Chapter 18: The Demon claws downfall (Arc 1)
It was in the middle of the night and we see Suzune leaping through building to building and meeting up with someone for something important. Soon she landed onto the square roof building with no one around as she looks around for this person she is meeting up and soon a dark figure appeared behind her as it land onto the roof with her and then he said to her.
???: Looks like you got here quicker then me.
She turn around and it was Y/n as he walk up to her as Suzune lower her guard and then ask him.
Suzune: So what's the reason bringing me here? Is there something wrong?
Y/n: The reason why I called you here is because I think the time is ready.
Suzune: You mean?
Y/n: That's right.
Suzune: I see. So why do you think it is the time to face your father and his clan?
Y/n: I realised that as long my father and his clan is still alive, this country will be doomed by his evil. I need to stop him before he decide to make things worse.
Suzune: I see but would you face him and his whole army on his own?
Y/n: Not alone. I'll pick four teams to help me to attack my father and his army. Right now I need his location which you may have.
Suzune: I do. He has a Palace deep within the woods. Here.
She then pulls out a rolled up piece of paper that was kept between her breast as she hands it to Y/n which he takes and then ask Suzune.
Y/n: Um....was it really necessary to have that in your chest?
Suzune: There were no pockets.
Y/n: Right. Anyways that's good, now we have his location. Tomorrow I'm having a meeting with the four teams along with Hanzo amd Kitiya.
Suzune: Right, what about me? What do you want me to do?
Y/n: You'll stay here and report back to me if anything happens while we left. If none of us don't come then contact the other teams to help out.
Suzune: Right. Your really are serious about this aren't you?
Y/n: I am. I fail to end my father and his clan.....but i won't fail again. This time, I'll see his body burn into ashes.
He then turn to make his leave but then Suzune grabs his hand which he turn to her as she look at him and then tell him.
Suzune: You know the first time I met you I thought you are like your father but now.....I can see your the opposite to your father. (Smile) I'm glad that we met.
He smile and node to her and then she let go as Y/n turn and leave the roof while Suzune smile a bit while she can feel her heart skip a beat but makes her leave as well.
(Next day)
We see Hanzo Team, Homura's crimson squad, Gessen Squad and Team Hobijo within Hanzo Team's secret base as we see them gathered and wording what is going on.
Hibari: I hope its not trouble.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Well whatever it is can't wait to see if there is some action.
Homura: Hope we get paid for this. The last job we took was a disaster.
Yomi: (smile) It wasn't that bad.
Mirai: (anger) Yeah it was! We've lost lots of money because of it!
Haruka: (smirk) Wonder where Y/n is?
Yozakura: Hey Yumi do you know what this is about?
Yumi: No clue but this must be serious.
Minori: How long we gonna be here? I'm getting bored.
Miyabi: This better be important. There is other things we should be doing.
Imu: I agree with you.
Then the door open and Hanzo and Kiriya came into the room and as soon they enter the room Asuka stood up and ask them.
Asuka: Kiriya, Hanzo what is going on?
Kiriya: Well after a whioe of talking we decided that it is time we do this.
Asuka: Do this? Do what?
???: Bring down my father and the Demon claws once and for all.
They all turn to the door as Y/n came inside while wearing a ninja armor that surprised the girls as he enter the room.
Katsuki: (smirk) My My love the new look.
Ikaruga: Are you saying fighting your father and his clan?
Y/n: That's right. My father has been costing chaos within this country for far too long. I failed to kill him a long time ago but this time I won't. This time I'm not doing this alone. I've gathered all four teams here because you have shown amazing skills and I believe my father will not suspect your abilities or he will not know I'm not alone. I've managed to gotten his location and now it's the time we will strike.
Yagyuu: So where is he located at?
Y/n: There is a Palace deep within the woods. I have the map right here.
He shows the map to everyone and they see the Palace is far from here as Y/n rolls up the map and tells them.
Y/n: This could be our final chance to end the Demons claw and my father once and for all. We can't allow my father to continue his rain of terror in this country, now we need to strike at him now before he makes the first move.
Yumi: Question? What is the plan here? I do not believe we're not going to rush in and attack the Palace?
Y/n: (smirk) That is correct, luckily me, Hanzo and Kiriya have made a plan to strike at the Palace.
Kiriya: That's correct. We have recognised the area the Palace is at and there is a hill that will gives us a good view of the Palace, its guard and everything else.
Hanzo: The plan will be simple. One of the teams will scout out the Palace without being detected and report back to us as soon as possible.
Homura: (smirk) Me and my squad live within the shadows throughout our lives. Leave the scouting to us.
Kiriya: Once the area is scouted, we go to out second phase of our plan. We believe there is a tunnel that we can use to get inside the Palace without being detected.
Y/n: And that will be Hanzo Team and me. If they do find out and sound alarm then we need to hold off incoming enemy ninjas as possible.
Yumi: My team will take care of that.
Miyabi: Same to us. We'll hold them off.
Homura: (smirk) Well can our team help your inside the Palace? We wish to take park of the fun.
Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing. Still we have to be careful, my father has very strong warriors that are trained to take out any intruders that is inside the Palace. Still I have fate that you all will succeed so get your gears up and be ready, we be leaving tonight.
Once that they make their leave as they leave the room and start either training so they get stronger or gather as much gears they have gotten. Y/n leaves the room when Asuka walks up to him and then ask him.
Asuka: So where did you get the armor?
Y/n: Made it myself. Figured I can show my father that I have changed.
Asuka: I see. Still are you okay doing this? I mean he is still your father and-
He then stop which Asuka stop as Y/n took off his helmet and let out a sigh and tell her.
Y/n: My father killed my mother and many other innocent lives. All he ever wants his power for this country and he will kill anyone if they get in his way. My father needs to be stopped, even by means killing him.
Asuka: Well I'm just worried about you that's all. You are very serious about this and it worries me.
Y/n: I'm sorry Asuka. It's just......I can't take it anymore. I can't just hang out with you all as long my father is still out there and I can't risk to see any of you get hurt of worse. I can't wait until my father strikes first, this will be the dark my father and his rule ends here.
Asuka understood as she grabs hold of his hand and then looks at him and then tells him.
Asuka: Still promise me you won't go too far. Killing someone is gonna drive you to be a killer and I can't watch you kill anyone so please....promise me you won't end up like your father okay?
He then lend in and kiss her on the forehead and he lend back as he give her a friendly smile at her and then tells her.
Y/n: (smile) I promise I won't.
He then walk off as he put on his helmet as he walked away. Then we see the four teams getting their gears ready, training or some were just messing around for fun like Katsuragi grabbing on Asuka's breast from behind.
We see Ikaruga taking out her family sword and feels she need this so she take it and then we cut to Y/n sliding three sword onto hid back, Stocking up some ninja knives and ninja stars, grabbing a few smoke bomb and picking up his taser fist and grabble gun.
He then walk up to the mirror as he took off his chest armor and stare at the tattoo he has as he stare at it for the bit. Then he placed his chest armor back on him and then turn and leave his room and waits for tonight.
It was the middle of the night as we hear the wolves howling at the full moon and then we see the Palace within the woods which is near a mountain as guards as seen portaling the Palace and soke were at the gate.
We then see Toyo and Itsu kneeling down in front of Isao at the throne room of his Palace as Isao looks at the two and then ask them.
Isao: Report?
Toyo: We have no word of your son or his team. They must have gone slinet from us.
Itsu: Do you want us to snuff them out?
Isao: No. We should wait for them ans see what they are doing. If there is no news about them then snuff them out at once.
The two node and they leave the room while Isao leaves his throne chair and walk over to the window that shows a veiw of the woods as he stare out through the window and then gets flashes of his fight with Y/n and how he nearly gotten killed by his own son. He slowly forms a fist and then turns away the window and then we cut to Y/n and the others on a hill as they waited for Homura and his squad to return from scouting out the Palace and soon they return as they leap onto the hill as Homura tells them.
Homura: Looks like that Palace is heavily defended. Lots of guards everywhere but we did spotted Isao at the first floor up. That must be the throne room.
Y/n: No doubt about it. If my father is here then this means luck is on our side.
Kiriya: Still we need to enter inside the Palace without sounding the alarm.
Y/n: Agree. Hanzo team let's go, time to sneak inside.
Hanzo team: Right!
The six of of them head off as they leap through tree to tree while searching for a cave they are looking for. After what seems like a while they finally found the cave but it's protected by two guards.
Y/n and Ikaruga leaps over and took out the two guards with a sword slash as they fell onto the ground and once that they enter inside the cave and make their walk. Drips of water can be heard echoing throughout the cave as they walk through the tunnel while searching a way to get inside the Palace.
Hibari: (scared) This is giving me the creeps a bit.
Yagyuu: Just get behind me okay?
Hibari: (scared) Okay.
Katsuragi: So since those guards were outside of the caves entrance then dose that mean there could be more up ahead?
Ikaruga: Maybe. We should get ready if there is soke company.
They keep on walking and soon they turn around the corner and sees a wooden door which they walk over to the wooden door as Y/n grabs hold the door handle and then he push the door open as the door slowly open to reveal a large room filled with boxes as they enter the room and look at the many boxes they have.
Asuka: Wonder what is in them?
Y/n: No idea bit best to leave them be. They might be booby traps.
Katsuragi: (giggle) Booby traps.
They keep on walking until they felt like someone is watching them which they stop and they listen carefully. Then Y/n immediately throws his ninja stars and took out two enemy ninjas and before they know it they get ambushed by Isao's warriors as they jump out behind the boxes and surrounded them.
Katsuragi: (smirk) This is where the fun begins.
Ikaruga: Everyone get ready!
They pulled out their weapons and get into a battle stand as they were ready for a fight to come.
We see Suzune arrived at her high out as she leap through the window of her hide out and walks over to her computer and search through the city for any activities.
Suzune: Looks like everything seemed to be clear. I just hope Y/n and the others are gonna be alright. Just wish-
Suddenly she heard something behind her which she leaves her computer and look around. Everything fall slient as she reach over for her ninja star until something was throne onto the ground and burst into green smoke and covers up the whole room.
Suzune starts to cough while she feels dizzy as she stumble back a but and then fell onto her kneels but catch herself onto the table while she coughs even more and then she falls unconscious as she hits the ground. Then two mysterious figures apoorches her and once they get close to her, they turn her over and see her unconscious as they let out a laugh while one of them reach down to grab her as the two take her to their master so he can see what they have got.
To be continued............................
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