Chapter 22: A mostly peaceful life
In the middle of the night we see what looked like a huge mansion homed to a crime lord in all of Japan however we can hear gun fire as we cut to Crime lord and his bodyguards running down the hallway, trying to escape from their attacker while his men fought him off onky to get beaten up and thrown into the wall.
Crime lord: Shit! Shit! Who the fuck is this guy?!
Male bodyguard: Not too sure but we need to take you to safety.
Soon after they arrived at the Crime Lords office as his body guards shut the door and step back as they can hear gunfire echoing throughout the halls and then slinces.
The bodyguards aim their pistols at the door, waiting for this person to break through the door and attack them. They can hear footsteps approaching the door as they stood there and waited for the footsteps to get even closer.
Then the footsteps stopped but they still have their pistols aimed at the door. They were ready for this person when suddenly the lights above them shuts off and they were standing there blind.
Crime Lord: What's going on?
Male bodyguard: No idea. Must be a powe-AAAAHHH!!!
Seconds later there was gunfire followed by a quick figure appear and disappear within seconds as the attacker took out the crime Lords bodyguard while henis hiding underneath his desk while coving his ears.
Then there was slince and the lights came back on as the Crime Lord as he peaks over and was shocked to see his bodyguards laying on the floor and unconscious as he takes a few steps back when a blade appear next to his cheeks which he froze in fear.
???: Well that's not nice for a guest.
He was then kicked into his chair as he turn to see Y/n walked out from the shadow while holding his sword and wearing his mask as he walk around the Crime Lords chair and then tell him.
Y/n: So. Sealing drugs to teens without any regrets I see. Well.....that's will not happen.
Crime Lords: I-Is that the reason you come here and ruining my business?! If anything it should be those teens, it was their fault, not mine!
Y/n: True. But your drugs business to teens made schools have a bad reputation and cost some problems with ghese schools. One od the students even kill another who wa suppose to have a happy life but was taking away, because of you and your drug business.
Crime Lord: (scared) Wh-What are you g-g-going to do with me? Kill me?
Y/n stood there in slince for a moment as he turn his head to the Crim Lord and glare at him for a moment and then tell him.
Y/n: No. I want you to be responsible and confessed to the crime and your be going to jail for the rest of your life. Don't try to escape because I know where you live, where you other hideouts are and I will always follow you no matter what. Now i didn't kill your workers and bodyguards, I only knock them out but if you try to continue your act again, then I may kill a few starting with you.
The crime Lord gets scared as Y/n takes a few steps back and then said before he shut off the lights.
Y/n: Remember. I'm always watching.
He then turned off the lights, making thr room completely dark as the crime Lord rushes over and turns it on and he was gone. He was terrified by this so he grabs his phone and call the police and puts it to his ear.
Crime Lord: Yes police......I would like to confesse to my crimes.
(Next day)
We see Y/n at his apartment relaxing at the weekends as we see him laying on the couch, eating some chips while watching the news about a crime Lord confessing to his crimes which have Y/n smirk to see him going to jail.
Then Asuka approaches him and then lay on top of him he turn and look at her as she ask him.
Asuka: (smile) Are you seriously gonna do nothing for the rest of the weekend?
Y/n: (smirk) Says to the girl who is laying on top of me.
Asuka: (giggle) That's true. I mean it has been a peaceful month. Well, besides small crimes that is going on.
Y/n: (smirk) Still, we can deal with that.
Asuka: (smile) Yeah agree.
Y/n: (smile) Besides I'm not gonna be lazy throughout my weekend. Tomorrow I'm gonna go train with someone for three days.
Asuka: Oh yeah I remember you telling us that. (Giggle) Kinda forgetting about that.
Y/n: (chuckle) You always forget things Asuka, but I still love you.
She smiled and then the two kiss as the two make out for a bit until the door bell rang which they look over at the door.
Y/n: Who is it?
Then the door was kicked open as Katsuragi, Hikage and Karasu came into his apartment as Katsuragi called out.
Katsuragi: (smirk) It's us! We came to visit you!
Asuka: Do you really have to kick the door like that.
A while later we see them sat down at the living room and drinking some tea that Y/n made for them as Y/n ask Karasu.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Karasu, it's been a while. How is things and your bang members doing?
Karasu: (smirk) Pretty awesome as always. How is things with you?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty well. You know, I find my peaceful life kinds boring.
Karasu: (smirk) Can't blame you but if you want, you can visit down at our place and we can play some music and "other things" if you know what I mean.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. What about you Hikage, how are things?
Hikage: Doing okay. Our team find a job that is well paid and stable.
Y/n: And what would that be?
Hikage: Waitresses from a restaurant. Its a good place although the men seemed to stare at us a lot.
Y/n: Wonder why.
Katsuragi: (smirk) So Y/n are you up for a date with us today?
Y/n: Sorry but I gonna go ans speak with Kiriya and Suzune about something. It may take a while.
Katsuragi: That sucks but can't complain.
Asuka: What is it about?
Y/n: Oh nothing important just something about my fathers empire and his army but don't worry about it.
Asuka: Well okay then. If your okay with it then I'm okay with it.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Asuka.
She then kisses her which she smiled and then Katsuragi asked.
Katsuragi: Hey! What about us?
The three stare at Y/n which he walked into that one as he sighs to himself and gives them kisses as well with Katsuragi kissing him on the lips. After that they continue to chat until he leaves to visit Kiriya and Suzune.
We see Y/n arriving at the Hanzo team's base and he walked up to Kiriya and Suzune in the room talking about something when they turn to see Y/n.
Kiriya: (smile) Greetings Y/n, you've arrived just in time.
Y/n: (smirk) You know it. So what do we got?
Suzune: Well after your father's death and his shinobi empires fall, remains of his army was spread across Japan and either became assassins or working for other crime Lords.
Y/n: Make sense. They are highly trained. Still without my father, they won't hold much as a threat.
Kiriya: Indeed. Some did try to rebuild but it resulted to a civil war which cost their deaths.
Y/n: So no bad news?
Suzune: No. It seems what's left of your father are now no more but highly trained shinobis for different leaders.
Y/n: Well that's good to hear. Can't have a villain coming back from the dead. That's very cliche to super hero comics.
Suzune: (giggle) Indeed.
Kiriya: However there is one person within your father that may hold a threat. Remember Oki?
Y/n: He's that rich CEO guy a long time ago who gives my father supplies. Haven't heard of him after my father's death.
Kiriya: Well it seems he's making hid moves by developing Shinobi like robots known as Shadow bots.
Suzune: We don't know what they look like but what we can gather they programing is very incredible and can predict their enemies moves and has advice cloaking technology.
Y/n: So in other words, he's making a next Gen Shinobis and may try to take us out. Well like to see him try.
Kiriya: Well we can handle him while you do you three day training. You'll be taking a train tomorrow is that right?
Y/n: Yep. Gonna be long but I'll be back before you know it.
Kiriya: That's good to hear. Our old friend who will be training you will love to see what you can do.
He smirks with a node and later we see Y/n and Suzune walking down the hallway as they enter Suzune's new room as Y/n looks around seeing she changed her room a bit.
Y/n: (smile) Nice. Glad you have a room now.
Suzune: (smirk) You think I sleep in some abandon buildings?
Y/n: (smirk) Maybe.
Suzune: (smile) Well I'm just glad you've find peace and now moving on.
Y/n: Well I'm slowly moving on but I hope my three day training will allow me to move on more and allow me to be better.
Suzune: (smile) I know you will. You've always have been.
She then approaches him and then the two kiss as the two make out. Y/n wrap his arms around her while she does the same as the two share a moan as the two fell onto her bed as the two continue to make out more.
Soon the two stop making out and look at each other as the two share a small laugh.
Suzune: (smirk) I'm gonna miss you while you are away.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah but I'll be back.
Suzune: (smirk) Still, we all gonna miss you but good luck and we'll always love you.
Y/n: (smile) Same Suzune. Same.
Then the two go back to making out while they continue laying on Suzune's bed and having a nice time.
We see Oki at his office as he is on a phone call with someone and soon he hang up and sat up from his chair and look around from his window of Tokyo as he puff a smoke and then said.
Oki: You always told me that you are nothing but a thing to me. You always told me how unless I will be without you. You told me I would never surpass you but guess what.....your dead but I'm still alive. Oh how the tables have turned and now time to do things may way.
Then he heard a knock at the door and his female secretary open the door and peak out her head.
Female secretary: Sir, she's here.
Oki: Good. Let them in.
Then a figure enter his office as he turns to her as he tells her.
Oki: Glad you came. I have an interesting job for you and you other female shinobi girls.
???: (smirk) I can tell you want us to handle someone strong. Who is it?
Oki: A boy named Y/n L/n. He defeated his father and with his father out of the way, it is time to finish his family once and for all by killing his son.
???: (smirk) I see. Well then, it will be done.
Oki: Yes however.....I don't want you to kill him.
???: Then what do you want us to do?
Oki: (smirk) He has his shinobi girlfriends on his side. It would be a shame if one of them.....turns on him and.....kills him. I want you to target someone Y/n's trusts the most and turn her against him.
???: (smirk) Really now. Sounds kinda dark.
Oki: (smirk) I want to see his face when someone who loves the most and the one he trusted the most kills him. Do anything you can, even targing her team but leave Y/n along and let one of his lovers kill him.
???: (smirk) Of course. We will get the job done.
She then turns and leaves his office as Oki smirks in joy as he turns away and look through his window as he will end Y/n once and for all and no one will not stop him.
To be continued..........................................
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