Chapter 32: The rock star bangs bodyguard (Lemon)
At a freeway we see the Arc Angels own bus driving through the freeway and inside we see the Arc angels practicing their son for their concert.
The only audience was Y/n who is sitting and listenng to their song and after they were done he claps for an amazing song.
Y/n: (smile) That was some hit girls.
Katrasu: (smile) Thanks. We have been working on this song for a while.
Y/n: (smile) Still the fans are gonna love it.
Tsubaki: (smile) Yeah! We also want to thank you for coming with us as a bodyguard.
Y/n: Yeah speaking of that why do you girls need a bodyguard? Can you girls not handle things your own?
Tsubaki: Yeah but the last show we had didn't go well. We figure we have someone make show no one will not ruoj this show. I hope you don't mind?
Y/n: (smile) Nah I'm all good. Besides feels good to be in here. You girls have nice transportation. Mist be good to be rock stars.
Tachibana: (smirk) You know it! But wait till we get to the concert. Trust me, it will be amazing. It's even near a conversation so we can go there before the show will start.
Ukyou: Though we have to wear soke disguise so we won't be recognise.
Sakyou: Agree.
Tachibana: (smirk) Well good thing we brought some new clothes.
Theh Tachiban pushes a button and the closest door open to reveals lots of clothes for them to wear. Y/n looks in and is a bit surprised.
Y/n: (surprised) That is a lot.
Tachinban: (smirk) Yep. There is also good ones if we want to have some "fun" with you. But we may do that after the show but for now, let's enjoy the rest of the trip.
They cheered and they enjoy the rest od the trip. Tachiban is at the bedroom playing with her drums, Tsubaki scrolling through her laptop and looking at new guitars, Karasu is checking their equipment and Ukyou and Sakyou cuddle with Y/n on the couch as the two took a nap while Y/n watch some TV as they relax for the rest of the trip.
(Sometime later)
They arrive at Kobe and while the show is getting set up, we see Y/n and the disguise arc angels make their way through the city and soon find the conversation.
When they walked in it looked really good with games, good food and a small market place. They walk through and seeing all the stuff they are selling.
Tachibana: Man this place is kinda boring.
Y/n: I don't know. They sale some good stuff. Oh, look at this!
He walks over to one stall filled with action figures and picks up a transformers toy of Drift and shows it to the girls.
Karasu: Isn't that one of those transformers toys?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and I like this character, Drift.
Karasu: Huh, we didn't know you like them?
Y/n: (smile) I recently got the IDW comic book and I love Drift. He was a former Decepticon soon turn Autobot, he's also a badass sword man.
Ukyou: Oh I see why. Cause you and Drift share a similar past life.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
He buys the figure and they kept looking around. After buying a few things they have their lunch at a food court and they all sat together and have their meal.
Tsubaki: (smile) This is really good.
Tachibana: (smile) Yeah. Good thing this fast food place isn't as bad as the one in Nara.
Y/n: Was that place bad?
Tachibana: Yeah. Trust me I thought I was eating a sock.
Ukyou: (giggle) Might have.
Tachibana: Oh shut up! Say Y/n you travel a lot before right? Any awful fast foods you've ate?
Y/n: I don't eat to much fast food while travelling. Although there was this one hotel at the UK and that hotel's food was terrible. The rooms were great as well as the rooms serves, although the ladies just wants to be in the room with me, but the food was terrible. It was a good thing there was a small garage so I can get some food before I left.
Tachibana: Yeah hotels as well as restaurants is like a gamble. You don't know what you will get.
Sakyou: Yeah unless you look at the reviews online.
Tachibana: Come on! Can you really trust them?! That's how some business that are good close down.
Y/n: That is true. Welp, you think we should get to the show before it start?
Tachibana: Yeah. Okay girls, exploring is over, time to start the show!
Arc angels: Yeah!
There was a crowd of people around the stage as we then cut to Y/n at back making sure everything is ready to go. Once he sees that everything is clear he signals to the Arc angels with a thumps up.
They all thumps up with a wink and then the curtains open and the crowd cheered after seeinging them. Then the Arc angels begins to play which the crowd cheered even more.
Y/n watch this at back stage until he heard some noises so he heads over to investigate. At the bus we see three teens broke in and are seen looking around with amazement.
They were clearly Arc Angel fans as they open draws, touch their equipment until one enter to their bedroom and one opens some drawers and is amazed to see their underwear.
Teen fan: Hey! Check this out!
They rush in and sees what their friend is seeing.
Teen fan 2: We hit the jackpot boys!
Teen fan 3: This is going to change our lives forever.
Y/n: Sup guys?
They quickly turn around and their faces turn scare when they see Y/n standing at the door with his sword in hand as he looks at them.
He grip his sword which scared them and they immediately ran out of the bus and took off running. Y/n pokes out of the bus as he let's out a chuckle then shut the door and lock it.
Y/n: (chuckle) Shame they didn't put up a fight. Oh well.
He returns back stage to see how the show is going and it seems nothing bad happen and soon the show ended and the crowd let's out loud cheers while the Arc angels bow as the curtain soon then closes.
Once close they all high fived then Y/h came over and he high five them.
Y/n: (smile) Well done! The fans sure love it.
Tachibana: You know it! We nail that concert!
Tsubaki: Anything happen while we were on stage?
Y/n: Some teens broke into the bus but I handle it.
Tachibana: You kidding me! If they broke something then I will find them and kill them.
Ukyou: (smile) It's a good thing you were here to stop them. Where are they now?
Y/n: Just scare them off. I don't think they will never do that ever again.
Tachibana: (smirk) Well we thank you for that.
Then Tachibana came in and kiss Y/n which he kiss her back. Other girls take turns and once done they hear out to sign some autographs before they head home.
(Lemon start)
We see the Arc Angels bus travelling through the freeway through night. We then hear some moans coming from the bedroom and then we see the Arc angels and Y/n completely naked and on bed as Ukyou and Sakyou kissing both of his cheeks while Tachibana, Karasu and Tsubaki were licking his dick.
Y/n wrap his arms around both Ukyou and Sakyou while also grabbing each od their breast ans squeezing them which they will out moans of pleasure.
Then Karasu takes over by sucking his dick. Tachibana and Tsubaki crawl over to Y/n and they each take down making out with Y/n. Tachibana goes first as the two made out for a bit then Tsubaki takes over and the two made out.
Then all three begin to make out and soon the rest od the girls joins in. Tachibana and Karasu made out near the age of the bed with their heads out as they let out moans od pleasure.
Tsubaki and Ukyou lend against the wall and also made out. Then Tsubaki bend down and begins to lick her pussy while Ukyou let's out moans of pleasure.
Y/n insert his dick into Sakyou in her butt and begins thrusting his dick in and out. This made Saykou let out moans of pleasure.
Tachibana and Karasu soon stop making out and then Tachibana begin sucking her breast which she let's out a moan.
Then we see Tsubaki and Y/n on the bed with Tsubaki sitting on his lap as the two made out while Y/n grabs her ass. Tachibana then came up behind him and begin kissing his neck.
All awhile we see Karasu having a threesome with Ukyou and Sakyou as they insert their fingers into each other while they group kissed.
They let out moans of pleasure and soon Y/n has set with each member of the Arc angels. One by one he does them and each one let's out moans of pleasure and soon all the Arc angels felt pleasured and all gather in bed together.
(Lemon end)
Y/n cuddles with the Arc angels which they cuddle him with smiles on their faces as Tachibana was the first to spoke.
Tachibana: This has been the best night we have ever have.
Karasu: (smile) You know it girl. Thanks for coming along Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem girls. If you needed a bodyguard, you call me.
They all giggle then they kiss Y/n. After that they soon fall asleep as they slept for the rest of the trip.
We see the three teens from before arriving home taking their deep breaths and were glad they were safe.
Teen fan 1: Man! That dude was scary! Could that be their bodyguard?
Teen fan 2: Maybe! But glad we got away.
Teen fan 3: Well we didn't came out empty handed.
Then he reveal one underwear he managed to get which the rest are glad. But then the Teen slipped and the underwear was thrown out of the window and blow away.
The two of them were dumbfounded then glare at theie friend and begins to beat him up while the underwear flies away, never to be seen again by the pervert teen fans again.
To be continued........................................................
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