Chapter 20: The Demon claws downfall (Arc 3 final)

The Palace burns all around, fire spread through everywhere as nothing is left within the Palace except burning wood and bodies that are burning away. Suddenly Y/n crashed through the wall and lands hard in the middle of the training room of the Palace as Y/n gets up and looks up and blocks his fathers strike.

He kicks Iaso back, he was sent flying and land hard onto the ground as he look up at Y/n and then he charge towards him and the two clash their blades, their blades clash while fire was all around them. The two dodges their swings and stabs and then the two enter a block lock with their swords as they lock their blades to each other while they look at each other.

Then the two looked up and a large part of the Palace fell and was about to crush the two so they leap away as the part crashed between them, blocking them with flames as Y/n step back a bit while Isao leaps onto the wall and leap across the rubble as he swing his sword back to swing at Y/n but Y/n quickly blocks his strikes and then he kicks him, sending him flying up as he stabbed his sword through the wall and looked down and smirked which Y/n look around to see the fire was getting closer and closer to him.

He leap a high place and land onto the second floor and turn only to quickly block Isao strike as the impact make Y/n fly back as the two crash through a wall and they were fualing at the hallway as they continue to clash blades at each other.

Then Y/n leap back and throws ninja stars at Isao but he blocks a few and catches one and throws it back at Y/n which hits him in the shoulder which hurt but he ignore it and land on his feet but then Iaso charge towards him and swing his sword towards him while Y/n tries to dodge it as he dose a back flip but Isao managed to slash onto his back which make him gasp in pain as he land onto the ground while he can feel blood pouring out from his back while Isao smirked as he turn to his son and tells him.

Isao: (smirk) Your gonna die here son. Both of us will die, father and son. This is the end.

Y/n: No, this is the end for you!

He throws his second sword at him which stabbed Isao in the left shoulder as he yelp in pain as grab his left arm. Then Y/n rushes towards him and swing his sword at him but Isao blocks it and the two clash their blades at each other in any fury they have.

Y/n tripped Isao down to the ground and then pulled his sword up in the ceiling and pits it down but Isao leaped backwards, dodging his strike as he gets up and pulled out Y/n's second sword out of his left shoulder and then throws it away but Y/n fired his grappling gun that caught his second sword and return back to him as he catch it while he runs towards Isao and once on his hand he landed two powerful clashes at Isao's sword which made him stumble back a bit.

He continues to push Isao back with his sword before pulling out his teaser and shocking Isao with it as he scream in pain. After that he grabs him by the head and slamming it onto his knee, then kicked him in the stomach and then leap up and kicked him in the face.

He was sent flying and crashed into the wall as he was outside and was on the roof of the balcony as he slowly get up and once he is up ninja stars came out of the hole and stab Isao in the chest as Y/n leap out from the hole following by a huge explosion behind him as he was in the air and then he clash a few blades at Isao as the two continue their dual but this time outside.

The two battle now even more intense then ever before as their swings gets fast, so fast ij fact sparks comes out of theie swords as they continue to clash at each other. Then he punches Isao, sending him flying and then Y/n pulledpit his grappling gun and fired a grapple at his legs and then he pulled his grappling gun down, making Isao slammed hard onto the ground. He then drag him across the floor and around Y/n and once that he leap up in the air as he ready his twin swords but Isao leaps back up and upper punches Y/n in the chin, sending him flying up and then he kicked him as Y/n was slammed against the wall and seconds later Isao stabbed him in the shoulder as he yell in pain.

Isao have him hang on the wall as Y/n groan in pain while Isao look around him to see his empire burning as he turn to Y/n and tells him.

Isao: I'm very disappointed with you my son. We could have ruled Japan or possibly the world. We could have lived for years but no, you have to ruin everything. But.....that's okay. We can make this all go away, make a new empire if you want to come back? Together we can be the strongest shinobis in the world!

Y/n: I'll never come back. I'm happy of protecting innocent lives and my friends and I'll never come back! NEVER!

Isao: I should have killed you many years ago but I guess I can do that right here, right now. Say hello to your mother while up there.

He then pulled out a small knife and was about to stab Y/n to kill him once and for all. Suddenly Asuka came out from behind and rushes towards Isao which he immediately turn and dodges her swing as he lands away form her.

Asuka: You'll leave Y/n alone!

Y/n: Asuka what are you doing?!

Asuka: I can't let you face your father on your own, I'm gonna help you.

Isao: (smirk) So this is your girlfriend, how cute.

He dashes towards her which Asuka charges towards him and seconds later the two swing their blades as the two were facing away and standing there back to back as Isao slowly gets up straight and licks the blood off with his tongue and said.

Isao: (smirk) She's good but not good enough.

Asuka drops her sword and fell onto the ground while Y/n eyes widen in shock. Then he grinded his teeth and was filled in rage as he grabs the still stabbed blade onto hid shoulder and starts to pull it out. He groan in pain but he continue and soon the blade start to slide off and soon he pulled the sword out of his shoulder as he land onto his feet and rushes towards Asuka and kneel down to her and see if she is alright.

She's alive but injured as blood was pouring out of her stomach as Isao let's out a laughter while he said.

Isao: (smirk) This is what happens if you mess with me son. That's how I killed your mother just to teach you a lesson.

Then Y/n gets up and then turn as he glare at his father in fury of rage in his eyes as he said.

Y/n: I will not hold back any longer. You will die here and now.

Isao: (smirk) Then what are you waiting for son? Let's end this.

Isao picked up his sword as the two stare at each other with Asuka slowly open her eyes and sees Y/n in front of her as he stare at his father for a while. A rumble of thunder can be heard as rain soon falls on them, pouring down drips of water, taking away the fire while both son and after stare at each other for a bit.

Then Isao yelled while he charges towards Y/n while Y/n stood in place which worries Asuka and soon Isao gets close, swing his sword back and pulls it towards Y/n but he catches the blade as he clap his hands together so he can catch the blade.

Asuka and Isao were shocked by this and then he snapped the blade in half, shocking Isao even more as Y/n tossed away the broken blade and leap over and grab his sword and turn back around and thrust his sword and stabbed his father in the heart. He stood there as he cough out blood while Y/n pulled out his sword and then start to slice off his arms, legs and after that he spin his body around while he swing is blade back as he look at his father for the final tme and then he sliced off his head as his head bounce onto the ground as his body fell onto thr ground as Y/n watched it happen.

He then drop his sword and fell on both knees while Asuka slowly get up and apoorches him and seeing that he is in tears. He finally killed his father and his empire and all the pain and the suffering he has gone through will be burned just like the Palace as Asuka kneel down next to him and hugged him, surrporting him as he did it and then the two look at each other.

Y/n: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bring you all here. This should have been my problem.

Asuka: (smile) Don't say that. I'm just glad you can finally be free knowing that your father is gone.

Y/n: Your right. I am free. Thank you Asuka, thank you for everything.

She smiled and then the two kissed on the lips as the two kissed and after a while they regroup with the others as they jump for joy as they have done it.

Katsuragi: (smirk) We show them whose boss!

Ikaruga: (smile) Indeed, nice job everyone. Victory belongs to us.

Homura: (smile) That's good to hear.

Yomi: (smile) Yeah.

While everyone cheered we see Suzune being approached by Kiriya as he stare at her as she thinks he's a bit upset that she is alive this whole time so she sigh and said.

Suzune: Sorry for not telling you or anyone that i was alive.

To her surprise he just simply smiled and then said.

Kiriya: (smile) It's good to see you again Suzune.

She was a bit surprised but she just simply smiled while we cut to Y/n on a hill and seeing the Palace now in ruins now as Hanzo approaches and walked up next to him.

Hanzo: So.....what will you do now?

Y/n: Not really sure. All my life I wanted to get away the nightmares of my father and his empire for years. Now with the death of my father and his empire.....I don't know what to do now.

Hanzo: To me maybe this is your chance to maybe change.

Y/n: You think so?

Hanzo: Yeah. You've always stuck with the past but now with your father dead and his empire now in ruins, maybe its time for you to change and move on. That's probably what your mother would want you to see.

And then Hanzo walks off, leaving Y/n be as he stood on the hill, alone to his thoughts as he thinks about his future and then he turn and finally leaves with everyone else as they head home.


Y/n arrived home as he shut his front door behind him and walk through hid living room and into hid bathroom as he turns on the lights and look at himself in the mirror. He stare at himself in the mirror and then took off hid armor and shirt and look at his tattoo that he head and he decided that he will change, starting with his tattoo as he took out his knife and he cut the tattoo off of him.

He peal it off while he groan in pain but he doesn't care as he tossed the tattoo into the bin and then patch himself up and once that he looked at himself and then he smiled to himself and then clean himself up, cut his hair, clean up his wounds before patching them up and wear some normal clothes and once that he felt like new person.

Then he hear the doorbell ring so he gose over and opens it to see Asuka, Homura, Yumi and Miyabi wearing normal clothes as Asuka said.

Asuka: (smile) Hey Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Hey girls.

Homura: (smirk) Looks like you've changed a bit of yourself.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah a lot. So what brings you all here?

Yumi: (smile) Well we wanna hang out with you.

Miyabi: (smile) To celebrate our victory, you wanna come?

Asuka: (smile) It will be great, trust me.

Y/n cracks a smile and then said.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing, anything for you all.

The four smiled and once Y/n shut his door and locked it he gose with them to have some fun as Y/n is free to be what he wants to be without his father or his empire while in the sky we see Y/n's mother looking down as she smiled and then fated away, glad that his son is free and can enjoys freedom, love and life.

To be continued..........................................

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