Chapter 7: A Campaigning trip

It was a bright and beautiful day Tokyo as we see Y/n on one of the roof tops of a building practising with his throwing skills by hitting his ninja stars at the target.

He hit a few bullseye before he ran out and walks over to the target and pulls out the ninja stars out, while he dose that he thinks about what happened couple of weeks ago as he thought to himself while walking back to his spot.

Y/n: (thought) Its been two weeks since I saved Asuka from Toyo and Itsu. Seems like it has been quite since they disappeared. Still now all shinobi now know about my past but at least they understand why I betray my father but still.....

Y/n throws two ninja stars at the target hitting a bullseye before thinking to himself once more.

Y/n: (thought) Yumi said a shinobi was the one who told them about my history but who is this shinobi and do I encounter this mystery shinobi? Either way I must be ready if that happens.

Y/n walks over to grab the ninja stars but suddenly two more ninja stars came out from behind and went pass Y/n's should and hit the target.

Y/n jumps back in surprise and turn around and standing on top of chimmey on the other side of the building was a female like shinobi all cloaked as she cross her arms and stare at Y/n for a moment as Y/n turns to her and asked.

Y/n: Who are you? Are you the shinobi that knows about my history and my father?


Y/n: Answer me! Who are you!?

The cloaked figure doesn't say anything but she suddenly turn and leap across the air and lands on the other building across from where Y/n is as she turn to face him before she turn and runs off.

Y/n: Wait!

Y/n leap across to the other side and once landed he chase after her as they leap to roof to roof. Y/n was surprise about her skills as she dose amazing tricks to go pass through block paths in her way.

Y/n was still on her tail and soon she jump off to the roof and landed onto the alleyway and so dose Y/n as he also jump down and chase her through the alleyway.

They turn different corners in the alleyway and Y/n see he was getting up to her. The once close Y/n tackle her to the ground and grab her so she won't escape.

Y/n: Ha! Not so tough now are ya!

Y/n remove her hood and surprise it was a dummy and not a real person. Y/n stands up and looks around but it was no use, she was gone.

Y/n: Damn it she got away, who is that girl?

Y/n leap upwards between walls and lands on the roof and looks around to see if any possible he may catch up to her, but she was long gone so he walk away while down at the alleyway we see the real female cloaked figure watch Y/n disappear from the roof before she turn and disappeared as well into the darkness.


Asuka: Katsuragi can you please stop rubbing me!

Katsuragi: (smile) Come on Asuka, they are getting bigger everyday day.

We see the Hanzo girls hanging in their hideout while Katsuragi rubs Asuka's breats like usual when Y/n enter the room and Ikaruga see him and walk up to him.

Y/n: (smile) I see everyone is doing alright.

Ikaruga: (smile) Yep and it seems your more happier as usual.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah after you and all shinobi girls found out about my past and accepted me as your team, I feel a lot better.

Hibari: (smile) That's brilliant Y/n, glad that your back to your happy self.

Yagyuu: Yeah we all miss your cute smile Y/n.

Y/n: What?

Yagyuu: (little blush) Oh nothing.

Y/n: Still there is one problem that bothers me.

Ikaruga: What is it?

Y/n: That shinobi Yumi told us about. The one that knows about me and my fathers evil clan. How dose she know that and why telling everyone about that?

Katsuragi: Oh who cares about that shinobi, besides it's not like she's gonna after you or anything.

Asuka: Katsuragi can you please let go of my breast.

Katsuragi: (smile) Just a little more.

Asuka: Katsuragi!

Y/n: Actually I encounter her when I was practising with my training. I chaseafter her but she got away.

They were surprised that a shinobi met Y/n and Katsuragi let's Asuka go and Asuka asked.

Asuka: What dose this person look like?

Y/n: Well what Yumi said about that shinobi, she is a female but she was wearing a black cloak with a hood over her so I can't tell about her face.

Katsuragi: Wait.

Y/n: Where is master Kiriya, I bet he knows something about that mystery Shinobi.

Hibari: He's away to have a meeting with the other shinobi masters and won't be back until then.

Y/n: Huh so there is more shinobi masters in Tokyo?

Ikaruga: Yeah and they were very skilled with the art of shinobi and they are very powerful. They are the top rank of all shinobi and they talk about something important like new threats or new shinobi clans.

Y/n: Huh sounds interesting. So what happens now?

Ikaruga: Right now we're just hanging out and see if anything is happening that need our help.

Y/n: So standing around and do nothing. Sounds boring.

Katsuragi: Your telling me. I wanna beat some bad guys besides sitting my ass and do nothing.

Ikaruga: Oh I almost forgot. Yumi came here and ask if you would like to join them on their mission in the woods.

Y/n: Really? What is the mission?

Ikaruga: Don't know but she would like to meet you at the park at 4:30 if you accept it.

Y/n: (smile) Sure. I'm dieing for some action, bet this will be great.

Katsuragi: Hey may I come with you?

Y/n: (smile) Sure at least other of us will be dieing for some action.

Katsuragi: (smile) Awesome!

Ikaruga: Well good luck you two and be careful.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry, we be back before we even complete our mission for the next 7 seconds.

Then Y/n and Katsuragi head out while the rest was silent and Asuka said to Ikaruga.

Asuka: Don't worry I'm sure Katsuragi and Y/n will be fine.

Ikaruga: Hope so.

Yagyuu: You look kinda worried about Y/n. I never knew you worried about someone more.

Ikaruga: (blush) W-Well he is a part of our team. S-so its normal forme to get worried about my team.

Yagyuu: Alright but hope they will be fine without us.

Hibari: (smile) Yeah but maybe they will have a great time with Yumi and her team.

Ikaruga: Yeah but I wonder what is their mission and why do they need Y/n?


It was the afternoon as we see Yumi at the park waiting for Y/n to arrive. She was kinda nervous cause she has this feeling towards Y/n and it was a feeling that she never have before.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Yumi.

Yumi was startled and turn to see Y/n and Katsuragi which surprise Yumi when she see Katsuragi and asked.

Yumi: Hey Y/n. May I ask why is Katsuragi is with you?

Y/n: Well I thought she be a extra hand so I bring her along.

Katsuragi: (smile) Yeah hope you don't mind.

Yumi: Oh no I'm ok if you bring someone along. Beisde I was suspected that you bring one or two along for this mission.

Y/n: (smile) Cool so what is this mission you need our help for?

Yumi: Well we have reporteds of Yokai spirits within Tokyo's forest and many people were kidnapped or killed by them.

Katsuragi: (shocked) Yokai? I thought they were just something parents twll stories about before bet time?

Yumi: They are real and very dangerous. Which is why my team are going out and search for them before they hurt anyone else. But we can't do this without some backup so we call you.

Y/n: So how many Yokai are we talking about?

Yumi: We believe it's two but we're not to sure unless we find one of them.

Y/n: Well if they are terrorising people then I'm in.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Yeah I'll sure those mean spirits to get lost before I kick them into space.

Yumi: (smile) I'm thankful of you two assistance. We be at the woods tomorrow, hope yous will be here tomorrow.

Y/n: (smile) We will Yumi, you can count on us.

Yumi nods before she turn and walks off. Y/n and Katsuragi also walks away and Yumi's heart skips a beat when she thinks about Y/n's charm and his kindness as she blushes a little.

Yumi: (thought) He is very nice. I never encounter a person with a strong heart to help people in my life. Maybe I was wrong of him being evil cause of his father. Maybe I learn more about him in the forest tomorrow morning.

We see Y/n and Katsuragi exit the park and walks home as Katsuragi puts two of her hands behind her head and said to Y/n.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Seems that tomorrow is gonna be great.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it appears so. Well gonna head home, see you tomorrow Katsuragi.

Katsuragi: Actually I have an idea. Can I stay at your place until tomorrow when we head out to see Yumi and the rest?

Y/n: (surprise) Really? You sure?

Katsuragi: (smile) Come on Y/n it won't hurt. It be actually be fun before we head out and I heard durometer Asuka that your place is awesome so mind I stay in your place for the night?

Y/n thinks about it and thinks it won't hurt to invite Katsuragi into his house so he said.

Y/n: Sure I can make some dinner for the two of us.

Katsuragi: (smile) Awesome, your the best I love ya!

Y/n kinda blushes a little as they head off to Y/n's place and once there Y/n let Katsuragi in and she was surprised about Y/n's apartment. Y/n enter the kitchen and start making some dinner while Katsuragi looks around his apartment.

Katsuragi: (surprise) Woah your place is very awesome Y/n.

Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks. I try to make it clean before my father's shinobi's break in and throw ninja star at me while I watch TV.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Yeah we kinda get that as well. So how did you afford this place?

Y/n: Oh I start working for Asuka's grandfather at his restaurant. He's pretty nice and sometimes gets a little jealous when a gril comes in and talks to me.

Katsuragi: (smile) Yeah that's him.

Then Y/n place the food onto two plate and set them onto the table and they sat down and start to eat.

After a while they were stuffed after eaten their food as Katsuragi clean other mouth and said.

Katsuragi: (smile) Woah remind me to go to Asuka's grandfatgers restaurant soon can make me some food so lunch or dinner.

Y/n: (smile) I'm glad you enjoyed it. My mother teach me how to cook, she was a great cook when I was young.

Katsuragi: That's very cool.

Y/n: Yeah it is.

Y/n looks down on his plate and thinks about his mother and Katsuragi see this and asked.

Katsuragi: You ok Y/n?

Y/n: Huh oh yeah I'm fine I just......(sigh) I really do miss my mother.

Katsuragi: Yeah we do miss our family members sometimes.

Y/n: What about you? You miss your family?

Katsuragi: Yeah and still miss them.

Y/n wasn't sure he could ask her about her family but his curiosity got the better of him and asked.

Y/n: I know it's nun of my business but can you tell more about your family and what happened to them? If you don't want to talk about it that's ok, I understand.

Katsuragi: N-No it's alright. Guess you need to know a little more about me anyways right?

Y/n nods and there was silence as Katsuragi looks up at Y/n and tells him about her family.

Katsuragi: My mum and dad were two shinobi in a clan and they see successful misses for the clan and we even have a dog named Choco. We were happy until one day they fail one simple mission and their clan once my mum and dad to kill themselves for this failure. To make sure I won't get involved they abandoned me along with Choco and I was alone with Choco beside me.

Y/n was shocked by her parents back story and felt bad for her childhood and asked.

Y/n: And that's why you become a shinobi. So you can find your family and make things right.

Katsuragi: Yeah but also protecting people and have their children have a happy life with their families and doesn't have to suffer the same what I've been.

Y/n: Katsuragi I'm very sorry about your rough childhood. What about Choco?

Katsuragi: He passed away way before I became a shinobi. But I still remember him as a friend that never leave my side.

Y/n: Well I'm very sorry for that Katsuragi. Never knew you have family problems like me.

Katsuragi: Yeah.

Y/n see she is upset so he reach over his hand to grab her's gently as Katsuragi looks at Y/n as Y/n said.

Y/n: I promise I'll help you find your family so yous will be happy. That is a promise.

Katsuragi was surprised and she blushes a little and her heart skip a beat as she smiled and said.

Katsuragi: (smile) Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem, Katsuragi.

After they clean up the dishes they head off the bed and Katsuragi slept with Y/n on the bed. After Y/n turn soff the lighst within his bedroom Katsuragi grabs Y/n's right arm and cuddles while Y/n could feel her breast touching his right arm which made him blush.

But he see her smiling and that made him smile as he rab his arms around Katsuragi and they cuddle as they fast asleep for tomorrow.

(Next Day)

We see Yumi and her team in the forest near a leak as we see Yozakura and Minori by the lake getting some fish while Murakumo, Yumi and Shiki were at the camp as they waited for Y/n and Katsuragi.

Yumi: Hope they be here.

Murakumo: Yeah, I wanna see that mask he has. It looks so cool.

Shiki: Still are we sure there is Yokai within this area?

Yumi: Yes I am sure. We just need to wait for Katsuragi and Y/n so we can begin our search.

Shiki: If you say so.

They hear something within the bushes as they quickly turn and see the bushes moving. They wait to see what's gonna pop out and soon Y/n and Katsuragi came out of the bushes and Yumi and the rest breath a sigh of relief.

Y/n: (smile) Hey see the camp site is set up.

Yumi: Yes and you two were late.

Katsuragi: Sorry just brought some snacks at the store and it was a long line.

Minori: You got snacks?! Any candy?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah wants some.

Minori: (smile) Yeah thanks.

Y/n throws some candy to Minori and she catches it and start eating it as Murakumo walks over and asked Y/n.

Murakumo: (nervous) H-Hey Y/n. Do you still have that mask you have when we last met?

Y/n: (smile) Sure never leave it behind.

Y/n hands his mask to Murakumo and she looks at it in amazement as everyone else gathered around as Yumi said to them.

Yumi: OK now we're all here here's what we know. There is evil Yokai in these woods and our job is to track them down and destroy them before they would harm others. So here's what we're gonna do, we split up into teams and go to hot spots were these Yokai are at. If they are they then we use these flare signal to call for back up.

She then pulls out a few flare sticks and they take them and Katsuragi asked.

Katsuragi: This is gonna be awesome. So who are our teams be.

Yumi: Well I thinking I go with Y/n, Katsuragi to search st the-

Shiki: Oh come on Yumi, I wanna go with Y/n!

Murakumo: Yeah too.

Minori: And me three!

Yozakura: (nervous) Y-yeah, me as well. Sorry Yumi.

Yumi: I thought it be best if he'll stick with me so We......Well.....We.

Shiki: (smirk) So you two will get to know each other more.

Yumi: (blush) It's not like that!

They argued while Katsuragi and Y/n watch them as Y/n asked.

Y/n: Guess they sometimes argue when they make plans.

Katsuragi: (smile) You'll get used to it when your around them.

Y/n walks in between them and said to them.

Y/n: OK I think we need to focus on evil Yokai instead of each other.

Shiki: Your right but we need to decide who goes with you and I have a idea to settle this.

Y/n: How?

Shiki: How ever catch the most fish wins and be go with Y/n. We go by two teams and who ever catches the most fish will be with Y/n for this mission.

Yumi: (blush) F-Fine by me.

Minori: Katsuragi mind you join us to see who catches the most fish?

Katsuragi: (smirk) Sure I'm on for it.

Shiki: Alright then let's this game begin!

They nod and they all enter the lake while Y/n shrugged and sat down and watch as they place their bucket down on the site and start catching some fish by using their hands wather a fishing rod.

They start catching a few and some nearly fell but some some watersplash on their clothes and their bikini was seeing through their wet clothes. Y/n looks away while drinking some soda so he won't be rude while the girls catch some more fish and some even fell onto the leak and gotten  their clothes soaked.

After a long while of getting fish into their buckets and getting their clothes wet. They returned to shore and please the buckets down and Y/n counts them up and try to not look up at their wet see through clothes.

Y/n: OK Yumi as 50 fish, Katsuragi gotten 26, Murakumo gotten 11, Yozakura and Minori have gotten 55 and Shiki gotten 40. So that means Yozakura and Minori is the winner.

The two of the cheered while the rest was kinda disappointing but it doesn't matter as they split up into teams and they head off to look for the evil Yokai.

(A while later)

We see Y/n, Yozakura and Minori walking through the path and during the walk Minori gotten tired so Y/n allows her to carry her on his back and she dose and soon she fells asleep while Y/n's carry her but Y/n doesn't mind by that.

Yozakura was kinda nervous being around Y/n and was gonna say something but Y/n beat her and asked.

Y/n: So you and Yumi has some strong bond. You two friends or something?

Yozakura: Oh Y-Yeah we are. We sometimes train together in different places so we can get stronger.

Y/n: (smile) That's pretty cool and your weapon is pretty awesome as well.

Yozakura: (little blush) Thanks, sometimes they are a pain to move around during combat but they are very powerful.

Y/n: Wish I have something like that. Maybe a gauntlet that is so powerful that one signal snap I can wipe out half of my enemies.

Yozakura: (smile) Yeah that would be cool.

Y/n: So dose your team sometimes argue to each other about something.

Yozakura: Sometimes either of mission plans or Yumi believes that anything we got is evil.

Y/n: Really like what?

Yozakura: Like when we are invited to a swimming pool with slides and great drinks. She calls it evil but we convince her to go and........

Y/n: Turns out she was right?

Yozakura: Yeah.

Y/n: (chuckle) I don't blame yous. If I see something I like, I'll go there even if it's a trap or not I'll do it.

Yozakura: So are you ok carrying Minori on you while she asleep.

Y/n: Eh I don't mind. Besides need some rest before the fight.

Yozakura: Yeah I guess so-

Then Minori wakes up cause both Minori and Yozakura sense something and so dose Y/n as he set Minori down and they look around.

Yozakura: Y/n.

Y/n: Yep I sense that.

???: So we have three shinobi within our forest.

They turn and on top of a hill was a cloud of smoke before it cleared away and see a male Yokai on the hill as he stare down at them.

They draw out their shinobi weapons and face him as he said.

???: I see yous have strong souls. But no matter, we will show yous fear and run away to warn others about our exists.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah right, once we deal with you, you'll be the one be scared and run off to your mummy.

Minori: (giggle) Nice one Y/n.

???: You dare to mock me. Do you know who I am?

Y/n: (smirk) Some guy with a stick on his head.

Kogen: (anger) My name is Kogen and you'll should respect me you disgusting creature.

Y/n: Hey at least I showed before I came here. You look like the guy who hasn't showd for weeks.

Minori giggled more and Yozakura smirks a little by Y/n's joke which make Kogen made and draw out his demon like blade at Y/n.

Kogen: (anger) You'll pay for mocking me. I will sent you to the deepest part of your nightmare were you'll suffer the rest of your life!

Then Kogen's blade shot out and heads towards Yozakura but Y/n got in front of her and backs the attack with his own and turn to Yozakura.

Y/n: You'll alright Yozakura?

Yozakura: (blush) Y-Yeah thanks.

Y/n: call in for backup while I'll deal with this guy.

Yozakura: Right.

Minori: I'll go as well. Time to sure that meany who's boss.

Y/n: (smirk) Right let's go.

Both Minori and Y/n jump up onto the hill while Yozakura pulls out a flare stick and pulls the trigger. The flare shot out to the sky as we see Yumi and rest see the flare and they race over to assist them.

Meanwhile we see Minori and Y/n face with Kogen as he swing his blade to the air and swing it down that meant a large dark slash that heads towards them but they move out of the way and they charge at Kogen.

They clash their weapons at Kogen until Kogen kicks Minori far back and Y/n clash his blade at Kogen. He jumps over him to dodge a swing from Kogen and he lands on his feet and stab his blade into Kogen right in the stomach.

But no blood comes out as Kogen chuckles and then punches Y/n in the face. Y/n stumbled backwards as Kogen said while chuckling.

Kogen: You forgot that Yokai cannot feel any pain. I am a spirit and spirit dose not die.

Kogen rais his blade into the air to strike at Y/n but Y/n blocks it and jumps back and asked.

Y/n: So mind telling me why you're trying to hurt innocent people?

Kogen: Me and our Yokai brothers are tired floating around while the world forgets about us. We want them to notice us and that's when we find out fear is the only way that humanity will notice our exists.

Y/n: But that's not gonna make any change to the world. Your just gonna spread fear to Tokyo and soon the world.

Kogen: We don't care just as long the world will know our existence!

Kogen try to strike at Y/n but he dodge and Minori runs up and try to watch him with her bucket but it went through Kogen and he turn to her and rais his blade at her.

Y/n see this and race over and grabs Minori and dodge the attack as the two fell onto the ground. Minori open her eyes to see Y/n so close to her and Y/n asked.

Y/n: You alright Minori.

Minori: (smile) Yeah thanks, your my hero.

Y/n nods and the two stands up and face Kogen. Soon Yozakura came up along with Yumi and the rest as they face Kogen together.

Katsuragi: (smirk) So what did we miss handsome?

Y/n: Nothing much just a evil Yokai try to kill me and Minori. Just the usual.

Kogen: Your friends will die as I will slay them all.

Yumi: I don't think so. As long I have this.

Yumi draws out a long sword that made Kogen shocked as he can sense the power within it and asked.

Kogen: (shocked) What is that sword?

Yumi: This sword is spelled by ninja arts. With this blade we can take you our easily.

Kogen: (anger) No! I won't die by the hands of you!

Y/n: If you don't want to get slashed. Maybe you leave and never come back again.

Kogen was in rage and was about to charge at them until someone said.

???: That is enough brother. They have won this round.

They turn to see another cloud and soon another male yokai appear and walks up to Kogen.

Kogen: (anger) What are you saying brother!? We can handle them!

???: Yes but if that blade is made then that means more is made. Even if we win more will come and kill us. We must retreat now before we have a change.

Kogen: (anger).......Fine. let's go.

Y/n: Woah never knew someone is smart enough to fall back because of a yokai killer blade?

???: Don't have your hopes up let Shinobi's. You win this round but we be back stronger and we'll win this once and for all.

Y/n: (thought) Great and the classic " I'll be back" thing from villains. Classic.

Then the two enter the dark forest and vanished as they watch them leave before they head back to their camp.


It was night time as they set up fire and Katsuragi pulls out drinks to everyone and said.

Katsuragi: (smile) Here's for a successful mission girls!

They cheered and they drink up while we see Y/n looking at the lake with a drink on his hand and Yozakura walks up to Y/n and sat down and said.

Yozakura: That was a successful mission.

Y/n: Yeah but they be back but we'll be ready for them.

Yozakura: Yeah.....hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Yozakura: (blush) Thanks for helping us and thank you for saving me from that Yokai. Your not like your father after all.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah but you're welcome and hope we do this next time.

Yozakura: (smile) Yeah.

Minori: Y/n!

Then Minori hugs Y/n around him and before Y/n would speak she kissed him on the cheek which made Y/n blush bright while Yozakura and the rest were jealous as Minori said.

Minori: (smile) Thanks for saving me as well and many I can treat you out for saving me.

Y/n: (blush) Y-You don't have to do that Minori. I'm happy to help someone.

Minori: (smile) Come on Y/n it be fun.

Yumi: Y-Yes. You help us so it's right we treat you out to something for helping us.

Y/n: Are you sure?

Shiki: (smile) Sure a handsome boy like you deserve something after a job well done.

Murakumo: We don't know what but we'll think about it and tell you when we figure it out.

Y/n: Al-Alright but for now let's enjoy the rest of the night before we head back to town.

They nod and they enjoy the rest of the night eating, drinking and talking to each other before they enter to their tents as they sleep for the night before the next day they head back to town to continue their jobs as shinobi.

To be continued.........

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