Chapter 25: The Shinobi hunt (Arc 1)

We see Y/n and Yumi made it out of the building and finding a safe location so they can talk. They land on the roof with a build board covering them and once they were safe and clear Yumi came up and hugged him.

Yumi: Thank goodness your okay. I thought they have gotten you or something. I was worried.

Y/n: Well I'm here.

Yumi: Yeah. What....where you doing in that building?

Y/n: Long story but short I'm working with this FBI agent who thinks Oki is creating a cyborg shinobi army.

Yumi: I see. Well at least you are safe.

Y/n: But what about you? What happened while i was away and where is your team?

Yumi: I don't know. Everything was all of a sudden and I couldn't understand what just happened.

Y/n: Well let's just rewind back and tell me what happened.

Yumi: Okay. I was away to get some food for my team like always. Everything was all peaceful and calm as I got the food and headed back. But when I did......something felt wrong. When I called out to them they turn and look at me and then........they attacked me.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Yumi: They attack me for no reason and I defended myself. I try to snap them out of it but they weren't listening. It was like they were......controlled. I had no choice but to escape and hide which luckily i manage to lose them.

Y/n: That's not like them to do. Then why did you came to Oki's building?

Yumi: Well i came back and I found this.

She pulled out a empty box that shows earpods as he looks at them.

Yumi: It had Oki's company logo on it so I knew it might have been him so I head over there and I thought I confronted him but it was my mistake. Sorry for attacking you like that.

Y/n: It's okay but how many boxes was there?

Yumi: Enough for my whole team. There was even one for me but seeing how that took control of them, I knew it was too dangerous to put it on.

Y/n:.....Bring it. Scott will have it checked out.

Yumi: Who?

Y/n: FBI agent, I'll sent you the location. Meet you there.

He then head off as Yumi heads off back to her base to get the box.

(Sometime later)

We see Scott at his office along with Yumi and Y/n as Y/n handed him the file while Yumi handed him the airport which he scan and after a while he tells him.

Scott: I see. These are brainwashing air pods. They connect into their brain and control them.

Y/n: Okay so why would Oki needed a cyborg shinobi army if he had a army of brainwashed shinobis?

Scott: Not sure. He must have more plans about this. With the files you have given me, we can see what his plans are and where is the location of the facility. I'll call you once we get something.

Y/n: Understood.

The two of them leave as they walk down the hallway as Y/n noticed Yumi worried about her team so he tells her.

Y/n: Is it possible all of our friends could be brainwashed?

Yumi: I don't know?

Y/n: Well it would explain a lot. If they are brainwashed then we need to find them and snap them back to their senses.

Yumi: But how? There could be a lot of them?

Y/n: (smirk) Well....we are called "shinobis" for a reason right? We can use our stealth and fighting skills against them.

Yumi isn't sure but knows if she wanted to free her team and her friends she agree with Y/n.

Yumi: Okay. Let's do this.

Y/n: (smile) Okay then. Let's go and free our friends.

(Sometime later)

They arrive at a park as they stood in the opening as Yumi fired a shinobi flare into the sky and once that they waited.

Y/n: I didn't ask this before but do you and other girls  always put things between your breast?

Yumi: It's the most secured way.

Y/n: Okay, can't judge that.

Yumi: So how was your training?

Y/n: Pretty hard but good. Stayed in a cabin and eat some meat.

Yumi: (smile) Sounds nice.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. It was.

Yumi: Say you sure working with a FBI agent is a good idea?

Y/n: Well it's not like I have a choice. Besides cyborg shinobis sounds like a great threat if you think about it.

Yumi: True. Still I'll be keep my guard up when he's nearby.

Y/n: Roger that ma'am.

She smiled but then heard something which they get up and turn to the bushes. They ready for themselves for a sudden attack but then a cat jump out of the bushes. It meowed and then walked away.

Y/n: Oh never mind. Guess they're not bother to-

Sudden he gets tackled to the ground as he his dragged onto the floor until he stop dragging. He sees that Haruka is pinning him to the ground.

Y/n: Never mind, they're here!

Yumi was about to help when ninja stars land on the floor in front of her and she turn and blocks a strike from Imu as Yumi and Imu battle while Haruka was about to stab hij when Y/n kick her off and roll out of the way.

He leaps back up and gets into a battle stand as Haruka pulled out twin swords from her back.

Y/n: (thought) Okay time to see how well your training is.

Haruka rushes towards him and once close she swing her blade but he dodges her swing and move around, dodging her quick swings and moving very quick. He dodges every singal swings and then he clap his hands, catching the blade and then snapping ut into two.

This surprised Y/n that he snap that sword so easily as Haruka tosses away her second sword and goes for another with her first blade but he dodges her strike.

He hit his back against the tree as Haruka launches towards him but he leap up which cost Haruka to stab her sword onto the wooden tree as Y/n came down and breaks it as well and then he quickly reach over to her ears and took off the airport off of her.

Haruka shut her eyes and stumble backwards as Y/n crushes the pods.

Y/n: Yumi, Harukas pods are gone! What about you!?

Yumi: Working on it!

She dodges Imu's swings and incoming ninja stars until she managed to trip Imu over and pinned her to the ground. She quickly took off her earpods and tosses them aside which made Imu to shut her eyes and groan.

Soon she open her eyes and look around her in confusion.

Imu: What the? Where I'm I? Yumi?

Yumi: Imu? Is that you?

Imu: Yeah? How did I get here? And would you get off of me!

Yumi: Apologies!

Imu gets up while Haruka grab her head and open her eyes to see Y/n as he ask her.

Y/n: Hey Haruka? Are you yourself now?

Without a world Haruka launch at him and kiss him on the lips. She kissed him in front of Yumi and Umi which they blushed in jealous while Haruka made out with Y/n until she stop and smirked.

Haruka: (smirk) Yep. Thanks for that and welcome home~.

He chuckle and after that all five gather with Imu and Haruka sat down as they explain what happened.

Imu: We got a package from someone who give us these earpods. We try them on and next thing I know, everything turn dark.

Haruka: Same happened to us. I don't remember the rest except seeing darling Y/n in front of my eyes.

Y/n: Well you both were brainwashed by Oki.

Yumi: He's using our friends as his army while he's making a cyborg shinobi army.

Imu: Sounds like a great threat.

Haruka: Indeed. Is it just both of you?

Y/n: There is Kiriya and Suzune which they are injured and won't be able to help us.

Imu: Wait. Murasaki wasn't there when the package arrived. She must be in her room.

Y/n: Then let's go and get her. Hopefully she is okay.

They all agree and they head off while two mysterious figures appear on the roof as they follow them.


They arrive at Team Hobijo's base as they slowly enter and look around for Murasaki. She was not at the living room so they check her room. Imu knock on her door and after a while there was nothing.

They head inside and see the room empty. They look around for any sign of Murasaki but she was not here.

Haruka: Maybe she's brainwashed like the rest?

Imu: Or captured or worse.

Yumi: She must be somewhere.

Y/n approaches her bed and he had a thought so he pull over the blanket and immediately blush in shock while the other girls turn and came over to see Murasaki sleeping and looking barley covered with only her bra and underwear.

Soon she work up and sat up to see them all looking at her which made her nervous.

Murasaki: (little nervous) Um....wh-what is going on here? W-Why is Y/n here?

Haruka: (smirk) Seems normal to me. Still Y/n you naughty boy~


Murasaki: (little scared) I'm trouble?

Yumi: Oh no everything is alright. Just glad your safe.

???: Yeah but not for long.

They turn to see two girls at the door who look like twin sisters as they stood at their exit.

Yumi: Who are you?!

Gekko: (smile) The names Gekko and this is Senko, my sister.

Senko: We have been watching you and seeing that now you know what is going on.

Gekko: It seems that we have to stop you.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh yeah. You and what army?

Suddenly the wall behind them blows up, sending them flying across the room and land hard onto thr ground.

They all get up and look over to see Yomi, Homura, Muramasa, Hijkata, Ashiya and the Arc angels there, brainwashed as Gekko and Senko stood in front of them and pulled out their weapons.

Y/n: Oh......that army. Crap I should have said that.

Imu: Agree.

Yumi: It looks like we have to fight them.

Murasaki: (scared) B-But aren't they our friends?

Haruka: Yes but they are brainwashed.

Gekko: (smile) So.....ready to surrender?

Y/n turn to the girls, they node and they all pulled out their weapons as Y/n smirked while he pulled out his twin blades and said.

Y/n: (smirk) How's about you make us surrender. Bring it on!

Gekko: Okay then.

She snap her fingers and the brainwashed shinobis charges towards them as Y/n and the rest gets ready to face their brainwashed friends.

To be continued..................................................

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