Chapter 17: A double date (Lemon)

It was the middle of the night in the city and we can see Y/n in small bike bang hang out as we can see a biker being lunched through the window and crash into the pile of parked bikes as he falls unconscious.

We cut inside as we can see Y/n leaping back and landing on top of the table while the bike gang approached him in rage that he dared to attack them as he lend out a smirk and then tells them.

Y/n: (smirk) Look I'm just here for your boss and I can leave anyone gonna tell me where he is or what?

The bike gang charge towards him which he only smirks while he shrugged his shoulders and then gose on to beat them up while we cut to an office where we see the bikers gang leader ready his pistol while he can hear tables being smashed and many objects crashing onto the wall.

The bikers leader was ready for this attacked to open that door so he can kill him. Soon things have turn silent while he ready his pistol and take aim. After what seems like minutes, the doors burst open and he fired his entire clip until he ran out.

He looks at the door to see no one at the other side and wonders where the attacked might be. Suddenly the window behind him smashed through as Y/n grabs the bikers leader by the back of his shirt and dragged him out of the window and drop him onto the roof.

The bikers leader looks up to see Y/n as he aim his pistol but nothing came out when he pulled the trigger as he remembered he waste it all.

Biker gang leader: Fuck!

He was about to reload when Y/n kicked the pistol out of his hand and then grabbed him by the shirt and hang him over the edge of the building as he pulls out a picture put of his pocket and shows it to him.

Y/n: You know this guy?

It was a picture of the biker gang leader and Y/n's father shaking hands as the biker gang leader stare at it and the  tells him.

Biker gang leader: I don't know where you got that kid but that's don't me i swear.

He then tossed the leader onto the wall while at the sameyime throws a ninja star next to him which made the biker gang leader scared as Y/n approached him and tell him.

Y/n: You sure about that? This picture looks like you in every way. So tell me, what we're you two doing, what deal did you made?

Biker gang leader: I'm ain't telling you shit!

Y/n just stare at him and then lend out a sigh and next thing we see was the biker gang leader wrapped around over his own bike bang building whike sirens of police were on their way.

Across the street we see Y/n watching him before he turns and walks away as he pulls out his mask and lend out a sigh as he looks at the picture and wonders what his father is doing.

Suzune: Any luck so far?

She then appear behind him as he shrugged to her and tell her while he turn to her.

Y/n: No such luck. That guy didn't say anything about this deal or what their goals are.

Suzune: That's okay. One day we will find out as soon as we can.

Y/n: Yeah but we can't do this on our own. We need more help then it's just you and me.

Suzune: I understand but I can't. If I reveal myself of being alive then things will be worse. They will know I was spying on them and know I faked my death.

Y/n: You sure your not worry what Kiriya will say if he sees you alive and well?

Suzune doesn't say anything while he hands her the picture and walks off while he tells her.

Y/n: Well I'll be busy tomorrow so goodnight Suzune.

Once that he disappeared from her sight as she stood there a bit and thinks about what Y/n tells her and lend out a sigh while she thinks to herself.

Suzune: (thought) Kiriya....I hope you can forgive me for this.

(Next day)

We see Y/n in the middle of the market place as he look down at his phone while he waits on someone. He looks around and can't help but feel like he is being watchedbut he try to stay calm and just look down at his phone for a bit.

???: Hey Y/n. We're here.

He looks over to see both Yagyuu and Hibari walk up to him wearing nice clothes as Y/n slide his phone into his pocket and approached them.

Hibari: (smile) I'm glad you invited us to go out on a nice day. I can't wait for it right Yagyuu.

Yagyuu: Yeah same here.

Y/n: (smile) I got nothing else planned so I figured we can spend the day together.

Yagyuu: (blush) That's sweet.

Hibari: (smile) Very sweet! So where should we go first?

Y/n: (smirk) I know one place that we can enjoy. Follow me.

They looked at each other and they follow him and after a while they stumble apon a small zoo which Hibari really liked as she smiled in joy.

Hibari: (surprised) Whoa look at all the cute animals! Thank you Y/n!

She hugged him and race inside as Y/n watch her go to where the rabbits are while Yagyuu is standing next to him and soon she ask him.

Yagyuu: Your worrying aboit your father? Are you?

Y/n: (sigh) Yep. There is something going on and I can feel it. That's why I'm trying to gather as much information I need so I can stop his plans. To be honest I was kinds stressful so I figured taking a break of it will do.

Yagyuu: I see. I can understand why you wished to stop your father. Whatever his goals are can't be good.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. But at least I have you all to back me up.

Yagyuu: (little blush) S-Sure. No problem.

Y/n lend out a small chuckle and looks over to see Hibari on both of her knees and having the rabbits to nuzzle her left cheek as she smiled. Y/n smiles back while Yagyuu looks at him and then blushes a bit more to see his nice smile.

Soon they head to a nearby movie theater. While Yagyuu and Hibari pick out a good movie to watch Y/n was behind him watching them picking out a movie when he get a feeling that someone is here and watching him. He glance back to look around.

At first it was nothing but then he noticed someone staring back at him among the crowd of people. He stare back at him and then the figure walks back and disappeared from the crowd as Hibari called out to Y/n.

Hibari: (smile) Hey Y/n! You want to watch a comedic movie with us?

Yagyuu: It be pretty funny.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Let's head in.

The trio head inside and enter the room while we can see the figure appear into veiw as the figure looks at the room the two went in.

(Hours later)

Once the film ended we see the trio exting out as Hibari laughs while she says.

Hibari: (smile) That was a funniest film ever.

Yagyuu: Guess it was kinda funny.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh come on you lend out that cute laugh mid way of the film.

Yagyuu blushes in embarrassment while Y/n can feel this same feeling as he tells the two.

Y/n: I think I've left something in there. You girls head to the nearest clothes store while I'll be back.

Yagyuu: Sure thing.

Hibari: (smile) Okay!

Once the two left Y/n turns and head into the alleyway and walk through the alleyway a bit until he stopped and lend out a deep sigh and then calls out.

Y/n: Been a while since we last fought huh? Well then, LET begin.

He pulls out his sword as he immediately turn and blocks the figure sword strike from behind and then he tossed the figure into the wall. Y/n ready his sword while the figure stood up and revealed to be Toyo as the two stare at each other and then Toyo tell him.

Toyo: You've gone stronger the last time we met.

Y/n: (smirk) Better then you. Now tell me, what is my father doing? What is his goal?

Toyo: Like we tell you traitor!

He charged at him bit the two battle each other as they clash their swords at each other. Sparks fly out of their blades as they continue to clash blades at each other. Then Y/n leaps back while he throws ninjas at him but he dodges them and looks over to see Y/n leaping onto the roof.

He leaps up and lands onto the roof and the two continue battling each other. They clash blades at each other and then their blades locked as Toyo pushes Y/n towards the edge which his feet hits the edge as Toyo tells him.

Toyo: You shouldn't have betrayed us Y/n. Your father was going to change everything and you ruined it.

Y/n: I was doing something right! He's mad with power and your just serving him like a dog!

Toyo: I'm not a dog! I am a warrior!

Y/n: Yeah for how long!? Whatever his plan might be, if he succeed he'll get rid of you and those who are royal to him!

Toyo: Stop lying!

Y/n: I'm telling the truth! Do you wish to follow a psychopath who only cares about himself?! Or follow your own path and turn away for is right!

Then Y/h leaps over Toyo which he immediately turn and once Y/n land on the ground he blocks his strike and the two battle each other a bit more. Soon Y/n managed to knock his sword out of his hand and kick him to the ground and then pointed his sword at him.

The two look at each other for a while and then Toyo looks down like he was ready for his death by the hands of Y/n. He sees this and lower his sword and tells him.

Y/n: Your not his dog. Your a person that can make your own decisions. You can't always follow him throughout your life. You can follow your own path and be yourself.

Toyo: I have my path! And that path is-

Y/n: And that is the Demons claw yeah I know. But do you really have to be with them? I can immediately tell my father punished you and Itsu you really have to follow my father? Look at me, I left and I have a better life now. Maybe you or Itsu can do the same.

Once that he turn and make his leave while Toyo is surprised by this and called out to him.

Toyo: Wait! Why do you think we can change? Tell me!

Y/n: (smirk) I don't really know. I just that clan.....there is someone that didn't like what they were doing and decided to leave or do something what is right. Tell me Toyo, has anyone left the clan?

Toyo:......N-No.....just you.

Y/n: (smirk) Huh. Well hope more will leave soon.

And once that he leap off the roof and regroup with Hibari and Yagyuu as Toyo stood up and wonders why he spare his life. He shake it off and walk off as he retur  back to his clan as soon as he can.


Y/n, Yagyuu and Hibari are at Y/n's apartment place as we can see Y/n watching some TV while the two girls were at the bathroom as they want to show Y/n something.

It took them a while and Y/n wonders he might go and check up on them but soon they can hear the bathroom door open and the two step into the room wearing as Hibari had a white sexxy bunny outfit while Yagyuu also wearing the same thing except black, which made Y/n blush bright red.

Hibari: (smile) What do you think?

Y/n: (blush) Wow th-they look n-nice.

Yagyuu: (blush) Th-Thanks. N-now....shall we start now?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Then the two walk towards Y/n and then Hibari sat on Y/n's lap facing him as she press her breast onto him which made him blush even more as Hibari tells him.

Hibari: (smile) Well the other girls had some "fun" with you so me and Yagyuu figure we can have "fun" together with you.

Yagyuu: Yeah. We want to do it with you.

Y/n: (small blush) W-Well I guess I've walk into that one huh?

Hibari: (smile) Yep! So wanna do it?

Y/n:.....Can't turn back now so......fuck it, sure.

(Lemon start)

Y/n kissed Hibari on the lips while he grabs her butt and squeeze them which surprised Hibari but she kissed him back and the two made out while Yagyuu watched this happen and find this really hot and get her really turned on.

She gets close to Y/n and soon he stopped kissing Hibari and turn to kiss Yagyuu on the lips which made her lend out a moan as she gets really turned on and tosses the trio to fell onto the floor as they share a giggle as start to make out. Soon they throw away their clothes across the living room and soon we see them naked with both Yagyuu and Hibari sitting on the couch while Y/n is on his knees and sticking his tongue into Yagyuu's vagina while putting his finger into Hibari's.

The two girls moaned as they lend their heads onto the couch as Hibari reach over and grab Yagyuu'x breast ans squeeze them.

Hibari: (moaning) Your breast are big.

Yagyuu: (moaning) Yours are the same as mine.

Hibari: (giggle) I guess so.

Yagyuu: Come here Hibari.

Then both girls lend over and made out as the two share some moans while Y/n gose a bit fasted and soon the two lend out a moan once they let it all out a moan.

Soon we see Y/n pinning Yagyuu against the wall and making out while he stick his dick into her vagina which made her lend out a moan while Hibari get up behind Y/n and then kissed him on to his neck as he lend out a moan while he thrust his dick into Yagyuu's vagina as she lend out some moans of pleasure.

Yagyuu: (moaning) Oh yes! That feels brilliant! Yes!

Soon she lend out a moan of pleasure and soon it was Hibari's turn as we see the two laying onto the couch making out as he have his dick into her as well and starts off slow which she lend out some cute moans and gasp.

Yagyuu sat on the floor and watched as she finds Hibari's moans and gasp really hot and cute as Y/n gose a bit faster and after a while she lend out a moan as she squeeze her fingers onto the bed and soon it was done.

Then they move this to Y/n's bedroom as we can see the trio laying in bed as we can see Y/h laying in bed with Yagyuu kissing him while Hibari is giving Y/n a blow job. Hibari sucks his dick and even licks as she find this very good while Yagyuu and Y/n were making out as Y/n grab one of Yagyuu's breast which made her gasp a bit but kissed him even harder which made Y/n moan more and soon he felt like his dick was about to erupted and soon it did as he lend out a moan as cum entered Hibaris mout and she drank it all.

Once she lick the cum off of her lips she allows Yagyuu to gave him ablow job while she made out with Y/n. The two make out while Yagyuu starts giving Y/n a blow job now.

Hibari: (moaning) Oh Y/n I live you soo much.

Yagyuu: Me too. We love you soo much.

Y/n: (moaning) Same here. I love you all as well.

Yagyuu gose faster and after a while Y/n lend out a moan as cum from his dick enters Yagyuu's mouth but she drank it and the two girls lay in bed with Y/n as he pulls over the blanket over them and shut off the lights.

(Lemon ends)

We see the trio in bed naked as both Yagyuu and Hibari grab each of Y/n's arm and cuddle him while the two shut their eyes. Before they go to sleep they each kissed Y/n on the each and then they fell asleep.

Y/n smiled and lend his head onto the pillow and look up at the sky. He still wonders what will his father's plan might be but whatever it might be, he'll stop it no matter what happens.


We see Isao sitting on his throne as Toyo approach him and then he bows in front of him and tells him the bad news. Isao is angry by this and kicks Toyo which vost him to fell onto the floor while Isao tells him.

Isao: What a disappointing. I've sent you to take him down but you come back without his head. Your nothing but a failure.

Toyo: F-Forgive me master.

Isao walks away and leaves the room while Toyo stood up and turn to where Isao gone through and then look around him to see nothing but evil as he look down and was confused on what should he do. Should he leave like Y/n and aid him? Or will he stay and be where he was trained?

Toyo suddenly shakes off this thought and exit out of the room but no matter how hard he tried...he can't seem to get rid of that thought no matter how hard he try to get rid of it.

To be continued............................

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