Chapter 4: Cheering up
Asuka and the Hanzo team arrived back to there base ane told Kiriya and he sigh and told them to sat down and he explains about Y/n.
Kiriya: You see Y/n is the son of a evil shikoku clan called teh demons claws.
Ikaruga: (shocked) He was?!
Katsuragi: And his father was the clan leader or something?
Kiriya: Thats right, he was born with his father and his mother and he was trained by his father to become a great shinobi assassin. However his mother wants Y/n to enjoy life and teach him the beauty of nature and life because she only wants to have a family but her husband refused instead he wants to contact his empire.
Hibari: So he only cares about his empire? Thats not right.
Yagyuu: But what happened when Y/n turn against his father?
Kiriya: His father news that his wife would turn against him so he planed to fouse his son to kill his own wife by making her as one of a slave and sended her to death without Y/n knowing. When Y/n refused his father do the work and when Y/n realise it was her mother he snapped and attack her father unril his clan was burned down with her father inside.
They were shocked about what happened to Y/n's mother but felt bad for Y/n what he has been through and why he didn't tell them.
Asuka: So what should we do?
Kiriya: I think the best thing is to give Y/n some time of his own and maybe he will rejoin us.
(Next day)
We see Y/n laying in his bed and feeling not like himself after what happened yesterday when he faced two of his fathers shinobis attack him and exposed Y/n in front of his friends.
Y/n place his feet onto the bed and place his hand onto his head and thinks of something.
Y/n: (thought) Crap, what should I do now that the hanzo team knows who I was? Maybe I should leave? No I have to find my father and stop him.....but i have to do this alone.
Y/n hear a door bell and Y/n wonders who it was so he stand up, exit out of his bedroom and walk over to the door and asked.
Y/n: Who is it?
Asuka: Its me, can I come in?
Y/n: (surprised) Asuka?
Y/n unlock the door and open it and see Asuka there while a smile.
Asuka: (smile) It's good to see you Y/n.
Y/n: Asuka. Wh-What are you doing here?
Asuka: I just want to come over and see how are you doing?
Y/n: But what about yesterday when......
Asuka: Y/n it doesn't matter your were a evio shinobi. As long your a fighting for justice and to protect others.
Y/n: You....really don't care about my past?
Asuka: We all have dark past but as long we are together we can over come it.
Y/n was surprised about how Asuka understand's and doesn't blame about his past and this cheer Y/n up a little and said.
Y/n: I...guess you maybe right. Thanks Asuka for trusing me.
Asuka: (smile) No problem now you go get changed while I wait for you ok?
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
(At Hanzo academy)
It was launch time and we see Y/n and his team sat around at a table ans talking and chatting to each other until Ikaruga turn to Y/n and asked.
Ikaruga: So I've heard from Homura team that you help them stop a mafia meeting without them seeing yous.
Y/n: Its kinda part of my training after I escaped my fathers clan. I have to stick into teh shadows in case my fathers men would go after me.
Katsuragi: (smirk) That sounds interesting, maybe you can teach me some tricks you have if you know what I mean (wink).
Yagyuu: So what are gonna do now your father has two powerful shinobis on his side?
Y/n: Well i need to get stronger and defeat them and then go after my father.
Asuka: Do you know where your father is?
Y/n: No clue but if he is still out there I must find him.
Hibari: Then we be with you.
Y/n: Are you sure. It could be dangerous.
Ikaruga: Don't worry as long we are together we are with you and we will confront your father and bring him to justice.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks you guys.
They eat there lunch and once lunch time was over they walk out to head to class but Y/n felt a tap on a shoulder and turn to see Katsuragi behind him and she asked.
Katsuragi: (smile) Hey maybe after school we thought we could go out to have some fun?
Y/n: Like a date?
Katsuragi: (smirk) You could say that, so your in?
Y/n: (thought) Well i got nothing else to do after school so....why not.
Y/n: (smile) Sure why not.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Sweet see you after school handsome.
Y/n: (smile) same here.
We see Y/n walking through the halls in the hanzo base just minding his business until he stop and hear a noise. Y/n slowly follow the noise and see its coming from at Ikaruga's private room.
Y/n just saw her training at the gym so he open the door and flip open the lights and was face to face with a male intruder wears all white with black hair.
???: Shit!
Y/n: So I'm gonna ask who you are?
???: It doesn't matter who I am fucker.
Y/n see he was holding a swim out of Ikaruga's box and he draw out his sword ans aim it at the guy.
Y/n: I would please ask you could put that sword down and get out buddy?
???: (smirk) Ha! Not a chance buddy, this sword doesn't belong to Ikaruga, it belongs to me!
Y/n: How do you know her name?
Teh mysterious man and Y/n give each othe glares and the guy was about to pull out his weapons when a trap door appeared below the man ans he fell into it.
Y/n turn and was surprised to see Ikaruga there with a lever next to her.
Y/n: Huh? Never knew you have that.
Ikaruga didn't respond as she run over and pick up the sword and set it back inside the box.
Y/n: You ok?
Ikaruga: I'm fine, sorry you have to meet him.
Y/n: Meet him? You knew him?
Ikaruga: Yes he is my step brother named Murasame.
Y/n: Huh I see and what was that sword he was trying to steal from you?
Ikaruga: This sword was given to my step dad when I was older enough. However my step brother doesn't believe that I'll have this swim so he'll try to steal for his own. But you managed to stop him beforw he would get away so thank you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Ikaruga, you help me with my problems and this is for return.
Ikaruga: (smile) Im glad, so you got any plans after school or tomorrow?
Y/n: Well me and Katsuragi are going around town just to have fun.
Ikaruga was kinda jealous that Katsuragi got to Y/n first but she said.
Ikaruga: Then maybe tomorrow you and I will head out to this location I've found during one mission.
Y/n: (smile) Sure I can't wait.
Ikaruga: (smile) Alright don't be late for tomorrow morning.
Y/n: (smile) Alright.
The two walk out of Ikaruga's room and do there trains before school was other.
(At the middle of town)
We see Y/n sat down and a fountain and looking down at his phone just checking some things when he hear Katsuragi's calling out for him and he look up and see her running up to him wearing a new clothes for this day.
Y/n: I see you got a new look.
Katsuragi: Yeah what do you think?
Y/n: I think its good. So where should you want to go first?
Katsuragi: Let's head to the clothing shops and try some new clothes.
Y/n: (smile) Alright lets go.
So they head into some clothes shops and looking around for a bit and try some on. Katsuragi was trying to make Y/n blush by dressing up in hot outfits like a high school swim suit, a police costume, a maid outfit and a P.E unform and Y/ did kinda blush a little and look away so he won't be like a creep but Katsuragi doesn't mind as she lick her lips and soon they buy some clothes they walk around a bit.
They walk pass a window and Katsuragi stop and turn to the window and look through it. Y/n see this and walk over to her.
Y/n: Whats up?
Katsuragi: Guess she doing it again.
Y/n: Who?
Y/n look through the window and see a girl laying on one of the beds fast asleep.
Y/n: Ummm is she ok?
Katsuragi: Don't worry she's always tired and love to sleep.
???: Seimei wake up!
Then Fuuma walk up to Seimei and try to shake her so she could wake up but it wasn't working. While that Katsuragi and Y/n enter the shop and walk up to them and Fuuma noticed them and turn to them.
Fuuma: Oh hey Katsuragi how it you?
Katsuragi: Good I see she's at it again.
Fuuma: Yeah its a nightmare. Who's that boy?
Y/n: (smile) Im Y/n L/n and I'm in team Hanzo. Its nice to meet you.
Fuuma: (surprised) Wait a male shinobi!
Katsuragi: (smirk) Yep and best one around our team.
Fuuma: (smile) That's very cool. We wish we have a sith member in our group.
Y/n: So is your friend always like this?
Fuuma: Yeah she's always likes to sleep and comfortable place to sleep and it dose take a while to get her up.
Y/n: Do you need some help?
Fuuma: Are you sure, I don't need to trouble yous.
Katsuragi: Don't worry its fine.
Fuuma: (smile) Well thanks.
Y/n was carrying the sleeping Seimei on his back while Katsuragi and Fuuma were ahead of them just talking.
Y/n: (thought) Just hope no one will find this weird of a guy carrying an unconscious girl on my back?
Seimei: Mmmmm.
Y/n: You ok?
Seimei: (smile) Your so warm, i like it.
Y/n: (blush) Um thanks.
She then gone back to sleep and Fuuma turn to Y/n and asked.
Fuuma: So how is ut being a sith member of the hanzo team?
Y/n: Its pretty good. At first I was surprised to see female shinobis there but if you get used to them they are like a family to me.
Fuuma: Right and your help Homura's team on a job?
Y/n: Sure if a shinobi needs help, I'll be there.
Fuuma: Well maybe you can and visit my team at my school if you have free time.
Y/n: (smile) Sure I'll like to see your team there.
Fuuma: (thought) Woah he's actually soo cute and handsome.
Katsuragi: Hey we here.
They stop at Fuuma and Seimei's school and Fuuma carrys the sleeping Seimei inside while saying goodbye to them. They wave at them and after that they walk around town for a bite getting some stuff until it was dark time.
Y/n open his door and unlocked it and Katsuragi said with a smile.
Katsuragi: (smile) That was a great time. I hope we will do it next time.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah me too and this actually cheered me up a bit.
Katsuragi: Yeah ne matter what your still a handsome guy in my eyes.
Y/n: (blush) Thanks Katsuragi it mean a lot.
Katsuragi smirk and without word, lend in and kiss Y/n on a cheek and Y/n face turn red in blush and Katsuragi giggled to Y/n response.
Katsuragi: (smile) There's more that will come from. See you later.
Katsuragi turn and leave whike Y/n watch her leave ans still blushing a little ane close the door and enter his living. But then he noticed something on a table ans walk over to it and pick it up and see it was letter from Yumi.
Y/n was surprised because he haven't seen her ever since that shop from before. He open and letter and read through it and see its an invite to her school.
Y/n: (thought) Why would Yumi wants to come to her school? Is it important?
Y/n check at the date and see it was in tomorrow.
Y/n: (thought) Damn that's when I head out with Ikaruga to this place. Maybe I'll be there a bite late beside it said tomorrow after noon so it qould be fine.
Y/n place down and letter and make his dinner and once that he enter his bedroom and gose to sleep.
We see Toyo and Itsu walking up a huge halls and see Isao sat on his throne room with a black scar on his face and the two shinobis bow in front of him ans Isao asked.
Isao: What happened?
Toyo: We managed to defeat him but his friends came so we have no choice to escape.
Itsu: Which is a stupid thing if I must say my lord.
Isao breaths in and out and stare at the two and said.
Isao: My son will begin his training to try to take yous down.
Toyo: You want us to take him out whike he is training?
Isao: No actually i have a better idea. We will capture one of his friends and we focus Y/n to come back or else one of his friends will die.
Itsu: Sounds like a great idea my lord.
Isao: I know. Now go and do your mission.
They nod ans walk out of the room as Isao sat down and said to himself.
Isao: You have betray me and burn down your clan. Now you will suffer as your friends will burn and same way as you have done it to me.
To be continue........
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