Chapter 23: Very tough training
We see Y/n making his long walk to a place where he will be taking a 3 day training as he is walking up a mountain surrounded by trees as he make his journey up the mountain. He had a huge bag on his back sith everything he needed for 3 days. After an hour of walking up the mountain he finally made it to a cabin where he will be staying so he make his way over to the cabin and then open the cabin and look around, seeing the cabin as a pretty neat place to live so he unpack everything out and place them around the cabin and after that he step outside and look around the forest.
He takes a deep breath in and out as he sigh and hears the birds chirping around him, movement in the bushes and everything is just very peaceful as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) This place is pretty neat. This is where my training will begin. Okay then, let's do this!
Then he heard something huge out of the bushes so he turn to where the noise come from and suddenly a massive tree came launching out of the trees and was about to land on Y/n which he pulled out his sword and cuts the tree in half and land behind him.
He turn to the now chopped up tree and then heard footsteps and turn and coming out of the forest was a muscle women holding two trees with her arms with long black hair and a smirk on her face.
???: (smirk) Sorry about that. Didn't mean to throw that tree at you. So, you must be Y/n I'm I right?
Y/n: Yeah. And you must be Daiduji?
Daiduji: (smirk) That's right and your looking ready to train your balls off aren't you?
Y/n: Yeah. I came here to train so I can be stronger and move on with my past.
Daiduji: (smirk) I like the sound of that. Come, let's eat up, I'm hungry.
Y/n: Sure.
Soon the afternoon came and they were in the cabin and having burgers that Daiduji made as they sat on the table and eat their food while Y/n explained his back story to Daiduji and after that she said after she swallow hee burger.
Daiduji: Man you've been through a lot and you dealt with it like a true man.
Y/n: Yeah and that's why I'm here. I know my father is maybe dead but I needed to be stronger so no one will not die on my watch. Since you have been training throughout your life, maybe you can help me?
Daiduji: Huh never have anyone ask me that before.
Y/n: Why?
Daiduji: I have "ways" to train seme shinobis. Current or new shinobis and since your new to me, I guess I can take it easy on you.
Y/n: (smirk) Oh please, show me what you got and I can show you what I can do.
Daiduji: (smirk) I love the sound of that. Okay then tomorrow morning, we'll start our training and let's see what you got.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
He keeps up the rest of his food while Daiduji stares at him with a smirk, finding him very attractive and handsome. After that they go to their own rooms and go to sleep.
(Next day)
We see them in the woods with Y/n getting ready for his first training as he have his blind folds covering his eyes with Daiduji in front of him with a rope next to her as she tells Y/n.
Daiduji: Okay then, let's begin our first training. Ready?
He node and she cut the rope and then logs came swinging towards him which he moved out of the way, dodging the incoming logs as they swing left and right while Y/n dodges the incoming logs with Daiduji watching this and was impress of how fast he is.
After 5 minutes he leap out of the swinging logs and land safely as he take off his blind folds and turn to see the swinging logs while Daiduji wrap her arms around him and said with a smirk.
Daiduji: (smirk) Nicely done. Your very impressive.
Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks.
Daiduji: (thought) Not to mention very hot.
We then cut to Y/n balancing a fallen log with a long fall below as he stood in the middle of the log, balancing while Daiduji pulls out some ninja stars and then throw them down Y/n so he can dodge them.
Y/n sees them and dodges each incoming ninja star while maintaining his balance which impress Daiduji so he throws more while Y/n keeps dodging more and more ninja stars. Then Daiduji throws all three ninja stars which Y/n leaps up high in the air as the ninja stars go below him as he is in the air and then land safely.
The log move a bit but Y/n maintain his balance and look at daiduji as she smirk at him and given him a thumps up. We then see Y/n going through a very tough parkour training with Y/n start by jumping over to pillar to pillar and then grabbing a rope and swing over a few more ropes and then land on a tree branch and then hidden crossbows in the bushes fired which he quickly dodges them by leaping off the tree branch and grab a tree branch and then swing over and land onto another tree branch and leap over tree branches until he come across logs swinging in front of him so he ready himself and then jumps onto the first swinging log and to the second and then third.
Daiduji watch him go while she is lifting up a huge log as she find him very hot going through her hard training. Then they cool it off by sitting under the waterfall and medicating as the heavy water falls made their clothes wet but they hold still as they sat together.
Daiduji glance at Y/n ans seeing him focus as ever which she smirked, impress of his training and then we see the two holding wooden staffs as the two have a dual as Y/n dodges hee swings and land hits on hee staff. The two of them were fast but Y/n was getting more faster by the minute, dodging Daiduji's strikes and blocking each of her attacks.
He spins his staff and then managed to trip Daiduji which she land hard onto the floor as she look up and seeing Y/n standing over him as he smirk at her while reaching out his hand to her.
She smirk back and take his hand as Y/n help her up and the two bow, showing respect towards each other as they continue their training.
(Hours later)
We see Y/n at the cliff and looking at the sunset with a beautiful veiw of the forest as he sat there when Daiduji walks up to him and then sat down next him and pass him a bottle of water which he takes and has a drink.
Daiduji: (smirk) Gonna say your very determined with your training I can tell.
Y/n: Thanks. I feel like I'm getting stronger now.
Daiduji: (smirk) Yeah! Training helps a shinobi to be strong as hell. So, how long have you been with the girls?
Y/n: A few months. At first I wanted to leave Japan after i defeated my father but then I decided to stay here and fight along side them. You know, make things right for me my father has done.
Daiduji: (smile) Pretty awesome for you to do that.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Daiduji takes a sip of her water while Y/n also has a sip and then he turn to Daiduji and ask her.
Y/n: So how long have have you been training alone?
Daiduji: A very long time. But you know, it's nice having someone training with me. Especially hot guys like you.
Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks.
Daiduji: (smirk) Say see what the girls like the Hanzo team and the rest. Do they, like like you?
Y/n: Yeah. I mean only a few but they bet more will meet up with me and will fall for me.
Daiduji: (smirk) So you have a lot of girlfriends I see.
Y/n: Yeah which Katsuragi says they are "my harem" which sounds weird but make sense.
Daiduji: (smirk) And they don't mind another girl falls for you?
Y/n: They are okay with it.
Daiduji: (smirk) Well then.
She then pulled him over and his face was on hee breast as she hugged him tight while Y/n face was all flustered as Daiduji lick her lips and said.
Daiduji: (smirk) Your very handsome Y/n, and I can't blame your girlfriends fallen for a handsome shinobi like you. Watching you train your heart out makes me loving you even more.
Y/n: (blush) like my training?
Daiduji: (smirk) Does this answer your question.
She then lend in and kiss him kn the lips. She then gets up and lifted him off the ground and made out with Y/n as he is stunned by this but slowly he let's it happen and soon he kiss her back and wrap his arms around her neck as the two made out.
After a while of making out the two stop and look at each other as Daiduji gives him a smirk and then feels his wasit and said.
Daiduji: (smirk) They are very strong.
Y/n: (smirk) I know.
Then the two go back to making out and after a short or long whioe they return back to the cabin to get some rest. Soon night came and we see Y/n laying in bed and as he have his phone and luckily there was signal so he try to text Asuka, checking on things with her but there was no response.
Y/n: (thought) Guess she must be busy. Maybe I'll text the rest of the girls.
He try texting the other girls of Hanzo team but there was no response of either of them which made him confuse a bit but he just shrugged and set his phone on the table and lay in bed while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Their probably just sleeping. Whatever I won't be long until return back home. I'm sure they are alright. What I'm really worry about is what they will do to me once i return. Will they pull a surprise party or "a surprise party" for me whne I'm home. Well, better stop thinking and start getting some sleep.
He soon did as he get some sleep and be ready to do his last bit od training before he goes home.
(Next day)
He then return back to Tokyo and was suspected for the girls to jump out of nowhere and surprise him while walking back hoke but strangely enough that didn't happen. He look around and even though there were a lot of people around him, he couldn't see Asuka or any of the girls.
He soon arrived home and ready for them to jump out and surprise him so he swing the door open but to his surprise it was empty. He step inside and look around but there was no sign of them.
Y/n: Where are they? Usually they jump out and surprise me? Maybe they are away on a mission. Guess I just needed to wait for them and-
Suddenly he hears sirens outside of his apartment so he step out and he look down below only to see tones of police officers down there as he wonders what is going on when a helicopter came down in front of him and a police officer calls out through the microphone.
Police officer: Y/n L/n! You are under arrest! Surrounded yourself now!
Y/n: (shocked) Wait, what?! What did I do?!
To be continued............................................
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