Chapter 26: The Shinobi hunt (Arc 2)
In the forest we see the brainwashed Yomi, Homura, Muramasa, Hijata, Ashiya and the arc angels searching round and hunting for Y/n and the rest. They leap tree to tree as they check everywhere and searching everywhere.
All awhile we see Y/n larking into the darkness and watches them looking around as he quickly hide when one turn to where he was. There was a intense moment as Y/n hold still as best he can and try his best not to move or do anything dumb.
He soon hears movement away from him as he peaks out and sees that they are gone. He breaths a sigh of relief as he sat back down all awhile Yumi, Imu, Haruka and Murasaki are with him as they too breath a sigh of relief.
Yumi: I know this may sound cruel but we should have fought back.
Y/n: Yeah but they outnumber us. We couldn't stand a chance. Also their brainwashed so we need to find a way to free them without hurting them.
Imu: But how? They will attack us the second we get close to one of them.
Murasaki: (scared) This is scary.
Haruka: (smirk) Don't worry we'll make it out of this alive. Darling Y/n will think of a plan like honey~?
Y/n:......Well I think we should contact Scott and request a pick up.
He tried radio Scott but his comms isn't working right.
Y/n: Crap. My comms is the working.
Yumi: We need to get out of the forest so we can get singal.
Imu: Problem being our friends will not stop until they will find us.
Haruka: Well we're not called Shinobis for nothing.
Y/n: Yeah but hard part being they will discover us so we needed to be carful if we wanted to get out of here quietly.
They all agree and so they get up, look around and begin their walk through the dark forest. They take their time as they travel through the forest and keeping their guards up for anything.
They keep their weapons on them in case they get jumped as they use the darkness as cover. They keep going, avoiding any sound that could be the brainwashed shinobis.
Making sure they won't step anything that makes a sound, they continue walking until they heard movement coming. They all quickly hide as they hide somewhere harder for anyone to find as Yomi and Homura came by amd searches around.
They hold still like statues and stay quiet as they watch as the two girls soon leave and once they are gone they keep moving. They soon come across a lake which they go around.
They keep on walking that is until they see a figure in the distances which they panicked and jumped into the lake and dive into the water. The figure walks along by the lake and gets close enough for them to see.
It turns out he's just a guy trying to catch some fish as he walks by them without him even noticing them. Thye came out of the water feeling a bit embarrassed and wet but disbite that they keep on going.
(Hours later)
They soon come across a cliff with a veiw of the city as Y/n finally gets radio contact to Scott which he answered.
Y/n: Scott this is Y/n I need a pick up right now!
Scott: (radio) Y/n! I've been trying to call you but you didn't respond. I thought you were taking.
Y/n: Hey its a long story but we need a pick up right now.
Scott: (radio) Roger. Helicopter on its way now.
???: Leaving so soon?
Quickly they turn to see Senko and Gekko as they pulled out their weapons as the two girls didn't pull out theirs because the arc angels landed in front of them and pulled out their weapons as well.
Senko: Will you be willing to fight your own girlfriends?
Y/n: This isn't over. We will stop this and we wil bring them back!
Gekko: Spoken like a true hero. That's cute.
Senko: Indeed. Maybe we can brainwave him and make him as our servant.
Gekko: Good idea.
Haruka: Hey Y/n is ours and you will not take him!
Y/n: Can we stay focus here.
The arc angels charge and battle them. They block their attacks and dodging. They try to take out the pods off of their ears but there was no use. They continue to hold them off as long as they can up until a Helicopter finally arrived.
The doors slide open and two FBI agents begins to fire and pushing the arc angels back while Y/n snd the rest climb inside.
Once inside the door shuts and the Helicopter fly away with Gekko and Senko watching them leave as they turn back along with the arc angels and return back to base.
(Sometime later)
We see them back to Scott's base as we see Y/n introducing Scott to the rest od the girls that they saved.
Scott: Nice to meet you all. I'm glad you all here because I have good news. We sent in a spy into Oki's ranks and he leak us the location of his secret base.
Y/n: Where is he?
Scott: He's located at a underground bunker within the snowy mountains. We believe that's where all the brainwashed girls are at. However if this is true then we need to come up with a plan or they are gone.
Y/n: Then we need to come up with a plan now.
Scott: Hold on Y/n. We still need our word from our spy and see if he knows anyway you all can enter the bunker. But right now you all should rest. It was a rough night so I bet you all deserve some rest.
Haruka: You know it. I'm gonna take a shower. Coming Imu?
Imu: Sure. I could go for some.
Y/n: Right I'll be in my room.
And so they go their separate ways as we cut to Y/n laying on his bed watching something on the TV while having some snacks. Then there was a knock at the door.
Y/n: Come in!
Yumi open the door and step inside to his room.
Yumi: are you doing?
Y/n: Doing fine. Tired but fine. Yourself?
Yumi: Good. Doing good.
Y/n: Your stressed out....are you?
Yumi: Yeah. I'm suppose their leader and yet I fail to protect them. I should have seen this coming.
Y/n: Hey don't blame yourself, it was not your fault. No one wouldn't know what was going on and none of us didn't know until it was too late.
Yumi: Still maybe i wouldn't deserve the same fate as the rest.
Y/n: Don't say that! I would be completely alone if you were brainwashed just like the rest. But don't you worry....we're getting them back no matter what.
Yumi: Yeah your right. Sorry if I'm acting like a fool.
Y/n: It's alright. Everyone can be stressed out sometimes. The best thing to do is to talk to someone about it.
Yumi: Yeah.....still I can't thank you enough for finding me. (Smile) I'm glad to see you safe and okay.
Y/n: (smile) Same. Hey come here for a moment.
Yumi came over and before she ask him anything. Y/n pulled her over onto the bed and kiss her on the lips. This surprised Yumi but she kiss him back as they begin to make out.
Yumi lay on top of Y/n as the two let out moans of pleasure as they play around with their tongues as Y/n wrap his arm around, grabbing the back of her head as they keep making out for sometime until they stop to catch a breath.
They look at each other and then he roll her over with him now on top of her as Yumi thinks this is a dream and if so she never wanted to wake up as he lends down to her ear and let's out a small blow which made her moan.
Yumi: (moaing) Oh Y/n~.
Y/n: (chuckle) You like that do ya~?
Yumi: (giggle) I do. I like that.
Y/n: (smirk) What about here.
He lend down and begins kissing her neck neck made her moan even more as she is both letting out giggles and moans as he keeps going until he stops and looks at Yumi once more.
They were about to make out once again when someone said.
Haruka: (smirk) Looks fun.
They look over in surprise to see Haruka there standing at the door. She came over and join them in bed as she climbs in and let's out a soft giggle.
Haruka: (smirk) How's about I join the party. I'll give first.
She then lend over to Y/n and begins kissing him which the two begin to make out. They continue making out while Yumi sat up and feels kinda left out. Then the two stop kissing and Haruka turn to Yumi and motions her to join them.
She blushes a bit but she doesn't wanted to feel left out so she decided to join and so all three are group kissing as they let out moans of pleasure as they stick out their tongues and making out. Haruka and Yumi even going at it which was hot for Y/n to see and later on he rejoins back in.
This goes on for sometime until they stop and look at each other. Then Haruka grab his head and pulled him over to rest him onto her breast.
Haruka: (smirk) This is your reward for coming back and saving us. Your such a good boyfriend of us.
Yumi: (smile) Yes indeed. Your our hero.
Yumi also came over and have her breast into Y/n's head as he is getting breast hugged by two girls as they let out giggles as Y/n is just glad they are safe and tomorrow they will come up a plan to save the rest.
We wee Oki at his office typing away something when his doors open and Senko and Gekko came back as the two tell him.
Senko: They got away.
Gekko: And it seems that the FBI is involved.
Oki: I see. Then we need to track down where their hide out is and destroy it or speed things up. Fuck it I'll choose both.
The two girls agree and they leave his office as Oki sat down just as the mysterious woman appears behind him.
???: They won't fail again. I can ensure you that.
Oki: Let's hope so. Never or less its time to speed things up.
He leaves his desk and walks over to a table as a hologram of the cyborg shinobis is seen to Oki as he looks at it and says.
Oki: Once it is complete....I will have a whole army of assassin's under my command and no one will not stop me. Not even Y/n will stop me. (Sinister smile) Soon all that power will belong to me.
To be continued.........................................................
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