Chapter 3: The shadows of the Craw Claws
In the bright city we see a Yumi walking through town and doing some shopping for her team. She look around each store and found one were she looking for. She enter inside and get some stuff from the store.
Soon she is at a fruit section were she was getting some apples and she see they are fresh.
Yumi: (smile) Good these will do.
She puts them into her basket and continue on to another section. But then she slip on some wet water and she was about to fall when someone caught her from behind and this person said.
???: That was close, you Ok?
She turn and see its Y/n also at the store as well. Y/n sat her up and she nods.
Yumi: Yeah thank you sire.
Y/n: You must be Yumi from Gessen Girl's academy right?
Yumi: Yes how did you know?
Y/n: Oh Asuka tolled me about you and your team.
Yumi: (shocked) Wait she told a civilian about us being a shinobi?
Y/n: Well I'm not a civilian, I'm actually a shinobi as well from Hanzo academy.
Yumi: (surprised) What that's impossible.
Y/n: (smirk) I knew you be surprised.
Yumi: So what are you doi here?
Y/n: I was here to get some food for my apartment when I see you walk in, how convinced.
Yumi: Yeah it dose.
Y/n: So your here shopping as well?
Yumi: Yeah I'm just need to get some things for my team.
Y/n: You seem very responsible as a teen.
Yumi: I want to be a shinobi that will fight for truth and justice and never ruined the name of it.
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad of that maybe we can see each other again.
Yumi: (smile) Yeah sure it's nice meeting you.
Y/n: (smile) Take care.
Y/n walks away while Yumi peek over and watch him leave while her heart skipped a beat a little.
Yumi: (thought) Why do I have this feeling? Come on Yumi focus.
Y/n exit out of the store with two bags on both of his hand and walk his way back home. On the way he hear someone calling out of him.
Homura: (Distance) Hey Y/n!
Y/n turn and see Homura walk up to him.
Y/n: Homura nice seeing you again after the last time we met.
Homura: Yeah sorry about that but hey my group wants to meet you at our place.
Y/n: How come?
Homura: Well I tolled them what happened yesterday night and at first they didn't believe me and I said I'll bring him to them and that way I can proof you to them.
Y/n: Hmm I understand why they don't believe you, theres no way a male shinobi join a full on team.
Homura: Well you wanna proof them wrong?
Y/n: Sure just let me get these foods in my apartment and I'll meet you there.
Homura: Alright well here is our address and I'll see you there kid.
Homura written there address and hand it to Y/n and then she wave at Y/n and then left. Y/n puts the address in his pocket and walks back to his apartment to place the food there and then head to Homura's team house.
Y/n open his door and walks on inside and sets his shopping bags onto the kitchen table.
Asuka: Hey Y/n.
Y/n turn around and see Asuka at the door.
Asuka: (smile) I gest I came here just in time.
Y/n: Yeah I gest so. Come in the place isn't gonna explod.
Asuka giggled of the joke and walk inside while Y/n was setting the food into his cupboard and Fridge while Asuka looks around and ee Y/n's apartment was amazing.
Asuka: You'll place looks beautiful.
Y/n: Its not much but thanks.
Asuka: So what are you up to?
Y/n: Well I'm gonna see Homura and her team at her place.
Asuka: Oh her.
Y/n: She's not that bad.
Asuka: Yeah but that's because they are nice to you. Before you came we were rivals since we first met.
Y/n: How did yous met?
Asuka: Well it was when I came back to Japan and return to my friends. Homura and her team attack us in order to pleased there master. But it turns out he just wants the ancient scrolls so he can rule the world. However we defeated him with help of Homura and her team.
Y/n: And then there academy was destroyed.
Asuka: Yeah and Master Suzsune sacrifice herself to save us with that crucial shinobi master with her into the fire.
Y/n: I see, I'm sorry for your lost.
Asuka: That's ok and since then Homura group and ours are rivals and that's why we keep on fighting each other.
Y/n: Sometimes we have to forget about the past and look on to the future. Homura and her group may did bad things but they are making things right for there mistakes.
Asuka: I gest your right. Well I'll see you later Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) You too and take care.
Asuka left Y/n's apartment room and Y/n set the last food into the fridge and sigh of relief and lend back onto a counter. He then remember what he said to Asuka and thinks you himself.
Y/n: (thought) But they are making things right for there mistakes. Just like me.
Y/n arrives at the location were Homura's team is living and it's a good home in a neighbourhood and Y/n walk into the front door and know the door twice before he heard foot steps coming towards the door and the door open to revealed a short green her women wearing a black shirt and brown shorts as she stare at Y/n for a bit and asked.
???: Who are you?
Y/n: I'm invited to see yous by Homura?
???: Why would she bring you here?
Y/n: Well she dose want proof of a male shinning join an all girls team and here I am.
Y/n: (thought) Seems like this girl doesn't have any emotions at all.
Then Homura came over and peek over and see Y/n and push the short green hair girl away a bit and sais.
Homura: (smile) I see your here.
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
Homura: Well to start this is Hikage and she doesn't have emotions but she is a deadly group to our team.
Y/n: (smirk) You dont say.
Y/n turn to Hikage and try to make silly faces to see if she can smile laugh but it wasn't doing nothing.
Y/n: Your not kidding, she's has no emotions but I won't give up.
Hikage: Yeah right.
Homura: Anyways come in and I'll show you up the rest of the group.
Homura let's Y/n in and they enter the living room were they see one long short hair blonde girl sitting on the couch and doing her nails while Y/n see a little girl with long black hair and long blonde hair girl playing a board game at the table.
Homura: On the couch we have Haruka pur leader and the two over there are Mirai and Yomi.
Y/n: This place is nice. Nicer then my apartment.
Haruka look over and asked Homura.
Haruka: Who's this cutie Homura?
Homura: Well get ready to be proofing wrong because this is Y/n and he's a new member to Asuka and her team.
Haruka, Yomi and Mirai were shocked and they stare at Y/n as he smiled and waved at everyone.
Y/n: (smile) Hello there.
Mirai: There's no way the Hanzo team have a male in there team?
Y/n walk over to the table and draw out his Hanzo shinobi ID card and set it on a table and they look at it.
Y/n: (smirk) As you can see, Homura was telling the truth.
Yomi: Oh may he's right.
Mirai: (shocked) No way?!
Haruka: This is interesting. I hot and cute boy join the Hanzo team. You must of gotten a lot of attention to the girls there.
Y/n: Yeah in the beginning but they've gotten used to it by now.
Haruka: (smirk) Still you are handsome to be a shinobi. Tell me, how strong are you?
Y/n: Well I've taking down a drug gang by myself and even one time gotten captured but I've sneak my way out without anyone knowing.
Yomi: Woah you are a skidded shinobi.
Mirai: I bet the alarms go off when you escaped.
Y/n: Yeah I lied, they did find out I escaped but I was long gone before they could ever find me.
Haruka: Well let's test out those skills in real life.
Y/n: What are you thinking?
Haruka: I've gotten word of a mafia boss heading to a meeting at the warehouse at midnight tonight and I'll think we bring you along for this job.
Y/n: Do yous get paid for taking out criminals?
Haruka: We're work for some people that will give us money in order to keep teh streets cleaned.
Y/n: Is this a capture job?
Haruka: Yep.
Y/n: Then sure I'm in but I don't accept killing jobs Ok.
Haruka: Of course handsome, now let's get into planning.
Yomi nods and puts away the board game and set a map of the warehouse on teh table and everyone came up and Y/n looks at the map.
Y/n: Where did you get this?
Haruka: Our client give us a copy of blueprints of the warehouse so we can plan our attack.
Y/n: I see.
Homura: There is a lot of cover and many dark parts so we just need to stick into the shadows and take out of the guards one by one.
Yomi: The guards will have guns and be ready for anything.
Homura: Yeah and even shinobis as well.
Y/n: Soo let's take out there light.
Haruka: You've got a plan?
Y/n: Yeah I've done this before and it simple. The only way to attack the enemy is fear because if they are scared, then they can't think straight and they panic.
Mirai: So what's your plan?
Y/n: We cut out there lights to the entrance to the back of the hall. There if the guards enter the darkness they be taking out and we don't silence them, we let them scream before we knock them out. Once they hear that they start to get scared and soon they get into the back of the warehouse, they panic and there leader will try to escape from the back door and that's when we strike and capture him.
Homura: Would that beat the purpose of being stealthy?
Y/n: (smirk) It is stealthy if they can't see you. We slip up into teams, Hikage, Mirai and I'll be on the ground and take out the guards while Homura, Yomi and Haruka will be above us and taking out of the lights. Once that we captured this guy and yous get paid.
Homura: (smirk) That sound a good idea.
Haruka: Yeah I'm impressed.
Yomi: (smile) You are very smart.
Y/n: (Smirk) Well that's what I am.
Hikage: So we got a plan?
Y/n: Yep let's get started girls.
(Late at night)
We look over at a warehouse were inside we see guards patrolling the area while the mafia boss was talking to his assist's about some business. The guards look around containers and checking that the area is cleared. But they fail to noticed movement above them were Homura, Yomi and Haruka are at and they were ready.
Homura see Y/n, Miria and Hikage in possession and Y/n look up at Homura and nods and Homura nods back and Homura and her team pull out there ninja stars and throw them at the lights and taking them out.
The guards in the dark were surrounded that the lights were done but then they were quickly taking out by Y/n and his team and one yell out through the warehouse and alerted the mafia boss and the rest the guards.
Y/n and his team hide the uncertainty bodys and move up to the next section were Homura and her team throw more ninja stars at the lights and taking them out and the same will be met to the guards who step into the darkness.
The mafia boss and his assist's see the lights were going out and its heading towards them and with fear they run to the back as the guards followed them but some turn back and open fire there weapons but ninja stars came out of the darkness and enter the barrel of the gun and the guns exploded one the guards pull the trigger and they met the same fate as the rest.
The mafia boss and his assist's try to escape from the light outs but one by one the mafia's assist's were not fast enough as they enter the darkness and they were also taken out followed by the screams.
Soon the mafia boss was the last one left and he arrived at the back of the warehouse and slam his hands to a wall and turn to see the darkness coming towards him. The mafia boss look around and see a exit and so he run towards teh exit and managed to get out just in time.
The mafia boss sigh of relief once he was outside ans took out his phone to call for help but then a ninja star came out from behind and destroy the mafia boss phone out of his hand and the mafia boss turn around ans see Y/n wearing his shinobi outfit ans mask ans he walks towards the mafia boss ans we try to run but Homura and her group block his way and the mafia boss turn around and see Y/n right in front of his face ans Y/n said.
Y/n: Go to sleep.
Then Y/n punch the mafia boss in the face ans the mafia boss fell on the ground knocked out.
Homura: Huh that was easy.
Haruka: Yeah and fun as well.
Yomi: We did it as quickly and stealthy Thanks to Y/n.
Y/n: I may not be your 6th member but when ever you need help. You'll contact me.
Homura: We will, thanks for the help and maybe I treat you out someday.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, well catch you girls later.
Y/n throw a smoke bomb ans he disappeared.
Haruka: You weren't kidding about him. He is special.
Yomi: Yeah and cute.
Mirai: (blush) Yeah I-I think he's cute as well.
Hikage: Let's take this dirtbag to our client.
Homura: Right lets go girls.
(Next day)
Y/n was walking at the halls of Hanzo academy and he was heading to his class when Ikaruga and Asuka call out to Y/n.
Asuka: (distance) Y/n we have a problem.
Y/n turn they rush up to Y/n and Y/n asked.
Y/n: What's wrong?
Ikaruga: We believe someone is going after you.
Y/n: (smirk) Of course who is it? I have a lot of enemies in the past.
Asuka: Here this was hanged at you locker.
Asuka hands Y/n and letter and he opens ot ans it said.
Y/n meet us at the lake and be there, or else.
(Note ends)
Y/n looks at the bottom left hand corner of the paper and his eyes wide open and see that same tattoo mark that he head on his chest.
Y/n: (anger) No....not him. Why?
Ikaruga: Y/n?
Asuka: You Ok?
Y/n crumble the note into a ball and throws it to a nearby bin which it hose in and said to Asuka ans Ikaruga.
Y/n: This is my thing so don't try to help.
Asuka: Wait you can't go after them alone.
Ikaruga: We can come with you, just let us-
Y/n: NO!
They step back a bit ans Y/n said as he shake his fist in anger.
Y/n: (anger) This is my thing....not yours.
Then Y/n walks away while Ikaruga and Asuka watch him go.
Y/n arrives at the lake with his shinobi outfit on with his mask on his head and he looks around for anyone and shouted.
Y/n: I'm here! Show yourselves!
Then Y/n heard a bushes rushing ans Y/n turn ans ninja stars came out foe the bushes but Y/n took out his sword and block the surprised attack and then shouted once more.
Y/n: Noce try. Now come out!
Then two Ninja's exit out of the forest and they stare at Y/n and Y/n know them.
Y/n: Itsu and Toyo, I thought you died with your master?
Toyo: We survived along with your father.
Y/n: (anger) He's not my father and he will never be my father!
Toyo: That will all change soon enough.
Y/n: Why are yous here?
Itsu: We are here for you, your father wants you back at once.
Y/n: I'll wathee die then being back with my father.
Toyo: If you won come quietly then we have to use force.
They draw out there ninja weapons and Y/n smirks and pull out two swords on his back and said.
Y/n: I'll like to see yous try.
The two shinobi's stare at Y/n as they got into a battle stand and Y/n was waiting for one of them to strike first. Then Itsu fash towards Y/n and swing his sword back but Y/n blocks it with his blade and Toyo jump into the air and try to strike Y/n from above but Y/n blocks that blade and the three get into a blade lock until Y/n jump back and so as the two shinobi's as they throw ninja stars at Y/n but Y/n block the incoming ninja stars with his sword and Y/n throws a smoke bomb at them and the bombs exploded making a smoke so this give Y/n a chance to strike.
Y/n circle around ans try to confuse them ans he was about to strike at them bit then Y/n was punched in the face and was sent flying back ans Y/n landed his his knees but he stumbled back and look up and see that the smoke was cleared ans they turn to Y/n and Y/n asked.
Y/n: I see my father teach yous how to see throw smoke?
Toyo: He teach us a lost of things that your missing out.
Y/n: Well I dont need his training or him!
Y/n pull out a grapple gun and fired a grabble that went passed the two and stuck onto the water and then the ground. Y/n retracted the grapple and Y/n heads towards them and Y/n kicks Toyo and he stumbled back.
Itsu try to swing at him with his sword but Y/n jump over Itsu and took out his taser Knuckle ans tasered Itsu at his back as he scream a little before he elbows Y/n and Y/n stumbled back but he charge at Itsu and try to strike at Itsu once more but Itsu dodge all of Y/n blows ans Toyo rush up to Y/n and throw ninja stars at Y/n.
Y/n see this and jump back and dodge most of the ninja stars but a few script into Y/n's clothes and cut a bit his skin. Y/n landing on his feet ans could feel the blood dripping down through his arm as he stood ans Toyo rush ove the the two clash blades at one or all as they fight while Itsu watch them go.
Toyo: You betray your father but he will forgive you if you return to him.
Y/n: (anger) I'll never come back to him!
Toyo: Then escaped your punishment.
Then Toyo disappeared and Y/n gets quick slashes around him at Y/n scream out in pain and as his ninja outfit was tearing apart with many cuts. Then Toyo appeared right in front of Y/n and spon kicked Y/n in the chin costing Y/n's mask to come off and Y/n flip backwards ans splash into the water.
Toyo lane on his feet and turn to see Y/n slowly standing up ans at the same time Asuka ans her team arrived at the lake and see Y/n was hurt.
Asuka: Y/n!
Y/n turn ans see them and slowly stood up ans said.
Y/n: You (coughing) Shouldn't have come.
Then Toyo tus up ans grab Y/n by the neck and lifted him up.
Ikaruga: Let our friend go!
Toyo: So these are you team Huh? Have you tell them?
Katsuragi: Tell us?
Yagyuu: Tell us about what?
Toyo: If you must know.
Y/n was let go and Y/n landed on his feet ans Toyo took out his sword ans sliced Y/n's ninja outfit off and his chest was shown ans even his tattoos and Asuka and the rest were worried but they noticed a tattoo on Y/n's chest and Toyo said.
Toyo: Y/n L/n is the son of Isao L/n and a member to our evil ninja clan called the demons claws.
Asuka ans the rest were shocked ans Y/n shake his fist in anger ans he scream out into the air and he grab his sword ans start swing it at Toyo but Toyo was dodging Y/n's swings while Y/n yells out in anger.
Then Toyo grab Y/n's blade and Toyo kicks Y/n back and Y/n stumbled backwards ans fell onto his butt and Toyo look at Y/n and see anger in him and he turn ans said.
Toyo: We'll leaving.
Itsu: Are you crazy?
Toyo: He'll wather die then coming back to us. We need to find another way he could join us once again.
Itsu: Right.
Toyo: Let's go.
Toyo throw a smoke bomb and the two discovered. Y/n stood up and turn to Asuka and everyone else ans they were surprised yo what they heard. Tears start to appear on Y/n's eyes ans Asuka said.
Asuka: Y/n are you-
Then Y/n throws a smoke bomb and his disappeared as well.
Asuka: Y/n wait!
Ikaruga: What are the demons claws?
Katsuragi: Who ever they are, they said Y/n was one of them.
Hibari: But there is no way he could have been right?
Asuka: Hibari is right. Y/n is a very nice guy and there is no way he could have been one of them. Let's asked Kiriya and maybe he will tell us more about Y/n's past.
They nod and they walk back to Hanzo academy to asked Kiriya more about Y/n ans if it's true that Y/n was one of them and if so....what happened?
To be continue.....
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