Chapter 6: Fighting for my true family
We see Y/n rush to Asuka House after the letter was given by Toyo and Itsu saying they have kidnapped Asuka and he walks up to her door and start to knock at her door and calling out to her.
Y/n: Asuka! Asuka do you hear me, Asuka!
Then the door slowly open a bit and Y/n steps back a bit. He then push it open and step inside and see that her place was dark so he turns on the light switch and see everything was a mess with made Y/n horrified by this as he walk through the living and see that the backdoor window was smashed as Y/n was start to worry about Asuka.
Y/n: Asuka please you managed to fight back at least.
Y/n looks around and see ninja stars stabed into the walls and Y/n walks over and pulls it off and looks at them.
Y/n: These are Toyo's ninja stars, he must of used this to attack her when they gotten in, dammit they will pay.
Y/n looks around the whole house and see nothing but the place being trashed and all as he enters Asuka's bedroom and see it was trashed at all and he was horrified to see blood on Asuka's bed as he bedn down and touch it.
Y/n: It's still wet, they must of take her away before they sent me the letter. I need to tell everyone else about this ans fast.
Y/n exit out of Asuka's bedroom and out of her house to tell the Hanzo team about Asuka's capture by Toyo and Itsu.
(Next day)
Y/nnwas at the hanzo base and tell his team along with Kiriya about what happened last night and about Asuka.
Hibari: (shocked) Oh no they captured her!
Ikaruga: Any clue they went with Asuka?
Y/n: No but they left this letter telling me they have her. No address or anything.
Katsuragi: (anger) This punks will pay for taking Asuka from us.
Kiriya: Still we must find them before it's to late.
Y/n: This was my fault, I shouldn't known they would do something like this and I shouldn't get yous involved in my mess.
Yagyuu: Don't blame yourself Y/n, we're all apart of this and we will find her.
Hinari: (smile) Yeah you can count on us.
Y/n: No this is my mess and I must do it my self.
Ikaruga: But you can't take out Toyo and Itsu not what happened last time, I know you have a rough past but let us help you.
Y/n: I can't....I'll get your hurt or worse...killed. I'm doing this on my own and I'm gonna find Asuka and bring her back.
Y/n walks over to the door and left the room as everyone else was silent as they were worried about both Asuka and Y/n as Ikaruga asked Kiriya.
Ikaruga: Do you think Y/n would be fine?
Kiriya: It's a possible that he would be but when all odd are against him, his allies will help him to win the battle.
Ikaruga: (thought) Be careful Y/n and please....don't die.
Y/n is seen jumping to roof to roof looking for anything that could lead him to Asuka but nothing so far as he looks around the city of anything but still nothing. Then we see Homura walking through the street when she looks up and see Y/n jumping over her yo teh next roof.
She smiled a bit and runs off to a alleyway to transform into her shinobi outfit and chase after him to roof to roof. Y/n turn and noticed Homura was behind her so he stop by one roof and she landed the same roof and she asked.
Homura: (smile) Hey Y/n, what are you doing?
Y/n: I'm looking for Asuka, she's kidnapped.
Homura: (shocked) Seriously by who?
Y/n: By my fathers highly trained ninjas.
Homura: Damn.
Y/n: Yeah I'm gonna look for her alone.
Homura: Seriously your doing this alone? What about your team or us?
Y/n: I can't let yous or anyone else hurt by them. You don't know what my father is like. He can kill even the most powerful shinobi masters with only one blade, he is unstoppable.
Homura: That maybe true but we have faced many other shinobi masters that try to take over the world.
Y/n: Yeah but this is different to the enemies you've faced, he's powerful he like the shredder in Teenage mutant Turtles but give him lots of steroids and five large jars of ozz, that's what my father is like.
Homura: Well how are you gonna find them who have taking Asuka?
Y/n: I don't know that's what I'm trying to do, trying to see if there is anything they leave out for me to find.
Homura: Wait how did you know they have taking Asuka?
Y/n: From this letter.
He hands her the letter and she looks at it and then turns it and saids.
Homura: There's more writing at the back of it.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait seriously?
Homura: Yeahm have you not noticed that?
Y/n: Well I guess I didn't notice when I was heading to see if Asuka was ok.
Homura: (smirk) Your such an idiot.
Y/n: (smirk) Well that's probably what I am.
Homura smirks more and looks at the letter and she read it out.
Homura: " Find us where it all began." What dose that mean?
Y/n: I think I know where they are at. I must go, thanks Homura for the help.
Homura: Wait at least let us help you!
Y/n: Sorry but I can't let yous get involved.
Then Y/n throws a smoke bomb and smoke surround Homura and then once the smoke was gone Y/n disappeared as she looks around but nothing. But then Ikaruga and the rest came lands on the roof and they see Homura so they walk over to her and Ikaruga asked.
Ikaruga: Where's Y/n?
Homura: He just disappeared when I read out this letter.
She hands Ikaruga it and she read it and then figured out where is Y/n headed.
Ikaruga: We gonna catch up to him.
Homura: Let my team tag along with you to save both Asuka and Y/n.
Yagyuu: And why should we allow your team to come with us?
Homura: (smirk) Hey he helped us in our mission so we're just returning him a favour.
Ikaruga: Alright tell your team to meet us and we go save both Y/n and Asuka.
Y/n walks through the forest as he remember this path from years ago. Then he reach a clearing and see a huge burned shinobi temple that Y/n have burned down years ago. Y/n got chills through his spine but he take a breath and then he walk over to the temple and through the door and see the place was all burned and his fathers symbol on the ground burned along with his status as well.
He looks through the halls of the temple and see it was all black and burned to ash as Y/n walks through the halls and could feel how warm it is not what happened he did years ago.
He then arrived at his father's throne which is burned like the rest and it was pretty dark as Y/n walks into the throne room and soon he get to the middle he stops and stare at his father's throne and remembered how evil he was from years ago.
Toyo: You remember this place, do you?
Y/n quickly took out his twin blades and turn to see Toyo suddenly appear behind him as he looks up at Y/n and step onto the mat and turn to face him.
Y/n: Where is Asuka Toyo, tell me!
Toyo: Don't worry, she is close, very close indeed.
Y/n hears some muffin and turns to see Itsu holding Asuka by the back with her mouth being blocked as Itsu smirks.
Y/n: Let her go!
Itsu: As you wish.
Then Itsu throws Asuka to the ground and she gotten hurt and this made Y/n mad as he steps forward but Itsu points a blade near Asuka's head and said.
Itsu: Don't move, or I have to kill this cuite.
Y/n: What do yous want from me?
Toyo: We want you to see what you've have done and what you did to your own father!
Y/n: My father was evil and you all know that! He has killed many people even though they don't deserve to die!
Toyo: He is making order to this world and making a word a better place, though who stand against us like Asuka's friends there will die.
Y/n: (anger) Your gonna pay for this!
Toyo: I bet on it. Unless you can redeem yourself and return back to us, your father really misses you and will be glad his only son has returned to proof himself once again and become the next clan leader once he dies. What do you say Y/n, will you return back to us?
There was a long silence as Toyo and Itsu was waiting for an answer as Y/n glares at Toyo and then pulls out his ninja stars ans throw them to Toyo and he blocks them at first but the Y/n rush at him and kicks him back.
Toyo stumbled backwards and he was mad as Y/n stood up straight and got into a battle stand as Toyo took out his large blade and said.
Toyo: So be it then.
Toyo also gets to a battle stand as to shinobis were standing there and looking at each other waiting for one of them to strike while Itsu and Asuka watched as Toyo move his foot a bit and so as Y/n as they glare each other ronce more and then they charge at each other rat the same time as they swing there blades back and they clash them together at each other.
As sparks fly out of the swords when they clash they glare at each other as they struggle for a bit with there blade but then they jump back and Toyo charge at Y/n and swing at Y/n but he blocks him and they continue clashing blades at each other in the throne room as they fight.
Toyo and Y/n were swinging there blades very fast as sparks fly put of there blades which made Y/n surprised how fast Y/n is doing and Toyo trys to kick Y/n in the waist but Y/n jumps over Toyo and lands behind him and he jump kicks Toyos back and Toyo skidded across the room.
He turn around and Y/n rush at him and throws ninja stars at him and Toyo blocks with with no sweat and he swing his blade back ready to slash at him but Y/n blocks it and headbutts Toyo as he stumbled backwards and Y/n took out his taser fist and charge at Toyo with it as Toyo try to swing at him but he dodges and blocks his blade with his blade and then he punch Toyo with his taste fist and this hits Toyo with a electric bolt as he stumbled backwards and Y/n jump and kicks Toyo in the face that sent him flying and crash onto one of the pillars as he fell on the ground ane cough out blood.
Y/n take his breaths and he turn to Itsu and Itsu smirks and took out his two blades and walks over to Y/n.
Itsu: (smirk) You never learn how to quit fo you? But now you'll gonna get it.
Y/n blocks the fist strike of Itsu's blade and they continue clashing blades at each other until Itsu managed to slash a cut on Y/n's hand and Y/n drop his blade as he stumbled backwards and see blood is pouring out od his cutted hand and onto the floor.
Y/n took out a bandage and raps it around his hand and once its done he picks up his blade as Itsu smirks once more and then suddenly Toyo rush up at Y/n and Y/n quickly turn and they clash blades once more and Itsu join in and now Y/n is blocking multiple blades from both Toyo and Itsu as they continue clashing at him.
Y/n gets overwhelmed and he push them back with his blade and jumps into one of the support beams and enter into the shadows as both Itsu and Toyo were looking around to see when he will appear.
Toyo: Where are you Y/n, we want to continue on fighting. Unless you call it quite?
Y/n: (smirk) Me quite, get real. I'll never give up.
Itsu: Then cone out then fight us!
Y/n: Hey you wonna see me act like batman?
Then a smoke bomb lands on Toyo and Itsu snd explod as smoke surrounded them and Y/n leap off the support beams and came down as he swing his blade back and Toyo turn and blocks Y/n's strike.
Y/n jumps back and Itsu charge at Y/n and Y/n turns and blocks a blade and then he kicks Itsu back. Then suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his back and turn to see Toyo have stabbed Y/n in the back as Asuka scream out through the cloths as Y/n stumbled forward and then Itsu kicks Y/n and Y/n was slammed into a wall and he fell onto the ground and cough out blood as Itsu and Toyo walks over to Y/n and they were standing over him as Y/n looks up at them and Toyo saids.
Toyo: It is a shame that this has to end like this Y/n, you would be a great leader for the next generation of demons claws.
Y/n: (anger) I'll wathe die then being a leader your psychopaths!
Toyo got mad and he slashes Y/n's left cheek and a small blood drips out of Y/n's cheek and onto the ground as Y/n looks up at them once more and Toyo saids.
Toyo: Any last words before we end your life?
Y/n stays silent as Toyo thinks its a no as he rais is blade yo the air while Asuka screams out at them but it was no use as she burst out into tears and Y/n knew this was it for him as he closes his eyes and he accepted his fate.
Then suddenly there was a huge explosion behind Toyo and Itsu as they quickly turn around and Y/n open his eyes and was shocked to see both Team Hanzo and Homura's crimson team have arrived to save both Asuka and Y/n.
Itsu: (shocked) Where did they come from!?
Toyo: They must of followed Y/n.
Katsuragi: Hey its best to leave that handsome man along you jerks.
Toyo: We wather die.
Both Toyo and Itsu charge at then while Yagyuu and Hikage also charge at them and they clash there blades at each other while Hibari and Mirai rush over to Y/n to help him up while Ikaruga and Homura go over to Asuka and then free her.
Hibari: Are you ok Y/n?
Y/n: (surprised) Why are yous here, this is my fight not yours.
Mirai: Yeah but we're all friends after all and when things go rough on you, we come and help you.
Y/n: Mirai, Hibari I'm sorry for all of this.
Hibari: Don't blame yourself Y/n, we don't care that your father is an evil shinobi and try to take us out. As long we're together, nothing can't stop us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.....Yeah your right.
They smile while they help Y/n up and Toyo and Itsu steps back and see they were out matched as Y/n steps out and Toyo saids.
Toyo: This mean war you know that! ALL OF YOUS ARE DEAD!
Y/n: We don't care, In faced I don't care anything about what I am. I am what I wanted to be, I want to help people, I want to save peoples lives like a hero and I want to be a good shinobi instead of a evil one. So listen up, tell my father that I accept his war and if he trys to attack OUR city OUR home!......we be ready for him.
Toyo and Itsu were mad as Toyo throws a smoke bomb and they disappeared as the smoke clears up. Y/n breaths a sigh of relief as he suddenly felt a hug and he turn his head to see Asuka hugging him and he asked.
Y/n: You ok Asuka?
Asuka: (smile) Yeah, I am now. Thank you.
Y/n: (smile) It's not just me who you should be thanking, I couldn't have done it without everyone else.
They turn to everyone as they all smile as Y/n also smiled and said to everyone.
Y/n: (smile) Let's go home.
Toyo and Itsu return back to there masters temple and they through the throne room and bow down as Isao shakes in anger and asked in anger.
Isao: (anger) What happened?
Toyo: We fail to convince him to join back and also failed to kill him if her refuse.
Isao: (anger) UNCOMFORTABLE!
Isao slams his fist on his throne chair as he stands up and walks over to the two and stands over them as he said.
Isao: (anger) I give yous one order to do but yous fail me and disappoint me. I thought I train yous well but now I see yous are a piece of shit!
Itsu: Please forgive us ans let us redeem ourselves for you and-
Isao: (anger) SILENCE!
They were frightened as Isao walks back to his throne chair and sat back down as he calls out his guards as they walk up behind both Toyo and Itsu as Isao said.
Isao: Take them away for punishment, I bet that will show them that no one is weak in my clan.
Toyo and Itsu were dragged by the guards for there punishment as the doors closed and Isao was still mad by his sons refusing as he said to himself.
Isao: (anger) You have betrayed your own father Y/n L/n. The next time I see you'll be dead by my hands.
Y/n was helping Asuka clean up her house after the mess done by Toyo and Itsu and after they were done Y/n sat down on the couch and catch his breath.
Asuka: Catch.
Y/n catch a can of soda as Asuka got her own and she sat down next to Y/n as Y/n smirks a little and open the cap before saying.
Y/n: I see your a fan of Coca-Cola?
Asuka: Yeah it's nice when I'm not training.
Y/n: (smirk) Don't blame you.
Y/n takes a sip and so as Asuka and Asuka looks at Y/n's cheek and see a scar as she asked.
Asuka: Are you ok, you know when they beat you up?
Y/n: I'm fine, besides it's not the first time I've gotten beating up a lot of time in America and nothing is worse then this.
Asuka: I see.
Y/n: Sorry bad humour of mine.
Asuka: No it's not that I'm just worrying how your feeling of all this. Your father is starting a war and he is the leader of a evil shinobi clan. Are you gonna be OK with it?
There was a moment or silence in the room as Y/n looks at his drink and he take a sigh and saids.
Y/n: I'm in between. There's another side that I'm ok while the other side that I'm not ok with it, but I know I have you and everyone else will help me and no matter what, I will return the favour for accepting me to your team and helping me to deal with the things I've been through.
Asuka: (smile) Yeah and thanks for helping us around as well and we always support you and help you with your troubles because we're a family and we always look after each other.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right, thanks Asuka.
Asuka smiled but also blush a little when Y/n said that. Then Y/n yawned and see it was getting late.
Y/n: Guess I it's time for my leave, see you tomorrow Asuka.
Y/n stands up to leave but Asuka grabs Y/n's hand and Y/n turns to her and Asuka was blushing a little as she asked.
Asuka: (blush) You-You an sleep in my place if you like?
Y/n also blushes a little and wasn't sure but understanding why he accepted of offer. She was pleased and after of watching TV we see Y/n sleeping with Asuka in her bed as Asuka has already galling asleep and Y/n blushes a little because how close Asuka's breasts are and he did offer to sleep at the couch but Asuka refused and allowed Y/n to sleep at her bad with her.
Y/n looks at her and she cuddles Y/n while having a smile on her face. Y/n also smiles and rab his arms around her and cuddles her back and Y/n closes her eyes and closes is eyes as the two fast asleep for tomorrow morning.
To be continued.......
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