about.
Tadhibana: And he said he was into rock when he was a teenage.
Tsubaki: Yeah maybe one day he'll join us in our next show stage some day.
Karasu: I can imagine his voice will be beautiful and awesome.
Tsubaki: Yeah me too.
We see Asuka and Y/n at Y/n's House as Asuka fell onto Y/n's bed with a yawn while Y/n was placing his weapons into his closed and change his clothes into his PJ'S as he turns to Asuka and said.
Y/n: That sure was a wonderful date Asuka, I really enjoy it.
Asuka: Yeah. Oh are you gonna tell me this long story how you didn't get change?
Y/n: Well let's just say I help a few shinobis to take down a factory that is run by my fathers friend who is a CEO.
Asuka: Was it successful?
Y/n: (smirk) Yep and I wish I would see Oki's face when we destroyed it. I bet he was pissed.
Asuka: (smile) Yeah (giggle).
Y/n smiles and walks up to her and sat on the bed next to Asuka as he looks at her and said.
Y/n: (smile) Asuka.
Asuka: Yeah?
Y/n: (smile) Thanks for everything and thanks for being part of a true family like I ever have.
Asuka: (smile) No problem Y/n. We're all in this together and no matter what we always help each other like not just as a team....but as a family.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
The two looked at each other as Y/n can't stop thinking how beautiful Asuka is and he and Asuka lend their heads towards each other. They have no idea why but they feel like they want to do it, the two closes their eyes and once close they press their lips together and Asuka moawed a little which was cute to Y/n.
Y/n dig his tongue through Asuka mouth and Asuka let him as they play around with their tongues as they make out before Y/n lay on his back and so dose Asuka as the two make out on the bed as they share moans to each other.
Asuka git on top of Y/n as they continued making out and Asuka was blushing and felt so good and Y/n's tongue was soo good as they continued before they stop and pull apart to catch their breath as they look at each other with love in their eyes.
Asuka: (blush) wanna touch them?
Y/n: (blush) Y-You sure?
Asuka nods and takes off her coat and then her t-shirt and Y/n was faced with her bra. Y/n can't help himself and slowly move his hands towards them and grabs them which made Asuka moan a little and Y/n starts to squeeze them and moving them around. Y/n never touch a women's breast and it felt kinda good.
He continues as Asuke moans even more and after a while Y/n let's go and Asuka tooks off her bra and throw them to the side.
(Lemon start)
Y/n blushes bright red to see Asuka with no bra on as Asuka looks at Y/n with blush on her and he known what she wants him to do. They turn over and now Y/n was on top of her and lend his head to Asuka's breast and licked the left nipple of Asuka breast which she moaned and Y/n continues until he stuck his whole mouth into it and strat sucking her breast and grabs her other breast with his other hand and squeezing it and even squeeze her nipple.
Asuka cried out with pleasure as Y/n continues for a while until Asuka cried out and white liquid enters Y/n mouth and Y/n pulls away from Asuka breast and lick the white liquid into his mouth and looks at her.
Asuka was breathing heavily and Y/n lend to her and they make out once more. Y/n have one hand on her breast and squeezing it as she moans as the two make out and moaning.
After a while they stopped and Y/n sats up and took off his shirt and throws it aside and even his trousers as Asuka blush even more to see Y/n muscles which Y/n smiles when he sees her blush.
Y/n: (smile) And here I thought Katsuragi wanted my body?
Asuka: (blush) Y-Yeah but she's not the only one.
Y/n giggles and he took off his underwear and Asuka blushes even more to see his large sausage but Asuka follows and take off her underwear and she throws it aside and now the two are naked and they want back of making out as the two moaned and cried out in pleasure as the two huge each other and rolled around on the bed until Asuka was once again on top of Y/n.
Then the two stop making out and catching their breaths and Asuka lend down to Y/n's large sausage and lick it that made Y/n moan a little and then Asuka stick her whole mouth in and give Y/n a blow job as Y/n grab hold on the bed and moaned as Asuka continues sucking his large sausage before Y/n cried out.
Y/n: Oh got here it comes!
Then white liquid enters Asuka's mouth and Y/n let out a cry of pleasure as he lend back on the bed and Asuka sat up and lick the rest of the white liquid away as she giggled a little.
Asuka: That was good.
Y/n couldn't say about he was still catching his breath and Asuka smiles and lend over and they went back to making out once more. Then Y/n kisses Asuka's neck that turned Asuka on real good as she moaned as Y/n continues kissing her neck and they went back to making out.
While they making out their hands met and they grab a hold of them as they continue making out before they have enough and they stop making out and they see in their eyes they are tired but they wanted a little more so they turn over and Y/n craw down to Asuka's private part and looks up at Asuka and said to her.
Y/n: Tell me the slow down if this hards.
Asuka nods and Y/n looks back down at her private part and he licks it which made Asuka moan and gasp as Y/n dig his tongue into Asuka private part while Asuka grab a told of the blanket as she moaned as Y/n continues until Asuka cried out.
Asuka: There....there it comes, there it comes!
Then white liquid is shot out into Y/n's mouth as Asuka cried back in pleasure with her head shot up before she lay back down catching her breath as Y/n crawl next to her and lay next to her as she turns to him as the two were catching their breaths.
(Lemon ends)
Asuka: Th-That was wonderful.
Y/n: Yeah it sure was.
Y/n pulls over the blanket over them as Asuka and Y/n cuddled each other as Asuka looks up at Y/n and said.
Asuka: (smile) Your always be with all of our hearts. No matter what Y/n we all love you.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you Asuka, I love you.
Asuka: (smile) I love you to Y/n.
Y/n kisses Asuka at the forehead which Asuka smiles before she yawns and snuggled her head to Y/n's chest and falls asleep. Y/n lend her chin on top of Asuka head and cuddles her more before he to falls asleep as the two will sleep well throughout the night.
To be continued.........
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