Chapter 2: First day of training
We hear the sounds of Y/n's alarm clock as a hand reach out and Y/n press a button on top of it making it stop. Y/n was laying on his bed at his new apartment house as he grunted to himself and then sat on his bed and crackle his neck and yawned.
Y/n looks around at his short bedroom and see it was kinda messy with some boxes that needs to be unpacked and it was kinda empty with his chairs of a desk in his room.
Y/n: (thought) Man it has been a few days since I came back to Japan. Still this place needs to get things sorted and unpacked but I'll do that after school.
Y/n hop out of his bed and get into the bathroom and took a shower for a minute and after he turn it off he exit out and went pass a mirror and he stop and look at himself in the reflected and see a tattoo on his chest.
Y/n looks at it and remember when his father give him that tattoo when he was a shinning warrior. But he doesn't want to remind himself about that and got out of the bathroom and got himself changed into his Hanzo academy uniform and went into the kitchen and make some toast.
After the toast popped and Y/n eat his toast he got some things into his bag and exit out of his apartment and locking it and heads off for school.
We see Y/n walking through the neighbourhood heading to his school when he heard Asuka in the distance calling out for him.
Asuka: (distance) Hey Y/n!
Y/n turn and see Asuka running up to him. Then once she was almost there she tripped on a crack on the floor and she fell but Y/n run up and caught her.
Y/n: You ok Asuka?
She look up and her heart skipped a beat because of how close they are. She nods and Y/n smarked and Asuka straightening herself up.
Asuka: So your go through here?
Y/n: Yeah my apartment is next to a neighbourhood which is the shortest way to get to school faster.
Asuka: (smile) Great so now we can wallk together to school.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
They walk together to school and Asuka asked.
Asuka: So why did you move to America?
Y/n: Well...because it seems fun. I've heard many exist things in America and I've heard they don't have any Ninja's there so....I'm the first ninja in America.
Asuka: (smile) That's pretty cool. What crime did you faced?
Y/n: Just the usual robbery, house breaking, some guys try to swing with some women and any other usual stuff. But it's kinda cool. What about your group?
Asuka: Well in the past we used to face other shinobi's but now we only work together to face off against the Yõma.
Y/n: A Yõma?
Asuka: There demon like monsters born from bloodshed between shinobi. If the blood within a shinobi barrier flows freely enough, it can break through and emerge into the human world.
Y/n: So that's what your shinobi's have been fighting against?
Asuka: Yep.
Y/n: Huh so what else shinobi do?
Asuka: Well mostly just train and take out crime in this city.
Y/n: So are these shinobi's you say are like yous? High school students?
Asuka: Well some but they will fight to protect Japan from the focus of evil in secret.
Y/n: That's I like to see. Good shinobi's working together to help the world.
Asuka: Well at least we are the first one to have a 6th member.
Y/n: What do you mean by first 6th member?
Ikaruga: All shinobi not only have no males in there group but they only have five shinobi as a team.
Asuka and Y/n turn a corner and see Ikaruga and everyone else there.
Katsuragi: (smile) Hey there handsome.
Y/n: So not only I'm the only male shinning in your group but also the first 6th member.
Ikaruga: That's right, other shinobi's doesn't have a 6th member for some reason but I can tell they will be surprised to see a 6th member in our group.
Y/n: (smile) I'll bet.
Katsuragi came up and rap her arms over Y/n's neck and said.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Thanks again for saving me from that huge robot from yesterday. You own me.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Katsuragi.
Yaguu: Speaking of that, do you know what that robot was or who made it?
They stare at Y/n waiting for answer and Y/n need to find out what to say and soon he found one and said.
Y/n: I'll discovered some files in abandoning building couple of years ago. It was some sort of a plan to spread robot Ninja's through out the world and I gest that's another reason why I moved to America.
Asuka: Why didn't you tell me before we meet up with us?
Y/n: Because that sometimes happened in America with huge bots and even a rhino robot that is ramping through the city.
Hibari: (smile) So that explains why you know that robot.
Yagyuu: And explain why you moved to America.
Ikaruga stare at Y/n and she wasn't sure about his story but she wasn't gonna answer any other questions and said.
Ikaruga: We should headd to school before we be late.
They nod and they head to school. Y/n thinks kinda shamed that he lied to his friends but he doesn't want them to know the truth about Y/n so he act normal and make sure they wonder find out his secret.
(At Hanzo academy)
It was lunch time and Y/n sat on a bench outside and reading his book while he listen to music on his earphones. He felt a tap on his shoulder and he pull out his earphones and turn to see Katsuragi there smirking at Y/n and asked.
Katsuragi: (smirk) So what are you up to handsome?
Y/n: Just reading this book while listening to some music.
Katsuragi sat next to Y/n and asked.
Katsuragi: What music are you listening to?
Y/n: Just foy away by the EDGE of life.
Katsuragi: Isn't that a opening to a anime series?
Y/n: Yeah but I like it.
Katsuragi: And the book?
Y/n: Just some shinobi lessons given by Kiriya. It seems useful and maybe will help me with my training.
Katsuragi: That's good. So ever been out with a girl?
Y/n: Not really, sure I have a few girls fell in love with me back at America but never been gone out with one.
Katsuragi: (smirk) So your single?
Y/n: Yeah...why?
Katsuragi: Just asking, it would be a shame if something who is hot would to go out with you if you already have one.
Y/n: Yeah it would.
Katsuragi: Well I'll be going now. See you later handsome.
Katsuragi wink at Y/n and she stood up and walk away.
Y/n: (thought) Ok? That was weird?
Katsuragi lick her lips as she walks away and thought it herself.
Katsuragi: (thought) Sweet I have a perfect chance to ho out with a handsome shinobi in this school. Seems like it's a lucky day for me.
The Hanzo team and Y/n were at there secret base and at a large swimming pool and sticking out of the pools were six poles sticking out as Kiriya turn to the Hanzo team and tell them.
Kiriya: This training will test all of your balance. So who ever stands on these poles the most longest wins.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Ha this will be easy.
Ikaruga: Don't carry away Katsuragi. This is an important training.
Katsuragi: Relax Ikaruga I think we can manage.
Y/n: Well let's begin this training.
Then Y/n jump high over the pool and landed on top of the first pole on one leg and start to balance himself for this training.
Asuka: (surprised)He sure jump high.
Yagyuu: And landed perfectly without a slip.
Hibari: (smile) Well let's join in.
Ikaruga: Right let's begin our training.
(For a while later)
We see the Hanzo team and Y/n on top of the poles balancing the construction as Kiriya watch them at the edge of the pool. Katsuragi see that Asuka was in front of her and Katsuki have a evil smirk on her face and she "accidentally" lost her balance and fell on top of Asuka and grab her breast.
Asuka: Ah!
Katsuragi: (smirk) Wops I fell.
Then the two fell and splash into the pool. Y/n laugh a little as Asuka and Katsuragi came out of the water the Kiriya said.
Kiriya: Asuka and Katsuragi your are out.
Asuka: But she--
Katsuragi: (smirk) Come on it isn't so bed. Just as long I have you with me.
Katsuragi start grouping at Asuka's breast and Y/n blush a little of this but stay focus and Katsuragi and Asuka exit out of the pool and head to the changing rooms to get dried and dressed.
(At the changing rooms)
Katsuragi and Asuka were getting dried up in the changing rooms and Asuka asked.
Asuka: Why did you do that Katsuragi?
Katsuragi: (smirk) Come on I was bored.
Asuka: Well I'm just getting tiring of you doing that to me.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Oh and what about Y/n. Would you let him grob at your breast.
Asuka immediately blush and turn to Katsuragi.
Asuka: (blush) Wh-What are you saying!?
Katsuragi: (smirk) Come on Asuka. You have some feelings too Y/n ever since he join us right?
Asuka: (blush) W-Well kinda, I mean he is nice, kinda handsome and has a sweet voice that-
Then she realised what she was saying and blush even more that her face was all red. Katsuragi see this and smirked.
Katsuragi: (smirk) So you do have feelings towards him?
Asuka: (blush) Just Sh-Shut up ok!
Katsuragi smirked as Asuka turn to get some clothes out of her locker.
Both Hibari and Yagyuu fell off the pool and they got out and head to the changing rooms to get changed. Now it was just Y/n and Ikaruga still standing at the pole. Ikaruga felt her foor was getting hurt and she started to shake around a little.
Ikaruga: (thought) Crap I'm gonna loose balance.
Ikaruga thought this was it but Y/n next to her see this and throws the towel as he purposely jump off the pole and splashed into the pool. This surprised Ikaruga as Y/n swim ove the edge and claim out.
Kiriya: Go and get changed Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Alright tech.
Kiriya: Seems your the winner Ikaruga.
Ikaruga jump off the pole and landed on her feet next to Kiriya and see Y/n walking away and enter the channel rooms as she wondered to herself.
Ikaruga: (thought) Did he do that just for me?
Everyone was sat around on the floor and Asuka hands everyone some snacks made by her uncle. Asuka give one to Y/n and he take a bit of it and it was great.
Y/n: Mmm this is good Asuka.
Asuka: (smile) Thanks my uncle made it. I can take you to him after school.
Y/n: (smile) Sure that would be nice to see your uncle.
Asuka blush a little and walks away. Y/n continue eating the food and Ikaruga walk up to Y/n and sat down next to him.
Ikaruga: Hey Y/n can I ask you something.
Y/n sallow the food and he turn to Ikaruga.
Y/n: Sure what about?
Ikaruga: Its ability that training. Did you mean to jump into the pool so I can take the win?
Y/n: Yeah I figured we be even.
Ikaruga: Even?
Y/n: I'll beat you when I first came here so I figured I'll let you win so we wont be reveals or something.
Ikaruga: I see.
Asuka: Katsuragi not again!
They turn to see Katsuragi groping at Asuka's breast again.
Y/n smiles and said to Ikaruga.
Y/n: (smile) You have a perfect team.
Ikaruga: What do you mean?
Y/n: Well I've been a lone shinning foe the past years when I was in American. I have no team or anyone to make me laugh and all. Sure I've made a few friends when I'm not a shinobi but that's not the same. If I tell them I was a shinobi, they would get hurt. But now I'm back and actually in part a team that makes me smile. It's like.......we're are a family.
Ikaruga see Y/n smiling and her heart skip a beat and she head a small blush across her cheeks as Y/n turn to Ikaruga and asked.
Y/n: You alright Ikaruga?
Ikaruga: (blush) Huh? Oh yeah I'm ok. Well your always welcome in our team Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Ikaruga, I'm happy I'm a part of a team.
Ikaruga nods and she blush even more as she wondered ti herself.
Ikaruga: (thought) What is wrong with me? I never fet this kind an emotion to anyone in my life. Is
(Hours later)
After there training was down both Asuka and Y/n head to Asuka's uncle's restaurant to see him.
Y/n: So your uncle owns a restaurant. That's awesome.
Asuka: Yeah and he even teach me about cooking.
Y/n: (smirk) Huh maybe I'll invite you to my apartment so you can make me dinner.
Asuka: (blush) Huh!?
Y/n: (smirk) Just kidding I'm not that mean.
Asuka: (blush) W-Well if you want me to do that then th-thats ok.
Y/n: No its alright Asuka beside my place is a mess so I need to get things sorted before I have people around. I even need some stuff to buy for the place.
Asuka: Oh ok. Hey we're here.
They arrived at the restaurant and they enter inside and Asuka calls out for her uncle.
Asuka: Uncle I'm here and I've brought someone.
Then a old man appeared behind of the desk and face them.
???: (smile) Ah hello Asuka and who is this boy?
Asuka: This is Y/n L/n and he is a 6th members of our team. Y/n this is Hanzõ my uncle.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait so your name is after our school?
Hanzõ: Correct and I'm surprised to see a boy in a all female shinobi team.
Y/n: Yeah I feel the same.
???: So your the new members in the Hanzo team?
They turn to see a long brown hair women sat on a table and stood up and face them.
Asuka: (surprised) Homura what are you doing here?
Homura: I came here to grab some dinner when you came in with your boyfriend.
Asuka: (blush) We're not on a date!
Y/n: Wait you know her Asuka?
Asuka: Yeah she's from a team of shinobi's that doesn't have academy to stay. They call themselves the Crimson squad.
Y/n: So you have no teacher or a school?
Homura: (smirk) Yeah it's a long story but what I am surprised is that your team has a new member and he's a male.
Asuka: Yeah and he is stronger and I'll bet he can beat yours.
Homura: So your saying we still suck?
Asuka: Yeah that's what I am saying.
The two give each other glares as Y/n just walk pass them and sat at a bar and Y/n asked Hanzõ.
Y/n: So what's with them?
Hanzõ: Oh the two teams have some sort of a rivalry between them to see who is the best team ever in this city.
Y/n: Right and dose this happen often?
Hanzõ: Yea and it is very...very hot.
Hanzõ then place a hand on Y/n's shoulder and said.
Hanzõ: You must be the luckiest male shinobi in the world to have a team filled with females. I'll bet you have to get changed with them in the changing rooms.
Y/n: (blush) What no! I just look away because I'm a gentleman.
Hanzõ: Oh well your still lucky my boy. So what can I get you?
Y/n: Just some chicken and some rice Please.
Hanzõ: Coming right up.
Haznõ enter the kitchen and Y/n turn and see both Asuka and Homura still arguing about which team is th best.
Y/n: (thought) Good thing we are alone here and not in public.
They arrived back at Y/n's appeared and Asuka was apologise to Y/n about what happened between Homura and her.
Asuka: I'm very sorry about that Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) That's ok Asuka and your uncles food was delicious.
Asuka: Well I hope he didn't ask you some pervert things.
Y/n: You knew about him being a pervert?
Asuka: Yeah it's kinda annoying. Well I'll see you tomorrow.
Y/n: (smile) Aldi Asuka see you tomorrow.
Asuka turn and walk back home and Y/n head into his apartment building and enter his apartment room and turn on the lights to see it was still a mess with boxes and all.
Y/n: (thought) Well I gets I'll get started.
(Hours later)
Y/n apartment rooms was now clean and all his stuff in his box was unpacked and set up. The empty boxes was stored inside Y/n's cupboard and Y/n was feeling tired so he enter his bedroom and hop onto his bed and he fast asleep.
While outside standing at the roof across to Y/n's window was a robot scanning at the rooms and detected Y/n sleeping inside his bedroom.
Ninja bot: Lord Isao I have detected your son. Should I destroy him?
Isao (radio): No town back for now and I'll sent my two proud Ninja's to capture him.
Ninja bot: Understood.
The ninja bot turn invisible and disappeared through out the night.
To be continue.........
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