Chapter 29 The Shinobi Hunt (Arc 5 final)

His ears keep ringing as he slowly opens his eyes. Everything was a blurr as he slowly gets up and let out some coughs as he finally sees fire around him and parts fallen apart.

He gets up and realised he was injured when there was a explosion. He groan a little as he hold his arm and walks through the destruction.

Y/n: Yumi? Imu? Girls? Where are you? Hello!

Suddenly a robot came out and marches towards Y/n but it collapses and goes offline. Another explosion happens behind him as he realised the base is about to blow up.

He stumble his way to the exit and once out of the room he runs through the hallway seeing that everything is on fire and there was no one around except for the dead crops.

He keeps running trying to find his escape but everywhere he turn he gets blocked. He keeps running until he opens a door and looks across and sees a hatch with a ladder.

He make his way over and was about to climb up when suddenly he was shot in the chest which cost him to collapse.

He turn to see Oki badly injured but alive as he point his gun at Y/n as he walks towards him. Y/n was about to pull out his ninja star when Oki shot him once more.

He let's out a yell as he stomp his foot onto his stomach and points his pistol at his head. The two stare at each other as Oki tells Y/n.

Oki: You ruin my plan Y/n, but at least we will both die here together.

Y/n: I don't think so.

Immediately he stabbed Oki on the leg, costing him to yell and stumble back as he begins firing his pistol at him but he rolled out of the way as bullets nearly hit him.

Soon Oki ran out of ammo and was about to reload when Y/n gets up and tackle him, costing him drop his pistol. The two begin to fight each other as Y/n have him pinned and keeps punching him in the face but Oki knee him in the nuts and then headbutted him.

He pushes him off as he roll away. Oki walks over and kicked him a few times but the fifth time Y/n grab his leg and tripped him down.

This give Y/n a time to get up. He gets up and so does Oki as he looks over to his pistol so he quickly rushes over but Y/n throws a ninja star and knocks his weapon away while Y/n rushes at him and punched him in the face.

Oki wipe some blood off of his lip and the two begin to land blows at each other. While they fight the whole place falls apart as Oki pushed him against the wall and then he grabbed him by the neck and begins to choke him.

Y/n begins to lose breath but he punched him in the waist a few times which cost him to let him go. He catches his breath but then Oki kicked him in the face which he slammed into the ground.

Oki take some heavy breaths as he turn to his pistol and walks over and then pick it up.

Oki: Your father was a fool to not end your life. I've always told him that if his son will turn on him then that will be it. He didn't believe me but look how that happen. Dead by your hands.

He walks over to Y/n with a evil smile as he point his pistol at his head once more.

Oki: (evil smile) But I'll be sure you'll meet your father.....again.

Y/n use every strength he has and then tackle him. Shots goes off as Oki tries to shoot him but Y/n move the gun away from him as the two struggled and then Y/n slammed him a few times and then tossed him across the room.

He slammed against the wall however Oki wasn't gonna gave up as he slowly gets up and draw his pistol at him. Y/n looks down and noticed a ninja star as he looks up at Oki as he then fired his pistol.

However Y/n quickly dodges it and quickly picked up his ninja star and throws it which stabbed into Oki's arm. He try to get himself free but there was no use.

Seeing Oki defeat he turn to the ladder and begins his climb.

Oki: Wait! You can't leave me here?!

Y/n turn to Oki and stare at him for a moment and then he begins climbing up. Oki yells at him while he try to escape but soon the room gets consumed by flames and he yells as he burns.

Y/n keeps climbing and soon reaches a hatch. He tries to open but it was stuck. He begins hitting on it trying to get anyone to help him but nothing. He thinks this was it when suddenly the hatch door rips open and he was pulled out as Daiduji pulled him out.

Daiduji: (smirk) I knew your alive!

Y/n: Daiduji!

Yumi: Not just her.

Then Yumi, Imu, Haruka and Murasaki rush over to see Y/n alive.

Yumi: After the room exploded we weren't sure you we're okay but we couldn't get to you.

Y/n: That's okay. What about everyone else?

Haruka: They all got out but we need to get out of here now.

Y/n: Right let's go!

They make their escape. They soon escape from the area but they kept running until they heard a large explosion behind them. They turn back and see the bunker blow up with Oki and everything within it.

At first they were relieved but then they felt a rumble and they see an avalanche coming down. They quickly make their escape as they ran through the trees.

Imu: How do we escape an avalanche?!

Y/n: I don't know! Keep running!

Murasaki: I knew i shouldn't go out!

Yumi: Look!

They look up and sees an helicopter as it flies the end of the mountain and once close to the ground Scott opens the door and waves them all.

Scott: Come on!

They race to the helicopter with the avalanche tailing behind them. They keep running until they jump inside, once inside the helicopter flies away just as the avalanche nearly hits them but they were safe.

They all breath a sigh of relief as they sat down and take a break as the helicopter takes them back home.


All the shinobi girls were we're mind controlled are safely back home. Yumi, Haruka, Imu and Murasaki all return to their teams after they were clear to go.

We see Y/n with bandages and patches on his body as he stood on the roof with Scott as the two shake hands.

Scott: That was a dangerous mission but I'm glad we took down Oki and stop his plan.

Y/n: Yeah, sorry i couldn't save one of your agent.

Scott: That's alright he knows the risk. Just as long the world is safe then he'll die happily knowing he did his job.

Y/n: So now what? You uo back to America?

Scott: Yep. There are other jobs this agents needs to do. But hey, if you have any problems what so ever, you can call me.

Y/n: Understood.

Scott climbs onto the helicopter and once on bored and wave to Y/n goodbye as the helicopter takes off and he flies away. Y/n watches him fly off when he heard a familiar voice.

???: You did well Y/n.

He turn to see Kiriya as he walks over to him.

Y/n: Hey. Doing okay?

Kiriya: Indeed. This isn't the first time I was injured.

Y/n: Guess so.

Kiriya: All the shinobis are back to normal and safe all thanks to you.

Y/n: Yep, probably next time I'll stay here and train rather than going out only for bad would happen.

Kiriya: (light chuckle) Can't blame you. 

Y/n: Well I'm gonna take my leave, I may not be back to school for a month.

Kiriya: Well your lucky because the Hanzo team is also having a month off.

Y/n: Cool. See ya.

He then turns and heads off home while Kiriya smiles and then he leaves.


He arrive home with a sigh of relief only to sees Suzune at the kitchen with only an apron around her as she turn to see Y/n and says.

Suzune: (smile) Welcome home.

Y/n: Hey Suzune. You look alright.

Suzune: (smile) Same to you.

Y/n: So um....why are they here?

Suzune: Oh we decided to stay here with you.

Y/n: We?

???: Hell yeah!

Then Daiduji came out wearing casual clothing as she tells Y/n.

Daiduji: We decided to stay here with you cause all the things you have been you. And perhaps see who'll be a better wife to you.

Y/n: A what now?

Suzune: Which is obviously be me. I can make foods so delicious he may wanted me to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Daiduji: (smirk) Is that all? I can give him what any men would want! Anything he says, I will obey!

Suzune: Don't be a fool. He knows that I'm a better person to be his wife unlike you.

Daiduji: Is that so huh?

Suzune: Indeed.

The two shoot out lighting bolts at each other while Y/n has no idea what to do here.

???: Hey we're more fit as his wife's!

Then he turn to see Hanzo team, Homura's team, Gesswn Squad, Team Hobijo and every singal shinobi teams arrive at his front door and wishing to be the best wife's.

Y/n is just completely stunned by this as the girls begin to argue while Y/n froze there while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) I just came home just to enjoy a peaceful night. Since when did this night became chaotic?

However he is just glad everyone is okay as he smiles knowing that Oki is gone for good and the world is safe and everything has gone back to normal.

To be continued...........................................................

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